By some definition, yeah. Words can mean whatever you want them to mean. The reason this question keeps coming up:
1. Racism is bad. It's morally wrong. I know this is true because I've been told it all my life, from every possible direction.
2. The vast majority of people, my-hypothetical-self included, express a racial preference with regards to mating, pairing, coitus, whatever.
3. If Racism is wrong, then either "I" and most people are wrong, and therefore the core principle of Humanism (that most people are essentially "good") is wrong, or a racial-sexual preference isn't racist.
4. I know that the core principle of Humanism is true for the same reason that I know Racism is wrong, therefore a racial-sexual preference must not be racist, even though it seems to match most popular (non-academic) descriptions of Racism.
I present to you all the actual truth: The universe is filled with matter and energy that follows natural laws. Everything else, all moral and philosophical abstractions, are fake and gay. "You" aren't even real---your consciousness is a lie that your body tells itself as a survival mechanism. Racism is a meme, in the Kojima-Dawkinsian sense, and so is every other idea rattling around in your dumb ape brain, a ghostly parasitic/symbiotic super-organism, pursuing its own survival and reproduction. This is all that can be asked of any living thing. God bless.
edit: ok, this answer is a cop-out. It's bad form to not play a game by its own rules, and I started playing the meme game when I was formed in the womb. So, a real answer: Either the statement "Racism is morally wrong" is wrong (or at least not entirely right) or the statement "most people are basically good" is wrong. Reason favors either the Racist or the Misanthrope, or possibly both, but certainly not neither.
edit 2: an even better way to put it is that a question in the form of "is x y" is much easier to answer if you temporarily suspend moral judgments about both x and y. It's much easier to answer questions about anything if you permanently suspend all moral judgments about everything.
