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Is the Nintendo DS really going to hit this year?


Honestly, we're about what...two months away from the supposed launch date of the DS, yet Nintendo still talks as if it's a year or so away. Media on the system is fairly sparse, and nothing really concrete is being shown.

...what gives?


Matlock said:
Honestly, we're about what...two months away from the supposed launch date of the DS, yet Nintendo still talks as if it's a year or so away. Media on the system is fairly sparse, and nothing really concrete is being shown.

...what gives?
It's Nintendo


It's abput 3 months away actually for the US. And for the first time ever for Nintendo, it seems we'll be getting the hardware first. :)

aoi tsuki

Yes, and i fear for Black Friday, DS shortages, and the Pokemoms who will fucking kill you if you get the last one.


Reggie said that you should expect advertising to hit in a couple of weeks, so I say September is the month that Nintendo starts to show off the NintendoDS to joe-public.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I just can't imagine it happening this year. Seems like now is the time to start the mass media blitz if it really is coming out in 2004.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
It should be a 2005 thing, but who knows. We don't really need it yet.


If you think back, the GBASP kinda happened out of nowhere, too.

I actually think that they're going to wait until TGS to show anything (not that they're showing at TGS, but they want to wait until the PSP's software unveiling)

Anyway, everything's in place advertising wise, and the third party publishers are confident that it's releasing this year. No worries.

I think the adverts are coming in Sept, as this is traditionally when Christmas season adverts ramp up, but to be honest, nothing really needs to happen until the first week of November.

king zell

It will start very soon In both Japan and US.. I think Nintendo is getting everything ready and the first media we will get are from the small Japanese shows they talked about earlier


I'm not concerned. For the most part, Nintendo has proven in the past that it knows what it's doing when it comes to hardware launches. Nintendo 64 had a great launch despite having only 2 games. And Gamecube, despite the delay, still sold very well at launch even without a Mario title. I won't even get started on the launches of the Gameboy line.
Lost Weekend said:
If you think back, the GBASP kinda happened out of nowhere, too.

I actually think that they're going to wait until TGS to show anything (not that they're showing at TGS, but they want to wait until the PSP's software unveiling).

Yep, that was the fastest Nintendo hardware launch imaginable. Admittedly it was a rebuild of an existing system, but it was still impressive how it went from unveiling to shop floor. Maybe they're waiting on TGS and PSP as you say... and then the secret-port-a-tonne will land! OMFG!


Tenguman said:
I'm not concerned. For the most part, Nintendo has proven in the past that it knows what it's doing when it comes to hardware launches. Nintendo 64 had a great launch despite having only 2 games. And Gamecube, despite the delay, still sold very well at launch even without a Mario title. I won't even get started on the launches of the Gameboy line.

Agreed. Not to mention, the Gameboy name sells itself, regardless of quality; i.e.: Gameboy Pocket, Gameboy Advance SP


we all know the DS launch titles :

Zelda Minish Cap
Super Mario Ball
DK King of Swin

we have plenty of movies, why are crying ??


It'll probably be this year, but what amazes me is that despite having a release date at least six months later, more people seem to know about PSP already.


snapty00 said:
It'll probably be this year, but what amazes me is that despite having a release date at least six months later, more people seem to know about PSP already.
Well, it was also announced 6-8 months earlier, and Sony hasn't been shy with the press... PSP is only releasing 6 months later due to delays anyway, both were suppossed to release this year originally.


jarrod said:
Well, it was also announced 6-8 months earlier, and Sony hasn't been shy with the press... PSP is only releasing 6 months later due to delays anyway, both were suppossed to release this year originally.
Regardless of reasoning, the bottomline is that it's weird. I wonder why Nintendo hasn't really been doing anything to correct it.


snapty00 said:
Regardless of reasoning, the bottomline is that it's weird. I wonder why Nintendo hasn't really been doing anything to correct it.
I dunno, it is a little strange... maybe since supplies will be limited anyway, they'd rather try to push GC & GBA this holiday season? I'm sure within the next month we'll have a much clearer picture though.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Lost Weekend said:
I wonder if any of those will have special DS fuctionality?

I don't think they will but you know what I think would be cool? I hope that when they port OOT they use one screen to display the N64 version and then in the other screen do an overhead view and make it 2D like ALTTP!! So basically you would control both versions at the same time. If you want the N64 version you would look at one screen but if you want something different you would look at the other. So basically its something old yet new at the same time. I'd be pretty neat IMO.


Honestly, we're about what...two months away from the supposed launch date of the DS, yet Nintendo still talks as if it's a year or so away. Media on the system is fairly sparse, and nothing really concrete is being shown.

I know.. I've been waiting for DS media and there's been nothing!


For US launch, I'm expecting...

-Super Mario 64x4
-Wario Ware Inc, DS
-Madden NFL 2005
-The Urbz: Sims in the City
-Pac 'n Roll
-Yu-Gi-Oh! Nightmare Troubadour
-Bomberman DS
-Atari Classics
-Spider-Man 2
-Caduceus: Emergency Operation
-Dynasty Warriors DS
-Asphalt GT

...at least, all seem likely imo.


I am only buying Atari Classics if there is one special game included on it. That game is Combat. I think it would be very cool with wireless play. Fuck the naysayers ;)


I am only buying Atari Classics if there is one special game included on it. That game is Combat. I think it would be very cool with wireless play. Fuck the naysayers ;)

Lost Weekend said:
I am only buying Atari Classics if there is one special game included on it. That game is Combat. I think it would be very cool with wireless play. Fuck the naysayers ;)

are you serious? Combat? damn that was my favorite Atari game back in the day. I saw there was an update made for the computer but I dunno if it was any good.


Hell yeah i'm serious :) I played the hell out of Combat back in the day. My favorite mode was two player tanks with the bouncing bullet physics.


jarrod said:
For US launch, I'm expecting...
-Caduceus: Emergency Operation
...at least, all seem likely imo.

I was under the impression that this was revealed as a Q1 2005 title.


Meier said:
They're obviously trying to avoid cutting into GBA sales for as long as possible.

Or there is a secret FX chip inside that makes DS games prettier than PSP and they don't want to show thier hand yet!! omg!


Seriously. If the PSP hit this year in Japan, Japanese games will not have much time to know the PSP launch games too.

The DS games needs to show up in september at the latest.

Justin Bailey

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wazoo said:
They will play on the DS. Those are "technically" DS games.
Uh, no. They are "technically" GBA games. You can't call those DS games. Just like you can't call the PSOne version of Madden 2005 a PS2 game.
I won't be saddened if DS doesn't come out this year. Heck, I'd be satisfied by sticking with my SP for the next three years, but I know I'm in the minority there.
Lost Weekend said:
Hell yeah i'm serious :) I played the hell out of Combat back in the day. My favorite mode was two player tanks with the bouncing bullet physics.

YES. That was my favorite too...I loved shooting my brother when he tried to hide behind stuff. awesome news.
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