Mister Apoc
Demigod of Troll Threads

but i feel like an argument for Tom can be made for the simple fact he does all his stunts. He flys helicopters, planes. did the first HALO jump ever as an actor..EVERYTHING
He is definitely a front runner for the Jackie Chan Ironman award. To do real stunts for as long as he has should be recognized. He isn't the greatest actor in the world but most of his films are passable popcorn flicks at least.
He's not a particularly great actor, although he has given some really good performances (Magnolia for one), but his sci-fi action stuff has been pretty good for the most part. He's certainly got a knack for picking films
This is why he is a GOAT. Especially with freeclimbing scenes in past films were all him. The man is a machine.
That video cracked me up, so good!
He was pretty amazing in Born on the 4th of July. It's only his second lead actor nom other than Jerry Maguire but the level of his performance in both of them are leagues apart. Personally I don't think Jerry Maguire stands out that much.
But born on the 4th was really something else. He had no chance of winning though against DDL and Robin Williams for Dead Poets Society.
yeah. In some ways, while his recent films are generally good, he does kind of get away with playing the same character over and over. When he wants to be he's a much better actor than people give him credit for
One of the greats no doubt. Too bad he's fucking bonkers. That doesn't make him any worse of an actor, but it does make it a bit harder to like him.
lmao no. Are you forgetting about arnie, van damme, lundgren, and stallone? Tom Cruise is boring. Shit even Nic Cage is better.
At least Tom Cruise isn't a political agitator/asshole like so many others in Hollywood (unless I've missed something). One of the most 'cringe' & off-putting moments in an actor's off-screen public relations is when they jump aboard some sort of political agenda/pandering (usually to extremists within that party) & spout bullshit whilst labelling millions of people as 'bad'... which is somewhat fcking stupid in an industry in which getting asses in the theatre is the bottom line - no matter their personal views or whatnot.
Scientology might not be everyone's cup of tea, but at least (also, as far as I'm aware) none of its practitioners have killed in its name yet either (contrary to political ideologies & other more mainstream religions). As for Tom Cruise 'the actor', he's been on his A game for a decade now. His films might not always be hugely successful, but he works his ass off & tries to make real entertainment (I personally recommend American Made, i.e. a great movie).
I think he is seriously underated as an action star.
I don’t know what drives him to do all that but wow.
He can also run like Forrest Gump
Also while not the greatest actor ever
He was great in rain man (Hoffman blew him away)
Also if Tom Cruise goes rogue we have Keanu to stop him.
Actually a mock death battle between them would be a great film
Yeah, like a ping pong match.Ok, now I want a movie where Tom and Keanu are enemies and the whole 2 hours are about them clashing in various badass ways.
Yeah, like a ping pong match.
All time still has to go to Stallone or Arnold just for their iconic stuff. Cruise is great, but I don't see his long career of stuff held up on an action film Mount Rushmore like some others.
Come to think of it...I don't think I've EVER seen a bad Cruise film.....
Heh Arnold in Top Gun.No offense to the "big two" but Arnie & Sly always have played generic grunt roles.
They clearly helped to establish iconic movie IPs like Balboa, Rambo, Terminator etc. but all their grounded, realistic movies suck.
That said....
Tom Cruise is his own Balboa or T800. Just give him a backstory, a mission, a gun and you're guaranteed a decent to good movie.
OTH I would never watch films like Collateral, M:I, Jack Reacher or Top Gun starring Sly or Arnie.
No idea if Cruise is the G.O.A.T, but he's in the conversation.
Well... MI 2.... Although I did see it recently and didn't find it too bad. Didn't take it seriously and laughed my ass off.Come to think of it...I don't think I've EVER seen a bad Cruise film.....
Heh Arnold in Top Gun.
You're wrong about Stallone though. Watch Copland, the first Rocky, and First Blood. He's a very underrated actor.
Yep.Agreed, he's Arnie or Dolph.
Didn't Stallone also write the Rocky screenplay?
This is why he is a GOAT. Especially with freeclimbing scenes in past films were all him. The man is a machine.
That video cracked me up, so good!
Well... MI 2.... Although I did see it recently and didn't find it too bad. Didn't take it seriously and laughed my ass off.
This article paints a picture of a guy who kind of will morph a film to fit the "Tom Cruise" genre when he's involved. Like he knows what kind of projects he wants to be involved in and are good for his brand. I think that's a pretty damn fine accomplishment that you've established yourself as such a strong action star that you can literally say "if you want me, here's how I need to be portrayed in your movie" and people will actually bend the knee.Maybe still not greatest action movie star but easily one of the most consistent actors in the history of Hollywood. Cruise knows how to pick his films
He is definitely a front runner for the Jackie Chan Ironman award. To do real stunts for as long as he has should be recognized. He isn't the greatest actor in the world but most of his films are passable popcorn flicks at least.