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Is Excessive Pride is a Weakness?

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Do you believe that excessive pride inhibits ones abilty to think clearly? Does it leave a person less open to logical suggestions?

If a person thinks of themselves as perfect, is that a flaw right there?

(sorry about the mistake in the topic title, I was C/Ping something I typed out earlier and I changed my mind)




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Camillemurs said:
If a person thinks of themselves as perfect, is that a flaw right there?
Is this even debatable? Of course it's a flaw.
Very much so. Being proud of something is fine. It's when you constantly draw attention to your actions, or point out how proud you are of them, that it becomes a problem.
Yeah, its a flaw. But, in certain cases it can be a posative. Jim Brown was an arrogant motherfucker on the football field, yet everyone he played with respected him...and most called him the best ever. Marciano was the only undefeated champion, and although very humble he did have tremendous pride in himself. Then there's Ali...

Actually, I don't think of these qualities as arrogance or pride, just as a tremendous belief in oneself. It can seem like excessive pride or arrogance to outsiders though, especially critics.

I agree though, compromise is part of what makes the world work. Pride ussually doesn't fit in there.
Biff Hardbody said:
Yeah, its a flaw. But, in certain cases it can be a posative. Jim Brown was an arrogant motherfucker on the football field, yet everyone he played with respected him...and most called him the best ever. Marciano was the only undefeated champion, and although very humble he did have tremendous pride in himself. Then there's Ali...

Actually, I don't think of these qualities as arrogance or pride, just as a tremendous belief in oneself. It can seem like excessive pride or arrogance to outsiders though, especially critics.

I agree though, compromise is part of what makes the world work. Pride ussually doesn't fit in there.

Taking pride in your accomplishments should be a personal thing. If YOU are proud, that should be enough. It's when you can't take pride without the approval of all those around you that this becomes a problem.

Take satisfaction in a job well done, and if someone feeds you a compliment on it, enjoy the praise.

Also, acting like you are "The Shit" and making sure everyone else knows it too, is not cool. Even if you are the best at something in the world, it doesn't give you the right to go around telling people they are inferior to you.


Do you believe that excessive pride inhibits ones abilty to think clearly? Does it leave a person less open to logical suggestions?

If a person thinks of themselves as perfect, is that a flaw right there?
Yes, yes, and yes.

Life is constant progression. If you're too proud of yourself, that progression is inhibited. If you can't admit when you're wrong or when other people are better than you [at certain things], self-improvement is stunted.

I'm confident, and proud of who I am. But I can still admit when I'm wrong and acknowledge when other people are better or more intelligent than I am. Having people to look up to is so critical to self-improvement. That's when I make my biggest gains.

Hell, I actually take pride in being modest [at times]. Har.

Often the most proud people are also the most objectionable.

Audio pronunciation of "pride"

( P ) Pronunciation Key (prd)


1. A sense of one's own proper dignity or value; self-respect.
2. Pleasure or satisfaction taken in an achievement, possession, or association: parental pride.
3. Arrogant or disdainful conduct or treatment; haughtiness.
1. A cause or source of pleasure or satisfaction; the best of a group or class: These soldiers were their country's pride.
2. The most successful or thriving condition; prime: the pride of youth.
5. An excessively high opinion of oneself; conceit.
6. Mettle or spirit in horses.
7. A company of lions. See Synonyms at flock1.
8. A flamboyant or impressive group: a pride of acrobats.


Audio pronunciation of "arrogant"

( P ) Pronunciation Key (r-gnt)


1. Having or displaying a sense of overbearing self-worth or self-importance.
2. Marked by or arising from a feeling or assumption of one's superiority toward others: an arrogant contempt for the weak.

See Synonyms at proud.



\Brag\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Bragged; p. pr. & vb. n. Bragging.] [OE. braggen to resound, blow, boast (cf. F. braguer to lead a merry life, flaunt, boast, OF. brague merriment), from Icel. braka to creak, brak noise, fr. the same root as E. break; properly then, to make a noise, boast. ?95.] To talk about one's self, or things pertaining to one's self, in a manner intended to excite admiration, envy, or wonder; to talk boastfully; to boast; -- often followed by of; as, to brag of one's exploits, courage, or money, or of the great things one intends to do.

Conceit, more rich in matter than in words, Brags of his substance, not of ornament. --Shak.

Syn: To swagger; boast; vapor; bluster; vaunt; flourish; talk big.

Future Trunks

lemme tell you something son, this guy is SO FARKING HUGE HE'LL FLEX AND DESTROY THE SUN no shit
mac said:
If you can use pride against a person then it is a weakness.

Best answer in the thread. Excessive pride isn't a weakness unless exposed and utilized against them. Otherwise, it's quite a strength (if the proud person chooses to use it to drive them that is)

For example, being big and heavy is a strength and a weakness. But unless your opponent actually exploits your size and weight in some capacity, it's a strength.

Nothing is a weakness unless properly exploited. Conversely, there is no strength that isn't yielding a weakness of some sort. Case in point, this is one big, unnecessary discussion. There will never be a clear answer. Excessive pride isn't a strength or weakness - like many characteristics, it just "IS." It doesn't become a strength or weakness until the proper situation arises that determines whether it's good or bad. :|


Future Trunks said:
Best answer in the thread. Excessive pride isn't a weakness unless exposed and utilized against them. Otherwise, it's quite a strength (if the proud person chooses to use it to drive them that is)

For example, being big and heavy is a strength and a weakness. But unless your opponent actually exploits your size and weight in some capacity, it's a strength.

Nothing is a weakness unless properly exploited. Conversely, there is no strength that isn't yielding a weakness of some sort. Case in point, this is one big, unnecessary discussion. There will never be a clear answer. Excessive pride isn't a strength or weakness - like many characteristics, it just "IS." It doesn't become a strength or weakness until the proper situation arises that determines whether it's good or bad. :|
With that in mind, please reply to my previous post. Because I disagree.
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