WCW Monday Nitro 8/7/00
I just watched Terminator. It's still boss as fuck. Unless Goldberg reveals his endoskeleton, this show will not be as good.
EARLIER TODAY. Scott Steiner arrived and hit the camera man with his pipe. Nash also arrived.
TO THE BACK. Goldberg arrives LIVE!
Dark Carnival vs Jung Dragons
Vampiro laid samurai swords on the announce table. Tank comes out before the match. Tank is thrilled about the song he and 3 Count recorded. Tossing powerbomb from Vamp to Jamie. This had to be the easiest month of Muta's career. Show up, mist someone, take one or two bumps, go home. The Dragons bring the ladder in the ring. Kaz tries a splash from near the top, but he didn't make it far enough. Lol.
Demon press slams Yang to the floor. I thought Muta was going to do a shining wizard, but he just did a knee bar instead. Green mist to Yang! Back breaker, moonsault for the win. Lights go out and Sting takes the Carnival out with his bat. He calls out Goldberg!
DURING THE BREAK. Nash, Goldberg, and Steiner had to be held back by security and police.
Sting starts to head to the back when Scott Steiner comes out. "So now you need to figure out a way to get this pipe out of your ass!" Scott hits Sting in the ribs with the pipe and then uses the bat to choke him.
Cat comes out after the commercial break. He's taking control of the show. If Nash or Goldberg get involved in the rest of the show, he won't send them home since someone in the office might pay them. He's going to send them to jail. Pipe on a pole match Steiner vs Sting! Viagra on a pole last week, Judy Bagwell on a pole at the PPV Sunday. Lance Storm comes out. He wants a title match against Booker. Cat will let the fans decide. I guess it is booked.
Show run down. Kidman is at the table. Booker vs Lance WCW Champinship, Steiner vs Sting Pipe on a Pole match. Kidman is apologizing for his actions regarding Torrie in the past few weeks and he's got a Torrie Wilson appreciation night tonight.
Kronik vs Jindrak/O'Haire WCW Tag Team Championships
Wrath did a cannonball off the apron. Perfect Event have made their ways to the ring. Shawn says he has a pet gorilla that he drinks beer with on the beach. What? Jindrak takes High Times, but Sean breaks it up. Sean again breaks up a pin after the meltdown. Wrath kicks out of the Seanton Bomb. Total Meltdown attempt was broken up by Stasiak hitting Wrath in the shin with the Lex Flexxxer. All the young guys join up together in a beat down. The Filthy Animals run down and also jump Kronik. Juvi looks like a fucking toddler what with his cut off overalls. MIA also run out. The Animals ran off with the belts.
TO THE BACK. MIA meeting. They're going to return the titles to Kronik.
Buff and Judy Bagwell vs Kanyon/Paula Poundstone
TO THE BACK. Shane and Torrie talk about Torrie night. Torrie was supposed to be Kanyon's partner, but she says no way. Kanyon drags Paula to the ring.
Paula won't tag in. Lol. Kanyon just straight up punches Judy in the neck. Paula slaps Kanyon. He's going to Kanyon Cut her when Mean Gene runs in and kicks him in the dick! Blockbuster for the win. Gene walks out with Paula. Buff takes time to pose instead of immediately check on his mom who just got punched in her injured neck.
TO THE INTERVIEW. Tony had to conduct a new interview with Russo since the one they did previously couldn't be aired on television. Tony asks if the Hogan incident was scripted or not. Vince legally can't talk about it. "Why would Vince Russo want to leave the WWF and come here?" Lol. Russo says that WWF is stagnant and hasn't really progressed since he left. He felt WCW had a lot of talented young guys that could give the WWF a run for their money. Lots of specific ratings are mentioned. The older guys were just taking money and digging the company in a hole. Russo says he doesn't want to be on TV, but knows that Ric Flair owes him one. He wants to get John Rocker in the ring at Starrcade, which is scheduled to be held in New York. He says that the finish of Nash/Goldberg/Steiner will be whatever is best for the company. Very disappointing after how ridiculous the Nash and Goldberg interviews were.
Sting vs Steiner Pipe on a Pole
Sting attacks on the floor and they brawl into the ring. Steiner catches a double axe handle and hits a belly to belly. Steiner makes Slick count even though it is a pole match. T-bone. I think Madden says that Steiner is possibly going to rape women tonight. I don't know why there needed to be a ref bump in this, but there was one. Rick comes to the ring. Rick got the pipe down. Scott grabbed it and Scott wins! Did they really have a ref bump just so Scott wouldn't have to climb up to get the pole? Why even book the match? Just have them brawl and Steiner use the pipe. Nash comes out with a chair. They throw their weapons down and fight. But Rick and Sting get involved. Then security breaks it all up.
During the break, Cat booked Sting/Nash vs the Steiners. Mike Awesome and his YAK are now at the table.
Lance Storm vs Booker T WCW Championship
A dude comes to ringside with a tray of donuts. They're ham sandwiches instead. They argue over it. Awesome wanted donuts for his YAK. She got over it.
Booker somehow got to the ropes in the half crab. After a month of a bad leg and being in the half crab for two minutes, Book does a missile dropkick with no issues. Book End for the win. Pretty good match for this era of Nitro. Double J attacked after the match. Jeff breaks the Canadian flag on Book's knee, which pisses Lance off. They go after each other and Awesome's YAK ends up getting hit with the guitar. Awesome chases Jeff back in the ring and gets a Book End.
TO THE BACK. Paula asks Jeff about his actions. He wants a match with Awesome tonight. Wall and Hugh look for the Filthy Animals. Wall accidentally went into the Nitro Girls' dressing room.
Kidman comes to the ring for Torrie Wilson appreciation night. He has a giant heart box of chocolates and flowers. He apologizes for everything. Shane is pissed about this in the back. Ironically, Kidman's shirt says shut up and wrestle on it, yet he's out here doing a big promo segment. Torrie comes out.
Kidman shows a tape from her 16th birthday party. It's a very large Torrie who is eating everything in sight. This is in really poor taste considering her actual eating disorder. Kidman then has leaflets of Torrie's high school pictures fall from the building. What a dick head. Jesus. Shane comes down and gets knocked down. Torrie attempts to hit Kidman with a bottle of champag ne, but Kidman HITS HER. What the fuck. Reno comes out and hits the Roll of the Dice. Kidman puts Cena and Sheamus to shame with his face behavior. Jesus Christ. He completely deserves to get the fuck kicked out of him. Billy Kidman is a fucking cunt. Jesus.
TO THE BACK. The MIA have finally found the Animals. Gunns pulls Tygress off screen. The Animals try to leave. When they get the parking lot door open, Kronik happened to be standing there with sledgehammers. They bust up the car. Disco gives the belts back. They give him High Times on the hood of the car. Tygress is thrown in the mud pit.
Stacy also shows up and all three YAKS brawl in the mud.
Jeff Jarrett vs Mike Awesome
This is just a boring brawl for the most part. Storm comes to the ramp. Lance distracts the ref, Jeff then hits Awesome with Awesome's own chain, but Mike kicked out. An attempted Awesome Bomb to the floor, but Lance go on the apron. He got knocked through the table and Jeff hits the Stroke for the win.
TO THE BACK. Paula talks to Kwee Wee and his YAK. Papaya is her name.
The Steiner Brothers vs Sting/Kevin Nash
Sorry, I don't give a fuck about this match. Nash powerbombs Rick on the Japanese announce table. Sting is put in the recliner. Goldberg hits the ring and I guess knocks out Scott with a punch. Then he kicks Sting. Nash and Goldberg are about to brawl and WE'RE OUTTA TIME!