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Israel destroys Palestinian classrooms ahead of first day of school


Unconfirmed Member
You know who else destroyed schools for an oppressed demographic due to shoddy reasoning....

Countless despots, throughout all of human history, when they needed an anti-Semitic scapegoat.

The Israeli government doesn't get irony.

They've repeated the mantra of "realpolitick" so many times they've essentially lost their moral compass.


Fuck Isreal. It's ridiculous that they're able to do so much reprehensible shit and get away with it shit they are able to get away with it because they're friends with the Americans.

I have no respect for anyone who defends scum like then just because it's their "right" to own that piece of land.
They can do whatever they want because they know the US no matter who is in the white house or who controls Congress it will always been over backwards to protect them from repercussions.


Senseless, apathetic bastards. I've gone from disliking Israeli politics and government actions to outright loathing them.

They are literally acting maliciously to men, women and children with no regard for their condition. Watch them spin this into a defensive action.

'Without permission' .. the fucking cheek of this statement.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Israel why you so evil.

we need to get all the palestanians out of there and build them a state in some remote canadian province or wyoming or something.


But saying that is anti-Semitic or some shit

No it's not. Saying Israel is disgusting is anti-semitic, because it contains all the people that are NOT ok with this shit. The Israeli government is a disgusting pile of evil, and it's absolutely right to call it out for the atrocities it commits.

But using "Israel" without a denominator is fucked up. Like telling people here the U.S. is a country full of neo fascists because you elected Trump.

The government is not representative of all people, and yes, I know I'm now going full #notalljews, because that's right.
No it's not. Saying Israel is disgusting is anti-semitic, because it contains all the people that are NOT ok with this shit. The Israeli government is a disgusting pile of evil, and it's absolutely right to call it out for the atrocities it commits.

But using "Israel" without a denominator is fucked up. Like telling people here the U.S. is a country full of neo fascists because you elected Trump.

The government is not representative of all people, and yes, I know I'm now going full #notalljews, because that's right.

It was okay to say that South Africa during Apartheid was disgusting, is okay to say the same thing about Israel now.


No it's not. Saying Israel is disgusting is anti-semitic, because it contains all the people that are NOT ok with this shit. The Israeli government is a disgusting pile of evil, and it's absolutely right to call it out for the atrocities it commits.

But using "Israel" without a denominator is fucked up. Like telling people here the U.S. is a country full of neo fascists because you elected Trump.

The government is not representative of all people, and yes, I know I'm now going full #notalljews, because that's right.

Charlottesville proved to me that my country IS full of neo fascists.


No it's not. Saying Israel is disgusting is anti-semitic, because it contains all the people that are NOT ok with this shit. The Israeli government is a disgusting pile of evil, and it's absolutely right to call it out for the atrocities it commits.

But using "Israel" without a denominator is fucked up. Like telling people here the U.S. is a country full of neo fascists because you elected Trump.

The government is not representative of all people, and yes, I know I'm now going full #notalljews, because that's right.

That comment was in jest. People conflate anti-zionism with anti-semitism is my point.


Israel why you so evil.

we need to get all the palestanians out of there and build them a state in some remote canadian province or wyoming or something.

relocating native people out of a colonized nation and placing them in some remote barren wasteland definitely doesn't have bad historical precedents!


Palestinians aren't even given basic human rights. This is nothing compared to the shit Israel has done to them.
Did you know that the government of Israel mentioned that siding with Trump is more important than condemning their neo-nazi movements

Calling out their terrorist state has nothing to do with antisemitism


No it's not. Saying Israel is disgusting is anti-semitic, because it contains all the people that are NOT ok with this shit. The Israeli government is a disgusting pile of evil, and it's absolutely right to call it out for the atrocities it commits.

But using "Israel" without a denominator is fucked up. Like telling people here the U.S. is a country full of neo fascists because you elected Trump.

The government is not representative of all people, and yes, I know I'm now going full #notalljews, because that's right.

Don't be paranoid, you know damn well people are meaning the government and not some random Israeli working somewhere in a hotel. Calm down.

Ploid 3.0

That should be a war crime. Why destroy schools for kids? Waiting until close to the first day so they don't have another spot planned to go to as well? What the heck man?


Man Israel is just evil at times. Like what the fuck? That's something I expect to read North Korea doing not one of our "allies".

I seriously don't know how to react to news like this but to scream in anger and frustration!!

It's fucked up but I have a close friend who was born and raised in Tel Aviv, but moved to NA about 10-11 years ago.

Is very conservative, more of a political Hebrew than a religious one... Numerous times I've shaken my head at his pro Israeli government comments in this (conflict) matter.

But have bitten my tongue to not get into heated political debate with him...

I feel like these days I need to confront him about shit like this, and love to hear how he can justify it all.
Netanyahu only won reelection after giving a racist speech that pretty much promised there would never be Palestinian autonomy. That is what it took for him to win, the polls had him losing before this.

Israeli society is brainwashed beyond belief. They have gone to the extreme far right, it's very sad.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
In the first three months of this year there were 24 cases of direct attacks against schools, including incidents where tear gas canisters and sound bombs were fired at students on their way to or from school. Last year, four communities’ educational facilities were demolished or confiscated and 256 education-related violations were documented in the West Bank, affecting over 29,000 students.

The fuck.
Not the best gif to share here, I'm sure she approves.
Dumb and counterproductive. This will just create more uneducated people with an axe to grind against israel. Round and round we go.

That's what they want. They don't consider a truce and a two-state solution to be a victory for them. So keep pushing them to retaliate in desperate acts of war, cause they have the upper hand there and can use it as an excuse to do whatever the fuck they want, like bomb schools, to keep the cycle going until true total victory. (Hey we're just defending ourselves! No war crimes here! Wink wink!)
I almost feel like we're on a countdown to the deranged Zionists in Israel's government implementing forced sterilization of Palestinians.


destroyed on grounds they have been built without permission

How ironic. My step family are from the USSR but moved to Israel 20 years ago, they support all this shit crying that they're under constant threat from every country around them. :/
Can't imagine what kind of thoughts you'd create in a kid's mind with that garbage..

Generations of uneducated, ill, PTSD-ridden kids who hate you with a passion.

It's perfect, they will inevitably try some shit because the world only notices events in the region when the Palestinians are violent.

It gives Israel another opportunity to point and go "See, they're animals who hate us. We're going to have to bomb the shit out of them again" and pretend that they're the nation that's under threat.

They took down schools.

Even at WAR there are things you don't do, and this is one of them. I hope that whoever authorized this has it weighing on their conscience so much that they're never able to find peace through it.


Fox? There's a bipartisan consensus that this is totally acceptable.
Exactly. The US government supports this shit on all sides. Our weak ass rebukes, rare as they are, get completely ignored as we continue to dump money into their sorry apartheid loving asses.

Mr Git

That should be a war crime. Why destroy schools for kids? Waiting until close to the first day so they don't have another spot planned to go to as well? What the heck man?

Considering they've never been pulled up for other war crimes and human rights abuses I'm fairly certain nothing will come of this either.
Attacking classrooms to deny future generations an education is pretty much low and makes it really easy to generate a bad world image in younger generations.


Exactly. The US government supports this shit on all sides. Our weak ass rebukes, rare as they are, get completely ignored as we continue to dump money into their sorry apartheid loving asses.
Most Americans support it because they don't understand the situation.

They don't see a people kept in perpetual occupation without any rights. I think most people think that Israel wants peace but the Palestinians don't and Israel has no choice but to keep fighting them. To them it is framed as free ally versus bad terrorists.

Then again after 2016 maybe I am giving Americans too much credit and maybe a lot of us are just shitty assholes.


I almost feel like we're on a countdown to the deranged Zionists in Israel's government implementing forced sterilization of Palestinians.

I'll just leave this here ...

Israel Forcibly Injected African Immigrants with Birth Control, Report Claims

Some 130,000 Ethiopians, most of them Jewish, live in Israel. The community experiences higher poverty and unemployment rates than the rest of the country's Jewish population. In the past decade, the birth rate among Ethiopian-Israelis has declined by at least 20 percent. Advocacy groups now claim this decline is the result of a birth control regimen forced upon Ethiopian immigrant women.

According to an article in Haaretz, an Israeli news source, one Ethiopian immigrant said that the doctors who injected her claimed that “people who frequently give birth suffer.” While it is possible, if highly unlikely, that doctors genuinely had the women’s health in mind when they forcibly injected them with contraceptives, there is no excuse for depriving women sovereignty over their own reproductive choices.

Israel has acknowledged the issue (without admitting any wrongdoing) and has vowed institutional changes in healthcare for immigrants. By decree of Israel’s health minister, gynecologists have been ordered "not to renew prescriptions for Depo-Provera for women of Ethiopian origin if for any reason there is concern that they might not understand the ramifications of the treatment.” Still, intense scrutiny should be applied by women’s groups and international organizations to make sure these changes are implemented in full. Moreover, more attention must be paid to the plight of vulnerable African immigrants around the world.




CAREFUL the left has a serious anti-semitism problem. DOES THIS THREAD NOT PROVE IT?!

yikes this is some heinous inhumane shit.

Yeah, we've had two recent threads claiming that there's rampant antisemitism on the left. I'll link to this the next time I see one of those.
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