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Is Slashdot being Slashdotted?

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Anyone else getting a "503 Service Unavailable" error from slashdot.org for the last hour or so? If so...wonder what's going on? They are almost ALWAYS up and running, so any lack of service is noteworthy.


I've been having trouble accessing them for a while... I could still view the pages but they were sluggish. But I can access /. fine right now.


I've been getting that off and on for the past few days. Slashdot is usually a beacon of stability on the net, so something must *really* be wrong if they're having issues.
I believe I read a post the other day that they were doing server maintence, maybe they found out they need to rehaul their server or something?

or it could be skynet

EDIT: I just got on to slashdot without a hitch.
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