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IT Sets Box Office Record - Highest Previews for R-Rated film (heading for $100m OW)


Jaws is considered horror? I always just considered it a thriller
Technically it has many elements of horror from real life horror (being eaten alive by a shark is definately something everyone considers horrible fate) to horror tropes (violent death, use of blood/gore, jump scares) however as the film progresses (Quint's death aside which is a horror film death if ever their was one) it becomes more of a tense hunt thriller and overall it feels more like a thriller but there's enough horror content to make a case for Jaws being in that genre - same with The Sixth Sense.

TBH these days I'm mostly anti the idea of genre - it's just a way of trying to classify material that often combines themes and styles that are seen as belonging to a genre.

I guess libraries and mass market like the idea still but personally I think if you like films point blank (or novels) the idea of genres becomes merely a filing system and an imperfect one at that.


Surprised it's going so high but it being huge was predictable enough.

Leaves me wondering why Kingsman 2 didn't snatch August 🤷🏻*
Jaws also has a critical, key feature of a lot of horror films - the dread that something is there and after you, too close for comfort. Alien, Halloween and It are the same. Thats probably why i would say its a horror film


I don't know that its horror at all though.

Its supernatural, yeah.

I dunno. Genre is weird.

I feel like that Shyamalan definitely wanted to make sure that the scary scenes were genuinely scary in the way that a horror film would do them, so stuff like the tent scene with the vomiting ghost really does come out of a straightforward application. You're right that genre can be really weird to deal with at times, but I think this particular film has the proper bonafides to be considered a proper horror film, even with interpersonal drama being at the forefront.
Just got back, absolutely loved it. Kids were great, writing was really good and very funny at times too. I also really loved pennywise, more horror than Tim curry but still had some personality and was genuinely terrifying at times.
in the basement with Billy and georgie was pretty horrible

Good on them. Plan to check it out before the end of sept.


Super Sleuth
The father says comments like "are you still my little girl" and creeply puts his hands on her but there is no sexual scene if that's what you're asking.

Thanks, i just am fairly sensitive to that sort of thing portrayed in media so i wanted to know what to expect.


Congrats, I've been super interested in this since the first trailer. Looks like critics are loving it too.

Hurry up MoviePass


Can't wait to see this. The trailer won me over. Now to just get some friends that like horror flicks. Hate going alone!
The father says comments like "are you still my little girl" and creeply puts his hands on her but there is no sexual scene if that's what you're asking.
there is a scene where it seems clear he is about to rape her, it doesn't happen but it's pretty grim stuff


Ahhh...I didn't read the entire BO thread.

I assumed that Ghal was talking about your prediction in the OP to this thread.

I selected the bits in the OP because the Deadline excerpt provides the Thursday figure, while kswis' table contextualizes it around what it likely means for the entire weekend.

Nearly all of us in the prediction thread blew it. I guessed $77m based on tracking of $60-70m, while simultaneously predicting it would break out. Like Bobby I lacked the courage of my convictions.


Signs pre-release were pointing that this would be a big success, I'm just not sure how tbh! xD
Even my gf who rarely goes to the cinema and doesn't like horror wants to see this =/

Nothing about this movie seemed interesting personally, but the great word of mouth will now get me to see it this weekend too like many others I imagine.
Signs pre-release were pointing that this would be a big success, I'm just not sure how tbh! xD
Even my gf who rarely goes to the cinema and doesn't like horror wants to see this =/

Nothing about this movie seemed interesting personally, but the great word of mouth will now get me to see it this weekend too like many others I imagine.
Have you read the book, or at least familiar with the story? Or are the trailers your first introduction to It?
Nice! I had a feeling it was going to do well, but not that well. Planning on checking it out within the next week or so, it should be fun.
What that's a real thing in the book?!

Yes it happened in the book and it was super weird. The orgy was basically done to calm & unify the group. I think even Stephen King regrets writing that part. Minus that part the Book is a great read.
Edit:Oh beaten


Myself and plenty of others have already suspected this movie doing huge numbers. I've said it before, but I haven't so much hype toward a horror movie since 2002 The Ring.


Just came back from watching it, the production values are through the roof! Fun scares too. Cinema was packed for a 10pm showing.

Love love LOVE the Stand By Me / Stranger things / 80s vibe. Not a smug, psuedo intellectual kid with an iPhone in sight.
Kids being kids
, loved that aspect it.
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