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Issues with Left trigger on GC controller.



picture provided by nintendo of australia

Am I the only person who ends up with a cramped left index finger after using it?

I usually experience it when I'm playing any game the heavily requires the use of the L-trigger. (Metroid Prime, Metal gear TTS)

how do I solve this problem? bigger controller or different layout?


I end up getting cramps from both shoulder buttons because of the 'double click'. Originally I thought it was a novel idea, but now I see that it just causes more stress to my fingers. :p


Do you press the button with the tip of your finger? A combo of using the middle of the index finger and lowering where the palm is rested on the shoulder of the pad helps me when I feel a twinge.


cja said:
Do you press the button with the tip of your finger? A combo of using the middle of the index finger and lowering where the palm is rested on the shoulder of the pad helps me when I feel a twinge.

I just did a test, and realized I use the tip of my finger. But I also tried using the middle of my index finger, and it felt a bit uncomfortable too...but it's hard to say without actually playing a game for a longer period of time.


Nice diagram neptunes :) I don't see the need to bend the finger that much. Lowering where the palm of the hand is rested on the left shoulder should give you more finger space and allow you to straighten it out. My left hand is quite a bit lower on the pad than my right, it also helps when needing to use the d-pad. The tip of my left index finger can't touch the middle-top of the controller the way I position the left hand.

It is still a bit of a problem and I don't have particularly large hands either.

I just did a test, and realized I use the tip of my finger. But I also tried using the middle of my index finger, and it felt a bit uncomfortable too...but it's hard to say without actually playing a game for a longer period of time.
Just put the GC 'troller in my hands and realised I contact with the base of last joint rather than in-between the two.


insert blank space here
I rest my index finger on it, rather than bending it (or cocking it as whoever wrote the Catwoman script would probably put it) and pushing the button with my finger tip and I have no problems at all :) .
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