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Is Ocarina Of Time the best game ever?


Gattsu25 said:
You know what, Broshnat, after careful consideration I have decided that Zelda OoT is the best game ever. I mean, how could PERFECT reviews be wrong? I remember the amazement I had when I played through the game and all the memorable events such as Link awakening into the future and witnessing the evil that was done to Hyrule. I remember the joy that I had riding Epona for the first time and I remember the satisfaction that I had when I finally mastered the game's ranged and melee combat systems. Thoughts of wandering the land and exploring every small corner and finding little details that showed that the developers really cared about the explorative gamers still linger on in my mind. The thoughtfully designed dungeons, creative puzzles, and wonderful story (that told a great tale if you looked beyond what was presented at you) were all great. Those reviews are right, and the views of everyone else who thinks like them must be right, as well! Of course, now I see the err in my previous thinking! Thank you for enlightening me!!*

*See if you can tell the difference between my opinion on this great (but not best ever) and what Broshnat wants to hear

Why are you still here?


Why I think WW is better than OoT?

Well, atmosphere is probably the single most important thing in video games. I just finished Half-Life2, and the thing that makes it soo goddamn good is the atmosphere. Sure, the graphics and sound are top-notch, the gameplay is fun. But the fact that they combined :)D) this together in 1 beautiful perfectly balanced package is the reason why this game rocks so much. Everything just... fits so to speak.

Same way the gruesome images went hand-in-hand with the techno-metal in Doom. Or the ambient sounds in System Shock 2.

WW is another one in the special category of games IMO. The "cartooney" style is THE way every Zelda should be. Again, it just "fits" with the license. The music wasn't as strong as with OoT, and yes, it should have been a bit more difficult and yes it should have had another 2/3 dungeons. (They scrapped this in order to make the deadline right?!)

But that doesn't take away the fact that this game is more solid than OoT. The controls, sound effects, character designs, animation ( <- still one of the best animated games ever) and the amount of different locales in the game. And again, the atmosphere! The first time I entered Hyrule Castle my jaw just dropped. Walking around in colour in a black and white world. Seeing the Link statue and the 8 sages in the windows. Everything coming to life after getting the Master Sword, just beautiful.

Moments like these are the ones that seperates the great ones from the good ones. And WW had more of these kind of moments than OoT.


not an idiot
when will people learn that there can never be a definitive "best ever" when you are talking about videogames, something that is %100 subjective. for every person you can find that think game A is the best, there are 10 others out there who think a different game is. so why do gamers perpetually try to force their favorite game down our throat as our best? i don't know.

and not that it matters, but in my opinion the greatest game ever is Myth: The Fallen Lords from Bungie. an incredibly underrated game on this board due to most people never playing it.


shpankey said:
when will people learn that there can never be a definitive "best ever" when you are talking about videogames, something that is %100 subjective. for every person you can find that think game A is the best, there are 10 others out there who think a different game is. so why do gamers perpetually try to force their favorite game down our throat as our best? i don't know.

and not that it matters, but in my opinion the greatest game ever is Myth: The Fallen Lords from Bungie. an incredibly underrated game on this board due to most people never playing it.

God, some people take this so seriously.

Am merely offering my opinion (hence the QUESTION MARK in the topic title) and seeing who agrees / disagrees and why / why not they do.

Seems the majority agree though, so although it is subjective, there must be a reason why, for example, 99% of people would say that Gran Turismo is better than Cruisin' USA.


Wyzdom said:
Damn, you're lucky! I saw just water in this game! ;)
There were 20+ islands in the game. You go ahead and make 10 different scenes, it's more difficult than it sounds. Especially when you want to make them vastly different from the last one.

But this was just an element of why I like the game better than OoT. And like I said before, it's the package, not just one thing


Hooker said:
There were 20+ islands in the game. You go ahead and make 10 different scenes, it's more difficult than it sounds. Especially when you want to make them vastly different from the last one.

But this was just an element of why I like the game better than OoT. And like I said before, it's the package, not just one thing

Don't get me wrong, I liked Wind Waker.

It just didn't have the same feeling of adventure as Ocarina. Like you were in your own India Jones movie or something as opposed to the Mummy 2.

I feel since Miyamoto stepped back a bit and let others take over the main roles in the Zelda games, they just haven't been as good.

Ocarina was the result of 3-4 long, sweaty years of vision and ingenuity.


not an idiot
Broshnat said:
God, some people take this so seriously.

Am merely offering my opinion (hence the QUESTION MARK in the topic title) and seeing who agrees / disagrees and why / why not they do.

Seems the majority agree though, so although it is subjective, there must be a reason why, for example, 99% of people would say that Gran Turismo is better than Cruisin' USA.
i wasn't taking it serious, trust me

and your analogy is whack. saying one game is better than another is a whole different enchilada than saying what the greatest game of alltime is.


shpankey said:
i wasn't taking it serious, trust me

and your analogy is whack. saying one game is better than another is a whole different enchilada than saying what the greatest game of alltime is.


You just keep doing it until you get to a point where one game is better than any other.

If you can compare 2 games then why can't u compare all of them?

Let's rephrase the question again then...

"What's better than OOT?"


not an idiot
you might have made it easier by just asking what people's favorite game of alltime was (which has been asked a lot actually) instead.


My favorite game is Earthbound.


The game I think is the most well-made from a technical standpoint is Metroid Prime.

The game I think had the most wow-factor for me is Mario 64.

The game I think had the most influence on me is Link to the Past.

The game I think had the most influence on the development/gaming world is Ocarina of Time.

The game I think had the most artistic value is ICO, followed by Wind Waker.


Goldeneye and Mario 64 are close 2nds though.

I remember when EDGE posted their top 100 games of all time:

1) Zelda: OOT
2) Mario 64
3) GoldenEye

I don't remember the rest of the top 10, although Zelda: LTTP, Mario World, Gran Turismo, Half Life, Pokemon, Street Fighter 2 were all in it I think, not sure of the order though. Oooh, and Tetris. Tetris must be the most ingenius and addictive single-player game ever.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Or from the other point of view, had Zelda been designed to run in OpenGL at a higher resolution it would have looked better than Half Life.

Ha ha, you assume wrong. I've played through the game like that already...


Broshnat said:
I think the only game that has ever come close was Metal Gear Solid for that totally immersive feel. The sequels are nowhere close IMO.
Although I agree with the rest of your post I don't understand how a game like Metal Gear Solid is immersive. To beat Psycho Mantis you have to change controller ports. During many early cutscenes you are told how to control Snake. "Press the square button to duck," for example. Then you throw in the triangle relationship between you the player, Snake, and Otacon and the game seems to be screaming at you "This is not real! This is a game! You are playing a video game!"
DopeyFish said:
Controls were about as bad as they get, interface was clunky... camera was a huge problem...

:lol :lol :lol

If you weren't DopeyFish, I would have sworn that post was sarcastic... Most erroneous quote ever?
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