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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now


Junior Member
I didn't think they'd fuck up Barrett as much as they did.
I watched that era on youtube and man it was like watching a car crash of Barrett's career in wwe.
That's not really fair, though. Both of those guys are IWC darlings, while Del Rio isn't. Plus, wrestling was just a bigger deal during those times (one of those changes happened at WM). Honestly, no one has cared about the world title since the middle of Sheamus' reign. Big Show has done nothing for it (cause it's Big Show), and the WWE is making it very obvious that it's a secondary title. The title is begging for Ziggler to cash in already, and bring some excitement to it.

Christian's first title was really only two days like wtf. I would say the WHC lost its identityas a real beat since No Way Out. The feuds over the beat have been drawn out and are very boring.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Kofi should be saving his money now. Shelton's coming back, so that means they've got their 'guy who does crazy stuff at MITB' back.
No, it's not. No one cares about TNA except the million or so people that will watch anything with the word "wrestling" in it on TV.

Those million people care more about TNA than even the WWE cares about the Divas. Go look at WWEShop.com and look at the Diva's section. Here, I'll link you:


If the WWE felt there was a nickel to squeeze from their audience, they would make a product to overprice to sell them. That page shows how little the Diva's matter, there isn't ANY money to be made from them because nobody cares


more money than God
Those million people care more about TNA than even the WWE cares about the Divas. Go look at WWEShop.com and look at the Diva's section. Here, I'll link you:


If the WWE felt there was a nickel to squeeze from their audience, they would make a product to overprice to sell them. That page shows how little the Diva's matter, there isn't ANY money to be made from them because nobody cares
AJ Lee and Eve are more famous and relevant than any homemade TNA talent (essentially, AJ Styles). TNA is a textbook example of mismanagement and waste of potential.


more money than God
I have no idea why the Divas division exists. They kill ratings and sell no merchandise.
I actually agree. First thing I would do if I were Vince is get rid of the Divas division, besides managers and stuff. Very few even appreciate the wrestling or talent involved. Whenever a diva is on screen, all the virgins in this thread get together and fawn over them like a bunch of perverts.


drawer by drawer
I actually agree. First thing I would do if I were Vince is get rid of the Divas division, besides managers and stuff. Very few even appreciate the wrestling or talent involved. Whenever a diva is on screen, all the virgins in this thread get together and fawn over them like a bunch of perverts.

Kind of like when you when Kane is on screen. :)
We know what will happen to the Main Roster if John Cena leaves now.

How do you feel about WM spoiler with the RR dvd promo?
Rock beats Punk, Cena wins RR match, Rock vs. Cena in WM. This is the only stuff is confirmed from the dvd packaging but we don't need confirmation to know Cena will beat Rock at WM.


more money than God
How do you feel about WM spoiler with the RR dvd promo?
Rock beats Punk, Cena wins RR, Rock vs. Cena in WM. This stuff is confirmed from the dvd packaging but we don't need confirmation to know Cena will beat Rock at WM.
So, essentially, it's what I and many others have been predicting for months and months.
AJ Lee and Eve are more famous and relevant than any homemade TNA talent (essentially, AJ Styles). TNA is a textbook example of mismanagement and waste of potential.

AJ Lee is famous for her character being a whore, she hardly ever wrestles. Eve thinks so much of wrestling and the Diva's division that she is walking away even though she is currently champion. The while division is nothing but mismanagement and waste of potential (Natalya)
How do you feel about WM spoiler with the RR dvd promo?
Rock beats Punk, Cena wins RR match, Rock vs. Cena in WM. This is the only stuff is confirmed from the dvd packaging but we don't need confirmation to know Cena will beat Rock at WM.
Once in a Lifetime my ass.


How do you feel about WM spoiler with the RR dvd promo?
Rock beats Punk, Cena wins RR match, Rock vs. Cena in WM. This is the only stuff is confirmed from the dvd packaging but we don't need confirmation to know Cena will beat Rock at WM.


“Buzz is already building after the main event match-up announcement placing two mega-watt Superstars face-to-face for the first time since WrestleMania 28. The Rock vs John Cena for The WWE Championship.”

why is any of this spoil tagged? anyone who watches WWE knows this is going to happen. it's like spoil tagging tomorrow the sun will rise


Are there two shittier guys on the national scene than Matt Morgan and Joey Ryan? Fuck. Joey was always the worst part of a PWG show. Always. He's painfully average to below average in the ring and I don't know how he ever got tagged as a good promo guy on the indies. He isn't. At all. His body hair and mustache are his only redeeming qualities. And Matt Morgan is a guy who has been in wrestling for 10 years, yet hasn't improved since he was a rookie, and still hasn't figured out how to project that he's a fucking giant. I've never seen a dude that big have zero presence of a giant guy. He's got a number of inches on Sid, but Sid even today seems so much bigger.

Morgan's gimmick for 3 years has basically been "look, I'm tall and not a sloppy fat guy!". That's the best you can come up for that guy? Although, Hernandez isn't good, either. But I think he projects a big bad ass mother fucker 100 times more than Morgan, despite being a foot shorter.


more money than God
AJ Lee is famous for her character being a whore, she hardly ever wrestles. Eve thinks so much of wrestling and the Diva's division that she is walking away even though she is currently champion. The while division is nothing but mismanagement and waste of potential (Natalya)
Still doesn't disprove my point, though I agree with you.
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