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Israeli demolition of Palestinian homes in Jerusalem and West Bank highest in 5 years

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The Israeli government is just using religion to get away with anything they want.
Nothing will change as the US government is just as evil for supporting them.
I actually don't believe Israel should be a Jewish state just like I don't believe there should be a catholic state or a protestant state or a buddhist state. Any state that has the dominant religion enshrined in law is inevitably going to discriminate and become aggressive against those they percieve as a threat as Israel is doing to the palestinians. Its disgusting really. The palestinians just want whats rightfully theirs.
Could be mistaken, but I believe the ultra orthodox do not want a state either. They really think God wants them to remain state-less.
He could just mean that they should stop their expansion, or that they should stop their occupation?

He clearly states any.

While I do appease to the fact that Israel's actions to Palestinians is completely unacceptable, the foundation of Israel and it's status as a Jewish state is integral, just as I'd agree to any other major [extremely persecuted] ethnoreligious group having the right to autonomy (as long as it doesn't intrude on the rights of others as we're seeing now).
He clearly states any.

While I do appease to the fact that Israel's actions to Palestinians is completely unacceptable, the foundation of Israel and it's status as a Jewish state is integral, just as I'd agree to any other major [extremely persecuted] ethnoreligious group having the right to autonomy (as long as it doesn't intrude on the rights of others as we're seeing now).

I state that the Jews have no legitimate right to any land in the world.

God promising them a land is not a legitimate case in my eyes.

I'm all for a homeland though, but never at the cost of another people as we are seeing now.


A counter-point to what? not all arabs/paestinians hate israel/jews, but the ones who are in power do, and eventually that's what matters.
Actually there is an official war in Israel right now though i couldnt find the source in english:
אף שהנסיבות ששררו בישראל ב-1948 השתנו, ההכרזה על מצב חירום לא בוטלה עד היום.
rough translation: An emergency state was declared on 1948 [when the war started] and wasn't cancelled to this day.
So officially israel is still in a state of war since 1948.
About the second lebanon war, it wasn't planned in advance. I served in the northern front command at the time (at 18 all israelis are drafted for 3 years). It started as a small operation to rescue the kidnapped soldiers and evolved/escalated into a war.
I don't agree about "illegally", I guess no war is legal, but 181 was proposed, refused, and then a war started. Obviously families and people in general were killed on both sides, and both sides hate each other for that.
I am aware that the palestinians are hostile towards israelis and vice versa, and both have their reasons. This isn't helping anyone.

It certainly was planned well in advance.
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