Clothed, sober, cooperativestinkles
Self shout out, nice
whatever happened to blamespace?
brap, you still perma’d?
Antoon I wonder if he ever got to beat up the mod who banned him (of course not I’m kidding), or whatever the fuck he said on his way out
one of the best Ban notes ever “you ain’t fighting anyone, pussy,” or something like that
oh shizzle, didn't know
Went over my head, I only learned what ITT means a few days agomy naga I already told you wtf
brap and bootzilla.. I know they're permabanned but I really enjoyed reading their posts.
I also wonder what happened to Afro Republican. Never agreed with him but his posts were always entertaining.
He became an Afro Democrat.
I misssomerset 's ramblings. I often pondered if they consumed a cocktail of drugs before opening their browser and posting on Gaf.
Adderall - Wikipedia
You mentioning Resident Evil 4 on the Wii got me thinking about the two Chronicles games they released for said console. I think one of them served as a prequel since it featured Krauser. I don't know if you've played them (I never owned a Wii) but maybe they're worth playing.
Mr. Angry Face
Where’d that guy go
Where'sScopa ?
Shoulda just said he was too busy taking it up the buttSame thing asChairman Tickles
China didn't pay his tree fiddy so he gave up.
I'm hoping my needling brings him out of hibernation to defend himself.
Shoulda just said he was too busy taking it up the butt
He's alive. Seen him online on the Switch.Where'sScopa ?
Whatever that dude was called. Wasn't he a mod here around 2010ish?
Dusty Ass Boomer.
GAF Newb.Dusty Ass Boomer.
Is mr angry face still around? /boomer