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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now

Hall is doing the DDP Yoga gimmick now. Is Roberts still there? I'd LOVE to see a reality show with Roberts and Hall in the same house.


Hall is doing the DDP Yoga gimmick now. Is Roberts still there? I'd LOVE to see a reality show with Roberts and Hall in the same house.

I wouldn't. That'd be too depressing and sad to watch.

The most offensive HHH related thing to me since his death grip years is that HHH vs Brock is on the best of 2012 DVD and not Brock vs Cena. That's just...ugh.

Jamie OD


A promising group of new NXT rookies. I can see some potential.


Latest NXT is up on Hulu Plus now, where
Big E wins the title

I'm glad they've finally acknowledged Seth Rollins in The Shield. But it's jarring that 2 weeks ago he was being interviewed by JR as a face then the next week he's suddenly a heel, yet still fights the heel that attacked him when he was a face. This is why I hope they cut down the number of episodes they do per taping.


the FBI agent?

I thought it was funny that they time traveled from 1992 (T2) to present day so they dont have a show set in the 90s.

Yeah. He was a pretty promising actor. I don't know why he went from acting to NXT, but whatever. I'm liking the show a lot, but it is making even more of a mess of one of the most messy stories of any franchise. Does every time travel event split off a different timeline? If that is the case, does John dying in one universe matter in a different one?

If there is only one time line, if John gets killed in say, 2010, couldn't they just send someone back before he died and prevent it from happening? The series sure seems to be showing that things are going to happen no matter what, so if John is killed, why can't someone else take his spot in the Resistance? They keep stopping all the things that will lead to Skynet, but Skynet happens some other way. If John sends a terminator back to save him and prevent Skynet, what would happen if they actually accomplish the mission? Would that make the terminator vanish, since it technically wouldn't ever exist now? Would it be sent back to a different timeline? It really befuddles me once I start to think about it at all. How can the past and the future exist at the same time if the past influences the future? If you change the past, does the future change in real time? Are memories of every creator changed?

I don't know guys, I'll leave time travel to the GWF.


I watched a few episodes of the Sarah Connor Chronicles but I didn't really get into it. Hulk Hogan should have turned up as the friendly terminator or something and make it a buddy cop-esque comedy series where they just happen to be stopping evil terminators who magic in all across America causing nuisance.

And it turns out John Wilkes Booth was a terminator.


Do you guys think that Goldberg was a terminator sent to stop the nWo and limos? And that Ryback is a less advanced model that was sent back to fight obesity by eating everyone's food?


What if John Connor NOT dying is what actually results in Skynet being created and taking over? If he never exists, there never is a resistance or anything to resist to.

John Cena is also a terminator, which is why he can't understand basic human emotions.
That chique pic just had me thinking...

X-pac is the luckiest fucker in wrestling history. Did that guy ever really do anything? Yet he had a good 15+ year career during the high point of wrestling popularity because he was friends with the right people.


That chique pic just had me thinking...

X-pac is the luckiest fucker in wrestling history. Did that guy ever really do anything? Yet he had a good 15+ year career during the high point of wrestling popularity because he was friends with the right people.

Is this a serious question? He was one of the best guys WWF had to make any guy look good and have any kind of match at any pace. He could have a 30 minute classic with Bret and people think he was going to win the belt and then the next week be in a 3 minute squash against IRS and make him look like a killer. Things slowed down for him in WCW, but he was massively over in 1998 and 1999. Like, just behind Austin and Rock most nights. I would say he hasn't really had much of a career post 2002, though. A few runs in TNA and a few big indie shows a year.



WCW Thunder 6/28/2000

TO THE BACK. Jeff Jarrett walks around with the limo driver, Smooth. Jarrett's guitar is wearing a Hulkamania shirt. Maybe it was cold.


Jeff is out to open the show. Meh. Things have been really good without him having long promo segments. Jeff had said he was going to get the fattest and ugliest woman he can find to sit on Hulk's face and sing when Jeff ends Hulk's career. He thought he'd found her, but he may have to give some of the women of Lincoln, Nebraska a chance. Hippo hips! Horace hits the ring during this and attacks Jeff until security holds him back. But Jeff couldn't get his guitar back. Cat comes out and books a title match between Horace and Jeff. I think Chris Daniels (with bleached hair) was a security member tonight.

Show run down. Jarrett vs Horace, Disco/Tygress vs The Artist/Paisley, and Kidman/Lance Storm vs The Filthy Animals. An update on Jim Duggan.

MIA meeting. General Cock says something about a SWERVE. Major Stash and General Hard Boner will face the Perfect Event. Lt. Loco will defend his title against Corporal Cajun. Loco starts saying he's going to kill people and Jizzster tells him to chill out, Chavo. Gene is with Kanyon. Kanyon says he's going to Kanyon Cut everyone he sees tonight.

Lt. Loco vs Corporal Cajun WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Rigid Dick is on color. This match is pretty meh. Chavo tried a tope, but Lash was way too far out, so Chavo went all the way around and basically drove is face into Lash's shoulder. Looked like it hurt. Chavo wins with a counter Tornado DDT. I think Chavo is bleeding, but it is a wide shot so I can't tell for sure.

TO THE BACK. JTB is in a stairway when a janitor attacks him with a mop. It was Terry Funk in disguise. Moral of the story: Don't ever let your guard down. Scott Steiner insists to Cat that he book a match with Mike Awesome tonight or he's going to sodomize him.


3 Count are in the ring. They aren't happy that copies of their new single have been found in dumpsters and trashcans. This is clearly a diabolical plot. Jindrak and O'Haire end the performance.

3 Count vs Jindrak/O'Haire

Tank arrives in the back and is pissed he missed the performance. It's so weird how Vince treated the NBTs, yet used them as the blueprint for their developmental guys going forward. Big jacked up guys with generic gear and generic haircuts, some with bad tattoos, using generic moves, and most had dumb names. Even if they were SHOOT names. Seanton Bomb for the win. Tank comes to the ring with a green square. He insists 3 Count get up and sing. Tank dances on the floor while 3 Count tries to dance in the ring. Kronik attack Tank mid-dance. Then they take out 3 Count. Wrath does this gnarly wheel barrow suplex into a chokeslam. Might gif that.



Kanyon is in catering. The guy refuses to give him more food, so he hits a Kanyon Cutter. BANG!

Big Vito comes out and talks himself up with a bunch of Italian and New York references. He challenges the Jung Dragons to a gauntlet match.

Big Vito vs Jung Dragons Gauntlet Match

Yang starts first. I lol that Yang is even more of a redneck than Jamie Noble. Vito wins with a top rope elbow. Kaz is up next. Vito hits a running electric chair and a top rope Vaderbomb for the win. Jamie-San gets some high flying offense, including a guillotine leg drop and superfly splash. Vito is distracted by the other two, who he hits with a kendo stick. This allows Jamie (who looks to have gained 70 pounds of muscle and 6 inches) hits a missile dropkick for the win. It was JTB. WHAT A SWERVE! Terry Funk liked what he saw.


TO THE BACK. Cat has to punish Mike Awesome for interfering on Nitro. His punishment is a match with Scott Steiner. Stacy is getting her hair did when Daffney attacks, smearing lip stick and baby power all over poor Stacy. All of this over David Flair.


The tag champs have taken Woody from the production truck. Kanyon hits a Kanyon Cutter on a random tech.

The Perfect Event have thrown Woody in the ring. Phallus and Major Stash make the save.

The Perfect Event vs Peckerhead/Major Stash.

This was a match. MIA won. The champs had a post match beat down that was stopped by Kronik.

TO THE BACK. Horace and Jeff head to the ring.

Jeff Jarrett vs Horace WCW Championship

I think David Arquette is a better contender for the title than WHOREASS. I don't know. This is another match. Nothing noteworthy at all. Jeff hits a chair shot, but Horace kicks out. Jeff won with the stroke on a chair that the ref and Horace were fighting over. Really hard to take Jeff seriously when he can't even beat Horace clean. I'm not sure he's won a single match clean since returning to WCW. Post match saw Jeff do Hogan posing and hitting Horace with the guitar.

TO THE BACK. Vampiro enters a locker room and sees a Sting mask, which makes him destroy the locker room.

Vampiro comes to the ring for a promo. He doesn't like the crowd chanting for Sting. A loud explosion happens and two figures were in the ring. It was DALE and Asya. Another explosion happens and they're gone. Except almost all of this segment was completely in the dark with intermittent purple lights, so you couldn't really make anything out. A figure that may have been either Sting or the guy from I Know What You Did Last Summer was standing on top of the ThunderVision.


. Gene is with Lance Storm and Kidman. lol, Lance says he doesn't dance. Little did he know. Kanyon hit a Kanyon Cutter on the camera man! After a break, we see him looking for someone else to lay out, but Shane Douglas wants his book signed. Shane tries to stir shit up between Kanyon and Buff and then throws the book away.

Kidman/Lance Storm vs Juvi/Rey

Juvi wears weird sweat pants. Lance hits the rolling crab, but Rey breaks it up. BK Bomb. Will Kidman ever do the SSP again? Rey does a super wheelbarrow bulldog, but Kidman takes the bump completely on Rey's hip. Then Juvi does a really awkward springboard leg drop. You can't German suplex Juvi countered into you can't powerbomb Kidman. Lance hits two pretty awesome powerslams, but decides he needs to do a cartwheel clothesline. Such a lame move. Lance crashes and burns to the floor, Animals hit the waaazzzupp leg drop on Kidman. Juvi driver only gets two. Juicy Elbow is stopped by a springboard drop kick. Dr. Bomb from Lance was followed with a superfly splash from Kidman for the win! Things break down after the match, but Kidman and Lance stand tall. You'd think this would be an awesome match, but it was short and forgettable.


TO THE BACK. Sharmell walks around. Cat is on the phone when Kanyon comes in his office. He asks for a match against Buff.

Disco/Tygress vs The Artist/Paisley.

Well, that's what they said at the beginning of the show, but now it is just Paisley vs Tygress. The Artist isn't even out there. The Animals I think try to gang rape Paisley before ginger ref throws them out. Probably saved her life. NITRO GIRLS EXPLODE!!!! Both straps on Tygress'ssss shirt snap with in the first minute. Paisley wins with a body slam.


Buff is getting pumped.

Kanyon vs Buff Bagwell.

Kanyon rips a DDP book up from a fan in the audience. I wish Kanyon was still alive so he could Kanyon Cut random people on WWE shows. He's wearing these gray tights that are distractingly unflattering. They're both baggy and tight at the same time and his ass looks like the old lady from The Shining. Buff was going to do the blockbuster, but Kanyon Cutter on the ref! Ginger ref comes out and calls for the DQ. Buff counts anyway and can't understand what is going on, despite the bell having already rang. He pins Kanyon again and has to be told, again, that the match is over. Kanyon bricks Buff. Booker T comes out and brawls with DDK.

TO THE BACK. Mike Awesome and Scott Steiner get ready for battle.

Scott Steiner vs Mike Awesome.

No promo from Steiner tonight. Probably because it is TBS and they won't let him say anything anyway. Scott brains Mike with Tenay's computer chair. They head out into the crowd. Scott gets crotched on the top rope and knocked to the floor. Scott is weirdly serious in this. No push ups or taunting really. It seems like he was working really hard to show people he could still wrestle in the past few weeks. He's been working really hard, and while he couldn't get near his insanity of early to mid 90s, it was noticeable that he was working hard. Top rope belly to belly from Steiner. He locks in the recliner, which is illegal. Cat came in, kicked the ref, and hit Scott with the US Championship. Cat unbuttons his shirt to reveal a ref shirt and counts the fall for Mike Awesome. Cat and Awesome beat on Steiner and WE'RE OUTTA TIME!

Really forgettable show. I literally didn't remember anything from it until I proof read this.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Sucks how everything went for Mike Awesome's career. Guy was one of the best of all time, talent-wise. I'm sure people still hate him for the ECW crap, but you can't blame him for wanting to be able to cash a check.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Asya! Man, I forgot about her. Some SERIOUS fuckin thighs on her.



Sucks how everything went for Mike Awesome's career. Guy was one of the best of all time, talent-wise. I'm sure people still hate him for the ECW crap, but you can't blame him for wanting to be able to cash a check.

I'm not sure I'd go best of all time by any means. He had zero in ring psychology and most of his matches had no structure at all. But his spots were always boss as fuck, so oh well. But I agree that it sucked how his career turned out. Makes no sense that WCW would steal him from ECW just to make him another guy and then that 70s guy, and how WWE didn't want him at all.
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