If I didn't know this was a remake of some French movie, I'd swear on my iPod that this is what happened to the Crazy Taxi movie license I read about a few years ago.
I usually like movies of that nature (Rushmore, Eternal Sunshine, etc), but the trailer probably presented a movie that looked like it was being different just in an effort to seem original. It's difficult to explain, but everything from the British music to parts of the trailer just felt "done", whereas the trailer for Steve Zizzoo or however you spell it actually felt like an original movie.
If I didn't know this was a remake of some French movie, I'd swear on my iPod that this is what happened to the Crazy Taxi movie license I read about a few years ago.
I thought it was the Crazy Taxi movie too. Seemed like the only possible plot I could think of that the videogame could become. In fact, for Crazy Taxi 4, they could have you pick up a cop and chase people ala that Tokyo Police game.
I watched the US movie's trailer again... most of the chase scenes in the taxi are filmed with street footage shot on a screen.... that is lame... But seriously, Gisele is fuckin hawt.
I don't want GA to turn into a sausage fest. This my way of balancing GA.