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I've got an Xbox, now what?

I picked up an Xbox last weekend and have since loaded a few hundred songs onto the sucker. It appears to have a Phillips DVD drive which is good (or at least better than having a Thompson if I remember correctly). I'm loving the custom soundtracks in GTA, although it would have been nice to have a "constant" music mode a la GTA1 on PC.

The only two games I have right now are GTA Double Pack and Counter-Strike (which I bought only as a brief diversion from other, better games).

I also picked up Splinter Cell @ Future Shop for $9.99 bundled with a Ghost Recon: Island Thunder demo. Didn't like the controls very much (I've played and finished the GC version a handful of times) and found that the AI and pistol reticle aiming was more wonky than I remembered.

SC ended up being one of three games I traded in for a pre-order of Fable at my local EB (the other two games being so-so GC games I picked up on the cheap).

So other than Fable what should I be picking up? I'm not really looking for good online games at the moment as I don't have a decent network situation right now, but online games aren't totally out of the question as I plan on getting Live in the near future.


Get it modded so you can put in a bigger hard drive and other stuff. Plug it into the router and watch divx files on your TV.
M3wThr33 said:
Get it modded so you can put in a bigger hard drive and other stuff. Plug it into the router and watch divx files on your TV.
I've already got a PC with video out. :)
drohne said:
now you buy halo, panzer orta, and ninja gaiden. and you sit tight for halo 2.
Does Panzer Dragoon Orta require mad skills? I'm asking because I think I lost my mad skills sometime in the late nineties.
Do you like beatemups?

If so DO NOT hesitate to pick up Buffy the Vampire Slayer(the original,skip Chaos Bleeds) and Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb.


T-1000_Model3 said:
Do you like beatemups?

If so DO NOT hesitate to pick up Buffy the Vampire Slayer(the original,skip Chaos Bleeds) and Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb.

I approve this message.


hyperbolically metafictive
panzer orta requires skills, but i wouldn't say mad skills necessarily. there are tough sections, but it's one of those games where you find yourself steadily improving as you play. it requires practice and learning rather than sheer twitch virtuosity. you should be ok.
I just got an Xbox recently also. Mainly for ESPN Football 2K5, and Madden. Both turned out shitty for online play =/ Going to rent Fable, and definitely grab the Conker's remake. Besides that not much. I'll give Halo2 a shot, but the first was pretty mediocre.

I'm psyched for SFAC. The online play better be good.


trippingmartian said:
Does Panzer Dragoon Orta require mad skills? I'm asking because I think I lost my mad skills sometime in the late nineties.

Nope, PDO is pretty easy.

Also check out Armed & Dangerous, KOTOR, Morrowind, and Thief 3 (if you haven't already on PC).
Ok...do not laugh,but Malice,yes Malice is actually another good one. I'm shocked because the word was that this game was pretty bad. Not so really. I've been playing it for the last week and its been surprisingly good. Its mainly a platformer mixed some weapon fighting ala Beyond Good and Evil,the use of a hammer and sword to go with a magic system that consists of bulking of your attacks,having access to a temproary magic shield to block enemy projectiles,a speed boost to better attack and avoid enemies,and a floaty ability used with the double jumping make for some really fun platforming overall. There is some puzzle solving,pretty straight forward stuff really. On a down note-the game is rather short,I'd say between 5 to 10 hours based on your own skill/speed level when playing games. The game really looks sweet,nice texture work and superb lighting,though the game wasnt quite patched up as well as it should have been though,there are spots where slow down occurs when it really shouldn't. Pretty fun game overall,just want to pass that along,it just dropped in price,where it was 30 dollars,its now 20.
Don't hesitate to pick up the best version of Metal Arms: Glitch in the System, Riddick and RalliSport Challenge 2. Even if you don't consider yourself a fan of racing games, give RalliSport 2 a go.


Oh god, theres tons of games your missing out on.

Shenmue 2
Panzer Dragoon
Rallisport Challnege 2 - arcade rally never been so good + Custom soundtracks
Ninja Gaiden - how can you forget about this masterpiece?
KOTOR - buy, buy BUY!!
Top Spin
PGR2 - Best online integration ever!! Wonderful game too, makes use of custom soundtracks
Burnout 3
Crimson Skies


Splinter Cell 3
Mech Assault 2
Outrun 2
Jade Empire
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