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It's 2023 - Let's Talk About Backwards Compatibility for PS3 Games


ChatGPT 0.1
Backwards compatibility is smart, games that had success on one console can have success on another.

Nice graphics from Guerilla games, plus the lack of exclusive shooters makes sense. It was a key game in the PS3's campaign.



It's no secret that the PS3 had unusual hardware architecture with it's CELL cpu and nvidia RSX gpu. To this day, it's the only PlayStation where it's games haven't been available to play on a newer PlayStation system. There are many gems on this system that have never been available on a different platform like Metal Gear Solid 4, 3D Dot Game Heroes, Tales of Xillia 1 & 2, etc...

Microsoft has done incredible work over the years making it's xbox 360 games playable on all newer xbox hardware and many times even enhanced (for example, the Final Fantasy XIII Trilogy). If MS can do it for x360 games then it makes me think that ps3 games shouldn't be too niche for Sony to care about.

Now that it's 2023 I think it time to revisit the topic - will Sony (or even, CAN Sony) get PS3 games running on PS5 hardware? Do you think it's technically feasible to do so? Will Sony ever care? If Sony did the work and then charged like $30 for enabling the feature, do you think it would be worth it?
According to a developer of the main PS3 emulator and a PS3 game engine programmer from Insomniac, who worked in the main game engine Sony did use back then, it is not possible to properly emulate PS3 on PS5 hardware (meaning to run the games that took advantage of its hardware, and to do it at full performance and with no bugs) due to technical limitations of PS5.

In some things PS3 is still better than PS5, so won't happen.

The Xbox case is totally different, they were way easier to emulate and was technically possible.
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I'd really like BC for the PS3 as well because I'm just a lazy fuck that can't be bothered to get his ps3 from one of the boxes but at the same time I would only use it for 2-3 games.
It's no secret that the PS3 had unusual hardware architecture with it's CELL cpu and nvidia RSX gpu. To this day, it's the only PlayStation where it's games haven't been available to play on a newer PlayStation system. There are many gems on this system that have never been available on a different platform like Metal Gear Solid 4, 3D Dot Game Heroes, Tales of Xillia 1 & 2, etc...

Microsoft has done incredible work over the years making it's xbox 360 games playable on all newer xbox hardware and many times even enhanced (for example, the Final Fantasy XIII Trilogy). If MS can do it for x360 games then it makes me think that ps3 games shouldn't be too niche for Sony to care about.

Now that it's 2023 I think it time to revisit the topic - will Sony (or even, CAN Sony) get PS3 games running on PS5 hardware? Do you think it's technically feasible to do so? Will Sony ever care? If Sony did the work and then charged like $30 for enabling the feature, do you think it would be worth it?

Cell architecture has nothing to do with it, that's a played out excuse. Sony just doesn't care and wants to find a way to charge you for those games, same with PS1 and PS2 bc.


Reverse groomer.
OK, i tried to play Ratchet and Clank A crack in time on my PC, and the first thing i noticed was some weird transparencies. They're in a lot of the PS3 games i play, actually. They end up looking more like dithering than actual transparencies. Here's an example for the Sly collection on PS3 (can't really bring an actual screenshot for ACiT since i deleted the ISO a long while ago due to said emulation problems)


also general graphical issues in ModNation Racers (and gameplay issues too). These images were taken with the latest version, btw

In the case of SLY, this is the only major issue since everything else when you load up the games works fine. But it's a different story for the God of War Collection which had these lines everywhere in the game. And A Crack in Time too, OFC.

Actually, on the topic of God of War, 3 is still a bitch to emulate since it's so demanding.

I haven't emulated many PS3 games but my experiences doing so on RPCS3 have been mediocre and buggy. Maybe it's an issue with my hardware but it's not fully there yet. It's a bleeding edge solution that is the best way when it works, but a ps3 is cheap and more reliable.

I'll reconsider my viewpoint if you can give me some good solutions to these issues though, i've seen videos of these games working perfectly on other peoples systems. I dont wanna have to plug in my ps3 just to replay some classics i missed

I actually managed to get these problems fixed and now the games work pretty decently... which is good.
In some things PS3 is still better than PS5, so won't happen.
Sony/IBM/AMD (nVidia / intel) better make some 3nm Cell for the PS6 or work on equalizing the disadvantages on PS6 to finally be able to emulate it. 8core PS4 was underpowered, okay, but why PS5 can't substitute 1 core + 6 SPUs feels just lazy when the emulator slowly get's there, without official support. For PS+ and streaming they need in the long term anyway some successors. Either new Cells or just grab the PC emulator and make it official for themselves.
I wonder if an actual modern Cell couldn't be used as some PhysX-processor or something if it actually is in some regards still high end and bring it not only for perfect compatibility back but also add value to next gen games. With the whole chiplet thing we will see in the future, maybe adding some Cell chiplet to do a certain coprocessing task and alternatively turn the system in a full PS3 could be nice.


Gold Member
Even when I have a brand new condition super slim PS3 next to the my PS5, I have not turned on the PS3 in over 2 years.
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Gold Member
Holding hope that we get some of the hits emulated at 4k/60. I’m talkin Resistance 1, Motorstorm, MGS4, Folklore, Killzone 2.
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