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ITT, we post pictures of our cats.

Double D

So I had been searching for a Savannah or a Bengal for a while, and came across someone who bred Bengals yesterday. My kids have been bugging me for ages, so I called the lady up I arranged to come by last night. Well, the stars must have all been aligned, because when we couldn't decide on one, she said she'd give me both for the price of one. Both cats have the 'glitter' coat, so It looks really neat under bright lights.

A combination of the cats getting adjusted to their new surroundings and my dslr being dead is the reason for these crappy cell phone pictures, so I'll try to post better shots later tonight.

Anyways, here's cat #1. A spotted female that's about 10 weeks old. I cornered her behind the litter box.

Here's a couple pics of the second cat, a marbled male that was born in March. The lady I got him from had been calling him 'Marbles' (original, I know).



Some friends of mine use those claw caps, but I found that training your cat as a kitten to use a scratching post, mixed with regular trimming, works best. You just have to stay on it in terms of training. EVERY TIME you see the cat scratch somewhere else, you firmly tell it no, take it to the scratching post, and drag its paws down it. When it does use the post, give it treats and praise. Our cat is 14, and he still looks at me expectantly when he uses the scratching post wanting praise/a treat/both. Trimming claws can be trickier, as you have to get the cat in the right mood, but again, you get them used to it. Just don't trim the quick, or they'll bleed. It's not a big deal.


there is joy in sucking dick
I forget if I posted this one in this thread but I was looking at some oldish pictures and reworked this one of Ivy...

If I ever make a singer songwriter album then this will be the cover. Of course I have to learn how to play guitar or some shit like that but those are just details. Her name is Starbuck btw.


Can any of euro-GAF point me towards sites that do particularly good collars or beds for kittens/cats?

My girlfriend is getting a rescue kitten in 3 weeks and it would be nice to surprise her with some goodies.




The latest cat distrupting my work pic. (Along with the football on screen 2 heh) she's 5 months old now and already nearly the size of a fullgrown cat. I think she's gonna be huge when all grown up haha!
He was getting kind of annoyed with me in the second photo - he wanted to enjoy his mouse without interruption.

He looks really serious all the time, but he's actually a big baby. If he see's a bug in the house, he runs to get me and meows until I kill it for him. :lol
Burli said:
Can any of euro-GAF point me towards sites that do particularly good collars or beds for kittens/cats?

My girlfriend is getting a rescue kitten in 3 weeks and it would be nice to surprise her with some goodies.


Try cat-on for a scratcher/bed combo.
I really need to take more pictures of my cat, I posted a couple pages and pages back. I dont think she'll be too happy to find she's got a photoshoot scheduled tonight :lol


x3n05 said:
Also we have uploadednmjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj?????????????????????????? (these characters are from Yuki walking over the keyboard)

What I was trying to d6777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 (Yuki again..., she managed to shortcut to publishing a webpage :lol)

OK, so as I was saying, we have uploaded some youtube videos.

Hehe, I know that problem. Happens all the time over here..

So many great cats in here and so many kittens, love it!
My cat likes to bump my mouse hand when I'm playing Borderlands, resulting in missed sniper shots. Also when I'm downstairs on occasion she'll sit on my joystick and stop or fast forward a movie *lol*
I was fighting a boss in Demon's Souls last night and at that very moment the cat decided to try and crawl in my lap and start headbutting the controller. I shoved him off the couch, but immediately felt guilty. :lol
Here are pics of my kitten. Sorry for the crappy quality.




This is from when I first adopted her, she is about 1.5-2 months old here....I used to take her to work with me. She was a very good kitten, always laying on the paperwork I was working on.


Or Block my monitor:

I wish I could take my cat to work with me :( The office is so big though that if she got spooked and ran off she'd probably dissapear forever.. oh and the no pets policy is another deterrent..

Still though, I always joke that I'm gonna have her fill in for me on the days when I work at home, freak someone out by constant meowing on the line.


Here's my cat's latest sleeping spot. We were doing some fall cleaning outside, so he's on top of 4 stacked chairs and some folded up outdoor carpeting.
I've always been a dog person, but I got to be around cats a lot this summer and I want a kitty now. I just don't want the shedding :/
Cuu said:
Here's my cat's latest sleeping spot. We were doing some fall cleaning outside, so he's on top of 4 stacked chairs and some folded up outdoor carpeting.

Hahahah they always do that kind of shit. Lovely
Got the new kitten today :D

But I think he had a traumatic travel back home because so much of our transport system got fucked up we got stuck on a noisy dark train. When I let him out he has been running scared for a few hours now

I have fed him and played with him but he is still scared, sometimes he is shaking...but he was meowing almost constantly but he has stopped for now. He's currently hiding in a 3rd bedroom

Cat-GAF, help me :(
Technosteve said:
get kitten a box with towels in it and let him hide in there

Well I got his sleeping bag and put it on the landing but he ignored it, then I tempted him out with some nibbles and we played for about 30 mins with his scratching house. Now he is back under my bed, don't know if he is sleeping though.

I'll leave him for now :(


This is my mother's kitten, her name is "Mishu" or at least that's what she responds to and if you're Hispanic like me, then you know that you say "mishu" to call a cat's attention and call it over similar to how one whistles to call a dog. My mother got her fresh off a litter of kittens. She lives in my house in the Dominican Republic, so this was taken during my vacation over there this past summer. She loves to play with strings and chase chickens. I heard she's a lot bigger now. I dunno what kind of cat it is so Cat GAF, tell me what kind of a cat it is.





Some kitten pics. The Siamese (Little Girl Jasmine(named by young kids), and Veil) used to belong to me and my girlfriend, when we broke up she took them and I took Yuki. The Yuki pic is from the day I got him, exploring the back of my car. He was definitely the runt of the litter, I have a pic of him somewhere of before I got him and he's about the same size as a juice box, can't seem to find it though.




there is joy in sucking dick
SRG01 said:
Do you have a high-res version of this? I want to use this as my wallpaper :)

Here it is at 1900px on the long end


Fixed1979 said:
You gotta tell me what you're using to take those great pics. Absolutely awesome.

Just a Canon Rebel XT (aka 350D) and 50mm prime lens. The the cats are under lamp itself provided a good amount of light which is adding to the ambiance of the photos.


A package came in the mail the other day with about 10 ft of rolled brown paper. It's now a cat toy. Our cat goes apeshit in it daily, and we don't have to do anything. It's great.



BlueTsunami said:
Just a Canon Rebel XT (aka 350D) and 50mm prime lens. The the cats are under lamp itself provided a good amount of light which is adding to the ambiance of the photos.

I have alot of fun using my Casio Exilim EX-FH25 because of it's neat features, but I'm really missing control and image quality from a proper SLR. Great shots.
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