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ITT, we post pictures of our cats.

Zoe said:
Just read this article about Caboodle Ranch today.

Here's an incredibly cute video to go along with it:

That's gotta be one of the most amazing things I read ! I would do that in a heartbeat when I retire (long ways away).

I find it really hard to go into Petsmart and seeing all the homeless/abandoned cats for adoption. I'd take them all if I had room.

I already have 3 rescue cats and I'm still debating whether to get a 4th (or a dog), although 3 is a handful as is .....


KernelPanic said:
That's gotta be one of the most amazing things I read ! I would do that in a heartbeat when I retire (long ways away).

Hope you have your savings built up... apparently he spent $100,000 just to get the ranch established, and he's currently spending thousands each month in upkeep :lol

I'm conflicted about the idea. On the surface he seems like a hoarder, but he seems to have the resources to keep them healthy and happy. I'd hate to think of how the cats will take it when he finally leaves them though :(
Zoe said:
Hope you have your savings built up... apparently he spent $100,000 just to get the ranch established, and he's currently spending thousands each month in upkeep :lol

I'm conflicted about the idea. On the surface he seems like a hoarder, but he seems to have the resources to keep them healthy and happy. I'd hate to think of how the cats will take it when he finally leaves them though :(

Yeah I posted that before I read his story (especially how much he spent) :lol

Still it'd be neat to have a small farm and do that on a more reasonable scale, although if I were to quit my job and spend my life savings for a cause that'd be it.

It does seem like hoarding and I wonder what will happen to them when he's gone but I imagine a lot of those cats would've been put down if he hadn't taken them in.


x3n05 said:

this guy is a badass. If I ever get a cat I want one that looks like that.
This is my Cat who I had to have put to sleep a few months back, she had heart failure. I got her when I was 10 years old, I think a Postman found her as a stray kitten sleeping in a shed.

When we first got her she was really scared, she hated humans for years and always tried to escape from the house. The one day I went downstairs in the middle of the night to watch TV and was lying down, she came and went to sleep on my tummy :) then after that she couldn't bear to be separated from me, she used to come and sleep under my duvet in my bed, popping her head out the top and resting it on the pillow like a person. I can't believe the change we saw in her as she grew older, she became so friendly.




Unfortunately these are the only pics I have of her, the second is my favourite.
Oh yeah, forgot to update about Zoey. It turns out that the leukemia test from the bone marrow was negative! However, the vet said that it would be for the best to continue having both the blood and the bone marrow tests done until they both say the same thing. In other words, Zoey could still have leukemia but it just hasn't reached the bones yet. :(

But, I look on the bright side of life and believe everything will be fine for her.
Souldriver said:
Is that a dove being attacked by the cat? WTF?

Pidgeon. He can't resist. He's the least aggressive cat I've ever come accross with humans but he's fucking genocidal when it comes to anything else. Especially inanimate polystyrene tubing.


Merlijn chillin

Lodi.. yeah, she always does that. Her whole stomach is short-haired, don't really know why.
LabouredSubterfuge said:
Pidgeon. He can't resist. He's the least aggressive cat I've ever come accross with humans but he's fucking genocidal when it comes to anything else. Especially inanimate polystyrene tubing.
Why do you trap a pigeon in a corner so that your cat can attack it, with your camera ready? The whole situation looks pretty sadistic.
Souldriver said:
Why do you trap a pigeon in a corner so that your cat can attack it, with your camera ready? The whole situation looks pretty sadistic.


Trust me that wasn't the set up. Little bastard brought it in and my brother was up late. He came down stairs, saw it, thought it was funny (which given Baxter's antecedents it was), so he took a picture or 2 and let the Pidgeon out. The Pidgeon was not mortally harmed.
LabouredSubterfuge said:

Trust me that wasn't the set up. Little bastard brought it in and my brother was up late. He came down stairs, saw it, thought it was funny (which given Baxter's antecedents it was), so he took a picture or 2 and let the Pidgeon out. The Pidgeon was not mortally harmed.
Aah, pfiew. Thanks for clearing that up. :)


erotic butter maelstrom
Aw...so many pretty kitties. Best thread on GAF.

I need to track down my digi cam so I can share a few photos of the newest addition to my family. He was tiny when I got him a few months ago but now that it's about 6 months old he's gotten huge. He has the longest legs and most epic tale I've seen on any cat, he is a gorgeous little fucker. Everyone who's seen him has gone gaga for him. I think he's a mix of an orange tabby and a maine coon, he's orange but fluffy and very distinguished looking, like a tiny tiger.
The only problem I've had with him is that he's a pig, I have to close him in another room to feed the other cats because he'll just push them out of the way and eat the entire dish of food in one sitting.


Two of my girlfriend's cats:


and this lucky guy has 3 legs after almost $3,000 worth of surgery:


We went to the beach for a week and apparently he was outside at her parents house and a car ran him over and just kept going (This is in the back of a nice neighborhood by the way) he crawled into the garage and they found him the next morning and rushed him to the emergency vet. I got a phone call on our way home from the beach and had to break the new to my girlfriend in the car... it was a good trip up to that point. Thankfully he's doing well and is actually quite fast on 3 legs when he wants to be. I'll post more pics sometime soon, I don't take pictures in her house too often.


erotic butter maelstrom
Anyone else ever feel like that before they got one or was it a snag one and be happy for years thang.

Sorta. I have 3 cats and I got all of them on a whim, I didn't prepare ahead or anything. 2 I found at the local humane society and the other 1 I saw in a cage at Pets Mart (through AC Paws) and I had to have her. I was having 2nd thoughts, I didn't need another cat, but I came back the next day and bought her. No regrets, they're my babbys and if I had decided against getting any of them I wouldn't have these special little critters in my life.

Anyways, as long as you're not extremely poor or irresponsible, you should get one. They're easy to take care of and you won't regret it.
-Pyromaniac- said:
Anyone else ever feel like that before they got one or was it a snag one and be happy for years thang.

Me and my wife just got a cat on a whim.

2nd cat, she felt really sorry for seeing him stuffed into a tiny cage at Petsmart so we got him despite my initial resistance.

3rd cat it was her birthday and she wanted another one.

Can't imagine life without them now.

As long as you're not dirt poor you should be ok, cats are fairly easy to take care of. Only real danger is huge vet bills during emergencies.

Personally, I'd recommend seeing if you can afford some of the higher quality pet food, as the cheap cat food they sell at grocery stories is just pure shit (in my opinion of course).
Ehh I can definitely afford the food and all that. I'm like a dude who has commitment issues with a cat, and it's not even a problem with women. Just never had a pet before except in my imagination, so sad. But I know once I get it I'll be happy. Ahhhhh.

And thanks for the replies, pretty encouraging. I'm so close to taking the plunge, I think I just might do it next summer or earlier. And also isn't there insurance for cats? Like $100 or something like that a year. Or am I way off on that.


KernelPanic said:
Personally, I'd recommend seeing if you can afford some of the higher quality pet food, as the cheap cat food they sell at grocery stories is just pure shit (in my opinion of course).

I know we used to by Kit & Kaboodle or whatever, and then switched to one of the more natural cat foods. I've noticed my cat's fur is much softer. He seems healthier/happier too, but that could also be due to a variety of other factors.

The crappy cat food has a lot of corn/wheat/other carb filler that cats don't really need. Probably like humans it just makes them gain weight.


We finally picked up our new kittens from the airport last night, and they are settling in great.

Here are the obligatory photos:



Oscar and Yuki chasing feather

Also we have uploadednmjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj?????????????????????????? (these characters are from Yuki walking over the keyboard)

What I was trying to d6777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 (Yuki again..., she managed to shortcut to publishing a webpage :lol)

OK, so as I was saying, we have uploaded some youtube videos.



erotic butter maelstrom
Precious chippies. I like their stripes, very pretty.

My little bugger likes to walk on the keyboard, too. And he likes to watch me play games, Mario in particular since he likes to watch the dude run around on the screen. It's cute until he knocks over the sensor bar, at that point it's time for kitty to get taken down.


-Pyromaniac- said:
And also isn't there insurance for cats? Like $100 or something like that a year. Or am I way off on that.

I go with Banfield. It's $17 or $18 a month, and you can go to any of the PetSmart vets. The monthly fee covers an annual exam plus other stuff that I can't remember.


Hey! You finally picked up your bengals x3n05! have they ripped apart your house yet? :lol Yukis markings look amazing :)

Here is couple more of ours, Nyanme the destroyer!



Cell phone :(


Yeah the wait is finally over :D.

House is doing OK so far, but we have been keeping a close eye on them. They have already taken a big liking to my gf and I, the breeder has done a great job in socializing them. We can't get over how soft they are.

P.S. Nyanme looks amazing.
Is it those breed of kitten/cats that like to tear shit up or is it them all?

I'm still hoping my little one doesn't go to town on my leather seats, but we'll keep the living room off limits if we're out of the house


the 2 kittens we took in at 7 weeks old are now 8 months old. Man they grow quickly. Both girls, both sisters.



We think Rocky is tapped in the head :lol



Azumi. We named him after that movie with the Ninja girl (yeah we thought he was a she when he was born because he was so little.... we kept the name anyway)


Loki, named after the Norwegian god. He's Azumi's younger brother (and very naughty)


Our kittens have finally arrived !

First thing this little furball did (and pretty much all she did the rest of the day, besides sleeping) ...


Scratching tree was instantly appreciated :p


And so were my Ions ... nothing like a kitten pausing a movie by pouncing the red pad :p


More snoozing ...

They're both incredible, don't think any amount of pictures can do them justice ...
Bonus video : http://denvb.eu/kittens/gaf/IMG_0461.MOV
How do you guys you find with feeding?

I am getting my kitten at the end of the month and was looking at prices. Unfortunately my uni fees are quite high so little Fonzy will need a strict eating plan unlike me

So I am thinking just 1 bag of dried food, and 1 serving of wet per week? Is that OK...Also what about other stuff like snacks? I fed him bacon last week and he liked that. Can I mix that with the dried/wet?


Mecha_Infantry said:
So I am thinking just 1 bag of dried food, and 1 serving of wet per week? Is that OK...Also what about other stuff like snacks? I fed him bacon last week and he liked that. Can I mix that with the dried/wet?

A bag of dried food will last more like a month rather than a week.

We don't give our cat any wet food.


erotic butter maelstrom


My chippy. He's over at my girlfriend's house tonight cause she's taking him in tomorrow morning to get neutered. I feel bad cause the poor little guy has to spend several hours in a cage at the vets and I'm a little worried about him having to get put under meds to get chopped up.

Good luck chippy. Hope to see you soon.
Zoe said:
A bag of dried food will last more like a month rather than a week.

We don't give our cat any wet food.

Any reason for this? From most every source i've looked into, wet food (or even a raw food diet) seem preferred.
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