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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now

AJ was better when she was the delicate waifu to D.Brine instead of the "lol i'm crazy" AJ.

Yup. Her character was pretty engaging up until Extreme Rules, after that the formations of "crazy AJ" were great - in that she was not crazy in the slightest but the stupid men would treat her like she was so she was exploiting it but then they just sort of went with "Nope, she crazy"


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
The problem is she's not in the Diva's division. She's bringing down legit talent.

Right then, how is she "bringing down legit talent"? I honestly don't see it. I understand not liking her, I can even understanding hating her, but I don't see how she is harming other talent unless one is allowing their own dislike or hatred against her to cloud their judgement on those around her.

They've done rather well I've thought to actually keep her from being in the ring and harming any important matches. Punk vs Bryan with her as the ref was played well I thought without her "ruining it" for anyone. Most of the time she is thrown out from ringside or does nothing more than what Vicky or Heyman do with screaming and making weird faces. It's not like she is Hornswoggle going around biting people... outside of her own matches.

Is it the "overshadowing" aspect? The focus is too much on her and not the wrestlers perhaps? I'm reaching with because outside of promos directly about her and whomever she is with, it's always returned and focused on Bryan or Dolph or even Titus O'Neil back on old NXT. AJ and Big E talked about wrestling, but it ended with Dolph making a big deal about his feud with Cena for example.

Bryan was his best heel since his American Hobo... I mean Dragon days when he was acting as a psychopath only pretending to be able to feel love, then went to his best comedy promos due to her as GM forcing the anger management issue.

It didn't hurt Kane or Punk any, just things to fill time and it's no worse than Ryder/Cena hate or Kevin Nash time wasters.

Again, I understand not liking someone or hating them, but I just don't see anything that is causing wrestlers to be brought down like say then U.S. champ Miz vs Cena. I'll agree the push to pure crazy and random climbing of a cage just to scream is awful though.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Fucking Coachman. Man, this Rumble has some horrrrrible talent.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
One good thing about WCW 2000 is that they replaced their worst PPV, Road Wild, with New Blood Rising...which itself wasn't very good.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
One good thing about WCW 2000 is that they replaced their worst PPV, Road Wild, with New Blood Rising...which itself wasn't very good.

I liked Road Wild's outdoor concept and bikes. That's about it.


Is it the "overshadowing" aspect? The focus is too much on her and not the wrestlers perhaps? I'm reaching with because outside of promos directly about her and whomever she is with, it's always returned and focused on Bryan or Dolph

What WWE are you watching? Because the one I'm watching, it never goes to Dolph.

This feud is literally Cena vs AJ and friends

The forced promos of how John broke her heart and how every match ends up with her involving herself somehow, like in the cage match where she just goes up to climb the cage.

Even listening to the commentary, it's rarely ever about Dolph. After she betrays Dolph and proclaims her love for the next random white dude, Dolph is going to be a fucking nobody. Not only is he getting buried by Cena, he's also getting buried by AJ.

In 5 year more people will remember Funaki than Ziggler.


Taz was really serious about pushing the whole Smackdown vs Raw/Smackdown guys should stick together thing. Its a shame he decided to lose any shred of loyalty and become such a turncoat in TNA.


What WWE are you watching? Because the one I'm watching, it never goes to Dolph.

This feud is literally Cena vs AJ and friends

The forced promos of how John broke her heart and how every match ends up with her involving herself somehow, like in the cage match where she just goes up to climb the cage.

Even listening to the commentary, it's rarely ever about Dolph. After she betrays Dolph and proclaims her love for the next random white dude, Dolph is going to be a fucking nobody. Not only is he getting buried by Cena, he's also getting buried by AJ.

In 5 year more people will remember Funaki than Ziggler.

She's made like one of those, and that was supposed to explain the heel turn, Dolph has had most of the mic time and focus. AJ mostly just hangs out at ringside, thus far.

The feud is doing nothing for the trio, since they're incapable of hurting Super Cena, but AJ is in no way the focus. Maybe had the most focus in the first week after TLC, but it's Ziggler since then.
Waiting for Raw to start. Hope you guys can spot my sign:


I'm directly across the ring on the camera side:



Horrible sign. The more support you show Cena the more they will put him on TV...

GAF is now responsible for every Cena segment ever.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
That's an awful sign. WassleGaf is one word.

What WWE are you watching? Because the one I'm watching, it never goes to Dolph.

This feud is literally Cena vs AJ and friends

The forced promos of how John broke her heart and how every match ends up with her involving herself somehow, like in the cage match where she just goes up to climb the cage.

Even listening to the commentary, it's rarely ever about Dolph. After she betrays Dolph and proclaims her love for the next random white dude, Dolph is going to be a fucking nobody. Not only is he getting buried by Cena, he's also getting buried by AJ.

In 5 year more people will remember Funaki than Ziggler.

Well I don't listen to the English feed, so I can't comment on what Cole and King are saying for commentary. Spanish and Japanese feeds have talked about Dolph quite often though, and I'm sure I heard JBL give him credit too during a Main Event build up segment.

It does go to Dolph as he has the mic quite often, I think you may just be forgetting or ignoring them. Go back and watch the interview with them and Miz or last week or any of the house shows, he talks plenty. He talks often, mentions how sick he is, gets sick during house shows, etc.

Yes AJ climbs a cage or Big E interferes or Vickey used to get on the rope and distract the ref, but that doesn't remove how much of the actual matches are focused on him. A few "big" moments should not invalidate everything else to your mind. A sleeper hold to Cena as he climbs the match happened just as much and was story based just as much as AJ screaming for example. A great superkick to Cena and kept him down for a short while won the match more to my eyes than AJ pushing over a ladder.
I'm not pretending AJ isn't highly visible or active all around, but just like Punk and Bryan before, Dolph tells the story in the ring and that's the main focus for me.

As for "being buried", that phrase means nothing to me with how it's used. If you honestly think Dolph will be a "nobody" after this, after all the highly enjoyable matches he's put on where AJ has often done less than 1980s managers, and gotten more time to speak on the mic than ever before and saw an increase in viewers for his Youtube show after this feud started, then you really must not think much of him in the first place. Honestly, you think he was Primo or something the way you expect such a drop of notice.


One good thing about WCW 2000 is that they replaced their worst PPV, Road Wild, with New Blood Rising...which itself wasn't very good.

The first year card was pretty weird booking for a bunch of bikers. Rey vs Ultimo, a half hour Benoit vs Dean match, Harlem Heat, Madusa vs Bull Nakano, Flair vs Eddie. You'd think they would have loaded that card up with old WWF guys (more than usual), not have a pretty wrestling heavy card with small flippy dudes who aren't from America and some black guys.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
=( Stream stopped working for me now at the beginning of 06 Rumble, right after Rey's Eddie homage.

Sorry guys, it's coming back - was playing Euro Truck Simulator 2 and got my ass from Grimsby to Cardiff only rolling it twice. Musta been too much for my comp.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Sorry guys, it's coming back - was playing Euro Truck Simulator 2 and got my ass from Grimsby to Cardiff only rolling it twice. Musta been too much for my comp.

Cardiff is rather heart stopping by train. Wrestling has nothing on it.

Jamie OD

Fun TNA house show tonight. Nothing amazing, in fact you could safely say a lot of the wrestlers phoned it in but I left with a smile at the end. The show was held in a small, dingy boxing arena that holds around 2000 people and was about 3/4 full. Results ae spoilered since I think they are doing the same matches for the rest of the tour.

1. Chavo & Hernandez beat Bad Influence to keep the tag titles. I have never seen Daniels so animated in the ring, even as Curry Man.

2. Velvet & Tessmacher beat Tara & Gail. Tara's shorts leave nothing to the imagination. So much so that fans were chanting "Tara's Butt Cheeks" during the match and at other points of the show too. I also figured out that part of the reason Velvet is so bad is because her big boobs throw off her equilibrium. Seriously, they were bobbling around all over the place.

3. Storm beat Aries & Roode in a Handicap match. Storm was over as hell. Is his theme supposed to be a knock off of the ESPN College Gameday intro? Storm accused Roode of one time drinking water. Sadly one fan's attempt at starting a mocking Gatorade chant didn't catch on, thus failing to get a reference to The Waterboy over.

4. RVD beat Zema Ion to keep the X Title. Not a bad match. Earl Hebner was the ref and one fan got so pissed off at him he tried to jump into the ring. Seriously. Security threw grabbed the fan and threw out. RVD stole Zema's hairspray and used it to spray everyone's hair in the front row. After the match, Christy Hemme asked the audience if there was a phone lying underneath their chairs. The security guard who threw out the fan got his phone knocked out of his pocket during the ejection. A fan found it and gave it back soon afterwards.

5. Bully Ray beat Magnus in a No DQ match. Dixie came out to say thank you but was interrupted by Magnus. He insulted the fans and said there were no Irish wrestlers in TNA. This lead to a loud Sheamus chant. Bully Ray came out and pleaded for his suspension to be lifted for one night so he could beat up Magnus. Dixie agreed on the condition it was a No DQ match. Bully won with a Rock Bottom through the table. He then grabbed a piece of the table and shyly asked Dixie if she wanted his wood. The then brought in a fan at ringside, gave him the table piece and got everyone to chant his name.

6. Sting & Angle beat Devon & D.O.C. in a cage match. Angle was attacked by Mike Knox during his entrance. A masked Aces & 8s member later ran in with a hammer but the faces won in the end. Probably the safely worked cage match to ever happen in wrestling. But hey, it's a house show. The Aces & 8s argued with each other after the match and they threatened to unmask the hammer guy but in the end they group hugged.

Didn't take many pictures but here is what the arena looked like.


The entrance stage is on the left hand side, for anyone wondering.



Watching Raw of 2 weeks ago. Rock's theme music is a real wrestling theme. Sorry Punk, but Cult of Personality is garbage.
favourite of all time was surfer Sting.

post WCW... gotta go with Lesnar.

Japan, toss up between Liger and Mutoh.

guilty pleasure, Goldberg.


Watching Raw of 2 weeks ago. Rock's theme music is a real wrestling theme. Sorry Punk, but Cult of Personality is garbage.
the only reason i like punks theme is:
1) can cut someone off like scsa's glass break
2) its what he used in the indies, and its awesome he got to switch to it now.

i actually have dbrines theme as my ringtone right now


the only reason i like punks theme is:
1) can cut someone off like scsa's glass break
2) its what he used in the indies, and its awesome he got to switch to it now.

i actually have dbrines theme as my ringtone right now

Indies... ugh.

This ain't the indies man.

This theme song would be good for TNA, but this is the WWE. The grandest stage of them all.


I love hearing CoP come on :/ the way the static cuts and the guitar riff starts, instant classic. I don't dislike Punk's old theme however.
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