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Is there free speech on the internet?

Obviously anyone with any sense can recognize that "Free Speech" in a strict traditional sense applies only to the government passing laws that inhibit such speech.

However, ending the analysis there as it relates to "online interactions" is simply making the discussion more simple than it really is. The internet has essentially privatized the "public piazza." For better or worse, we communicate over the internet now and to ignore that is to be deliberately ignoring reality. (There is also a body of case law saying that the government can't collude with private enterprise to get things done which government can't due to limitations).

Having a true oligarchy of companies that can completely control the communication and discourse of a country (who aren't elected), is even worse than the government passing laws affecting free speech.

In the end, its probably more of a monopoly issue rather than a free speech issue, but anyone ANYONE who does not at least recognize the difficulty of the speech in the "communication revolution" and merely states that it only applies to the government, is doing so because they think they are on the right side of private censorship. They are happy that it is not THEIR speech being limited by private individuals....

Further, what is even more disappointing that regardless of the "consequences" thing, society use to value "free speech" more. Instead of just letting things roll, people that say things you don't agree with must be destroyed. Now, obviously there are lines out there where there should be consequences, but now the line has been drawn too close leading to a sterile world where there is still plenty of hate, nothing is fixed, and people can't express themselves. Discussion of even the most terrible of ideas is what ultimately sets us free....not pretending they don't exist. But, its a difficult line to draw overall, but we are nowhere near drawing it properly.
There's some good posts in this thread that bring up some good points, and I would definitely consider this to be one of them.


Perpetually Offended
I suppose it really depends on your definition of "free speech" and what it is you want to say.

Also, from my observations, the majority of people being "cancelled" have either espoused racist/homophobic tweets or actual spoken words on video. Like some of these Karens (which are any color of people... Called that because it's a common name... "Sheniqua" isn't common amongst black girls and women, for example) acting crazy in stores, planes and such when they either don't get their way or are so entitled that they talk down to whomever and treat them like filth (like the gas station chick that got slapped after she slapped someone else).

I acknowledge there's a LOUD contingent that tries to "cancel" people that they simply disagree with and twist their words to make them sound like one of the -ists. Those people are CRAZY and should be cancelled themselves!

Twisting me saying "I don't agree with that" is a FAR CRY from "I hate you and your kind" ... I just wouldn't say that about LGBTQ+ folks. It's not my place to say whether I agree with their actual lives or not. They aren't hurting anyone? Good. I'll buy them a beer if they're decent people, which most are.
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I'm sure you'll find some sweaty little forum to host any nasty little old view you want somewhere. just avoid the ones with jail terms attached.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
The thing people need to grasp is that the idea of institutional capture has moved beyond politics into the realm of economics and pure marketeering.

Take for example Resetera. Yes, its a site which was founded with a very distinctly progressive outlook. You may agree or disagree with that stance as a founding principle, but what needs to be recognized is that has caused it to appeal greatly to a certain sort of audience. To appeal to that community, moderation was drawn from that base, and thus its partisanship has deepened to the point where it became openly hostile to alternative viewpoints.

Now here's the key thing: Having arrived at that state, there's virtually no way that it can ever change. The staff is committed, the audience is committed, to try and change would alienate both. They'd lose traffic, they'd lose income, the whole thing would crash because beyond the specific base they've cultivated, they have no appeal.

This is how capture works. Everything ends up silo'd off such that it appeals only to a certain designated demographic or ideology, and noone top-to-bottom dares stray from that orthodoxy because there is no gain to it.

This is how free speech dies, because despite operating as a forum, a place for opinions to be aired, everything has to fit within certain prescribed parameters out of pure existential fear.

The same thing applies to any organ or outlet that becomes dependent on servicing a particular narrow base. The flavour of the politics, the platform of choice, whatever, becomes a trap.


Gold Member
of course but like in real life don't be surprised to experience consequences if you are an asshole and being hateful/abusive (not implying you are). be respectful and use common sense. if a site attracts certain people who share a similar belief then of course if you go there with an opposing view chances are you'll be removed. visiting websites is a privilege and admins/mods are more than free to restrict your access/interaction. lots of places have issues with mods/admins on power trips but there's also a lot of places where you can share your thoughts and opinions.
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Perpetually Offended
of course but like in real life don't be surprised to experience consequences if you are an asshole and being hateful/abusive (not implying you are). be respectful and use common sense. if a site attracts certain people who share a similar belief then of course if you go there with an opposing view chances are you'll be removed. visiting websites is a privilege and admins/mods are more than free to restrict your access/interaction. lots of places have issues with mods/admins on power trips but there's also a lot of places where you can share your thoughts and opinions.

Taking NeoGAF as an example... You can have your POV but you have to be civil and not needlessly antagonize people. That's why folks get booted for console warring, that's why folks got booted for conspiracy theories supporting Jan 6, that's why folks got booted for their racism (go back to Africa, black people are like dumb Chihuahuas, among other posts), that's why folks got booted for antisemitism... There are hard lines but there's still a lot of latitude here. This forum is great! Just don't be a prick to folks.

Yeah, for the most part we're all anonymous, But I've seen some genuine friendships develop on here. I've seen exchange of ideas on here. I've seen empathy on here. I've seen some amazing examples of what we say humans are about: that we are good and want good for others.


Absolute free-speech? Maybe on 4chan or something. There aren't many places out there; at least not high-traffic places.

Understandable levels of free-speech? Sure, there's tons of them out there.

Before "The Exodus" of GAF, there were a few times when I was nervous about posting, I will admit. Since then, however, I feel like I have pushed quite a few buttons, and not even gotten a warning.
I feel like, as long as you're not advocating for something obviously wrong (murder, rape, etc.), the level of free-speech is acceptable, at least on this site.

The same thing can be said for Reddit. That site has a sub-reddit for damn near everything that has ever existed.

I don't frequent any other sites, but I do occasionally check a few message boards. I feel like a similar level of acceptance is pretty standard across most of them.

I will, of course, mention ERA. I have, thus far, not been worried about any of my posts, but it's definitely a bit over-zealous in some regards. Even innocent questions about legitimate issues can cause a person to be banned.
Once upon a time, many moons ago, I posted something about Joe Rogan - an identical post - on both GAF and ERA. I'm not going to say it was my fault, but it was ironic. The ERA thread was locked within the next few posts, and the GAF thread is probably still open to this day.

I guess my point is that it depends on which types of sites you seek out.
If you want to find over-zealous sites, you can definitely find them.
But if you want to just chill and talk to people with relatively similar interests, it's not that tough to do, as long as you're a reasonable-enough person.

GAF I agree with, Reddit not so much. They have trigger happy mods on lots of subreddits.

I don't know when it happened but words like "free speech", "dictatorship" and "immune system" are being misused constantly.

These and "literally".

Twc306 Please Stop Saying Literally GIF by truTV’s Those Who Can’t

I'm just going by the Oxford definition:

free speech

noun: free speech

the right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint.
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Free speech? Sure. You can say whatever you want. Just like in real life, you can expect consequences and/or repercussions for acting a fool. OP says he gets warned or banned when he expresses himself. Well, if it happens more than one time, then maybe you're just a jerk?

You wouldn't walk around in public, talking to strangers the same way you would in a private conversation with your best friend. That's not how the world has ever worked. And when the internet briefly did work like that, it could be a real shitshow. I think we need look no further than the relative lack of such "free speech" havens. If this was such a high-demand request among the billions of internet denizens, someone would've already found a way to get rich with it. However, no one wants to moderate something like that. The chans must be an absolutely miserable existence for a moderator. How are you going to make money when payment processors don't want to touch your product? Who wants the massive liability taken on by running a comms site for some of the worst people on the internet? Those kinds of places always attract the absolute dregs of internet society, and it's always just a matter of time before some idiot pops off in an attempt to outscumbag the other scumbags, and then you're getting sued, blacklisted, or both.

The internet should be treated like any real public forum. Mind your manners, and be as polite as possible. No one cares about your wild-ass opinions. Save that shit for your circle of friends, because at least you can feel comfortable that they already tolerate your shit.


It used to exist, not anymore. Fringe opinions or rather even unpopular ones are often nuked completely. See the recent situation with the covid vaccines for example, even scientists that have qualms about the vaccination program are frowned upon or ridiculed.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Obviously free speech exists on the internet. Pretty sure you could go write whatever you want in certain parts of the net. But having the right to say something is not the same as the right to say it to a whole bunch of people who don't want to hear it.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Getting banned from a forum or a platform for violating their terms of service is not a free speech violation. You are still free to go to other places online or stand on a street corner and talk about your views. Now if the government kicks in your door and arrests you for speaking out against them or something then THAT would be a free speech violation.

What you are describing is just a website ToS thing not a free speech violation. Read the rules, don't break them, and boom you have nothing to worry about.

TLDR; Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from the consequences of what you said.
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Again people dont realize these companies have been given special legal immunities. Immunities that should apply to platforms not publishers.

And they act in concert from payment processors to hosting to the platforms. Any idea even covering news they dont like and youre deplatformed.

Even banks have started to say they wont serve you if you dont align.

Right now the idea appears to be to put a social credit system were companies are evaluated on woke metrics over 80% of large company ceos have agreed to be measured that way.

At first voluntary later what some are fearing is this woke score will be used to grant credit to a company and to penalize those who invest in nonwoke companies.

It is essentially one agenda one set of ideas and if you oppose the central authority you may not even be able to buy a house or work. Of course theyll promote who they have financed and deplatform those they dont like.

We already are seeing similar with the vaccine mandates. And the large protests against such mandates taking place across the world being ignored by msm and censored across the web.

What people dont understand is that if practically all sources of information become propaganda for a few billionaires, youve practically destroyed democracy as without adequate information the people cannot choose otherwise.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Again people dont realize these companies have been given special legal immunities. Immunities that should apply to platforms not publishers.

And they act in concert from payment processors to hosting to the platforms. Any idea even covering news they dont like and youre deplatformed.

Even banks have started to say they wont serve you if you dont align.

Right now the idea appears to be to put a social credit system were companies are evaluated on woke metrics over 80% of large company ceos have agreed to be measured that way.

At first voluntary later what some are fearing is this woke score will be used to grant credit to a company and to penalize those who invest in nonwoke companies.

It is essentially one agenda one set of ideas and if you oppose the central authority you may not even be able to buy a house or work. Of course theyll promote who they have financed and deplatform those they dont like.

We already are seeing similar with the vaccine mandates. And the large protests against such mandates taking place across the world being ignored by msm and censored across the web.

What people dont understand is that if practically all sources of information become propaganda for a few billionaires, youve practically destroyed democracy as without adequate information the people cannot choose otherwise.
Getting banned from Twitter or a subreddit for breaking their terms of service is not the death of democracy and Free Speech.

You overshot the mark by several hundred thousand miles.
Getting banned from Twitter or a subreddit for breaking their terms of service is not the death of democracy and Free Speech.

You overshot the mark by several hundred thousand miles.
People are often deplatformed from not just one place but from all. Twitter facebook youtube patreon paypal also unless you are very big google also shadowbans you from search results too.

Btw they ban without breaking ToS without strikes warnings or explanations.

All of them act in collaboration with one another, in collusion, and i probably forgot a few. It is simultaneous deplatforming from all the big sites in the web. At the same time they allow calls to violence and misinformation to spread and remain uncensored for long if it aligns with their agenda all with legal immunity.

The social credit is being tested on companies but rumor is individuals are next. And just like the vaccine employment travel loans credit etc may eventually be conditioned on woke score.
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
Getting banned from Twitter or a subreddit for breaking their terms of service is not the death of democracy and Free Speech.

You overshot the mark by several hundred thousand miles.

No, the issue is the use of section 230 to indemnify them from liability on the premise that they offer an open service, when in fact they do curate and editorialize their platforms for more than strictly staying within the legal requirements.

Essentially what it boils down to is social engineering for profit, not public good. It needs addressing and right now, because the algorithms they are employing are toxifying the culture. Thought and discourse is getting balkanized.


Getting banned from a forum or a platform for violating their terms of service is not a free speech violation. You are still free to go to other places online or stand on a street corner and talk about your views. Now if the government kicks in your door and arrests you for speaking out against them or something then THAT would be a free speech violation.

What you are describing is just a website ToS thing not a free speech violation. Read the rules, don't break them, and boom you have nothing to worry about.

TLDR; Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from the consequences of what you said.

I don't break ToS rules, unless certain opinions are listed as against the ToS, which I doubt. Though I'm sure for example the crazies at reeee have a list of allowed opinions in their ToS.


No, the issue is the use of section 230 to indemnify them from liability on the premise that they offer an open service, when in fact they do curate and editorialize their platforms for more than strictly staying within the legal requirements.

Essentially what it boils down to is social engineering for profit, not public good. It needs addressing and right now, because the algorithms they are employing are toxifying the culture. Thought and discourse is getting balkanized.
Depends on the interpretation of the good Samaritan law of section 230 does it not?
Not that I disagree with your premise about manipulation of opinion, I think we need better antitrust laws for the platforms that have their fingers on every pie and want to be the only game in town.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I don't break ToS rules, unless certain opinions are listed as against the ToS, which I doubt. Though I'm sure for example the crazies at reeee have a list of allowed opinions in their ToS.
It's not opinions that break ToS. Its the attitude and language used behind them. Unless its just offensive nonsense or hate speech.


Free Speech does not exist and never has.

Anonymous speech is the best your going to get and it’s on its way out.
It does exist however there is a philosophical difference between the US and Europe:

US: you can legally say wherever you want, the penalty comes not from the law but platform holders e.g. Facebook

Europe: you cannot say legally whatever you want e.g. saying a lie will make you face consequences

People here sometimes forget that not the whole world operates as the US does.


Most of the bigger platform have become very strict and very much on the woke side. So the options are becoming more and more limited.

people can hang with smaller more mature groups, create and grow new communities instead of contributing to the benefit of platforms hostile to their ideals. but they would rather go along to get along. and give up a lot of their convictions in the process.
It's not opinions that break ToS. Its the attitude and language used behind them. Unless its just offensive nonsense or hate speech.
You were banned at ree for saying certain developer games were good or you were gonna buy them, iirc.

Btw if they have politics over there pretty sure its their way or the highway.
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Make a post about how you don't like Biden/Trump/whomever floats your boat. Likely nothing will happen. Maybe some conversations and some angry faces. Unless you post something under the guise of freedom of speech and it is in fact hateful, clearly not based on facts, etc.

Make the same post in China or Russia about their leadership. You will likely disappear.

See the difference?
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Most of the bigger platform have become very strict and very much on the woke side. So the options are becoming more and more limited.


This thread is driving me crazy. I really want to discuss this topic, especially about the bigger social media platforms.

However the irony is that by doing so would mean I'm discussing politics, which is a banned topic on this site!


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
You can create your own web site and do mostly what you want; of course you are bound to some hosts term who might boot you, but chances are they won't, as chances are very few will look at your random web site.

But of course you aren't guaranteed access to any given web site no matter what you say on it. Web site owners have the... freedom, to ban you.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member

This thread is driving me crazy. I really want to discuss this topic, especially about the bigger social media platforms.

However the irony is that by doing so would mean I'm discussing politics, which is a banned topic on this site!
I’m sure it will return as soon as people can disagree politely.

John Bilbo

I don't think there is free speech on the internet. Also in my home country you can get fined expressing opinions on the internet and by the public discussion, being jailed for expressing opinions is not far off the table at the moment.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
I don't think there is free speech on the internet. Also in my home country you can get fined expressing opinions on the internet and by the public discussion, being jailed for expressing opinions is not far off the table at the moment.

In my country you can be jailed for expressing the wrong opinion online, but that's not actually a bad thing.

Very recently, a man was sentenced to 50 days in prison for expressing his opinion online. However, it was racist abuse against the black English players who missed a penalty in the Euros. In this instance, prison time for expressing his hateful opinion was totally justified. I'd even argue that 50 days is a pathetic sentence and the guy should have got at least 10 years, but that's another debate.

I'm actually all for opinions being punishable by prison time if they're considered hateful, so homophobic, transphobic, racist, misogynistic etc. Hopefully that way we'll create a better world to live in.

So, in conclusion, I'm happy there is no free speech online and would like to see free speech eradicated.

Edit - just to elaborate on the last sentence. I don't want to live in some 1984 nightmare, but I do want to see a world where nobody is able to post racist or bigoted shit online without punishment.
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In my country you can be jailed for expressing the wrong opinion online, but that's not actually a bad thing.

Very recently, a man was sentenced to 50 days in prison for expressing his opinion online. However, it was racist abuse against the black English players who missed a penalty in the Euros. In this instance, prison time for expressing his hateful opinion was totally justified. I'd even argue that 50 days is a pathetic sentence and the guy should have got at least 10 years, but that's another debate.

I'm actually all for opinions being punishable by prison time if they're considered hateful, so homophobic, transphobic, racist, misogynistic etc. Hopefully that way we'll create a better world to live in.

So, in conclusion, I'm happy there is no free speech online and would like to see free speech eradicated.

Will Ferrell Anchorman GIF by AOK

John Bilbo

I'm actually all for opinions being punishable by prison time if they're considered hateful, so homophobic, transphobic, racist, misogynistic etc. Hopefully that way we'll create a better world to live in.

So, in conclusion, I'm happy there is no free speech online and would like to see free speech eradicated.
I'd say that is the problem though. Whose opinion should on what is hateful et cetera be paramount? Will the same law be prosecuted and processed the same way by different people within the same culture with differing worldviews?

What if you are jailed for something someone else considers hateful or bigoted or phobic even when you know yourself that the meaning behind your speech is none of those things?


In my country you can be jailed for expressing the wrong opinion online, but that's not actually a bad thing.

Very recently, a man was sentenced to 50 days in prison for expressing his opinion online. However, it was racist abuse against the black English players who missed a penalty in the Euros. In this instance, prison time for expressing his hateful opinion was totally justified. I'd even argue that 50 days is a pathetic sentence and the guy should have got at least 10 years, but that's another debate.

I'm actually all for opinions being punishable by prison time if they're considered hateful, so homophobic, transphobic, racist, misogynistic etc. Hopefully that way we'll create a better world to live in.

So, in conclusion, I'm happy there is no free speech online and would like to see free speech eradicated.
That's disgusting.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
I'd say that is the problem though. Whose opinion should on what is hateful et cetera be paramount? Will the same law be prosecuted and processed the same way by different people within the same culture with differing worldviews?

What if you are jailed for something someone else considers hateful or bigoted or phobic even when you know yourself that the meaning behind your speech is none of those things?

Anything that is homophobic, transphobic, racist misogynistic, xenophobic or just bigoted is hateful in my opinion.

I can only speak for the UK, but we're already going in that direction, and although this seems extreme, it means that hateful pricks won't have a space to spew their filth.

In regards to your last question, it would be the courts who decide if something somebody has posted online/said in person constitutes as a hate crime, which therefore is punishable by law.

I think anyone considering limiting speech should read the George Orwell classics Animal Farm and 1984.

Both are actually two of my favourite books of all time. Highly recommended reads.
I'd say that is the problem though. Whose opinion should on what is hateful et cetera be paramount? Will the same law be prosecuted and processed the same way by different people within the same culture with differing worldviews?

What if you are jailed for something someone else considers hateful or bigoted or phobic even when you know yourself that the meaning behind your speech is none of those things?
Over a given length of time, the ones who will jail you for speech "to protect society" will always use that power to remain in power, and to remove those who are a threat to their power. Even when people intend to do good, once they have the power to silence speech the temptation to benefit from that ability is just too powerful.
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Anything that is homophobic, transphobic, racist misogynistic, xenophobic or just bigoted is hateful in my opinion.

Damn, that's a lot of groups. If I call you ugly, you can call 911?

This topic is about free speech on the internet though, you seem to want to have none in real life even...
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John Bilbo

In regards to your last question, it would be the courts who decide if something somebody has posted online/said in person constitutes as a hate crime, which therefore is punishable by law.
Ok. Not somebody, but you as in you yourself. Would you be ok with some or any of your spoken or written words been deemed hateful, bigoted or phobic no matter what the intention behind your words were and you were fined or jailed?


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Damn, that's a lot of groups. So if you insult someone that's not part of your groups, do you need to go to prison then too in your new world? If I call you ugly, you can call 911?

I know it's different in the US than it is in the UK. For example, in the UK you can get put in prison for posting anything racist online, but from what I understand, that is protected under "free speech" in the US right?

But to answer your question, calling somebody ugly wouldn't be a hate crime, not even the UK. However, being racist is a hate crime and should be punishable by law.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Ok. Not somebody, but you as in you yourself. Would you be ok with some or any of your spoken or written words been deemed hateful, bigoted or phobic no matter what the intention behind your words were and you were fined or jailed?

This is hard to answer, but only because I couldn't see myself getting into that situation.

It also depends on context. In this hypothetical situation, did I say something to purposely cause offensive? If so, then it could possibly be a hate crime and I am therefore likely to be punished.
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