Update: Alas, no Atlas Product was Teased in this update.
But now you can get Spot a RoboArm and Robo Camera Array!
Boston Dynamics announced they now have 40 partners and counting all working
to improve the technology in Spot and various other robots.
No Cost Was given for the new Addons and the RoboArm must be added by Boston Dynamics.
Will Make New thread for next big robo product launch!
-Singularity Warning-
I'm A Singulatarian and look on this as good news
Not the new kind of Singulatarian that only believes ASI means Singularity
I believe by 2023 we will be deeply stoaked in the middle of 5 key
industrial revolutions. Genetics, Nanotech, Robotics, AI and Free Energy
And that all of these industries will have by that point become infinitely recursive do to ML technologies.
An Era of Abundance. Just so you know where I stand on the issue of Killer Robot's.
With that out of the way - Boston Dynamics is soon to announce an new Expanded Robotics Line.
We're excited to reveal the latest in Spot's expanded product line. Join us live on Tuesday,
February 2nd @ 11 am EST, to hear how these products will extend Spot's value for autonomous
inspection and data collection.
Edit: Newly Added Spot Video Material
My thoughts are, Boston Dynamics could easily release these new products with AI intact that see's spot cleaning dishes and loading the dishwasher
or walking around the house throwing away trash, picking up clothes, tidying the room ect - but will probably rely on getting this product into the hands of consumers
before doing so.
But now you can get Spot a RoboArm and Robo Camera Array!
Boston Dynamics announced they now have 40 partners and counting all working
to improve the technology in Spot and various other robots.
No Cost Was given for the new Addons and the RoboArm must be added by Boston Dynamics.
Will Make New thread for next big robo product launch!
-Singularity Warning-
I'm A Singulatarian and look on this as good news
Not the new kind of Singulatarian that only believes ASI means Singularity
I believe by 2023 we will be deeply stoaked in the middle of 5 key
industrial revolutions. Genetics, Nanotech, Robotics, AI and Free Energy
And that all of these industries will have by that point become infinitely recursive do to ML technologies.
An Era of Abundance. Just so you know where I stand on the issue of Killer Robot's.
With that out of the way - Boston Dynamics is soon to announce an new Expanded Robotics Line.
We're excited to reveal the latest in Spot's expanded product line. Join us live on Tuesday,
February 2nd @ 11 am EST, to hear how these products will extend Spot's value for autonomous
inspection and data collection.
Edit: Newly Added Spot Video Material
My thoughts are, Boston Dynamics could easily release these new products with AI intact that see's spot cleaning dishes and loading the dishwasher
or walking around the house throwing away trash, picking up clothes, tidying the room ect - but will probably rely on getting this product into the hands of consumers
before doing so.
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