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Is Nightmare of Druaga in stores yet?


Has it hit stores yet? Has anyone bought it yet? Anyone see it in some place like EB or Gamestop? Theres someone selling a copy on eBay for $9.99 and it's not the Japanese version, so I'm wondering...


Yeah, it's out, RevenantKioku posted impressions here.

And thanks for bringing up Ebay. Auction up for 10$, ignored for 4 days now, and another with a Buy It Now price of 23$ (multiple copies)... I'll definitely be getting it this way. :p


If I can find it, I'm picking it up after school!

I love NetHack and I loved Brandish(for those of you who played it), and most of all, I loved Hylide when everyone else said it sucked. =P


Running off of Custom Firmware
Haven't played it yet, but I'm trying to get to it eventually. After PM2 and SMT3... maybe.


I'm enjoying it so far, although I've only played for an hour or so. There's nothing really surprising about the game so far, it's a more-or-less standard console roguelike. There are the usual dark mazes, enemies that run up to attack you, items that you need to identify before you use, and so forth. It looks like the item creation system is good, since you have the ability to combine not only weapon, but whatever item you want. Weapons that have been combined more than 15 times get special properties, although i wasn't to clear on what those properties were.

The only real disappointment here was that you get the "return to town" item as soon as you enter a dungeon. This makes the game a bit less rough than, say, Chocobo's Dungeon 2, where you had to find the "Return To Town" items in the dungeons. OTOH, enemies can attack you before you get a chance to use any item, so it balances out.

Another new aspect, compared to what I've played, is that your vision lessens as you use up turns. The beginning state is only two ticks away from being completely blind! In order to regain your sight, you need to offer items to Ishtar, so you have to balance progressing through a dungeon against finding items. Keys and doors are easy to find, but the more time you spend on a floor, the more you get attacked, and the more time you need to heal, and the more blind you get. Also, this effect carries from one floor to the next, unlike the Grim Reaper from CMD2, or the floor collapse from Azure Dreams. IMO, this is a big improvement, as it emphasizes the overall survival strategy, rather than the floor-to-floor emphasis that the other two carry.

There are also restricted quests, where your level and items are lost temporarily. You are only allowed to bring the number of items that the quest states, and you revert to level 1 apparently, although I suppose that could also be set by the quest. You are awarded if you complete the quest, though, and you also regain your items and levels. It sounds like you don't permenently lose anything you're carrying when you take up a quest, unlike CMD2.

Final note - it sounds like any item that you carry when you die is normally lost forever. However, you are able to engrave certain items, so that they remain where you die. But the number of items you can engrave s heavily restricted, so death is still a serious affair.

As for graphics and sound, eh. As with most games of this type, they do the job, and that's as much as I can say for them.
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