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Is Ocarina Of Time the best game ever?


Best game ever? It's a subjective question. Personally I feel that hte game couldn't have been designed any better so if that makes it the best game ever, then I suppose it is.

It probaly is my personal favorite game though



Right now I'm thinking about playing the Master Quest from start to finish although I've got loads of unplayed games, which need my attention.
Broshnat said:
Goldeneye is the best multiplayer game ever and most addictive game ever.

You are a very smart person. :)

GE's my favorite game of all time. I've had so many great times playing that game it's incredible..

But back on topic, OoT is certainly in around my top ten favorite games. It's awesome!


In terms of overall presentation for its time:


No other game out then was even remotely close to that experience.
Personally, I would say OOT was the greatest experience I ever had with a game. It was just utterly amazing at that time. It basically made me a hardcore Nintendo fan. Even when I played through the Master Quest, I was amazed at how good the game still was.


I can't believe how many people are bitching about the graphics on a six year old game. Why aren't people complaining about the DS graphics.

Back on topic, OoT is a personal favorite and one of my most memorable gaming experiences. I made the mistake of playing through it again on the bonus disk before playing WW, which pales in comparison in everything but graphics. I don't think I'd call it the best ever but it's definitely one of the best.


crumbs said:
I can't believe how many people are bitching about the graphics on a six year old game. Why aren't people complaining about the DS graphics.

Um, they definately are complaining if you have read enough DS threads. It's an unavoidable discussion with the PSP being just around the corner.

As for Oot, my first play through was definately one of the best moments I had last generation. That's all I will say because this best of mess usually leads to flames.


dark10x said:
Oh, come on. The 3D in OoT is UGLY. It's low-res, blocky, and filled with blurry textures. It looks great for the hardware, but I'll take clean 2D visuals over that stuff anyday...

How about you think back of 1998 when the visuals was actually good? And this game wasn't prerendered like the FF 7-9 games were.

no shit sherlock that the game doesn't look good in today standards..

Great King Bowser

Property of Kaz Harai
Ocarina of Time is my personal game of all time. It just had the power to draw you in, and was simply awe inspiring.

That and it has a special place in my heart, I still remember playing through the Deku Tree whilst my dad watched, probably the only game he ever bothered to watch me play through. I was only about 12 at the time, and about a year later my dad passed away. I really feel like playing through again on GC.


Do people still think there is an objective answer to this question? What is the average age of this forum? I SAY 15 AND YOU CAN'T PROVE OTHERWISE THE END.


Vibri said:
Do people still think there is an objective answer to this question? What is the average age of this forum? I SAY 15 AND YOU CAN'T PROVE OTHERWISE THE END.

Yes, the more we argue, then the answer will be revealed by a gaming god...



believe it or not i hated ocarina of time. it felt very simplistic. the dungeons left much to be desired from the great dungeons we seen in A Link to the Past. The game lacked enemies. Lacked action. Hyrule field for instance was almost completely barren. The game didn't have enough content for me. It's easy not to find apparent flaws when there isn't much "around" to be flawed. The so called best game ever was a terrible dissapointment for me. I have enjoyed many of the link games and this one was a monstrosity compared to those. Where were the enemies?? Why was the battle system so babyfied? You lock on and that's all it takes to kill many enemies. Where is the skill in that?

There are other things but I cannot remember as I played this a long time ago. There just was no depth in the game eighter. And Im sure some of you can admit that.


Yes, best game ever. Tons of polish, great graphics that stand up to this day, etc. I really want a new Zelda for DS that uses the graphics/engine from Miyamoto.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Ocarina of Time is garbage. It was even an insult to the Zelda brandname.

Right after playing OoT i knew where Nintendo was headed and sold my N64. Get your heads out of the sand guys, OoT wasn't a good game at all.

Controls were about as bad as they get, interface was clunky... camera was a huge problem...

With Zelda they took a step. With Zelda 2 they took 3 steps ahead. With Zelda 3 they leaped 6 steps ahead. With Zelda OoT, they fell down the stairs.


Ante Up
At the time, yes. Now? Of course not. Actually, I would be disappointed in the relatively young gaming industry if it couldn't produce something better in the six years since OoT's release.


mashoutposse said:
At the time, yes. Now? Of course not. Actually, I would be disappointed in the relatively young gaming industry if it couldn't produce something better in the six years since OoT's release.

I'm sorry, but nothing since OOT has ever come close to topping it. No game was so critically adored and praised. It's got 10/10, 98-99% everywhere.

An all-time masterpiece.

God, I love my N64.
The game was nothing short of revolutionary, and although some of the gameplay mechanics don't hold up well today (water temple boots, somewhat sluggish combat engine) , it still deserves respect for simply setting the bar for 3D adventure games.

I don't think there's been a game this generation that has really pushed gaming forward to the degree that OOT did, though GTA3 comes pretty close.


shibbs said:
So did I but the impact OoT had was bigger. Just an awesome game.

the impact FFVII had was great too...that doesn't make it a good game though :b

was OoT the best game ever? I don't believe in having a 'list' but I would say no. Besides, I enjoyed MM much more

edit: review scores mean jack shit. I value a game based on what I think of it...i personally don't care what the fuck other people feel as It doesn't enlarge my ego that I'm in agreement with so many others who get paid to do what i pay to do.


0wn3d said:
Yes, best game ever. Tons of polish, great graphics that stand up to this day, etc. I really want a new Zelda for DS that uses the graphics/engine from Miyamoto.

I know.

Why do people knock the graphics? At the time it was better than anything out there. Sonic Adventure on Dreamcast was about the only thing that came close and MGS on playstation. The dynamic lighting, shadows, moody atmosphere was a revelation in adventure games. Made Tomb Raider / Resident Evil even Mario 64 look pathetic in comparison.

It's hardly fair to compare it to todays games graphically though, in the same way you can't criticise Mario Bros 3 for graphics.

My point about it being in 3D is not the change in graphics or presentation, but the change in feel of the game. I guess a similar thing can be said for GTA3. The increased freedom, the way you can just wonder around, stop and examine the landscape, go for a ride on a horse- at the time it felt like breaking out of the shackles imposed by the old Zelda games. You suddenly felt like you were actually there, wondering across Hyrule.

The only thing that came close was playing Mario 64 for the first time in a shop and just thinking wow. But Zelda even came and blew that away.


Zelda had great graphics at the time, and the music *was* great too...now? they should just let the soundblaster pro MIDI shit die

Broshnat said:
Hmmm... that's an interesting point of view. So everybody is wrong apart from you?

edit: yes. that's exactly what I meant. I mean, what else could I mean? that i'm not going to use other reviews as a basis for my opinion instead of forming my own?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
SantaCruZer said:
How about you think back of 1998 when the visuals was actually good? And this game wasn't prerendered like the FF 7-9 games were.

no shit sherlock that the game doesn't look good in today standards..

I was a PC Gamer at the time (though I joined the console ranks once more thanks to Dreamcast), bud, and I didn't even play the game until late 1999. By the time I had played OoT, the Dreamcast was available. Even if we WERE looking at 1998, the DC was out in Japan and games like Half-Life and Unreal were available on the PC.

I never found OoT attractive and the large, open field was very BORING to me as a result.

Why do people knock the graphics? At the time it was better than anything out there.

Hell no it wasn't. It was better than most anything on Saturn, PSX, and N64...but that's not where my frame of reference lies. I compared OoT to other games I had played, and it didn't compare. It was too empty and plain (plus, it ran at 20 fps).


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Zelda released the same day as Half-Life. I also had a voodoo 2. When you compare Zelda and Half-Life side by side... running in OpenGL at a higher resolution... what would you say about Zelda?


DopeyFish said:
Zelda released the same day as Half-Life. I also had a voodoo 2. When you compare Zelda and Half-Life side by side... running in OpenGL at a higher resolution... what would you say about Zelda?

heh...I personally view handheld, console, and PC graphics in three seperate perspectives


Gattsu25 said:
edit: yes. that's exactly what I meant. I mean, what else could I mean? that i'm not going to use other reviews as a basis for my opinion instead of forming my own?

Who exactly was using other reviews as a basis for their opinion instead of forming their own??


DopeyFish said:
Zelda released the same day as Half-Life. I also had a voodoo 2. When you compare Zelda and Half-Life side by side... running in OpenGL at a higher resolution... what would you say about Zelda?

I say that if Half-Life had been optomised (eg cut back) to run on N64 hardware then Zelda looked a lot better.


DopeyFish said:
Zelda released the same day as Half-Life. I also had a voodoo 2. When you compare Zelda and Half-Life side by side... running in OpenGL at a higher resolution... what would you say about Zelda?

Or from the other point of view, had Zelda been designed to run in OpenGL at a higher resolution it would have looked better than Half Life.


it was probally the best single player experience i ever had, including halflife of course.

but halflife1 is still the best game ever with zeldaoot being a close second.

halflife2 could change all this...


teepo said:
it was probally the best single player experience i ever had, including halflife of course.

but halflife1 is still the best game ever with zeldaoot being a close second.

halflife2 could change all this...

do you have trouble with spaces?


Broshnat said:
Who exactly was using other reviews as a basis for their opinion instead of forming their own??

Broshnat said:
I'm sorry, but nothing since OOT has ever come close to topping it. No game was so critically adored and praised. It's got 10/10, 98-99% everywhere.

An all-time masterpiece.

God, I love my N64.

wasn't accusing anyone of using pointless numbers to form an opinion, but statements like that I disagree with. Hundreds of thousands of Lineage players doesn't stop the game from being a piece of shit, in my eyes--the same way that 34 reviews claiming that OoT is the best game of all time doesn't make it the best game of all time, in my eyes

Scoot said:
Yep, that makes it the best game ever. Other people's opinions validating your own opinions about the game.


Broshnat said:
I'm sorry, but nothing since OOT has ever come close to topping it. No game was so critically adored and praised. It's got 10/10, 98-99% everywhere.

An all-time masterpiece.

God, I love my N64.

Yep, that makes it the best game ever. Other people's opinions validating your own opinions about the game. OoT might be the fourth best Zelda game. It MIGHT be. ALttP, WW, MM and the most underrated game of all time Zelda II: The Adventure of Link are all better than it. Hell, the first Zelda might even be better.

'But Scoot,' you whine, 'it brought ARPG to 3D.' It did, and quite poorly, I might add. Visually the game is so unplayable now. Just look at the Deku tree. I have no need for 64 bit graphics in 3D, and never did. At the time, it did set the bar for 3D, absolutely. And it is an incredibly important game in history, but GTA3 is more important this gen for game design and Halo 2 is more important for the mainstreaming of video games.

Just say no to best game ever.
Say yes to being the most overrated game ever.
Broshnat said:
The increased freedom, the way you can just wonder around, stop and examine the landscape, go for a ride on a horse- at the time it felt like breaking out of the shackles imposed by the old Zelda games. You suddenly felt like you were actually there, wondering across Hyrule.

The only thing that came close was playing Mario 64 for the first time in a shop and just thinking wow. But Zelda even came and blew that away.

See, I appreciate that many people here feel that way, it's great that you do. But for me the 2d games of both franchises you just mentioned are more fun to me in hindsight. In OoT - I didn't suddenly feel like I was wandering across Hyrule - I felt like I was sitting with a gamepad in my hand making this pointy elf dude gallop across a hub world from A to B. In Super Mario 64, the platforming was still bliss but gone were most of the fun powerups - replaced by what I personally feel were lesser items. Ocarina of Time and Mario 64: BOTH mind blowing graphically at the time, BOTH an absolute joy to play compared to other games around at the time... and BOTH still better than many games around today. But this is not to say either is perfect. All I want from Zelda is some new items, new puzzles (that aren't playing with 10 year old variables) and a nice overworld chock full of things to find and do... ie NOT Hyrule Field from OoT. With regard to Mario: I do love Mario 64 but the convolution of 3d makes many casuals unable to play it skillfully. I think there should be 2d mario games as well as 3d ones. They're what a lot of 20 something gamers played to death and what weened them as kids onto the genre -- why can't that formula work today?


Scoot said:
Yep, that makes it the best game ever. Other people's opinions validating your own opinions about the game. OoT might be the fourth best Zelda game. It MIGHT be. ALttP, WW, MM and the most underrated game of all time Zelda II: The Adventure of Link are all better than it. Hell, the first Zelda might even be better.

'But Scoot,' you whine, 'it brought ARPG to 3D.' It did, and quite poorly, I might add. Visually the game is so unplayable now. Just look at the Deku tree. I have no need for 64 bit graphics in 3D, and never did. At the time, it did set the bar for 3D, absolutely. And it is an incredibly important game in history, but GTA3 is more important this gen for game design and Halo 2 is more important for the mainstreaming of video games.

Just say no to best game ever.
Say yes to being the most overrated game ever.

I assume you've never played it then


Broshnat said:
I assume you've never played it then

because if he had he would have thought that it was the best game ever? by even asking this I can see that your logic is flawed and the reason why i believe you even made this thread is amusing

buthey if I type liek this then you can comment on my spelling and grammar.


Gattsu25 said:
because if he had he would have thought that it was the best game ever? by even asking this I can see that your logic is flawed and the reason why i believe you even made this thread is amusing

buthey if I type liek this then you can comment on my spelling and grammar.

Or just comment that you could make a useful post once in a while.


So you don't think I should ridicule the comment

"'But Scoot,' you whine, 'it brought ARPG to 3D.' It did, and quite poorly, I might add. Visually the game is so unplayable now. "

Wrong on so many levels.

"unplayable"?? Why?? Because the textures are low-res? How does that make the game unplayable? Grow up.

"It bought ARPG to 3D quite poorly?" Why, because the textures were blurry?

So when the wheel was invented, everyone looks back now and goes "yeah, but it wasn't totally round, it had surface flaws and no tyre- it's not as good as wheels today".
Indeed. But without it, there wouldn't be any wheels today.

The fact it still stands up graphically today (although it's obviously been far-surpassed) is a huge achievement in itself. The fact it was miles ahead of anything else you could get on a console at the time is what people keep forgetting though.

Anyway, I'm not talking graphics here. I'm talking about the game as a whole.


I think at the time it was released, in comparison to the other games out at the time, it was without a doubt the most fun and polished adventure that ever existed (in 3D).

Best game of all time? Maybe, but I believe it was without a doubt when it first came out.


There's always gonna be haterz. Just let em, not everyone can like the games you do, and vice versa. The majority of gamers and reviewers seems to agree that OoT is the best game ever (or certainly when it came out in 1998), and that's probably as good an answer as you're gonna get.


You know what, Broshnat, after careful consideration I have decided that Zelda OoT is the best game ever. I mean, how could PERFECT reviews be wrong? I remember the amazement I had when I played through the game and all the memorable events such as Link awakening into the future and witnessing the evil that was done to Hyrule. I remember the joy that I had riding Epona for the first time and I remember the satisfaction that I had when I finally mastered the game's ranged and melee combat systems. Thoughts of wandering the land and exploring every small corner and finding little details that showed that the developers really cared about the explorative gamers still linger on in my mind. The thoughtfully designed dungeons, creative puzzles, and wonderful story (that told a great tale if you looked beyond what was presented at you) were all great. Those reviews are right, and the views of everyone else who thinks like them must be right, as well! Of course, now I see the err in my previous thinking! Thank you for enlightening me!!*

*See if you can tell the difference between my opinion on this great (but not best ever) and what Broshnat wants to hear

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