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Is My Copy of Mega Man Anniversary Collection Screwed/What Is TRU's Return Policy?

So I got Mega Man Anniversary Collection for the PS2 and it seems fucked. I know that problems are well documented, but I've never heard of this one before...

The controls are completely messed up. Certain buttons inputs won't respond, like up or down, which makes choosing the right boss at the stage select screen, going up ladders, or guiding jumps impossible. Or sometimes I just can't jump. Going to the screen which allows one to go back to exit the game seems to "fix" the problem, unless when attempting to go back, the Start key then becomes screwed.

This is fucking ridiculous and I feel stupid for ever paying for such crap. Maybe my copy is especially buggy, but at this point, I just don't want to bother. What exactly is TRU's return policy? I know I can't get cash back, but can I get credit towards another game?
FortNinety said:
What exactly is TRU's return policy? I know I can't get cash back, but can I get credit towards another game?

You can only exchange for the exact same game if your copy of MMAC is open (Which it obviously is). Hopefully everything works out for the better...:)
I sorta have a hard time believing it's the controller. Why would the problems come and go with specific menus choices on screen? A problem like that should happen regardless of my "quick fix". Plus, I've been using the same controller on countless other games and have had zero problems.


FortNinety said:
With the messed up button placement? You've got to be kidding.
Not as screwed up as this!
...buttons inputs won't respond, like up or down, which makes choosing the right boss at the stage select screen, going up ladders, or guiding jumps impossible. Or sometimes I just can't jump... when attempting to go back, the Start key then becomes screwed.

But seriously... try another controller with the game or another game with the same controller.
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