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Israel destroys Palestinian classrooms ahead of first day of school


How come neo-nazis don't care that Trump is an Israel lapdog that licks Netanyahu's balls on a daily basis?
Well the Israeli government is a borderline neo-facist, definitely ethnic-nationalist state, and right-wing/nationalist politics has played a large role in the country since its founding. Hell, at least one of the groups in the 40s fighting for the creation of Israel (believe it was Irgun or an offshoot of Irgun) sought to align with the Nazis at the beginning of the war.

I'm sure many of the true neo Nazis aren't happy with Israel, but I'm also sure plenty of the white nationalist crowd is happy to have a relatively aligned ally to kill the scary brown people with.
I have a hard time imagining anything that might engender life-long resentment in a child that wants to learn and better themselves more than destroying their school. This is how a vicious cycle perpetuates down through generations.


Maybe I don't have to care about the things you care about.

Statistically, I have less than 10 years to live. So, I don't care about a lot of things I cared about 2 years ago.

That's the stupidest believe you can hold. Just because you'll die relatively soon everyone else's problems are irrelevant? This is the reason why global warming deniers exists and why it has become such an increasingly big problem, people don't care so someone else has to suffer for their benefit.


I have a hard time imagining anything that might engender life-long resentment in a child that wants to learn and better themselves than destroying their school. This is how a vicious cycle perpetuates down through generations.

To Israel that's a feature, not a bug.


FUCK the Israeli government! Land-stealing human rights abusers attacking children's education because the people they oppress have the gall to want their kids to learn.

They will do everything to dehumanize them even further. Less educated people means more violence that justifies the shit Israel wants to do.

This is reaching levels of Nazi-Germany Ghettos, only on a larger scale landmass wise. That the Nation that was built due to the shit that whent down back then is comitting these crimes is not even ironic anymore, just fucking absurd, sad and infuriating.

I have a hard time imagining anything that might engender life-long resentment in a child that wants to learn and better themselves more than destroying their school. This is how a vicious cycle perpetuates down through generations.

Until there is a point where Israel has enough "reasons" to just wipe out every trace of them. That's what this is leading to, slowly but steady. Fuck this government and the assholes that elect them so much.
It's unfortunate that in America there is literally no political capital or willpower on either side to seriously and publically condemn Israel.

We were getting close with Obama, he was setting the stepping stones for Clinton to have a far more hardline stance, especially after the how much he and Kerry hated BB and the constant backstabbing and bullshit they pulled.

Too bad that momentum is gone with Trump.
no offense but what's the point in bringing up some irrelevant actress in a thread about a horrible violation of child's rights
How come neo-nazis don't care that Trump is an Israel lapdog that licks Netanyahu's ball on a daily basis?

Because a majority if neo Nazi groups of shed their anti semitism to be more palatable. They are focused on other forms of hatred, mainly Muslims and brown people.

Modern day neo Nazi groups, actually tend to be hardcore Israel supporters. Most anti immigrant hate groups, are Israel defenders and enthusiastic about killing the indigenous Palestinians actually. You tend to see Israel flags at many of the rallies of European hate groups. The Alt right and Israel share a lot in common. Xenophobia. Thirst for killing brown people and stealing their land. Israel themselves are strong believers in racial purity, and exclusive intermarrying.

In fact, the current government of Israel said its more important to maintain close relationships with Trump than call him out for his support of Neo Nazis.


People in the west seem to be okay with Neo Nazis as long as they only attack Muslims. Certainly, there is still an antisemetic strand in parts of the alt right, but just as Israel sees Trump as similar in many ways, the Alt Right sees Israels racist agenda as very similar in many ways.
A bit confused by this bit, was the schools without permission or was their destruction without permission?


Read the third quote:
Over the last two weeks, four Palestinian communities have seen their educational facilities - donated by international bodies and NGOs - destroyed on the grounds that they had been built without proper planning permission.

Basically because they had been put up without the Israeli government's consent, though one imagines the Palestinians had presumed that, with the cabins being donated from organisations including the likes of the EU, they should have been fine. Because surely, they wouldn't be given something that was illegal to have, right?

But Israel doesn't want them having a thing.


Unconfirmed Member
Maybe I don't have to care about the things you care about.

Statistically, I have less than 10 years to live. So, I don't care about a lot of things I cared about 2 years ago.

You don't have to care about anything, let alone the things others care about, but that's not necessarily the point. It's an indictment on your character, that's all I'm saying, which I'm sure you don't care about either, as evidenced by the "less than 10 years to live" statement which suggests it grants you some mental-satisfaction or permission to be an asshole to others.
It's unfortunate that in America there is literally no political capital or willpower on either side to seriously and publically condemn Israel.

We were getting close with Obama, he was setting the stepping stones for Clinton to have a far more hardline stance, especially after the how much he and Kerry hated BB and the constant backstabbing and bullshit they pulled.

Too bad that momentum is gone with Trump.
I think dismantling the lobbying power of AIPAC needs to go hand-in-hand with sorting out Israel-Palestine issues.


I'm not defending it. I just don't care about what Gal Gadot has to say.
You're in both this thread and the Rolling Stone thread going back and forth about the same subject.
You can say you don't care all you want. You clearly do.


Read the third quote:

Basically because they had been put up without the Israeli government's consent, though one imagines the Palestinians had presumed that, with the cabins being donated from organisations including the likes of the EU, they should have been fine. Because surely, they wouldn't be given something that was illegal to have, right?

But Israel doesn't want them having a thing.

Ah, now I see.

And yeah, like others have said, Israel complaining about things being built "without permission" is a bit fucking rich coming from them.


Israel destroying things because they were "built without permission."

That's rich.
But you see, it is their right to "settle" wherever god has planned for them. Oh, there's already homes with brown people in them here? Better literally bulldoze over them and attack them with soldiers. God wanted it this way. Clearly.


I like how they waited until a day before it began. Going for maximum surprise and humiliation. The Apartheid regime in South Africa would have been proud.


Read the third quote:

Basically because they had been put up without the Israeli government's consent, though one imagines the Palestinians had presumed that, with the cabins being donated from organisations including the likes of the EU, they should have been fine. Because surely, they wouldn't be given something that was illegal to have, right?

But Israel doesn't want them having a thing.

Israel doesn't want them there. It wants them to fuck off so they can have the land and it will keep going until there is nothing left of the West Bank and Gaza.


Jesus, how shameless and downright criminal can you fucking be as a government?

And the fucked up thing is, there are no good guys in this conflict it seems. Only two extremist parties, with a lot of innocent victims in between.
We literally had people wishing cancer on firefighters in another thread, seems to be a popular insult around these parts

I get the impression here that Goofalo is dying of cancer and wishes other people would understand his perspective, and why he feels like he doesn't have the time to worry about such things. The mechanism for that shouldn't be wishing that other people get cancer, though.


For the longest time I had avoided the topic of Palestine and Israel because I simply didn't understand the topic and I felt that getting info from my family wouldn't be the right approach as they are far too bias as they have a disliking of Jewish, which I felt was unfounded and unfair.

But now after reading that article I feel like that I have a bit more understanding of the whole situation and I am disgusted by Israel approach in destroying classroom basically denying Palestinian their right to a free education.


From one of the NGO's, Norwegian Refugee Council: Israel demolishes Palestinian schools days before reopening
The Israeli authorities dismantled and confiscated solar panels—the only source of power—at primary school in Abu Nuwar, in August 2017. The school was also attacked twice last year when parts of it were demolished and equipment confiscated. Third grade students there take their classes in the local barbershop as the community has been prevented from building basic education facilities.

Photo: NRC
Three educational facilities for Palestinian children in the West Bank, occupied Palestine, have been demolished or damaged by Israeli authorities in less than two weeks, just when children were meant to return to school from summer holidays.
The facilities demolished include the only kindergarten for the Jabal Al Baba Bedouin community, which was destroyed in the early hours of 21 August, and a primary school in Jubbet Al Dhib that was demolished on the night of 22 August. The Israeli authorities also dismantled and confiscated solar panels—the only source of power—at primary school in Abu Nuwar. The school was also attacked twice last year when parts of it were demolished and equipment confiscated. Third grade students there take their classes in the local barbershop as the community has been prevented from building basic education facilities.

NRC Policy Manager Itay Epshtain, who visited Jubbet Al Dhib this morning, said: ”It was heart breaking to see children and their teachers turning up for their first day of school under the blazing sun, with no classrooms or anywhere to seek shelter in, while in the immediate vicinity the work to expand illegal settlements goes on uninterrupted."

The latest spate of school demolitions and confiscations in the West Bank forms part of a wider attack on education in Palestine. Right now, some 55 schools in the West Bank are threatened with demolition and "stop-work" orders by Israeli authorities. Many of these schools are donor-funded, including by EU member states. Israel denies the majority of Palestinian planning permit requests in Area C, thereby leaving Palestinians with no option but to reconstruct and develop without permits, while Israeli settlements -established in violation of international law - continue to expand.

In the first three months of this year there were 24 cases of direct attacks against schools, including incidents where tear gas canisters and sound bombs were fired at students on their way to or from school. Last year, four communities' educational facilities were demolished or confiscated and 256 education-related violations were documented in the West Bank, affecting over 29,000 students.

”Just when they were due to return to the classroom, Palestinian children are discovering that their schools are being destroyed," said the Norwegian Refugee Council's Country Director for Palestine, Hanibal Abiy Worku. ”What threat do these schools pose to the Israeli authorities? What are they planning to achieve by denying thousands of children their fundamental right to education?"

Threats Palestinian children face on a daily basis include violence and harassment from settlers and Israeli soldiers, military activity inside or next to schools, delays crossing checkpoints, and the arrest of children from their classrooms.

Since 2011, the Israeli government has also threatened to withhold permits and funding to schools that are not implementing Israeli curriculums in which references to Palestinian identity and culture, the occupation, Israeli settlements and other aspects of Palestinian history were removed.

"We call on the governments and donors funding Palestinian children's education to exercise all of their influence to prevent this violation in all its forms," Abiy Worku said. ”The destruction of educational structures funded by European money is not just a violation of international law. It is also a slap in the face to the international community providing aid to the occupied Palestinian population in a bid to ensure safe places of learning for children."
I get the impression here that Goofalo is dying of cancer and wishes other people would understand his perspective, and why he feels like he doesn't have the time to worry about such things. The mechanism for that shouldn't be wishing that other people get cancer, though.

If his stance is "I don't care since I'm dying" why was he in this thread? He doesn't need to convince others of not caring, he can just avoid the thread. I wish him the best and all, but that behaviour is really not needed.


I get the impression here that Goofalo is dying of cancer and wishes other people would understand his perspective, and why he feels like he doesn't have the time to worry about such things. The mechanism for that shouldn't be wishing that other people get cancer, though.

Yeah, dude sounds like he has major issues and getting banned is probably for the best. Hopefully he takes the time to sort shit out in real life.


You know who else destroyed schools for an oppressed demographic due to shoddy reasoning....

Countless despots, throughout all of human history, when they needed an anti-Semitic scapegoat.


Because of no permit?

The Jewish people built a mechitza at the temple wall in 1929 without permission. That lead to bloodshed and riots. They themselves are not against building without permits. But how tough can it be to get a building permit today?

Only 7% of Jerusalem Building Permits Go to Palestinian Neighborhoods.

Even if they can build their homes legally, they must pay very large sums in levies and taxes, sums that in Jewish Jerusalem are shared by the state, the contractor and the home buyer, who can also get a mortgage. “Many people apply for building permits but can’t get them because when it comes to the levy stage it’s millions,” says attorney Sami Arshid, an expert in planning and construction in East Jerusalem. “In the Jewish sector the levies are paid by the state or the contractors, who then roll them over to [many] buyers, while the Arabs are building for themselves. Just last week I had a family from Jabal Mukkaber [near East Talpiot] who built seven housing units and were charged a betterment levy of 960,000 shekels [$249,000] and another 300,000 shekels [$78,000] as a road levy. People just give up,” he said. This is another reason that few people in East Jerusalem can get a building permit and end up threatened with criminal proceedings because they build illegally.

Even when it was finally approved, however, it provided little relief for the residents. Rattab Matar, a resident of the neighborhood, explained that since 2005 he has been trying unsuccessfully to get a building permit; in 2009, the District Planning Commission didn’t want to approve a plan just for him and his one-dunam plot. “The neighbors don’t want to build, so they turned me down,” he said. In the end, he was forced to start construction without the permit, and received a demolition order before he finished. Now he is fighting the order in court. “To date I’ve spent 100,000 shekels and now with the demolition another 100,000, and I’ve got nothing to show for it,” he said.

“If anyone thinks the Palestinians’ frustration and rage are the result of incitement alone, the numbers and facts on the ground show otherwise,” said Wharton, the city councilor. “There’s no doubt that there’s incitement, but it’s planted deep in the fertile ground of discrimination. The policy of the city administration and its head is to block not just any movement of Palestinians but also their ability to build and live normal lives. Two cities have been created here, one for Israelis, in which there is investment, and one for Palestinians who are strangulated

So they:
1. Only rarely grant Arabs permits.
2. They stall those permits for years regardless.
3. Don't forward them through the process after granting them.
4. Make Arab builders pay huge taxes and levies that Jewish builders don't have to pay.
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