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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now


Hah! GAF's multi quote doesnt go away if you leave!

Also, speaking of Miz's terrible figure four, didn't Disco Inferno have a submission move that he didnt know how to apply either?

Yes. But that was part of his gimmick. Disco is a much better wrestler than Miz has ever been even at his peak.



WCW Thunder 8/2/2000

A heads up, I sliced my right index finger while cutting veggies today. I have a band aid on it. It may hinder the typing. Also, this show is in Indiana!


Lance Storm comes to the ring with all 3 of his championships. Cruiserweight Title is now known as Canadian 100Kilos and Under Championship. This brings Cat to the ring. Cat wants him to put all 3 titles on the line tonight. He'll face Juvi, Norman Smiley, and The Cat, respectively.

Lance Storm vs Juvi Juice

Lot of douchey dancing from a lot of people. Under Canadian rules, the Animals will not be allowed at ringside. Juvi is dressed like Kidman tonight. Juvi Driver! But Lance slipped out to the floor. Juvi hits a diving flip. Juvi is kind of dominating. Juvi lands on his feet from a 450, counters a back suplex, and hits a DVD. Electric chair into a half crab gets the win. Lance retains his first title.

Show run down. Booker/Sting/Kronik vs Jarrett/Vampiro/Muta/Demon 8 man elimination tag. Two more Storm title defenses.

MIA meeting. Booker T limps into the building. SMOOVE finds Skip Over. Smooth tells him that his name fucking sucks and he's got to change it. The announcers agree. But then Stevie Ray makes fun of MI Smooth's name.

Stacy and David come to the ring. Stacy ain't no bimbo, ho. Maybe the mud pit will do some good for Major Gunns.

Sgt. AWOL vs David Flair.

This match doesn't work out very well for David. Hey, remember just a few months ago when Wall was literally trying to kill people and break necks? And how he was a heel and evil person for it? And now he's a face. Chokeslam through a table for the win.

3 Nitro Girls are talking when Reno confronts one of them.


Shane Douglas talks him down. Skip Over gives his new name to the Red Rooster. Jeff and Vampiro talk about the 8 man tag. Tank wrote a song for 3 Count to record.

Kidman vs Primetime Player Elix Skipper

I'd totally support Elix joining the Prime Time Players. Elix avoids a cross body with the Matrix move. Cartwheel head scissors over the ropes. It was weird looking. Shane and Torrie come out. Reno hits the ring and MURDERS Kidman with a Roll of the Dice. Fuck. "It's a Mongol!" Prime Time wins with another botched Over Drive. I think no one knew how to take the move yet.


Awesome and a fat chick are in Cat's office. Awesome doesn't care as long as he still gets his title shot. Shane, Reno, and Torrie walk in the back. Shane bumps into Judy Bagwell. He calls her a red neck ho. Buff attacks Shane. Security break it up.

PerfectShawn vs Sean O'Haire

Stevie Ray buries everyone and everything. It is excellent. He points out everything that is stupid or doesn't make sense, even if it goes against whatever Tony and Tenay just said. He also straight up doesn't listen to anything anyone says. He's simultaneously awful and awesome. Chuck tried to interfere, but Stevie wouldn't let him. So many guys debuted over the past 4 months or so. Jindrak, O'Haire, Stasiak, Palumbo, Awesome, Storm, Prime Time, Kwee Wee, Reno, Mike Sanders, and an entirely new group of Nitro Girls. Seanton Bomb for the win.

TO THE BACK. Mean Gene (in a neck brace) is with Buff and Judy Bagwell. Buff makes a bunch of erection and masturbation jokes in front of his mom. Judy says she's tried of the shit Shane has been dishing out and Buff is going to kick his ass. She gets bleeped at least 5 times. Lance Storm takes a tiny drink of water. Booker "The modern Day Warrior" T gets ready. Sting and Kronik get ready in a different locker room.

Lance Storm vs Norman Smiley SHIT Championship

Vito is on color. Stevie Ray tells a story about working in Japan 9 years ago with Vito. Norman comes out with an American flag. But he's British.


The Canadian rule book does not allow for any outside materials to be used and only submissions are legal. I don't understand why Norman hasn't had a cameo on Raw. There are plenty of dudes that most of the audience wouldn't have much knowledge of, but they still have popped up on shows. He could at least be involved in a Ron Simmons DAMN segment. Smiley slam! I wish this match was on Saturday Night or in Japan/England. Ref gets his eye poked, which gives Lance the chance to hit Norman in the knee with the US flag. Half grab for the win. Second defense successful. Vito breaks up the hold when Lance wouldn't let go.

TO THE BACK. Gene is with Shane and Torrie. Torrie will sue Judy if she gets near her. Shane vs Kidman will happen at the PPV. So they ran them in a gimmick match on Nitro two weeks before the PPV. Makes sense.

Buff Bagwell vs Shane Douglas.

I'm not interested in this until Kanyon shows up. Stevie Ray calls Torrie a YAK and had mentioned earlier that Kidman was really the creeper in that feud. Torrie gets a chair in the ring, but Judy chokes the shit out of her. During this, Kidman came in and hit a dropkick to the chair Shane was holding, giving Buff a chance to hit the blockbuster for the win. Torrie and Judy get in A CAT FIIGGGHHHTT!!!!


Kanyon attacks Buff on the floor. Shane was doing something to Judy, but it's fucking TBS so there is no visual of it. Kanyon hits a Kanyon Cutter on Buff on an open chair. BANG! Mike Awesome makes the save. Of course. Judy is a fat chick.


TO THE BACK. Buff and Judy are near the ambulance. Mike Awesome will take care of Kanyon. Sting tries to convince Booker that he doesn't need to take this match.


WCW Executive management have decided they will not air Vince Russo's interview tonight. This was after it was hyped all during Nitro and this show, and in fact was said to be the next segment. And then they bring up "TOO HOT FOR TV" stuff? Really? On an openly acknowledged taped show? We've been SWERVED! We may get to see it on Nitro, though.

Mike Awesome vs Kanyon


"You know who I am and you know what I like, so if you're pleasantly plump and large and in charge, the fat chick thriller is here to give you a dose of vitamin p. And the p stands for passion, baby!" Electric chair to Mike Awesome. Stevie Ray is talking about being around for all the bookers in the past 7 years. Sit out fly swatter. Kanyon is awesome. He's deceptively big, way stronger than he looks, goofy as fuck. Rope hanging neck breaker. He randomly hits the ref and Kanyon Cuts a photographer at ringside. And another one. And to a key grip. BANG BANG BANG! Judy Bagwell wobbles out and hits Kanyon with her purse. It had a brick in it. Awesome Bomb for the win.

TO THE BACK. Lance gets another tiny drink of water. Cat heads to the ring.

The Cat vs Lance Storm Canadian Championship

Feliner also knocks down the ref. Muta slides in the ring. They have a karate battle until Muta does a dragon screw. Lance Storm hits a chopblock and locks in the half grab to retain. All 3 titles successfully defended.


TO THE BACK. Gene is with Booker, Kronik, and Sting. BOOOYA, and I'm gonna get wicha. "Not even human combustion can stop the Stinger!" A recap of Stacy vs Gunns. The Dark Carnival have a promo in a boiler room THEY COME TO PLAY! Demon is about as good as Miz, so it makes sense. Gene is with Jarrett.

Booker T, Sting, Kronik vs The Dark Carnival and Jeff Jarrett 8 Man Elimination Tag

This could be interesting. Maybe. It won't be even 10 minutes, so probably not. Immediately starts out as a big brawl. It pairs down to Jeff and Booker in the ring. Despite having a bad leg, he has no problems doing huge kicks with it. Muta is eliminated about 2 minutes in with High Times. Bummer. He was the best part of the match. Cat attacks Muta on the stage and drags him to the back. The ref stops Jeff from taking High Times through a table, so they choke slam the ref instead. They did that spot last week. Kronik are disqualified for it. Lol, Vamp got knocked off the apron when Sting got Irish whipped and he was facing the crowd. Booker hits the ax kick on Demon, but Jeff tries a double ax handle. Book caught him in a Booker End, but Demon saved him. Then Jeff bailed. Sting and Booker both hit their finishers and a double pin for the win.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA

With Generico being picked up by the WWE, I'm wondering who the next big indy guy is on the list. I think the closest would be Steen but after that? Adam Cole?

edit: I'd have to throw Michael Elgin on there as he is starting to become a monster.

I very much doubt that one. It's not like Steen's even fat/strong like Albert or Norton. He's just fat/fat, and he's not even that tall.

I guess it depends on what 'indy' is. I think Madison Rayne is going to be their next sign, but I know TNA thinks it's bigger than an indy fed.


With Generico being picked up by the WWE, I'm wondering who the next big indy guy is on the list. I think the closest would be Steen but after that? Adam Cole?

edit: I'd have to throw Michael Elgin on there as he is starting to become a monster.

Elgin is a better bet.....but Adam Cole is still too green. He's just getting his first huge indie push.

I'd say Johnny Gargano if he didn't give that whole speech about "I love indie wrasslin and I ain't leaving" the last time there were WWE rumors around him.
Elgin is a better bet.....but Adam Cole is still too green. He's just getting his first huge indie push.

I'd say Johnny Gargano if he didn't give that whole speech about "I love indie wrasslin and I ain't leaving" the last time there were WWE rumors around him.

I'm sure Elgin is on a shortlist. Brian Cage too if he can dodge this TNA stuff.

Blaster McMassive has the right look to be signed and he's not too bad if he could spend a year or two in developmental.

Mr. Touchdown has impressed the hell out of me with the amount he has improved, but he's short so it's hard to say.


With Generico being picked up by the WWE, I'm wondering who the next big indy guy is on the list. I think the closest would be Steen but after that? Adam Cole?

edit: I'd have to throw Michael Elgin on there as he is starting to become a monster.

Adam Cole is definitely next.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Berto wins match. Shoe clocks him. Ziggler cashes in and wins it. Rumble is now for the belt. AND NEEWWWW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION JEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHN SEEEENAAAA. Unification match at mania one nation under cena

Hire me WWE.

Jamie OD

With Generico being picked up by the WWE, I'm wondering who the next big indy guy is on the list. I think the closest would be Steen but after that? Adam Cole?

edit: I'd have to throw Michael Elgin on there as he is starting to become a monster.

Sami Callihan had a tryout not too long ago. I would put him as someone who might be close to getting a deal.


o_O @_@ O_o
I will second the Ryback/Team Hell No vs. The Shield TLC match...but also add on a couple of suggestions:

Cesaro's matches with Brodus Clay, Great Khali, and Kofi Kingston
D-Bry vs. Tyson Kidd on Saturday Morning Slam
Ricardo's match with The Big Show (especially the setup and backstage stuff, it's crucial)

AVOID ANYTHING JOHN CENA...he's been trolling for months now.

Noted. Thank you kindly.


How much of a chance Brotista returns, wins the Royal Rumble, and faces off against either Brock Lesnar or The Rock at Wrestlemania?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
How much of a chance Brotista returns, wins the Royal Rumble, and faces off against either Brock Lesnar or The Rock at Wrestlemania?

If this happens I will depart this planet on a rocket to the sun because life can't possibly get better than that.

Reminder: Batista is UNDEFEATED in mixed martial arts, unlike Brock Lesnar. BATISTA WINS!

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Out there suggestions (non-pro wrestlers) for people I would like to see signed by the WWE:
Samantha Wright

Given that girl was terrified of how viral she got, I don't think she'd want to be on tv.
If anyone listens to the MLW podcast, Court Bauer tells a story about John Cena having sex with a 300 pound woman on her last day of the job at WWE.

Cena said on Stern that he's had sex with fat girls before.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
If anyone listens to the MLW podcast, Court Bauer tells a story about John Cena having sex with a 300 pound woman on her last day of the job at WWE.

Hell, CENA HIMSELF told this story too on Howard Stern! It was a horrifying episode, really funny though.


Seriously, heel Batista was one of the best things about WWE. CM Punk's title reign has been pretty shit too, so it's about time it came to an end.

He returns as face, wins the Royal Rumble, then goes heel on The Rock at Elimination Chamber.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Seriously, heel Batista was one of the best things about WWE. CM Punk's title reign has been pretty shit too, so it's about time it came to an end.

Completely right, but I can't see Batista coming back as a face. Of course he'd have to deal with the cheers, like how people did with Jericho, but for a man as great at Batista, he'll have something up his sleeve to be the ULTIMATE HEEL.


Completely right, but I can't see Batista coming back as a face. Of course he'd have to deal with the cheers, like how people did with Jericho, but for a man as great at Batista, he'll have something up his sleeve to be the ULTIMATE HEEL.



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Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars minus 5 stars



So, I spent time catching up with what's happened in WWE since The Rock returned in 2007. I was pretty much done since around 2005.

Here are my findings:

- Chris Benoit...
- John Cena has to be one of the most boring wrestlers I have ever seen. His ring work in 2007 was good, but he seems to have deteriorated since then, with the occasional good performance. But holy crap, this guy basically buried the roster.
- Batista is awesome. 2005 was an amazing year with this guy. His matches in 2007 were good with pretty much everyone. 2008 and 2009 were boring to be frank, though he had the occasional bright spot (like the fueds with HBK, CM Punk). His heel turn was the best thing about 2010.
- CM Punk is one of the few really good talents. Unfortunately, his booking has been all over the place. This recent title reign also, doesn't really feel as important as it should.
- Orton seems to get close to becoming something really big, but then falls back down.
- New stars like Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio, The Miz just don't have the presence. Titles reigns, Royal Rumble wins, Wrestlemania championship matches, but they feel like upper mid-carders.
- Edge was great in 2005/2006. But he was shit after that. 2007 was painful with him on Smackdown. I've never seen someone get so many undeserved title reigns. Still, he's had a good career and remains one of my favourite wrestlers.
- Triple H is one of my favourite wrestlers, but he does things which are unnecessary. His title reign in 2008 for one. Absolutely pointless.
- Jeff Hardy was on a roll, before the...drug issues.
- Shawn Michaels was class as always. Some really good matches and feuds. Retirement match was great.
- No Kurt Angle anymore. :(

And so on. Too much to write.

WWE is pretty shit now though.
Given that girl was terrified of how viral she got, I don't think she'd want to be on tv.

Damn wasn't aware of that. Makes sense though, internet ruins everything.

I guess in general I would just like to see more legit athletic women who are also pretty in this thing. Kaitlyn is honestly a step in the right direction.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Damn wasn't aware of that. Makes sense though, internet ruins everything.

I guess in general I would just like to see more legit athletic women who are also pretty in this thing. Kaitlyn is honestly a step in the right direction.

Del Rey is pretty, Melissa is pretty. Most of the girls in the indys are pretty. Unfortunately, only 'magazine pretty' girls like Taeler get tv time.


Neo Member
After the match, the tears continued, as both men shared terrific remarks to close the show. Some fans were still calling bullshit on the booking, but Scot Summers nipped that in the bud, first with a threat of violence on a particular fan, then through his empasioned speech for his friend and mentor. Hell, it was so emotional that some drunk girl tried to get into the ring and had to be bounced out of the Mohawk by Killah Kash.

The show wasn't perfect, but boy was it impactful.

Nice write-up, but that last part is a bit incorrect. That drunk girl was completely gone for two matches before the end, and her dumb boyfriend STILL continued to buy her drinks. She even spit out a mouthful of her liquor onto a couple of the guys when they came around her. During Jerry's speech at the end where all the defeated guys were still around the ring and watching, she decided upon herself to hoist herself onto the apron. It took a while for people to notice her as she wasn't making a scene, but she was completely obliterated. It wasn't until a couple of the guys asked her to step away from the ring before she actually stood up on the apron and was literally thrown out of the Mohawk by Kash.

I agree with you about the weird booking, especially at the end with Rachel losing her title and having all of the babyfaces taken out by Gelistico and company. Seemed completely odd since his group ended up doing exactly what The Takeover failed to do earlier in the night, so you would kinda expect them to not be pleased how that was going down.

Weirdness all around.


Berto wins match. Shoe clocks him. Ziggler cashes in and wins it. Rumble is now for the belt. AND NEEWWWW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION JEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHN SEEEENAAAA. Unification match at mania one nation under cena

Hire me WWE.
Also, when Cena eventually gets beaten for the unified title, have him smirk and say, "It doesn't matter that I lost to you, I'm still the man, I will main event ALL the time, all RAWs end with me, go WWE Universe go, your Champ is still here!"
I'm sure Elgin is on a shortlist. Brian Cage too if he can dodge this TNA stuff.

Blaster McMassive has the right look to be signed and he's not too bad if he could spend a year or two in developmental.

Mr. Touchdown has impressed the hell out of me with the amount he has improved, but he's short so it's hard to say.

I'm glad someone else can also see the huge potential in this guy. He could be an absolute monster in the E in a few years. I agree the other guy's mentioned should at least get developmental deals. I'd love to see Chuck Taylor in the E but I don't think it'll be happening any time soon.
Del Rey is pretty, Melissa is pretty. Most of the girls in the indys are pretty. Unfortunately, only 'magazine pretty' girls like Taeler get tv time.

What's the latest on Del Rey? I would love it if she got some kind of token run with the KOW but that trainer job would be actually perfect, it'd improve the overall product and would preserve her health. And the sad fact is, lady wrestlers in the WWE have a short shelf life and she's well past the age they're looking for.

I don't know anything about "Anya" in NXT, is she supposed to be very good?

I'm learning pretty quick how rad Portia Perez and Rachel Summerlyn are, hopefully they get a shot.

I'm glad someone else can also see the huge potential in this guy. He could be an absolute monster in the E in a few years. I agree the other guy's mentioned should at least get developmental deals. I'd love to see Chuck Taylor in the E but I don't think it'll be happening any time soon.

Chuck Taylor and RD Evans would be phenomenal in a re-ignited cruiserweight division. RD Evans would be an awesome manager also, you know - if that was still a thing.


For people interested in another Royal Rumble Contest the law message board is running one where to participate you have to just register and its free.

For each topic you put your top 3 choices. The topics are:







Jamie OD

For people interested in another Royal Rumble Contest the law message board is running one where to participate you have to just register and its free.

For each topic you put your top 3 choices. The topics are:







I love the idea they came up with for next year's Rumble on this week's Review A Raw. Predict who gets No. 3 and No. 29 instead of who gets the first and last spots.
Anyone check out the Steve Corino & Jimmy Jacobs shoot interview from Highspots? Really enjoyed this one, Steve's story about Missy Hyatt was absolutely hilarious and they talked a lot in detail about their past few years in ROH, their problems with Cornette, Jimmy's past addictions, Sandman stories, early ROH stories, etc.

Also, a new trailer for the upcoming Dynamite Kid shoot interview - seems it's narrated by Davey Richards;


Looking forward to this, even if it's probably going to be super depressing.
Anyone check out the Steve Corino & Jimmy Jacobs shoot interview from Highspots? Really enjoyed this one, Steve's story about Missy Hyatt was absolutely hilarious and they talked a lot in detail about their past few years in ROH, their problems with Cornette, Jimmy's past addictions, Sandman stories, early ROH stories, etc.

Also, a new trailer for the upcoming Dynamite Kid shoot interview - seems it's narrated by Davey Richards;


Looking forward to this, even if it's probably going to be super depressing.

I did the kickstarter for this.


I very much doubt that one. It's not like Steen's even fat/strong like Albert or Norton. He's just fat/fat, and he's not even that tall.

I wonder if The Rock being a big fan of Steen (which was weird to find out but goes to show Rock really does love wrestling) could make it more likely for him to get in.

Anyway, another GAF Rumble update. As with before PM me if you want in or I missed you somehow, it doesn't cost anything to enter and there isn't any limit on the number of spots available.

Here are the current participants:

DKehoe, Sunflower, Linkified, G-Fex, Guzim, Bootaaay, A Pretty Panda, Entropia, Jamie OD, RBH, SousedLouse, strobogo, Aiii, Judderman, Dork Knight, somedevil, Parallax, Frackh, Net_Wrecker, Professor Beef, Ithil, Laserfrog, Reneledarker, Mr. Sandman, BillRiccio, DMczaf, Ultratech, Jeff Albertson, mechashiva, Shark Johnson, Mr. Luchador, Killing_Joke, KenOD, Kyoufu, El Pescado, jred2k, Str0ngStyle, mrboo001, Enfinit, Mr. Sam, tm24, Penguin, LoserMakesGood, Chico Terry, akskiller, slightconfuse, HarryDemeanor, jmdajr, BIONIC-ARRRMMM!!, Nocturnowl, Matthew Gallant, MightyHealthy


I very much doubt that one. It's not like Steen's even fat/strong like Albert or Norton. He's just fat/fat, and he's not even that tall./QUOTE]

I wonder if The Rock being a big fan of Steen (which was weird to find out but goes to show Rock really does love wrestling) could make it more likely for him to get in.

Anyway, another GAF Rumble update. As with before PM me if you want in or I missed you somehow, it doesn't cost anything to enter and there isn't any limit on the number of spots available.

Here are the current participants:

DKehoe, Sunflower, Linkified, G-Fex, Guzim, Bootaaay, A Pretty Panda, Entropia, Jamie OD, RBH, SousedLouse, strobogo, Aiii, Judderman, Dork Knight, somedevil, Parallax, Frackh, Net_Wrecker, Professor Beef, Ithil, Laserfrog, Reneledarker, Mr. Sandman, BillRiccio, DMczaf, Ultratech, Jeff Albertson, mechashiva, Shark Johnson, Mr. Luchador, Killing_Joke, KenOD, Kyoufu, El Pescado, jred2k, Str0ngStyle, mrboo001, Enfinit, Mr. Sam, tm24, Penguin, LoserMakesGood, Chico Terry, akskiller, slightconfuse, HarryDemeanor, jmdajr, BIONIC-ARRRMMM!!, Nocturnowl, Matthew Gallant, MightyHealthy

You should probably post this in the Royal Rumble thread.
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