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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now


I wish Strobogo had had measured his vitals at the beginning of this process like Super Size Me so we could have seen WCW 2000's affect on the body.

Edit: New Page!


My weight has held steady, but I have a not more noticeable grays in my beard and hair, my hair seems to be falling out a bit fast than it was 3 months ago, I had that 2 week drunken spree that ended in possible alcohol poisoning, I had 4 sparky plug thermans blow in my car (the smoke of which nearly caused my little Focus to get squashed by a giant tow truck that was behind me), I think I broke my toe on a kettle bell, I sliced a pretty sizable cut in my right index finger while cutting vegetables. I've also lost my will to live and am more suicidal than ever and I accidentally ran over a raccoon, which was the first time for me.


Wondering where Cesaro was going to be for the Rumble and he has the preshow! I love this man more than I should and I'm just glad we get to see him at all. Not sure how a match with The Miz will play out though.


For people interested in another Royal Rumble Contest the law message board is running one where to participate you have to just register and its free.

For each topic you put your top 3 choices. The topics are:







Winner of the Rumble: Wade Barrett
Dolph Zigglers Opponent in the beginning of the Rumble: Miz
Entrant #30: Sheamus
First Eliminated in the Rumble: Jinder
Entrant that lasts the longest: Dolph Ziggler
Entrant that lasts the shortest: Heath Slater
The best ACW match, mentioned earlier, is Portia Perez's 'death match'

LOL. The ACW Family Christmas Deathmatch! The best part of that was while all the other girls were killing each other, Portia and Jessica James only cared about the Christmas cookies, and Portia made the mistake of stubbornly refusing to share. This made Jessica quite mad, as everyone knows you don't get between that girl and food...


"Um, Portia...you're about to get Scorpion Kicked in the face..."

Nice write-up, but that last part is a bit incorrect. That drunk girl was completely gone for two matches before the end, and her dumb boyfriend STILL continued to buy her drinks. She even spit out a mouthful of her liquor onto a couple of the guys when they came around her. During Jerry's speech at the end where all the defeated guys were still around the ring and watching, she decided upon herself to hoist herself onto the apron. It took a while for people to notice her as she wasn't making a scene, but she was completely obliterated. It wasn't until a couple of the guys asked her to step away from the ring before she actually stood up on the apron and was literally thrown out of the Mohawk by Kash.

Thanks for the clarification. I kinda figured there was a backstory, since nobody gets THAT DRUNK in a matter of minutes, but I didn't ever see her until she got on the ring apron. We were sitting in the corner by the merch stand. I noticed her about 2 seconds before Kash moved in to bounce her.

I agree with you about the weird booking, especially at the end with Rachel losing her title and having all of the babyfaces taken out by Gelistico and company. Seemed completely odd since his group ended up doing exactly what The Takeover failed to do earlier in the night, so you would kinda expect them to not be pleased how that was going down.

Weirdness all around.

I wouldn't have had a problem with it, save for the exact reason you mentioned with the Takeover. Really, like I said, the rational behind her fighting Pliskin was sound as well, (at least on paper) but the execution was bad, for the reasons I mentioned, especially the bad promo which went on too long.

Yay! Thanks for the alert!


LOL. The ACW Family Christmas Deathmatch! The best part of that was while all the other girls were killing each other, Portia and Jessica James only cared about the Christmas cookies, and Portia made the mistake of stubbornly refusing to share. This made Jessica quite mad, as everyone knows you don't get between that girl and food...


Whoever the girl in red/blue is...

I claim her as mine.


As much as I want Ziggler to win as the first entrant, I know it wont happen. With the way they've been booking him the past month, I wouldn't be surprised to see him last all the way until the end and then have him get eliminated by Cena.


I hope Maddox is OK.

The sooner he is on the roster and kicking ass the better.

I really wanted him to kick Shamus's ass a few weeks ago! Fucking ginger prick!


As much as I want Ziggler to win as the first entrant, I know it wont happen. With the way they've been booking him the past month, I wouldn't be surprised to see him last all the way until the end and then have him get eliminated by Cena.
They haven't given anybody decent built of recent outside possibly Cesaro, and I don't see him winning it this year. So it's going to be another Sheamus ordeal of somebody winning out of the blue and be forced into the main event just off the Rumble win. But Cena is probably winning anyways, not that he needs it at all. Almost 12 years in and almost all of it as the top guy.

Although one thing I would like to see is the WWE/World titles getting unified for once.


I think you mean ginger snap.

I think it's wrasslegaf that's brain washed me.

When I got back into WWE after nearly 10 years, my initial reactions were



The Miz
Daniel Bryan

Now it's more or less the same as you guys....Dolph and Bryan are awesome!

The Miz is still shit though!

Cena Sucks!


So not worth it
Now it's more or less the same as you guys....Dolph and Bryan are awesome!

The Miz is still shit though!

Cena Sucks!

That's because as a casual observer you were mislead by the evil commentary of Cole and Lawler. Those guys inform you that you're supposed to love the dickish faces of the company, that beat up innocent people, just because and run down and humiliate other wrestlers because "HEEL LOL TWINKIETITS!"

Now you're savvy to our way of thinking, where we appreciate good wrestling, solid workers and heels and hate everything Cole and Lawler say.

Also, we do not constantly snicker at words like BIATCH, that helps.


I came back a mark, GAF made me a smark!

Shamus really made me rage during the Maddox match. He came across as bit of a bully picking on Maddox. Makes it more ironic with Shamus fronting the Be a Star shit. No way was he bullied as a kid. He's got prick written all over him!

I enjoyed Big Show mocking him!


WWE's thinking is so lame. "The Shield is horrible! Look at how they're beating up faces!" when they deserved to be beat up since they keep putting a guy like Maddox in squash matches. Way to give the guy a chance!


WWE's thinking is so lame. "The Shield is horrible! Look at how they're beating up faces!" when they deserved to be beat up since they keep putting a guy like Maddox in squash matches. Way to give the guy a chance!

WWE is awful and so are its fans.

There is a grown man on my twitter who is a Cena fan and thinks Punk sucks.

How is that even possible?


WWE's thinking is so lame. "The Shield is horrible! Look at how they're beating up faces!" when they deserved to be beat up since they keep putting a guy like Maddox in squash matches. Way to give the guy a chance!


The only person that didn't deserve a beating was Orton...at least he defended the shield! Didn't beat him up twice? That's pretty harsh. They should just stick to beating up Cena.


So not worth it
SO Guys! Nintendo just announced Yoshi Epic Yarn, Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem, Wind Waker HD and some kind of Monolith (Xenoblade) game for Wii U.

Where is your Wii U hate now! HAH! Epic system!


SO Guys! Nintendo just announced Yoshi Epic Yarn, Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem, Wind Waker HD and some kind of Monolith (Xenoblade) game for Wii U.

Where is your Wii U hate now! HAH! Epic system!

Im the biggest Yoshi fan there is but pasting him into a Kirby game aint right!

Plus it looks more like Yoshis story than island :-(

Fuck Nintendo!


I will purchase a Wii U when the Monolithsoft games comes out and has a rich single-player focus from the Takahashi I know and love.
Not a moment before... (even though the next Mario 3D will torture me this fall).
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