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It’s way past time for the corporate bootlicking to stop


Joke is on you, I play DOA on PC where I haven’t spent a dime on DLC because mods allow me to unlock every single outfit for free. Try this line on someone else not me :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Don't care about your excessive use of nude mods. Fact is there's more than 7K worth of official costume DLC. The fact you also took a joke as seriously means you fit the crime 😎
Don't care about your excessive use of nude mods. Fact is there's more than 7K worth of official costume DLC. The fact you also took a joke as seriously means you fit the crime 😎
I'm not talking about nude mods buddy but the fact you think I'm taking you seriously when I already have an emoji in my post is hilarious :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Some of the responses in this thread are a doozy.

Consumers did the right thing which led to a corporation doing the right thing and some of you are still going in defense of the bone headed corporate decision?

Confused Look To God GIF by Steve Harvey TV
Well, afterall Corporations uber alles.


This is where I stand as well. I’m tired of the meltdowns and weekly controversies. Maybe I’m old but I miss the 80s and 90s when we simply just played games and didn’t have Twitter meltdowns, review-bombing, and petitions.

I vote with my wallet. If a game manufacturer or developer is doing some bullshit I don’t like I skip their product and keep it moving. I’m not going to tweet about it, I’ll just skip their product and never bother with them again.

I miss those days too, but it's because gaming wasn't filled with the amount of bullshit we see today (monetization, broken games, extra sign-ins, etc.). I've personally not had to deal with a lot of that due to a long-standing boycott of three key companies, but even though we vote with our wallets - there are many people who don't or simply don't find the problems to be severe. That's why I'm okay with people making a fuss. There's nothing wrong with pushing back against these corporations and standing up for consumer rights.


Sony bootlickers: “We’ll defend anything Sony does! No one can sink lower than us to defend our beloved corporation!”

Xbox bootlickers: “Hold my entire crate of beer, you fucking amateur”.
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