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Is the backlash to Cyberpunk a joke?

Is the backlash to Cyberpunk 2077 a joke?

  • Yeah, hardly the first game to stumble, won't be the last, will be patched. The game itself rocks.

    Votes: 200 36.6%
  • Yeah, it's a bit embarrassing for CDPR but it's part and parcel with that level of ambition.

    Votes: 97 17.7%
  • Yeah, my take below..

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • No, my take below..

    Votes: 20 3.7%
  • No, this is the most hyped game ever and a pretty smug company has buggered it up

    Votes: 157 28.7%
  • No, this is a nigh-on criminal stuff up and the game should be incinerated.

    Votes: 33 6.0%
  • I've no opinion on the backlash

    Votes: 33 6.0%

  • Total voters


In my opinion the main reason behind this backlash is the hype around the game, you have people waiting since 2015 for this game, every year it gets close and so their hype goes higher, now if you go so high and fall down the damage will be massive.
Lets add to the waiting hype another factors. 1) The first factor im going to add is that CDPR themselves hyped the game more than they should, they are amateurs at business and it shows, they interact on Twitter with the fans saying "Oh my god just did this quest in Cyberpunk and it was the best thing ever!!" Another one was saying "The side quests in Witcher 3 was just beginning to us and in Cyberpunk its much more complex". When interviews CDPR devs would claim that you can choose a lifepath and it will impact your game quite a lot, this didnt age well. Sure they give a flavor but they are not as impactful. Anyway to keep things short, the devs and the PR team hyped the game more than they should.
2) The second factor are the gamers, they expected too much, they wanted RDR2 and GTA5 open world NPC and A.I, wanted Forza driving, wanted Doom shooting, wanted Neuromancer writing, wanted Deus Ex RPG, etc..etc. They asked for too much and they really expected it, you cant have this amount of hyped and be satisfied, like ever. There is no fucking way a game lives up to that amount of hype, and i fear Elden Ring may have similar fate if things go the same way with hype, the good thing is Elden Ring PR team doesnt give a fuck to interact with people, so no Night Wire episodes or Twitter Bullshit.
3) The third factor is the constant delays, each release date given by the management (stupid mistake) was wrong, which resulted in a delay, and that delay makes people angry and furious, those amount of anger increase the frustration levels if it didnt meet the expectations right? and we already know it won't meet them based on factor 2. So each delay made them more angry, like blowing a balloon, each delay you exhale into it more and more air, until it reached the third delay it started to look serious trouble, then they released it and with all that delay, missed features, bugs and issues, performance..etc it all blows up.

Fallout 76 was a game nobody cared about except few fans, Anthem also the same, those games people didnt care about, thats why you dont see this amount of backlash against them.

Now im against this overblown backlash, I said CDPR did many mistakes here and they deserve to pay consequences, but what is currently happening is too much imo. And things should slow down a bit. This is getting way too serious for a video game.
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The game was released in an embarrassing state. Floating phones, stuck subtitles, people speaking through the walls.

Mostly embarrassing stuff I could waive away, but what really pissed me off was all Delamain missions being failed after I abandoned one of them realising I was too early. No way to get them back it seems

I completed Delamain's story arc and to wrap it up I had to get inside his car and drive away. But it was upside down and on fire so when I went near it I took damage and couldn't get in


even if it released relatively bug free the backlash would be justified because it's not the game that was promised to people.


I didn't buy the game. And wtf are you talking about? If I bought the game, they owe me a functional game. Don't sell a game for a platform it can't perform on. END OF STORY. A friend texted me this morning that he is 3 hours in and is going to stop playing because the game is a broken mess, and how disappointed he is. I guess I should have texted him back that he lacks appreciation and it's his fault.

Yours is the most idiotic opinion I've ever heard. I honestly can't believe there is someone out there who has the both the mental capacity to operate a computer and to have that opinion. We should be thankful????? Jesus Christ what is wrong with you.

Imagine a world where paying money to someone for a product makes you "entitled".

He is just trolling man.. or it's a brain dead corporate cuckold
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While fucking up stuff at release is to be expected at that level of ambition for an open-world AAA action RPG game, to my understating CDPR went largely beyond the limits of what is acceptable this time. How they managed the PS4 version both during dev and in their communication especially is clearly unprofessional.

I hope the game can and will be salvaged as I'm planning to play it in 2/3 years when all the updates and extensions will be available. But while a majority of the bugs are technical and should be fixable given some months of extra work, some other problems seems to point to structural bad choices made during dev. It will be a long and difficult road.
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morale of the story: Stop overhyping developers with not so amazing track records to make the next groundbreaking thing. Also, stop giving in to "wholesome" marketing and social media friendliness. Last but not least, stop preordering games and stop supporting unfinished games.

i do think plenty of youtubers who dick ride this game are now turning on it just for views though

not so amazing track records?

witcher 2 was a game of the year candidate on many mediums

witcher 3 is known as one of the best rpg's of all time.

they had monstrous leaps between each title and more so than any other dev

by the way I just found skippy


have fun playing the bland RPG's without an ounce of creative nuance to even put something like that in the game.

I'll have fun with skippy
It's 100% on Microsoft and Sony for certifying the game to release status on their respective stores. Has either of these parties made statements on why that process failed besides rightfully issuing refunds?

Microsoft and Sony cert isn't QA or some guarantee of quality. Its just a confirmation that "This game won't make the console light on fire when you put the disk in". A game can be pure unplayable dogshit and still pass cert as long as it doesn't completely brick the console.

The Shift

Microsoft and Sony cert isn't QA or some guarantee of quality. Its just a confirmation that "This game won't make the console light on fire when you put the disk in". A game can be pure unplayable dogshit and still pass cert as long as it doesn't completely brick the console.

And that's a big problem.


Microsoft and Sony cert isn't QA or some guarantee of quality. Its just a confirmation that "This game won't make the console light on fire when you put the disk in". A game can be pure unplayable dogshit and still pass cert as long as it doesn't completely brick the console.
It allegedly bricked some people's consoles on reddit, now they could easily be lying attention whores doing it for the karma, but if it's true then certification also fucked up.
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The Shift

It allegedly bricked some people's consoles on reddit, if that is true then certification also fucked up.

Worse is the boosters for both corporations relieving them of any responsibility in the sale of an item only they have control of as far as being actively listed on the storefronts. It's shameful behaviour.


On Era it's the biggest collective circle jerk I've seen in years

And I say this as someone who considers CDPR have got many things wrong

Seriously they are masturbating themselves into an absolute frothing frenzy over there and it's unsettling to see

They are bunch of sick fucks over there.

I got a refund on the game due to it crashing constantly and I needed to buy a Xmas tree.


Real question is is why didn't we get a Dark Souls 2 downgrade scandal?

We did ? I'm sure I was pretty pissed off at the time. A lot of other people were too. I'm pretty sure Bloodborne coming out the following year helped a lot of From fans to forget about it.


Not a direct comparison, but just a further attempt at generating perspective

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Gold Member
I’m playing the game on PC and have to say that the game is great so far. I’ve put in about 70 hours and despite some annoying performance issues with object collision and clipping, I’m enjoying the story and missions.

The true downsides are that the game is under-cooked and falls short of the promises from CDPR. There isn’t much interactivity or immersion with the world they’ve created and overall the experience is like Deus Ex on steroids.

I’d give it an 8.5 and hope that Cyberpunk 2077 is akin to its sequels like The Witcher is to The Witcher 3.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I get why console players are angry. The game looks and runs like ass even on new consoles, it's pathetic on old consoles. Even on highend PC's it's not well optimized. Shit, Destiny 2 looks better than this with the settings cranked up and runs at over 100 FPS on most systems.

So yea, I think people are entitled to complain.
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I've seen worse jank but I'm all for this backlash. The game industry has gotten away with this sort of shit for too long. They need to see how it's bad to release unfinished games. I'm tired of them relying on post launch patches to fix

Dr. Claus

A next gen game that was specifically designed to take advantage of next gen platforms runs piss poor on last gen systems? Wow colour me not shocked at all as this has been a thing for decades.

The only real issue is that CDPR should have released the next gen version day and date with the rest.


Golden Boy
Kinda. Just a giant echo chamber at this point.
Real question is is why didn't we get a Dark Souls 2 downgrade scandal?

To me it looks like the two cases are different.
With DS2 we knew it was only coming to PS3 at that time and were promised the lighting/shadow visuals on that console, especially since it was even shown in a demo.
Now with Cyperpunk we have a Cross gen game which was previously always promoted on PC. An inferior looking last gen is therefore somewhat understandable. Now i agree that things are much worse right now with all the bugs, so maybe the recent patch ironed them out somewhat.
I’m actually enjoying the game on PS5 and I plan to buy it for PC soon. I’m disappointed by the fact it’s getting a lot of hate for the last gen versions of the game even though it runs pretty well on next gen consoles and is amazing on PC. It’s rather unfortunate but this is a shit storm created by CDPR execs themselves. The devs put in a lot of hard work and were just not yet ready to release the game but they were forced to by the greedy execs and shareholders. On top of that the execs tried to lie to gamers on the last gen consoles by hiding the console versions from them. That was their fatal mistake, lying to gamers.

I knew this thing would explode the moment I saw what they were doing. Gamers can be forgiving if you are straightforward and tell them exactly how things are going. If they had delayed the last gen versions or cancelled them while releasing a PC version this year and next gen versions next year, I doubt they would have received any major hate. Sure, some people would have been disappointed but they wouldn’t get people out with pitch forks ready to send them to the gallows. These guys turned what would have been a manageable situation into a total clusterfuck and failure of epic proportions. They shit the bed themselves and now they have to lie in it. It’s very sad but it is what it is.
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Gold Member
I'm afraid all the hate is a perfect representation (certain parts) of the gamer crowd...a vocal minority of self entitled, whiny little brats, mostly in the 16-24yr old demographic & usually toxic console fanboys, mostly of the Playstation variety.
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Deliberately trying to hide the state of the PS4/XB1 version prior to release is inexcusable.

The backlash is warranted, good to see even, might also trigger positive change going forward.

If, for instance, all they released was the PC version, then yeah okay we can downplay the issue as just another buggy game at release.
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ill post this here too

CD Project Red is receiving exactly as much backlash as they should have, If people are jumping in on the hate train just cause it's fun then they deserve that to. Because the train wouldn't have started if the practices weren't reprehensible in the first place.


I’m playing the game on PC and have to say that the game is great so far. I’ve put in about 70 hours and despite some annoying performance issues with object collision and clipping, I’m enjoying the story and missions.

The true downsides are that the game is under-cooked and falls short of the promises from CDPR. There isn’t much interactivity or immersion with the world they’ve created and overall the experience is like Deus Ex on steroids.

I’d give it an 8.5 and hope that Cyberpunk 2077 is akin to its sequels like The Witcher is to The Witcher 3.
It wishes it was as good as Mankind Divided, let alone Deus Ex on steroids.


It is a bit shit but the game isnt unplayable. The recent patch 1.05 made the game worse on XSX for me, which has made me want to leave it until its sorted. Ive put 60 hours in up to this point though so I cant complain



This is a joke though

not many games give you those zoom options... Maybe not worth putting it in there when people find stuff like this with i lol. But I like that zoom option. But yea not many gives need to have detail from super far away


morale of the story: Stop overhyping developers with not so amazing track records to make the next groundbreaking thing. Also, stop giving in to "wholesome" marketing and social media friendliness. Last but not least, stop preordering games and stop supporting unfinished games.

i do think plenty of youtubers who dick ride this game are now turning on it just for views though

or just stop preordering shit


Sony didn't pull this game from their store and BestBuy isn't issuing full refunds for opened copies because Resetera was complaining about its politics.

This game is a unique fuckup that we haven't seen before. Not even No Man's Sky and Fallout 76 had this many problems at launch.

That is a flat out lie. Fallout 76 was far worse at launch. Cyberpunk is actually playable.

You can all keep saying this revisionist history bullshit, but as someone who bought F76 day one and actually enjoyed it a decent amount thurblaunch year ....

Thats a complete lie. Fallout 76 was more unstable and had issues far worse than I have personally experience for 2077 on console as well. Cyberpunk is still more polished than a typical Bethesda release.... and that’s why this controversy is a load of bullshit.

Anyone who claims that 2077 runs worse than Fallout 76 did thru the entirety of its launch month... I’m gonna call it out.

Stop lying and copy and pasting echo chamber bullshit
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two for me and of course you won't see that in empty action oriented open world with no system (and near none npc) outside core combat gameplay.
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