advanced basic bitch
Calm thine tits white knight.Why do you care racist?
Want enlightenment? Move to Norther Canada. In a few generations your posterity will be as pale as snow.
Calm thine tits white knight.Why do you care racist?
Want enlightenment? Move to Norther Canada. In a few generations your posterity will be as pale as snow.
Nah, I think it's just the same as if someone is not attracted to any redheads or blondes or brunettes or whatever.
We aren't talking about judging people's character here. We are only talking about physical attraction which can be very specific to a lot of people without there being any actual prejudism in it.
Now if that attraction is about not liking someone's looks because the look implies low intelligence or whatever, that's racist, or at least it's prejudice. It would be the same if someone thought red hair implies low intelligence and that's why one can't be attracted to redhaired people. But when it's just about not being attracted to certain physical appearances without any underlying reasons that really aren't about the looks, I can't see how that's racist or prejudice even. Now that said, I think there are a lot of people who aren't attracted to certain races for racist reasons. For example I'm not sure if me not being attracted to Australian aboriginals is because of solely of their general look or if it's because part of me thinks their looks might show some kind of inferiority I might think is unattractive. I'd like to think it's not about that but it might be.
And then there's also the fact that one could be generally unattracted to a certain race, but certain types of appearances from that race might be really attractive to the same person. And even in that scenario one could be unattracted to the other types from that race for racist reasons while still having no racist issues with that other type from that race.
You are literally spinning being or not being attracted to a person because of their race, which was the question, as not racist, and it totally is. It's pretty clear. If you prefer the looks of one particular race over another, that's just another form of racism. And that's ok. You just have limits on your racism and keep it in check. Beyond that you have some other guiding principles that you find more important. That's all the world really needs to cooperate peacefully.
Now to what extremes you go...absolutely hate people of a particular race and think it also means they are inferior intellectually and smell like pickled pig feet, blame them for everything that is wrong on the planet, and you want to feed their children to you have crossed all the way to the edge of being a racist beyond just physical looks, and now you're an extremely hateful racist and probably just an overall unpleasant human being. On the other hand worshiping the farts some other race's ass and make them appear as Gods and Goddess of all that is good and great in the world. You're a little delusional probably but that's ok so long as you say it to that person, keep it to yourself, or those who share your views and you know that ahead of time, and are not a mindless fuck and not go overboard in public with these types of claims. All while failing to realize, there's like many different ethnic backgrounds reading your proclamations nowadays from all over the world, who may think you are an open racist, lack tact, especially women, and rightfully so. Because while you are not openly stating the other races are less attractive than this one I like, you are inferring it. You're more of the snobbish, superior type of racist. But both are just two opposing extremes of the same phenomenon.
I think in general we are all more positively prejudicial towards more attractive people. Race, looks, hair color, eye color, culture, weight, height it's all the same thing, prejudicial, a difference, a preference, and that is ok. It's part of natural selection to have these biases. All life forms do. Good luck trying to change it to those that are on this mission to force it on people, you're going to kill a whole bunch of people and cause a whole bunch of hell and hate and even more racism doing so. The more you push for it, the more people will resist. It's going to take a lot of mRNA vaccines.
I'm attracted to any attractive woman of any colour, as long as they're a racist.
I wouldn’t say it’s racist but I just couldn’t understand not being attracted to a certain race personally. I find it weird.
I'm attracted to any attractive woman of any colour, as long as they're a racist.
Why do you care racist?
Want enlightenment? Move to Norther Canada. In a few generations your posterity will be as pale as snow.
Do you hate gays if you are not attracted to gays?
No, I wouldn't say it's inherently racist. I do think it's odd to just outright not be attracted to anyone of a certain race. There's definitely certain races where I seem to find a higher or smaller percentage of women attractive, but there's definitely a decent chunk of people of every race that fall within the range of body types I find sexy and facial features I find pretty. Skin tone etc. doesn't really factor into it for me though as I'm not more or less attracted to fair skinned or dark skinned people. Beyond that there's people of various heights, body types etc. in all races so there's always some percentage I think are attractive in each group.
I think you are largely correct, and I'd say in most cases the main racial categories are broad enough that not being attracted to anyone from a particular race is pretty improbable. I myself am attracted to most women who are at least mildly attractive, TBH. I'm just very appreciative of the way women look, in general. That being said, I do have a "type" preference, and apparently the women who are most interested in me also have a type, as even a quick glance at my dating history shows a glaringly obvious similarity in all the women.
Funny, I remember getting shit on by idiots in this forum 5 years ago for saying I generally don't find black women attractive. Thank god times have changed.
No doubt about that. It is a very loaded question and it doesn't really leave room for nuance. I've yet to find any race that I would ever exclude simply because there are so many women in each race that, mathematically, there are literally millions of them that have the correct symetry.You "generally" don't find black women attractive still means there is a chance you may meet one you do find attractive which is why I feel the question the OP asks is kind of loaded.
Funny, I remember getting shit on by idiots in this forum 5 years ago for saying I generally don't find black women attractive. Thank god times have changed.
Do you hate gays if you are not attracted to gays?
It is absolutely 100% racist.
Go back to Ree you sniveling prick.
I mostly dig white and latina chicks tbh. I'm into pale skin in general
Anyone who answers "yes" is a dullard, honestly
I am mostly attracted to Indian, white and latina girls.
Keep your filthy Duff-Beer drinking hands to yourself, mister!
Keep your filthy Duff-Beer drinking hands to yourself, mister!![]()
Ok Marshall Mathers.Been sober for a long while now, sirs. Time to show to head to the local hookah bar and present them my Italian Stallion
This. Ichiban is right.No. It's called preferences. Racist is someone who just hates a person because of their skin color.
Nope, I find all races of women attractive, but I only see myself dating/marrying a white woman. To note, that's not out of some racial child purity idea either, since I don't want kids.
I don't think it's racist. I myself am not attracted to black and asian girls. Now if that's racist, I'm fine with that. I can't change what I don't like and I don't really want to. If that makes me a racist, so be it.
How can you not be attracted to this?