here i am, entering the fourth week of the past six in the hospital. spent one week in DC between admissions and four days at home. needless to say, i think i've seen every law & order episode; along with seinfeld, home improvement, everybody loves raymond, and frasier.
in between syndication reruns, i've worn out my eyes from reading too much and staring at the lovely, depressing brown walls. for the unintentional humor, i usually tune into hardball and scarbough county so i can hear them cry and bitch about how the democrats do nothing but moan, bitch and obstruct our great leader, Ill Dunce.
as for the internet, ehhhh. having the connection chug along at <56k doesn't really inspire much web browsing. but nevertheless, i've visited all my favorite sites too many times as i've started to click on the links that detail their traffic and whatnot. to make matters worse, my laptop is an APPLE. thankfully, after this stay, i'll be switching to a machine and OS that's grounded in the 21st century -- windows!
since i'm a regular at this hospital, there's really nothing new left to explore. and with the hospital on a military base, that means security x10, especially once the sun sets. they're really gay about their security, too. punkasses... who's got ideas? i'm going stir crazy, and i can't post at the site i really want to -- oa -- because my outdated OS crashes whenever i browse the site(unless it's lo/fi, but then i can't post in that mode).
need help. :cry i have a feeling i'll be watching 'pretty woman' reruns all night long on tbs...
in between syndication reruns, i've worn out my eyes from reading too much and staring at the lovely, depressing brown walls. for the unintentional humor, i usually tune into hardball and scarbough county so i can hear them cry and bitch about how the democrats do nothing but moan, bitch and obstruct our great leader, Ill Dunce.
as for the internet, ehhhh. having the connection chug along at <56k doesn't really inspire much web browsing. but nevertheless, i've visited all my favorite sites too many times as i've started to click on the links that detail their traffic and whatnot. to make matters worse, my laptop is an APPLE. thankfully, after this stay, i'll be switching to a machine and OS that's grounded in the 21st century -- windows!
since i'm a regular at this hospital, there's really nothing new left to explore. and with the hospital on a military base, that means security x10, especially once the sun sets. they're really gay about their security, too. punkasses... who's got ideas? i'm going stir crazy, and i can't post at the site i really want to -- oa -- because my outdated OS crashes whenever i browse the site(unless it's lo/fi, but then i can't post in that mode).
need help. :cry i have a feeling i'll be watching 'pretty woman' reruns all night long on tbs...