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Is "inclusive" important to you in gaming?

Is inclusion important to you in videogames?

  • Yes

    Votes: 26 4.9%
  • No

    Votes: 506 95.1%

  • Total voters


Predicts the worst decade for Sony starting 2022
To be honest, I do not give a rats ass about what race or gender of the player I play as. Make it a good fucking game and I will play it. The story is a big part of the experience. However, when they force this "inclusion" ideas down our throat it is obvious and becomes cringy or detracts from the story. The Point I hate is when they force this "inclusive" bullshit down our throats and it is fairly easy too see. The only thing I want to include is my balls against their chin for pushing Political Agenda's into videogames.

Some May be confused what a sign of inclusive is. It's not putting X race or X gender into a videogame. It's Forcing X race or X gender into a video game to virtue signal and putting said Gender/Race into a total unrealistic or stupid situation .

Ex: I do not want to see a White slave in roots or see Black emperor in Japan. It's just not realistic and tell it's forced.
I also hate Girl-bosses: I do not mind powerful women but Girl-bosses are flat out bitches that are far from anything authentic.
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nah, seems to be incredibly restrictive to do so. not for inclusions' sake, but more of a mindset thing. meaning, if inclusion in a videogame is important to you there will be a bunch more hang-ups that don't vibe with the large pool of players you are trying to reach.
It is very important to me
On a scale of 1 to 10 it's at 0 for me.
And I 100 percent agree with you op.
One of the biggest forced inclusion is Abby from last of us 2.
Are there big strong muscular man looking girl in the world ??? Yes
But does it fit in the story I don't think so it takes u away from the experience that it's not realistic


Gold Member


One of my favorite series of games is ratchet and clank, in those games you play as an animal that don't exist in real life. Did I care or think about this stuff when playing the game? No.

Same is true for majority of games, women or non Caucasian people - I don't care as long as character is well written and makes sense.

Difference is before 2018 (or even before) developers actually had a vision why they choose particular MC (like Bayek in ac origins makes fucking sense, no?). In current world everything is forced by woke people working for publishers, developers or sweet baby inc...
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Writes a lot, says very little
Loaded question.

Important to the industry, yes..its a global industry.

Important to me the individual, no, not really. This is something that depends on the game, what is it trying to depict, what is its main point, like if we have a series like Fallout, well yes its important for it to be inclusive as its a series based on The United States or The Sims, its a game based on creating people, these titles make sense for inclusivity.

So this is something that clearly would differ from title to title.

I don't believe in absolutes with stuff like this tbh.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
We are talking about a trend going on in modern videogames!
I guess. If it’s a good faith discussion, that’s fair enough. But more often than not, I see people hamfisting “woke/anti-woke” rhetoric in even the most benign threads on GAF. It just gets tiresome for me.

But I should just take my own advice and just ignore it. Everyone is completely entitled to their opinion, so I’m really not adding anything to this discussion.


I personally don't give a shit one way or the other about characters' race, gender, orientation etc. Or whether a game is "woke" or "sexualized" or whatever else gets tossed around these days.

A game either catches my interest and ends up fun and entertaining when I play or. Or it doesn't. That's as deep as my thinking about games goes.
Im eastern european, what do you think? All I want is to play as the strong white guy type. Hell, I dont even like playing as sexy female characters either. It's why I still haven't bought Stellar Blade. I've played Cyberpunk 2077 4 times now and never have I ever played as female V. Same with Mass Effect. Imagine saying this stuff on reddit or era. You'd get banned instantly these days.


It's not important to me because I know inclusivity will naturally occur when there are now developers all over the world. When you try to force or shoehorn something into a product, the product is no longer your priority and that's where the problem lies.


Writes a lot, says very little
Nope. I want developers to develop games based on their ideas for story and the world they are creating

Ok, what if said world includes inclusivity? lol

So, look, I don't buy you really fucking want that, you want them to freely create up until you are offended and then suddenly they are not allowed to freely create when you assume something is a "checklist"

So if they are making a game based on their ideas, those ideas might include inclusivity or something (i'm not even sure why you didn't realize that while typing that post btw)

I see this like how I see those church channels or how I see Hallmark, someone is allowed To freely create and their choice to create something that may include their faith or their believes this part of that process that does not mean they're making a checklist to appease every crowd it might simply be that is the thing they wish to create.


Gold Member
If the game isn’t fun then everything else is irrelevant. Not buying it.

As for the inclusion question, if It’s the key marketing point associated with a game I most likely will write it off immediately. Maybe that’s unfair, but as a consumer it’s not my job to be fair. It’s their job to sell me. Is it because it is inclusive? No. It’s because it’s advertised as such to a degree that it is clearly done for show as opposed to substance. Corporatism to a T.

If the game isn’t fun good then nothing else matter. If it’s “inclusive” and sucks then it sucks regardless.


It doesn't overly matter to me and I think when projects try to hit one of everything as if it's just boxes to tick it's often just overobvious and a bit gross even

However, there's many people on the other side who are full of hypocrisy about this when they argue both "Why can't they just empathize with a protagonist that's not like them", but also melt down and call anything that features a person of colour immediately "Woke" for them simply existing on screen, which is not what that means. Those people have a paper thin veneer over what they're doing and I'm not joining them either.
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Inclusion means quotas, it's not a natural creation/making/hiring process, etc. Imagine a world full of mediocre people who don't deserve the position the quotas gave them.
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No, make a game based on natural, realistic stories and make the games fun to play, don't try and please everyone which ends up pleasing no one, gameplay is suffering due to this inclusion everywhere and they are all failing anyway, and insulting all the gamers afterwards is not a good move either.


Perpetually Offended
I voted yes, but it's really dependent on the game.

Are the characters humans? Are they set in the modern world (meaning laptops, smartphones, smart houses, EVs, etc)? Then it's unrealistic if a game's setting is a US metropolis and there's ONLY white characters (whether main or NPCs) filling the game world.

Or if all the black characters are gang members, prostitutes or something similar.

I would love a game based on Alex Cross... And definitely have been clamoring for a T'Challa game... But I have no issues with something like Tomb Raider or War of the Rohirrim ...


My favorite character is Masterchief love the Halo series or what it once was. I'm black I'm not a super soldier nor am I 7 foot whatever or mysterious. None of these things mattered to me, or WAS EVEN A THOUGHT IN MY HEAD.

I just wanted to play in a space opera , feel like a god on the battlefield and Halo did that for me. The problem is the original people who designed these game or stories have moved on , and we have companies who want these stories to continue in some form.

Now you're hiring people who do not have the vision or creativity, or skill set to match the people who came before. Pushing things that aren't critical to the worlds we've grown up with, not realizing that these worlds were fine as they were but these "TOURIST" don't understand this, nor does "SUITS" in charge.


Writes a lot, says very little
I would love a game based on Alex Cross
Same, but gaming as a medium imho had not evolved or matured enough to even handle such ideas and concepts.

Its almost a if some gamers don't either understand the real world or seem to think talking about it is supporting one side or another, lots of topics in the Alex Cross series just couldn't be handled by a lot in the medium currently and we'd need a massive push for some mature titles to even open the door to those ideas being done in games.

M rating in gaming is literally like PG-13 at this point, to include everything that happens in the Alex Cross series, ESRB would be out here looking for that A rating lol

Maybe that is what needs to be done for gamers to get over this fucking shit btw

Things happen in real life regarding so many factors, that we get why a book or a show or a film has many of those elements, yet in games its like the medium is still trying to be some fisher price toy lol
I voted no. I just want to play interesting stories and I’m not playing as ‘me’. I don’t care if it’s a white male, a black woman or a transgender elephant as long as the story is good.


Not only is it NOT important to me when I hear developers talk about it, their game is immediately disqualified as something I will purchase.
The problem is when a developer talks about it, they take it too far. The developers that say how this is the most important thing in the game when it’s not, or calling people who don’t agree with them incels or biggots.
So, look, I don't buy you really fucking want that, you want them to freely create up until you are offended
Didn't this whole diversity and inclusion trend kick off because people were offended by the lack of female and minority representation in games and other media? How do you feel about their kicking and screaming? Should they just have kept their mouths shut because devs were making other creative decisions back then?

Perhaps back then it was ignorance that led companies to mainly appeal to white men (or maybe they knew their target audience better than some might want to believe) but currently the trend stems from ideological influence that has taken hold in colleges and business. I would say the former (ignorance) is much less harmful and insidious than the latter.
I’m not interested.

DEI isn’t innately a bad thing if it occurs naturally I.e. fighting game roster. It becomes an issue for me when it is used as a vehicle to push divisive modern ideological perspectives.

I’ll go further, I really don’t care what happens with new IP (it will sink or swim on its own merits) but I find it more than a little irksome when the content or properties I enjoy suddenly find themselves completely subverted by current day.

Recently, I have frequently found myself on the outside. Seen as ‘toxic’ for pushing back against the insanity. I’m sorry, it’s weird seeing modern male characters behave so feminine whilst modern female characters behave so very masculine. It’s weird when male characters look like their real life models whilst their female counterparts look like men in drag. It’s weird the way female attractiveness is now looked upon as distasteful and offensive. I’m sorry, it’s weird when I have to fight black female Nazis in the trenches of WWII Europe. It’s all so fucking weird and I refuse to be gaslit into accepting this current day bullshit as the new normal.
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