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It'd be neat for all we GAFers to make a game


You know, if we all put anything personal aside, and put all our thoughts and ideas into a game, working as a team, I'm sure we could all make one hell of a game. Especially with the programmers and artists we have here, too.

It'd be the perfect game. So what do you guys think it'd be? An RPG? FPS? Adventure? Platformer? Action-RPG? Satirical-RPG, Bard's Tale style, hell, even a puzzle game?

My idea would probably be something along the lines of a Metroid-Halo hybrid, but even though the Metroid controls are nice for that particular game, this game'd use the normal Halo-TimeSplitters-esque control scheme. The story would be pretty huge (I actually have an idea, but it'd be too drawn out, and I'd consider this not "my" thread, per se, but GAF's thread), and pretty epic as well, with a few plots twists here and there, a hero, a heroine, love, tragedy, etc. It'd have the subtle environments of Metroid, yet they'd be huge like Halo's.

Goddamn, there'd be a million ideas. But this game would huge, expansive and vast...it'd be so great, people would get lost but fucking love the shit.


It'd never get off the ground, there would be way too much bitching and arguing about tiny aspects of the game

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Well if I can play as a Troll who quotes sales figures and is on a quest to doom the gamecube then count me in!

The game would never go ahead because of disagreement on the Box Art!
The game would have to include vehicles such as the Rotflcopter, and a bananna sidekick with three power-ups depending on what color he is. Oh, and whatever the hell that purple, crying thing is. That could be a boss.


We'll base it off Pete & Pete's 'Halloweenie' and call it CATALYST: I'M NEVER TOO OLD FOR HALLOWEEN.

It will play like Paperboy, only your task is to avoid the various glares of the many, many residents of your neighborhoods telling you that you're fucking too old for that shit.

Bonus points for the quizzes we give on if a person is either a conservative or a liberal!



demi said:
We'll base it off Pete & Pete's 'Halloweenie' and call it CATALYST: I'M NEVER TOO OLD FOR HALLOWEEN.

It will play like Paperboy, only your task is to avoid the various glares of the many, many residents of your neighborhoods telling you that you're fucking too old for that shit.

Bonus points for the quizzes we give on if a person is either a conservative or a liberal!

Whoa, love taps, man, love taps. Take it easy.


Unconfirmed Member
Catalyst said:
You know, if we all put anything personal aside, and put all our thoughts and ideas into a game, working as a team, I'm sure we could all make one hell of a game. Especially with the programmers and artists we have here, too.

It'd be the perfect game. So what do you guys think it'd be? An RPG? FPS? Adventure? Platformer? Action-RPG? Satirical-RPG, Bard's Tale style, hell, even a puzzle game?

My idea would probably be something along the lines of a Metroid-Halo hybrid, but even though the Metroid controls are nice for that particular game, this game'd use the normal Halo-TimeSplitters-esque control scheme. The story would be pretty huge (I actually have an idea, but it'd be too drawn out, and I'd consider this not "my" thread, per se, but GAF's thread), and pretty epic as well, with a few plots twists here and there, a hero, a heroine, love, tragedy, etc. It'd have the subtle environments of Metroid, yet they'd be huge like Halo's.

Goddamn, there'd be a million ideas. But this game would huge, expansive and vast...it'd be so great, people would get lost but fucking love the shit.



I fucking love it here.
Worst idea ever expressed on this forum! So many people know dick about what makes a good game, let alone how to execute it.


it would be produced by drinky and wind up being just as stupid, condescending and masturbatory as xenogears.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
iapetus said:
Absolutely. So who's going to volunteer to be the coder for the PS2 version?


2-3 coders are enough: since people do not live even close to each other synchronization and division of work succesfully is very tough (I know my code best: should I be a project leader subdividing tasks or keep coding ? If I do not weant to be the project leader then would I be the Senior programmer and what would that mean even ?): oh TEH NO, why are you using release 00012 if I upgraded to pre-alpha000014 the camera code and instead you updated to beta300010 the renderer which was not supposed to be upgraded yet (just an example)...

Being realist: do we have the discipline to dedicate a certain amount of weekly time to it (do we all have the time ?) ?


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Another thing: as soon as people hear that they are not getting paid. Most of the people (except some nice guys and gals) would fly away.


force push the doodoo rock
if you need a designer i already have a game concept\system\first level design thought up :p


GAF's Pleasant Genius
sp0rsk said:
if you need a designer i already have a game concept\system\first level design thought up :p

Uhmmm..... first level ?

How evolved is it as design ?

I'll PM: check it ;).

Edit: I can say if I like it or not, but the problem is not me on the programming side (well, unless you want features in the game concept that I do not provide yet and I do not plan to provide), the problem is getting the design very very fleshed out in detail so that artists could get to work: what they hate the most is not knowing how the art should look like, the kind of characters they have to design and have specifications, settings and story change over and over.


Hey Pana. Seriously :p I need to 'finish' uni first... but I'll be done on the 15th of this month.

After that, I'll start working on the stuff we were talking about. :eek:




I reserved Halo 2 today.

And...making a game require an office. No, not to be mixed with orifice. It'd be like a regular company. We'd all have our little cubicles and the little playroom like BUNGIE, guyzzzz!111 DUDez man would wud b sweat!1


Junior Member
iapetus said:
Absolutely. So who's going to volunteer to be the coder for the PS2 version?


We're not going to announce the PS2-version until a year after we've announced the GC-exclusive version.



Tag of Excellence
Ignoring the fact that this would never work, isn't there quite a few CG artists here? I'm specialized in key framing and modelling (texuturing I'm rather decent) so I can take up that part. I'm also quite skilled in Maya and Max amoung other things. Considering all the senior projects I've worked on and my current onslaught of freelance I'm also quite used to translating other people's art and, not to sound egotistical, I'm pretty damn good at it. Unfortunately I'm VERY NEW at the whole business so I'm sure there are tons of more skilled professionals than I am. I wouldn't mind offering my services anyways since I've got time to kill until my classes start again in January.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Zaptruder said:
Hey Pana. Seriously :p I need to 'finish' uni first... but I'll be done on the 15th of this month.

After that, I'll start working on the stuff we were talking about. :eek:

Good, good :).


GAF's Pleasant Genius
TekunoRobby said:
Ignoring the fact that this would never work, isn't there quite a few CG artists here? I'm specialized in key framing and modelling so I can take up that part. I'm also quite competant in Maya and Max.

Modelling... interesting... well, Zaptruder is the "Senior artist and art content manager" so if we ever do anything it's him that needs to take the decided game style and direct the modellers and other artists.

Still, that is a "structure" in theory and you are right most on-line collaborations never work.

Still, enteraining that thought, I have to check if our current model loader supports Key-Framing ( edit: it does): I have not done model animation with it yet (I know we do not support skinning in the engine yet though, that I do know so that would not be very good for an animation system that wanted to use bone based animation).

Your classes start in January... uhm... to early to say anything... brain fart...


Tag of Excellence
I've dabbled in motion capturing quite a bit actually so I'm atleast a bit familiar with it. I'm also used to the clean up, heh.

Wooo Panajev as a programmer and Zaptruder as a senior artist. While I don't know you guys personally I do know that I can most definitely trust you!

:) Maybe this can work, hell it'll be awesome to add to my resumé! :)


GAF's Pleasant Genius
TekunoRobby said:
I've dabbled in motion capturing quite a bit actually so I'm atleast a bit familiar with it. I'm also used to the clean up, heh.

Wooo Panajev as a programmer and Zaptruder as a senior artist. While I don't know you guys personally I do know that I can most definitely trust you!

:) Maybe this can work, hell it'll be awesome to add to my resumé! :)

Well, do not expect Naughty Dog or Polyphony programming ability: I am still a novice on PlayStation 2 :): Ourumov and I are doing our progresses though ;).

Currently I have to implement Lighting: single layer Texturing is up and running and cheating, re-firing the geometry DMA chain with a few things changed would allow easy multi-texturing albeit not with ultra high efficiency (for efficient multi-texturing it will take a bit as the trick to do it is not too trivial).

Clipping is there (trivial clipping: if a vertex of a polygon is out of the view frustum + guard-band, the whole triangle is out), textures are perspective corrected, there is a basic 3D camera working (LookAt is there, Perspective projection works, etc...), music and sound effects are supported (we use two channels: the SPU2 is not very accessible in PlayStation 2 Linux... in one channel we have music streaming from the HDD and in the other you would put Sound Effects). Quite a bit of time went re-adjust things, optimizing the VU1 code, adding triangle strips support, supporting the 3ds model loader, changing the DMA chain buulding code, etc...
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