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Is Back to the Future the best movie trilogy ever?


I recently rewatched BttF for the millionth time and I feel that the movies are timeless. This is movie quality at its peak.

Micheal J Fox is fantastic as Mcfly and it is sad to read that he has no short term memory left today.

But the real goat actor is Christopher Lloyd. His performance As Doc is some of the finest acting I ever seen.

I think all three movies are strong enough to be up there as the best trilogy. If you are a millenia kid and havent seen these, do yourself a favor.



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They are fine movies but I think 2 gets a bit too goofy around the 2015 part.

I do agree that they're pretty timeless overall and generally masterpiece movies.

Lightning in a bottle. Anyone who doesn't like 1 at the very least is a complete weirdo. Pretty crazy how original and inventive these movies were. They deserve all the accolades.


ChatGPT 0.001
Those movies try to do a lot at once, I have no particular reason to not think they’re the best trilogy ever but could you put a new guy in there and would it still be good? To me that matters, Star Wars anyone could be a Jedi, Back to the future who’s the time traveler in 2020? I like those movies but think there’s better trilogies.


THE Prey 2 fanatic
I gotta pick The Lord of the Rings. Lightning in a bottle.
You ever heard Tom Wilson sing? He's Biff's actor, and he's real cool. Here's him telling a funny story, about when Eric Stoltz (Marty's first actor) was fired.
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I love Back to the Future but Toy Story 1-3 us the best trilogy ever.
The passage of time between movies is the same as the real-life gap between releases. If you saw Toy Story in 1995, seeing Toy Story 3 in 2010 feels like you're revisiting old friends for one last time. A real tug-to-the-heart which can't be replicated if you weren't there the first time round.
(I have not seen 4 btw, is it any good?)


Gold Member
The Back to the Future trilogy is great but no movie trilogy flies quite as high as The Mighty Ducks.


Toy Story comes close, but it's kinda sullied by 4. Decent movie, but honestly tarnishes my viewpoint of TS2 a bit because of how it contradicts the character choices. More and more I think it shouldn't have been made.

BttF is pretty amazing though, 2 great films and 1 very good one (Part III). If Rocky's first three movies count, it'd be awfully close too.
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Classic movies, but best trilogy? Not In a universe where Lord of the Rings exists.


Hold onto your panties
Yes, if for no other reason they didn't ruin it by making more movies. Looking at you star wars and indiana Jones.
Common Hicks! Those weren't the only ruined trilogies. Alien, Aliens, and Alien3 was great (even though, I am one of few who likes 3). They of course had to ruin it with Resurrection and everything after.

On topic, Back to the Future was great that after 3 they left it alone. I imagine continuing any further would have just become confusing. 1 & 2 are excellent but I felt three didn't live up to them. I will say this -using the old West backdrop for the continuation prevented the third from becoming a boring recycle of 1 & 2; so they did consciously try to make it a fitting completion to the movies.

Dark Star

LOTR is the GOAT trilogy, but Back to The Future is up there. 1 and 2 especially are in my top 25 favorite movies of all time (letterboxd). 3 is good, too. I think its fair to say it’s one of the best for sure.

I also like Star Wars original trilogy, Indiana Jones, Before trilogy, Toy Story, Nolan’s The Dark Knight trilogy, Sam Rami’s Spider-Man and Evil Dead trilogy, and Die Hard. They’re solid. I feel like including The Godfather in the discussion, because 1 and 2 are great, but the third movie was such a flop it’s embarrassing to even mention it lol.
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Its The Godfather trilogy for me.

I‘m not a fan of the 3rd BTTF movie. There’s a noticeable drop off in Godfather 3, but I still enjoy the movie.

Boss Mog

Loved BttF Trilogy. I'm just dreading the day when Hollywood announces the inevitable woke remake with strong women of color. I can picture it now with Leslie Jones as Doc Brown.


Nah the original Star Wars trilogy takes it for me. After that, I'd probably go with Lord of the Rings, then maybe Die Hard.....to be honest a lot of things would be above Back to the Future for me. Good flicks though.
It’s pretty close. I could see The original Star Wars trilogy being an alternative. But for me I think the Back to the Future series is the most enjoyable to rewatch as the years go by.


Gold Member
Alien, Aliens, Alien3 (Assembly Cut)
Raiders Of The Lost Ark, Temple Of Doom, The Last Crusade
A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return Of The Jedi
Die Hard, Die Hard 2, Die Hard With A Vengeance
Fellowship Of The Ring, The Two Towers, Return Of The King


Also voting for original Star Wars trilogy. Return of the Jedi gets a bit goofy and has some pacing issues, but some of the set pieces are great stuff and the emotional climaxes of the movie are convincing and with payoff. I also like the original Star Wars more than Empire Strikes Back - please don't hate me. I like the freeflowing adventure in that film more than some of the navel gazing that goes out in the sequel. I still like it though!

Back to the Future 1 and 2 are classics to me. Most people here like the first film, going by the responses, so I won't expound on it, but I like the second film's play at future life and tech and the raised stakes from an apocalyptic present or end-of-the-universe scenario from encountering oneself again in 1955 and some of the special effects used therein. There's allot of playfulness in it, even if it does lean into itself to the point of camp.

Not as interested in 3. If there was an opportunity for intrigue of going back to the old west, they don't play for it. I don't care about any of those characters. The stakes are lower in this movie. It's again just about getting home and saving the heroes' lives? It's not as interesting after the immediate threats to them in the last film. Changing the doc into a lovestruck buffoon to rally up interest didn't grab me either. Doc's function in these movies has always been the zany, sciency guy, and his character was kinda straightened as the movies go on (and that's fine) but this was step too far for me. Couldn't tell you why. I also didn't like the old-timey girlishness of the Clara character or her character period. Some highlights of the movie are the showings of the elaborate ice machine in doc's workshop and the scale model of train heist and escape. The actual climax of the movie is also pretty good - Sharp shot composition and editing together with the typically excellent musical scores for these movies again wins the day. Doesn't save the movie but it's a neat highlight.


acceptable answers: LotR, Godfather, Die Hard

unacceptable answers: Star Wars, Star Wars, Star Wars


Loved the 1st movie, enjoyed immensely the 2nd one, the third one was a fun watch but not as good as the first 2 I think. Still a very fun trilogy that I make a point to watch annually.


No, the first movie is certainly top tier. The other 2 are uninspired and derivative, not to mention Crispin Glover-less. This trilogy is a bit reminiscent of The Matrix, a glorious opening movie, followed by below average fare.
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