Reptars Revenge Member Nov 30, 2020 #51 Stouffers said: No, Indiana Jones is the best series to only have three films. Click to expand... Should we tell him or does he already know :O Last edited: Nov 30, 2020
Stouffers said: No, Indiana Jones is the best series to only have three films. Click to expand... Should we tell him or does he already know :O
Men_in_Boxes Banned Nov 30, 2020 #53 Ethan Hawkes Before trilogy shits on all your nerdy trilogys! Last edited: Nov 30, 2020
DonMigs85 Member Nov 30, 2020 #54 I miss the 80s and early 90s, lots of zany movies you don't see made today except maybe for streaming (Ghostbusters, too)
I miss the 80s and early 90s, lots of zany movies you don't see made today except maybe for streaming (Ghostbusters, too)
bender What time is it? Nov 30, 2020 #55 Whatever you want to call it, The Man With No Name Trilogy, Dollars Trilogy or Blood Money Trilogy is the best. Please close this thread now. Last edited: Nov 30, 2020
Whatever you want to call it, The Man With No Name Trilogy, Dollars Trilogy or Blood Money Trilogy is the best. Please close this thread now.
J JimmyRustler Member Nov 30, 2020 #56 Nah, despite me not being the biggest fan of Return of the King it'S hard to argue that Lord of the Rings is the greatest trilogy in movie history. Such a feat Peter Jackson and his team pulled off.
Nah, despite me not being the biggest fan of Return of the King it'S hard to argue that Lord of the Rings is the greatest trilogy in movie history. Such a feat Peter Jackson and his team pulled off.