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ITT, we post pictures of our cats.

This is my cat Alyxx or Buddy if you will, doing his roadkill impression. He actually lies around like this all the time. A very content badass cat.



It doesn't look like it in those pictures, but he's actually pretty huge.. but well, "if I fits in it I sits in it".



edit: Should have included this one as well. He lies on his back with his arms stretched towards the sky all the time while I stroke him.



Update on my Muris i guess ;)
He is quite happy with life.



After a night out he really enjoys the mornings on our stairway while the sun shines on him ;P


300chf ain't shit to me
this page is awesome so far :D

i can't quote every post, but i just wanted to say all your kitties are amazing! such adorable pictures <3

need to get some new photos of my boys in here...

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
This is my boy Lucian, he's almost 5. I wasn't gonna get a kitty at that stage but he started attacking my fingers as a teensy kitten and I couldn't say no to him. Handsome devil he is.

This is my girl Mishka. She's almost 1. She was a rescue kitty who was very neglected but loves nothing more than snuggling up anywhere with anyone. I got her in February. Plus we've gotten her fattened up now so she's extra puffy :3


February 18th this year my sister calls me at work to tell me a little boy kitten wandered in their backyard. He walked right in when they opened the door to get a closer look. She and her family already had a dog and didn't want another pet so I agreed to adopt it. On my way to her house after work I stopped at the store and picked up all the kitty essentials.

When I got to her house around 11:30P.M. I met my new kitten.

The cat was just laying, kinda burrowed in the corner of their loveseat. About five minutes later SHE goes into labor and gives birth to this lil guy.


My family and I sat and stared in awe for an hour. My sister had just assumed it was a boy based on a quick glance at its genitals. I called an emergency vet and told them what had happened and the woman on the phone explained to me what to do. A few hours later I ended up taking two cats home instead of one. I stayed up all night watching and waiting but she only had one kitten. Let me also mention that it was probably the most nerve-wracking drive home ever. Also, when I got them home, I first brought the kitten inside, in a makeshift crib I made. When I went back for the mother, she bolted into the neighbors yard and under their car. I damn near shit myself till I caught her.

They've been pretty much inseparable since day one.


A little over 5 months later, here they are now.


His momma, Fleur

Excuse the shitty cellphone images.

This is Tanuki, male, 1 1/2 year old. King of the jungle!

Eating a bit of canned food with his biological sister, Emma.

Sleeping :)

:D I love this pic. I was making the bed and he started playing around.

Guys, come on, that's my computer chair, I need to work!


February 18th this year my sister calls me at work to tell me a little boy kitten wandered in their backyard. He walked right in when they opened the door to get a closer look. She and her family already had a dog and didn't want another pet so I agreed to adopt it. On my way to her house after work I stopped at the store and picked up all the kitty essentials...
This was a heartwarming post, and the pictures are all fantastic. They look like great cats. Thanks for sharing. :D



(hope you got both of them fixed)

I did. about 3 weeks after the mother gave birth she went into heat. I could only handle a few days of her weird horniness before I called the local vet and brought her in. That vet told me to wait till the baby was about 5 months to get him fixed.

About 3 months ago, my roommates female friend came over one night. We were all sitting around, talking. The girl took her hair tie off and put it on the floor for Louie to play with and about five minutes later we looked to the floor and the hair tie was gone. We took him to the emergency vet nearby and they took an xray. This is what we found.


If you look up toward the ribcage you'll easily be able to make out one solid hair tie. In the middle of the hair tie is another hair tie as well as some carpet scraps and kitty litter. Before surgery the doctor only knew about the one hair tie and told us the options were a.) emergency surgery to remove it from the stomach. or b.) wait and see if it passes and if it doesnt it would be a more expensive and dangerous surgery for a kitten of that size. They did an emergency surgery to remove all that stuff from his stomach before it passed to his intestinal tract. While he was under they also neutered him. At the end of the night I had a $2,200 vet bill that I'm still paying off thanks to Care Credit.

I'll never forget having to sign the obligatory "Do Not Resuscitate" Form, and dropping tears on the sheet. Most of the people around me said I was "crazy" and "should have just had him put down". I told them I that I had watched this cat be born and I don't care if it cost me $10,000. I still would have done whatever I had to do to save him.


some people just dont Get the love people have for animals Tuvoc, Im the same my cat had two bouts of pancreatitis and no amount of money would stop me getting him fixed


I'll never forget having to sign the obligatory "Do Not Resuscitate" Form, and dropping tears on the sheet. Most of the people around me said I was "crazy" and "should have just had him put down". I told them I that I had watched this cat be born and I don't care if it cost me $10,000. I still would have done whatever I had to do to save him.

You did the right thing.


I did. about 3 weeks after the mother gave birth she went into heat. I could only handle a few days of her weird horniness before I called the local vet and brought her in. That vet told me to wait till the baby was about 5 months to get him fixed.

About 3 months ago, my roommates female friend came over one night. We were all sitting around, talking. The girl took her hair tie off and put it on the floor for Louie to play with and about five minutes later we looked to the floor and the hair tie was gone. We took him to the emergency vet nearby and they took an xray. This is what we found.


If you look up toward the ribcage you'll easily be able to make out one solid hair tie. In the middle of the hair tie is another hair tie as well as some carpet scraps and kitty litter. Before surgery the doctor only knew about the one hair tie and told us the options were a.) emergency surgery to remove it from the stomach. or b.) wait and see if it passes and if it doesnt it would be a more expensive and dangerous surgery for a kitten of that size. They did an emergency surgery to remove all that stuff from his stomach before it passed to his intestinal tract. While he was under they also neutered him. At the end of the night I had a $2,200 vet bill that I'm still paying off thanks to Care Credit.

I'll never forget having to sign the obligatory "Do Not Resuscitate" Form, and dropping tears on the sheet. Most of the people around me said I was "crazy" and "should have just had him put down". I told them I that I had watched this cat be born and I don't care if it cost me $10,000. I still would have done whatever I had to do to save him.

That's really great of you. I would have done the same.
Everytime we've got to go to the vet, independent of the severity of the cause I'm always terrified because I'm so scared to lose him.

By the way.. chilling on the balcony:



I did. about 3 weeks after the mother gave birth she went into heat. I could only handle a few days of her weird horniness before I called the local vet and brought her in. That vet told me to wait till the baby was about 5 months to get him fixed.

About 3 months ago, my roommates female friend came over one night. We were all sitting around, talking. The girl took her hair tie off and put it on the floor for Louie to play with and about five minutes later we looked to the floor and the hair tie was gone. We took him to the emergency vet nearby and they took an xray. This is what we found.


If you look up toward the ribcage you'll easily be able to make out one solid hair tie. In the middle of the hair tie is another hair tie as well as some carpet scraps and kitty litter. Before surgery the doctor only knew about the one hair tie and told us the options were a.) emergency surgery to remove it from the stomach. or b.) wait and see if it passes and if it doesnt it would be a more expensive and dangerous surgery for a kitten of that size. They did an emergency surgery to remove all that stuff from his stomach before it passed to his intestinal tract. While he was under they also neutered him. At the end of the night I had a $2,200 vet bill that I'm still paying off thanks to Care Credit.

I'll never forget having to sign the obligatory "Do Not Resuscitate" Form, and dropping tears on the sheet. Most of the people around me said I was "crazy" and "should have just had him put down". I told them I that I had watched this cat be born and I don't care if it cost me $10,000. I still would have done whatever I had to do to save him.

You did the right thing 100%, been there with both my rabbits and cats and you just cant give up on a family member like that.


A new kitten has entered my household. My GF just moved in with me recently, and she's been wanting a kitten for her own since I already own a fat old lady cat. So we picked up this little thing, and was named Bowie (after david bowie, because she has different color eyes). I wanted to name her Yuna.. but hey not my kitten


My fat ass cat (picture below) isn't too thrilled about it. She hasn't been too bad though, only bats at her if she gets too close... otherwise she keeps her distance and a close eye on the little one. But the kitten isn't too bright, and will charge her every so often.



A new kitten has entered my household. My GF just moved in with me recently, and she's been wanting a kitten for her own since I already own a fat old lady cat. So we picked up this little thing, and was named Bowie (after david bowie, because she has different color eyes). I wanted to name her Yuna.. but hey not my kitten

Does she have any hearing problems? White + blue eyes is usually a bad combination. Even if they're only blue-eyed on one side, that side tends to be deaf.


Does she have any hearing problems? White + blue eyes is usually a bad combination. Even if they're only blue-eyed on one side, that side tends to be deaf.

Not that I can tell. I'll test later tonight.

I never heard that before, so I wikipedia'd it... found this

There is a common misconception that all odd-eyed cats are born deaf in one ear. This is not true, as about 60%&#8211;70% of odd-eyed cats can hear.[4] About 10%&#8211;20% of normal-eyed cats are born deaf or become deaf as part of the feline aging process.[4] White cats with one or two blue eyes do, however, have a higher incidence of genetic deafness, with the white gene occasionally causing the degeneration of the cochlea, beginning a few days after birth.[13] If a white kitten has any speck of another color, the frequency of deafness is greatly diminished, even if the speck of coloration fades as the cat becomes more mature.

She's not all white... she's getting some calico marks. They're very faint right now, but quickly getting darker. 2 days before that picture was taken you could barely make out the spots on her head.


Been missing my cats, this thread helps somewhat. Well, not technically "my" cats. My last roomies had three, and while they kept them when I moved out, I fed them and spent a lot of time with them. Here's my favorite, Tripod:





Currently trying to convince my landlord to let me have a cat. He said no, initially...but then I offered to pay another $25 in rent a month and he said he'd "talk about it with his family". Nothing like straight-up bribery! ;)


2 days in and we've let the kitten free roam the house now. It's absolutely terrorizing my older cat. Attacking her tail constantly, doing run bys.... I doubt she's getting much rest... poor thing.


So surprising turn of events. Within 4 days of getting the new kitten, this happens:



My older cat was lying in the box sleeping, I went to pet her and the kitten decided to jump in. The older one was a little uneasy, but me petting her kept her still. She then calmed down and started to cuddle and groom the kitten. Didn't last too long though.
I did. about 3 weeks after the mother gave birth she went into heat. I could only handle a few days of her weird horniness before I called the local vet and brought her in. That vet told me to wait till the baby was about 5 months to get him fixed.

About 3 months ago, my roommates female friend came over one night. We were all sitting around, talking. The girl took her hair tie off and put it on the floor for Louie to play with and about five minutes later we looked to the floor and the hair tie was gone. We took him to the emergency vet nearby and they took an xray. This is what we found.


If you look up toward the ribcage you'll easily be able to make out one solid hair tie. In the middle of the hair tie is another hair tie as well as some carpet scraps and kitty litter. Before surgery the doctor only knew about the one hair tie and told us the options were a.) emergency surgery to remove it from the stomach. or b.) wait and see if it passes and if it doesnt it would be a more expensive and dangerous surgery for a kitten of that size. They did an emergency surgery to remove all that stuff from his stomach before it passed to his intestinal tract. While he was under they also neutered him. At the end of the night I had a $2,200 vet bill that I'm still paying off thanks to Care Credit.

I'll never forget having to sign the obligatory "Do Not Resuscitate" Form, and dropping tears on the sheet. Most of the people around me said I was "crazy" and "should have just had him put down". I told them I that I had watched this cat be born and I don't care if it cost me $10,000. I still would have done whatever I had to do to save him.

Don't you have pet insurance for the little guy?


So not worth it

My cat does her upmost to avoid taking good pictures I'm afraid. Doesn't help she's so dark either I guess. :)

She's turning 5 this November, I got her last February from a friend of a friend. The woman that used to own her got a new boyfriend and I don't know what the guy did to the cat, but when he was around she would hide in her litter and not come out. She didn't eat anymore and developed a rash from the stress. So naturally the cat had to go instead of the boyfriend. As I was looking to get a cat for a long time, just never pulled the trigger, my friend called me up and I took her in.

She's the sweetest thing, loves to cuddle or sleep next to me, is extremely curious yet very well behaved around strangers and when I get home after work she's right next to door meowing as I enter untill I pick her up and pet her. And as you can see, she just loves the fishtank. <3


Neo Member
This is Sissel. She`s a one year old british shorthair who absolutely love to chill out in the laundry basket for some unknown reason.


So surprising turn of events. Within 4 days of getting the new kitten, this happens:
Congrats! It took me months to get to that point. My older cat would always fight the kitten, I thought they were never going to get along.

And as you can see, she just loves the fishtank. <3
That is a TERRIBLE spot for the fishtank. I would look for another place to put it on if I were you. Cats will often get up on them, especially if they have a light tube on the lid, since it's nice and warm. You don't want it breaking with all those electronics there.


So not worth it
I'm not worried about the fishtank breaking, she can lay on it as much as she wants.

Hell, I could put my full 100 kilos pushing that thing and it wouldn't move an inch. If it ever breaks it would be by something very hard hitting the glass, but that's about all and even if it would, I'm well insured for stuff like that happening.


Here is the last photo of our kitty Wilma. She passed away on July 5th after 20 wonderful years.While she was sick for a while, she did not suffer and she let us know it was time to go. It is still so hard to think about, as I literally had her for half of my life! Wilma was the best, most loving, easy going, cat I have ever known. She will be profoundly missed. This photo is of her doing her favorite pastime (aside from greeting us at the door every day or giving me love punches to the face), sitting at the window soaking up the sun.

Man, I'm so sorry. I know how hard it is, having now seen 4 go at different stages of my life. We currently have 3 cats (ages 11, 10, and 4) and I'm dreading when I'll have to go through this again. I never think about it until I hear of someone else losing a pet, and then it just brings all the memories of my previous cats flooding back. They all lived to 15-18, but none to 20. That's very impressive, and a great run.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Been missing my cats, this thread helps somewhat. Well, not technically "my" cats. My last roomies had three, and while they kept them when I moved out, I fed them and spent a lot of time with them. Here's my favorite, Tripod:


Currently trying to convince my landlord to let me have a cat. He said no, initially...but then I offered to pay another $25 in rent a month and he said he'd "talk about it with his family". Nothing like straight-up bribery! ;)

It finally happened. My two cats FINALLY cuddled! It took over a year for it to happen, but it did and I have photographic evidence of it.



Shouldn't have entered this thread...I want a cat so badly.

Maybe by the end of the year I can afford/convince my landlord that it's okay. I'll be using that bribery technique haha.


Been missing my cats, this thread helps somewhat. Well, not technically "my" cats. My last roomies had three, and while they kept them when I moved out, I fed them and spent a lot of time with them. Here's my favorite, Tripod:


Currently trying to convince my landlord to let me have a cat. He said no, initially...but then I offered to pay another $25 in rent a month and he said he'd "talk about it with his family". Nothing like straight-up bribery! ;)

When I was growing up my neighbors had a three legged orange tabby named Yard.

He was awesome.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Oh fuck. I gotta make some cat gifs. My cat is so ridiculous.
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