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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now


Junior Member
Why doesnt WWE do more TV shows in Madison Square Garden?

Seems like they do house shows there ever few months but the last time they did a actual show there was when punk won the title.

They always get a great crowd there.

You know the Knicks/Liberty, now Rangers.... there is always something happening at MSG.

Also the last two Mania have had attendant space really tight so maybe it is by arena.


I think MSG is a hard arena to book or their fees on weekdays may be too high or something. MSG usually has a good crowd.

I think they should do a show at Hammerstein Ballroom again just to draw out crazy smarks.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I wonder why WWF's ratings were so bad with these great gimmicks...
Why is VPW2 still such a great wrestling game? I played it today (after the painstaking amount of time to rename everyone and make the non-AJPW guys look right) and it is still so good. I don't understand why AKI changed the engine for No Mercy. Not very significantly, but pretty noticeably and I think for the worse. Not that No Mercy isn't boss as fuck, too.

I'm about to start that journey.


formerly cjelly
I was watching the Smackdown videos and something hit me (aside from the realization that Chyna was built like a brick shithouse.) Aside from the energetic theme, powerhouse crowd and tone-setting pyro, something else has been missing from wrestling recently: flash photography. It's still there, the occasional pop in the background, but I remember seeing more of it, especially in the Attitude era. Stone Cold Stunner or Rock Bottom happens and the crowd livens up with a thousand pops of light, bathing everything in the arena with rock concert levels of epilepsy-inducing strobing. It gave everything in the show a more active feel and subliminally showed the audience buying into it all. Hell, it may have even enhanced the audience's hype, a sort of feedback loop.

One reason's easy enough to see. We no longer have all twenty of the WW
E photographers around the ring constantly snapping shots of every important move and reaction throughout the show. Better camera quality is another. The ability to take low light pictures without need for a flash is nice, but it takes something away from the shows when the TV cameras aren't being bombarded with a thousand representations of people thinking "OMG NEED TO CAPTURE THIS MOMENT FOREVER."

Just a thought.

Part of it is because they light up the crowd so much these days.



WCW Bash at the Beach 7/9/2000


Well, this is a pretty important show if you are aware of your WCW history.

TO THE BACK. Cat tells SMOOTH to ban the MIA and Filthy Animals from the Cruiserweight Championship tonight. A gong hits. SMOOTH must have left the radio on. The Jung Dragons appear! Cat says not now, the Dragons attack, and Cat kicks them all in the balls.


Juvi Juice vs Lt. Loco Cruiserweight Championship

I guess the Animals didn't get the message that they aren't to be at ringside. Hey, remember two weeks ago when Rey sent Tygress to fuck Cat so he could have outside interference in his match? And no one cared? Weird. This MIA didn't get the memo, either. The refs inform all the non combatants that they are not to be at ringside. Juvi apparently clipped a ball and sells it all the way to the ramp. Chavo does a Vader Bomb to the floor. I was playing WCW/NWO Revenge earlier today. I played as La Parka vs Juvi at BATB. I hit a tiger driver 91 on the boardwalk. It was great. Chavo keeps Juvi grounded for most of this so far. Chavo hits that pretty awesome cross body to the floor with full extension.


The Animals come back to the ring in Halloween masks, but no one bought it. Juvi attempted a slingshot leg drop to the floor, but it ended up more as a slingshot Earthquake Splash to the floor. Walking Ligerbomb from Juice only gets a two. Juvi is just off all the time from everything I've seen of him in the year 2000. The MIA come out in masks. Major Gunns distracts Juvi enough to let Chavo stop the 450. Tornado DDT is reversed into a Juvi Driver, which is reversed into a sit out Curtain Call, which gets a 2.9. Juvi Driver would have won, but Chavo got his foot on the rope. Chavo hits a snap Tornado DDT to retain. Pretty long match for WCW, even on PPV.

TO THE BACK. The Cat is telling the Dragons that the karate demonstration is over. Jeff Jarrett bursts in with the fat lady wanting to know where Hogan is. He hasn't arrived yet.

Big Vito vs Norman Smiley w/Ralphus WCW Hardcore Championship

JTB hurt his dick insides, so he couldn't compete. Terry Funk was injured in an ambush on Thursday. So Cat had a mystery opponent. Norman Smiley! This starts on the ramp where Vito breaks his stick ball bat on Ralphus. They go to the back, where the match actually starts. Vito is now wearing a weird singlet. Big Wiggle! Ralphus lays in a lot of trash can lid shots. Then he tried to hide behind it. it didn't work. They're fighting in an elevator. Vito sends Norman away in it and goes to find Ralphus. The crowd is chanting for Ralphus! I think Tony said that Ralphus' gunt saved him from the full brunt of a ball shot. Vito pulls out a table and breaks the leg getting it into the ring. He puts Ralphus on the angled table anyway and does a superfly splash for the win. Norman didn't get back in time.


TO THE BACK. Goldberg arrives with Scott Hall's contract in his pocket. Mean Gene asks Nash about the match tonight. Nash says he's going to jackhammer Goldberg and take a survey. He said jackhammer, not jackknife.

Daffney vs Ms. Hancock Wedding Gown Match

David and Stacy make out, which is gross. Daffney comes out during this and low blows David. Handspring elbow from Stacy.


There is also a wedding cake. The ref and David try to separate the girls for some reason. They're in a match, why are they being separated for having a match? The girls take the pants off the men. Slick had his ref shirt tucked into his underwear. David tries to cut Daffney's hair again. Crowbar comes down for the save and then takes HIS pants off. Fucking WCW. Two hot girls in a match where they are supposed to ripe each other's clothes off and they have 3 men in the ring with their pants off. Stacy takes her own skirt off to prevent David from getting his head shaved. Daffney wins. Then it turns into a big cake fight.


Cat wonders if Ox Baker is still under contract to replace Hogan tonight. The Jung Dragons are hiding behind a broom and in laundry carts. Cat hears the music, but they don't strike.


We get to have the announcers talk interspersed with cuts of the crew cleaning up the cake all over the ring mats. Probably would have been easier to just to have spare mats to bring out after the match. Or turn it over, which they eventually did. During this we get a bit of a history lesson of Hogan and Nash at the BATB.

The Perfect Event vs Kronik WCW Tag Team Championship

Crush press slams Meat onto Palumbo on the floor. That was pretty impressive. Stasiak was a big dude. Brian Adams was not a good wrestler. Such a big lug. And for some reason, he's FIP for a large portion of this match. I'm thinking that maybe Kronik shouldn't even have FIP spots since they're both giant dudes and neither of them can bump or sell very well. Wrath gets in and slips and stumbles on the Masterlock logo. Chuck got out of the melt down and hit a DDT. All of the sudden, the tag champs can actually competently wrestle. Kind of odd since they've been booked to be fucking losers who can't even tan right. The champs have been in control for most of the match. They hit the double pancake on Wrath, but Crush broke up the pin and hit a really awkward F5 that looked like it hurt Stasiak's shoulder. High Times on Meat was broken up by Chuck. Sounded like some motorcycles were somewhere in the arena. They hit the move on Chuck. Shawn gets the Lex Flexxxer but Kronik wins the match with a Powerbomb Doomsday Device combo. New champs!


Cat is on the phone. The Japanese music plays again. Jeff and the fat lady are still wanting Hogan. He even hung up Cat's call. He tries to call again and the Dragons attack!

Positively Kanyon vs Booker T.

The wig is off a few seconds in. Madden points out that Kanyon is wearing DDP's tights. He isn't. He was on the past few shows, but he's wearing Kanyon tights tonight. Booker picks up the book and the brick falls out. Kanyon has had zero offense. As I type that, he throws Book to the floor and uses the rail and steps. He places the steps on Book's shoulder and hits it with a chair off the apron. A baseball slide with Booker against the ring post. Sweet suplex with Booker on the apron and Kanyon on the middle rope. Sit out Alabama Slam almost wins the match for DDK. Billy Goat's curse!


Booker has a chair and tries to hit Kanyon. The ref takes it away, which allows Kanyon to hit Booker with the book. But the brick wasn't in it! SWERVE! Kanyon kicked out from the Book End! Double J comes out and hits Booker with the guitar as he goes up for the missile dropkick. Avalanche Kanyon Cutter. Kanyon wins!

TO THE BACK. Mike Awesome is hitting on the fat lady. Paula Poundstone ruins his game and asks him about his match with Steiner.


Scott Steiner vs Mike Awesome WCW US Championship.

You know who the fat lady's favorite wrestler is? Shane Douglas. She thinks he's the French Fries. Jerry Lawler was calling this show I guess. This starts out immediately on the floor. Steiner gets back dropped right into the face of some fan. Awesome dives over the railing and now they're brawling out in the crowd. Back to the ring. Top rope belly to belly. Steiner gets dropped on the ropes and then Awesome does a weak looking Cactus Elbow on the floor. The bell right to Scott's temple. Awesome is wearing Scott out with a chair. Lot of lower back work out on the floor. Top rope LARIATTOOOO! The Cat walks out. Steiner doesn't get Awesome quite all the way over on a belly to belly. Scott went for the Recliner, Cat tells him no. Scott hits him. Awesome hits a low blow and Alabama slam for a 2 count. Awesome splash only gets a 2. Ref bump. Cat tries to get involved, but he accidentally kicks Awesome and gets a belly to belly. Cat says he'll strip the title if Steiner puts on the Recliner. Scott does and Cat strips the title. Scott goes back to the ring and hits a half nelson suplex on Awesome.



Vampiro vs The Demon Graveyard Match

This graveyard looks surprisingly like a sound stage. Demon tells Charles Robinson to keep Asya safe. Really? She is probably 3 times stronger than him at least. Vampiro was hiding in a tree and jumps out. This is basically lit by a flash light. Vamp is knocked into an open grave. He then drags Demon into it and goes after Asya. I find it a little hard she can't defend herself at all.


Demon crawls out of the grave to find Asya sitting and rocking by a pond. Vampiro jumps out of the water and drags Demon in. This is fucking terrible. Charles Robinson saves Demon's life, but Vampiro has taken Asya again. Demon again finds Asya, this time lying by a coffin. Vampiro sits up out of the coffin and spits blood. Then he crushes a tombstone over Demon's head and puts him in the coffin. Then rolls the coffin in to the grave. Fucking atrocious.

Gene is with the French Fries. He guarantees a win tonight.

Buff Bagwell vs Shane Douglas

You know the graveyard shit was terrible when I want to watch this match to get that taste out of my mouth. Buff gets a franchise sucks chant started. Shane tries a piledriver on the floor, but gets back dropped. Shane punches a chair in Buff's face. Shane works over the neck and Torrie Wilson comes out. She slaps Shane. Torrie gets in the ring, kisses Buff, and kicks him in the balls. Pittsburgh Plunge, but Buff kicked out!


Buff hits the double arm DDT and goes for the Blockbuster, but Torrie stops him. Shane hits some weird inverted stunner type of move. Torrie hugs Shane and Madden talks about a head cheerleader.


. Hulk Hogan is here! Gene is with Jarrett. Jeff says plan A goes into effect.

Hulk Hogan vs Jeff Jarrett WCW Championship

Jeff's music hits, but he doesn't come out. Instead, Vince Russo comes out. Jeff comes out after. Hulk grabs the mic and says he's going to powerbomb Jeff through the mat. Jeff is standing at the top of the ramp with srs bidness face.


The bell rings and Jeff lays down. Russo throws the belt to Hogan and storms off. "I guess we're deviating from the norm here. I guess deviating from the script." Hulk grabs the mic and says bullshit like this is why WCW is in the shape it is. "My god this is real life." Hulk pins Jeff. Jeff walks to the back looking like he was going to cry. Your new champion, Hulk Hogan. "What we've seen here is a slice of real life." "This is not something they went over with us at the production meeting." "There are swerves and there are SWERVES, and we've all been SWERVED." "I don't think anyone agreed to this."


TO THE BACK. Vampiro walks into the arena, walking right past Hogan.

Vampiro comes out. This is actually the finish to the graveyard match. The winner had to come back to the ring. WE WANT STING chants start up. Sting druids bring a coffin out to the ring. Someone gets out of the coffin and hits Vamp. Sting's music hits. The lights go out and whoever this guy was is gone as Vamp is left in an open coffin. The fuck. What a weird follow up to the Hogan SWERVE.


TO THE BACK. Gene is with Goldberg. He's going to make Nash suffer.

Vince Russo comes out. "That's not Vince Russo the character, that's Vince Russo the boss." "We need to hear this, let's lay out." Russo has a heavy head and heavy heart tonight. He left 3 weeks ago and didn't know if he was going to come back because he's done nothing but deal with bullshit politics. He's got a family and doesn't really need this shit. But he came back for all da boys in da back who bust their asses week in and week out. And let me tell you who doesn't give a shit about this company: That god damn politician Hulk Hogan! Creative control card is brought up. Hulk wanted to beat Jarrett even when he knew it was bullshit. He promises us we'll never see that piece of shit again. "From here on in, that belt don't mean SHIT!" Lol. He says that Jeff Jarrett never screws anyone. Jeff will defend his title against Booker T! "And Hogan, you big bald son of a bitch, KISS MY ASS!" "If Russo was a woman I'd marry him." Tony says that was a SHOOT, as we call it in the wrestling business. Will have a number of reaction gifs from the announcers, but I'll post a video of the whole promo because it doesn't translate as well to type. Well, I wanted to, but WWE blocked it. Luckily it is on Daily Motion, though in pretty bad quality.

Russo SHOOTS on Hogan


TO THE BACK. Nash heads to the ring. He tells Steiner to watch his back, but Scotty is busy with his YAK.

Kevin Nash vs Goldberg for Scott Hall's contract

Madden keeps calling this Godzilla vs Megalon instead of the normal King Kong vs Godzilla reference. They throw bombs on your moms before Goldberg hits some kidney punches and a super kick. Nash hits a chokeslam, but Goldberg pretty much no sells it and goes back to offense. Steiner comes out to cheer Nash on. Side slam from Nash. Goldberg then misses a spear in the corner. Nash goes for the powerbomb, but Steiner attacks him! SWERVE! Goldberg hits the spear and jackhammer for the win. Scott Hall is gone. A Steiner/Goldberg team is the scariest thing I've ever seen.


TO THE BACK. Gene is with Booker. He doesn't know what is going on, but he's going to do what he can to win.

Booker T vs Jeff Jarrett WCW Championship

Jeff is wearing the old dented Big Gold. I thought it was weird that he had been wearing a replica for at least a month. Tony is hesitant to take any shots at Hogan, but Hudson and Madden have no problem with it. Starts as a straight up wrestling match, but breaks down and heads into the crowd. Jeff hits a piledriver on the Japanese announce table. This is basically just an extended version of their match from Thunder. Jeff intentionally takes out the ref and tries a top rope guitar shot, but Booker catches him in a Book End. Booker T is the WCW Champion! Crowd went banana for this. The whole arena was raising the roof.


12 years later, no one is still totally sure what happened that night. Russo, Hogan, and Bischoff have all changed their stories multiple times and none of them match up with anyone else. The most agreed upon story is that it was all planned as a worked shoot, but Russo took it too far, which made Hulk and Eric leave and Hulk sue WCW. Whatever. Hogan and Bischoff would not return to WCW television before the buy out.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
That dude in Beyond The Match who was like 50 and still thinking somebody is going to ask him for a match is a fuckin retard.

He came by to Terry Funk to say he wasn't going to be there because he wasn't booked. He had other plans but when Terry said you could be the ref, he took the job.



You'd think that would automatically make DDK Number One Contender considering he beat the champ that night.

So many of my thoughts have started out with "you'd think..." while watching these. At least 4-5 times a show. Especially now since they've been using the production truck and techs in angles. You can't pretend that backstage angles happen in a vacuum that only the audience sees anymore.


So not worth it
flash photography. It's still there, the occasional pop in the background, but I remember seeing more of it, especially in the Attitude era.

I don't think they're taking less pictures, hell take a random look at the crowd, most of them are holding up their cellphones.

That's the thing though, it's cellphones now, not big ass camera's like back then. Add to that the better lighting, the way better camera's and it's just not as noticable now as it was back then. Also, no picture you can snap in the arena is ever gonna look as great as the tons of HD pictures you can get on the internet nowadays. Back then you got low-res gif's in 256 colors or JPG's with huge artifacts scattered across them.


So not worth it
What's this soccer you speak off?

Oh hang on, that's what formerly great football players play in the States to earn their pension right?
I think it's a bit like wrestling, I walked past the tv and glanced at a man throwing himself into the floor even though he wasn't touched and overselling it, what a load of fake hooey!
PWG's Mystery Vortex is in stock and ready to ship now;


Goddamn, I'm really looking forward to seeing this show. Although, I would love it if PWG could speed up the process, a month and a bit isn't too bad by their standards, but it's still not great.

Also, the results from DDT4 last night and El Generico's final PWG appearance :(

1. Young Bucks defeat Inner City Machine Guns (Swann & Ricochet) with a roll-up on Swann.

2. Unbreakable F'n Machines (Michael Elgin & Brian Cage) defeat The Super Smash Bros. to become NEW PWG Tag Team Champions! Mid-match, Elgin hit the Alabama Slam on both Super Smash Bros. Incredible. Machines eventually won with a series of moves finishing with Elgin hitting the spinning powerbomb on Stupified. Player Uno appeared to get hurt on a dive; it looked like a broken forearm or dislocation.

3. Future Shock (PWG Champion Adam Cole & Kyle O'Reilly) defeated Dojo Bros (Eddie Edwards & Roderick Strong). Cole hit Strong with the PWG Title belt to get the pin.

4. Steenerico (Kevin Steen & El Generico) defeated The Briscoe Brothers. Generico ducked the Doomsday Device and rolled up Jay for the win. Afterward, Steen spit on Generico and walked out on Generico.

5. Young Bucks defeated new PWG tag champions Brian Cage & Michael Elgin in a Semi-Final DDT4 tag tournament match to capture the PWG Tag Titles. Bucks won with another roll-up. Elgin hit a fall-away slam/Samoan Drop combo during the match.

6. Kevin Steen & El Generico defeated Future Shock (PWG champion Adam Cole & Kyle O'Reilly) in a Semi-Final DDT4 tag tournament match. Steenerico won with a Package Piledriver/Brainbuster combination.

7. Willie Mack beat B-Boy with the Chocolate Thunder Bomb.

8. Drake Younger beat Sami Callihan via KO in Match #2 of their Best-of-Three series. The series is now 1-1. Younger took a number of unprotected chair shots to the head, unfortunately.

9. New PWG tag champions Young Bucks defeated Kevin Steen & El Generico in the DDT4 Finals to win the tournament and retain the PWG Tag Titles. Bucks won with another roll-up.

The show ended around 12:35 a.m. with Steen and Generico hugging in the ring to send off Generico to WWE.

In summary, Steen told Generico he would be nothing without him for all the years they knew each other. All the guys came out and Generico joked that he was going to Mexico to take care of the orphans. But, if the currency crashed, then he would come back to PWG.


I was watching the Smackdown videos and something hit me (aside from the realization that Chyna was built like a brick shithouse.) Aside from the energetic theme, powerhouse crowd and tone-setting pyro, something else has been missing from wrestling recently: flash photography. It's still there, the occasional pop in the background, but I remember seeing more of it, especially in the Attitude era. Stone Cold Stunner or Rock Bottom happens and the crowd livens up with a thousand pops of light, bathing everything in the arena with rock concert levels of epilepsy-inducing strobing. It gave everything in the show a more active feel and subliminally showed the audience buying into it all. Hell, it may have even enhanced the audience's hype, a sort of feedback loop.

One reason's easy enough to see. We no longer have all twenty of the WW
E photographers around the ring constantly snapping shots of every important move and reaction throughout the show. Better camera quality is another. The ability to take low light pictures without need for a flash is nice, but it takes something away from the shows when the TV cameras aren't being bombarded with a thousand representations of people thinking "OMG NEED TO CAPTURE THIS MOMENT FOREVER."

Just a thought.


While they were often silly, and were probably a pain for the others in the audience, I miss the absolute sea of signs you used to see. It just spoke of a much more enthusiastic audience,you'd see signs for guys up and down the card, right from Austin to low card guys like Al Snow, and all the Divas, too.
That dude in Beyond The Match who was like 50 and still thinking somebody is going to ask him for a match is a fuckin retard.

He came by to Terry Funk to say he wasn't going to be there because he wasn't booked. He had other plans but when Terry said you could be the ref, he took the job.




No One Remembers
While they were often silly, and were probably a pain for the others in the audience, I miss the absolute sea of signs you used to see. It just spoke of a much more enthusiastic audience,you'd see signs for guys up and down the card, right from Austin to low card guys like Al Snow, and all the Divas, too.

Hey now, there are signs for Zack Ryder!!!

Also, in that link that Sunflower posted to that of an old Smackdown! the intro pyro really helps set it all up. Do they not do that anymore?! O.O


PWG's Mystery Vortex is in stock and ready to ship now;


Goddamn, I'm really looking forward to seeing this show. Although, I would love it if PWG could speed up the process, a month and a bit isn't too bad by their standards, but it's still not great.

Also, the results from DDT4 last night and El Generico's final PWG appearance :(

1. Young Bucks defeat Inner City Machine Guns (Swann & Ricochet) with a roll-up on Swann.

2. Unbreakable F'n Machines (Michael Elgin & Brian Cage) defeat The Super Smash Bros. to become NEW PWG Tag Team Champions! Mid-match, Elgin hit the Alabama Slam on both Super Smash Bros. Incredible. Machines eventually won with a series of moves finishing with Elgin hitting the spinning powerbomb on Stupified. Player Uno appeared to get hurt on a dive; it looked like a broken forearm or dislocation.

3. Future Shock (PWG Champion Adam Cole & Kyle O'Reilly) defeated Dojo Bros (Eddie Edwards & Roderick Strong). Cole hit Strong with the PWG Title belt to get the pin.

4. Steenerico (Kevin Steen & El Generico) defeated The Briscoe Brothers. Generico ducked the Doomsday Device and rolled up Jay for the win. Afterward, Steen spit on Generico and walked out on Generico.

5. Young Bucks defeated new PWG tag champions Brian Cage & Michael Elgin in a Semi-Final DDT4 tag tournament match to capture the PWG Tag Titles. Bucks won with another roll-up. Elgin hit a fall-away slam/Samoan Drop combo during the match.

6. Kevin Steen & El Generico defeated Future Shock (PWG champion Adam Cole & Kyle O'Reilly) in a Semi-Final DDT4 tag tournament match. Steenerico won with a Package Piledriver/Brainbuster combination.

7. Willie Mack beat B-Boy with the Chocolate Thunder Bomb.

8. Drake Younger beat Sami Callihan via KO in Match #2 of their Best-of-Three series. The series is now 1-1. Younger took a number of unprotected chair shots to the head, unfortunately.

9. New PWG tag champions Young Bucks defeated Kevin Steen & El Generico in the DDT4 Finals to win the tournament and retain the PWG Tag Titles. Bucks won with another roll-up.

The show ended around 12:35 a.m. with Steen and Generico hugging in the ring to send off Generico to WWE.

In summary, Steen told Generico he would be nothing without him for all the years they knew each other. All the guys came out and Generico joked that he was going to Mexico to take care of the orphans. But, if the currency crashed, then he would come back to PWG.
It truly was a magical night. So many streamers. Someone cleaned out a store since everyone got one. Elgin is a freaking machine. But really, this was like 10x as sad as Joey leaving. Steen was Mr. PWG, but El Generico was the heart and soul of PWG.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
This Owen/King promo with HBK on commentary is pretty good.

Owen: I am going to win the tag team titles
King: You are?
Owen: I am
HBK: He is
Owen: I am going to win the intercontinental title
King: You are?
Owen: I am
HBK: He is
Owen: I am going to win the WWF title
King: You are?
Owen: I am
HBK: He is

also face Perfect is still weird. Every time I see it. Especially 'Perfect' chants. I don't think Heenan's been angrier on commentary before or after the Perfect face turn. I also love the Bret and Perfect dynamic


Here is spoilers for one of the taped pay per views TNA is now doing. This is the x-division one:

by Richard Trionfo @ 7:14 PM on 1/12/2013

Match Number One:

X Division Xscape Match: Matt Bentley versus Alex Silva versus Sam Shaw versus Lince Dorado versus Puma versus Jimmy Rave versus Christian York

The match is an elimination match until the final two when it becomes the first to escape the cage.

Christian York wins the match by escaping the cage. The final two were Jimmy Rave and Christian York.

The order of elimination was:
1. Lince Dorado
2. Puma
3. Sam Shaw
4. Alex Silva
5. Matt Bentley

They announced that Samoa Joe will face Austin Aries on this show.

Match Number Two: Kid Kash and Douglas Williams versus Tony Nese and Rashad Cameron

Williams and Kash get the victory after Williams hit Chaos Theory on Nese.

Match Number Three: Robbie E versus Chavo Guerrero

Before the match, Robbie says that he invented the X Division and is the greatest X Division champion of all time.

Chavo comes out and says that the X Division came from the Cruiserweight Division which came from lucha libre which was created by Gory Guerrero.

Chavo tells Robbie he has a guest referee and it is Joseph Park.

Chavo wins with a frog splash.

After the match, Robbie hits Joseph and the switch goes off and Park with a shoulder tackle to Robbie.

Match Number Four: Ultimate X Match featuring Zema Ion, Rubix, Kenny King, and Mason Andrews

Kenny King wins the match. Rubix grabbed the X from the cables but when he tried to get to the mat, he landed on King's shoulders. King took the X and hit an Electric Chair drop.

Before the match, it was announced that the winner had to have the X and have both feet on the mat.

Match Number Five: Frankie Kazarian and Christopher Daniels versus Sonjay Dutt and Petey Williams

Daniels and Kazarian get the victory after Kazarian hits Fade to Black and Daniels hits the BME on Dutt.

After the match Kazarian accidentally clotheslines Daniels when Dutt moves and Williams gives Kazarian the Canadian Destroyer.

Match Number Six: Rob Van Dam versus Jerry Lynn in a No Disqualification Match

Rob Van Dam wins with a Five Star Frog Splash. Before hitting the frog splash, Van Dam kicked Lynn off the top turnbuckle and through a table on the floor.

After the match Rob and Jerry hug and each man raises the other's hand.

The locker room comes out to the stage to salute Lynn.

Match Number Seven: Samoa Joe versus Austin Aries

Austin Aries defeated Samoa Joe in what was said to be a great match after countering the Musclebuster into a rollup.


I wish they still did those. Remember all the awesome videos they produced around 2001-2002, just to show off their new video library? Like the History of WWE video to that Kid Rock song?


I wish they still did those. Remember all the awesome videos they produced around 2001-2002, just to show off their new video library? Like the History of WWE video to that Kid Rock song?

I was just watching that one as well. Those were much better than all this tout crap they do.

Edit: that cast of talent was amazing
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