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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now


While WWE 14 would've been a Yukes game, EA would've started an entire team for future games. like I said, EA wants nothing to do with outside teams right now in regards to IPs they own or license. You think 2k is going to seek out a bunch of credible dudes to start a studio AND develop an engine when Yukes can meet yearly deadlines on their archaic engine? I don't think so. EA already has staff suitable for WWE Games and has an engine that could be reworked for future WWE games. EA was a no-brainier for anyone that wanted a new mainline WWE experience.

The only good thing from this 2k deal as of now is a possible PC version. Then again, EA probably would have one too because of their Origin push.

in what universe is MMA Elite even anywhere near the quality of UFC Undisputed?

Personally, I feel the following is true:

- Better Fighting System
- Better Visuals
- Better Animations
- Better Presentation
- Innovative live commentary for online fights.

It was a stronger first showing than UFC Undisputed and I had much more fun with it than Undisputed 3. Yukes sucks at everything, bro.
2k won't keep Yukes on the game, they have no reason to. Visual Concepts makes yearly sports games with every aspect of them better than what Yukes does. They could easily apply that to wrestling games and make a great one.

2k will keep Yukes on the game because I'm of the opinion that WWE required it as part of any deal so that they can keep raking in money from these annual releases. Using a new developer (which I would love) would mean no new WWE game until at least late 2014. I don't think WWE cares about the quality of the games, they just want the money from them.



WCW Thunder 8/9/2000

Go home show for New Blood Rising.

Kronik vs Perfect Event/Jindrak and O'Haire WCW Tag Team Championship

Crush is such a terrible promo. He calls out both teams and they will defend the titles against both teams. I guess this is a handicap match. Whoever makes the pinfall, their team will get the titles. Tenay literally just explained this and Stevie Ray asks how four men can wear two belts. HE JUST EXPLAINED IT TO YOU, SUCKA! Get your shit together, Stevie. As bad as Crush is on the mic (and in the ring), Wrath must be much worse since he's never allowed to talk. It's a shame he couldn't live up to his look, because Wrath looked like a bad mother fucker. Jindrak hit an ugly jumping super frankensteiner. He basically fell on his head/shoulder and Wrath fell hard on his shoulder. It was awkward looking. Kronik wins with high times. They can easily beat two of the three teams they'll be facing in a handicap match, so what's the point of having the match at the PPV? Muta and Vampiro came out for a stare down after the match and Juvi stole the belts again.


Show run down. Booker T has been given the night off and there will be a sit down interview with him tonight.

TO THE BACK. Awesome and his fat chick are in Cat's office. Cat books a flag match. The Dragons were hiding. Cat slaps them all. Crowbar and Daffney head to the ring. Crowbar almost shares his feelings for Daffney.


Crowbar vs Primetime Elix Skipper

No longer a prime time player. During the match, MI SMOOV brings flowers out to Daffney. Matrix move to avoid a lionsault. Crowbar sees the flowers and asks what the deal is. Prime Time does a corkscrew dive. Daffney then hits Elix with the flowers. Prime Time wins with the Overdrive. Dude looks like he's going to break someone's shoulder with that move.


TO THE BACK. Jeff asks Jimmy Hart why Booker isn't there tonight. "Oh, another one of those stupid shoot interviews?" I agree with Jeff Jarrett. What a terrible day. He hits Jimmy Hart with a guitar and says everyone will suffer for the champ not being there. Gene is Buff. Buff rolls a video of Gene kicking Kanyon in the dick. Kanyon wants a tag match against Buff and Gene.

3 Count and tank are in the ring. Tank joins in with the singing this time. MIA interrupts.

3 Count/Tank vs MIA

Chavo and Lash now have Super Soakers they spray into the crowd. Evan doesn't get involved in the match because of his injured leg. Stevie wants to know why the fuck he's out here if he's hurt and can't wrestle. Tony has no answer. David and Stacy come out and get involved with Gunns. She falls off the apron, but AWOL catches her. Tank KOs Lash and Shane and Shannon do a legdrop/frog splash combo off a ladder for the win.

Paula is with the MIA. Hugh tells them to get their heads up. Major Gunns will bring the war to Stacy tonight! MAJOR GUNNS' WAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRR!! AWOL/Gunns vs Stacy/David mixed table match. Crowbar confronts SMOOV about the flowers. The Dragons were outside of Cat's office waiting. Muta/Vamp attacked them. Cat saved them and said there would be a tag match tonight.

A Steiner/Nash/Goldberg video is shown with Killing in the Name Of. Maybe. It sounds like a JHV of the DX theme, also.

Buff and Mean Gene are getting ready. Cat tells someone to get their ass back to the arena for a match against Muta and Vampiro. Who could it be?

Mike Sanders vs Norman Smiley Hardcore Match

Sanders has been told he's the number one guy on the B roster. Norman talks and gets attacked with a chair. He was trying to say he's done with hardcore matches. Norman gets fired up. He's angry. Jeff Jarrett is arguing with Ed Ferarra in the background.


Smiley Slam through a table. Jeff hits Ed with the guitar and walks off. Then he comes back and hits Norman with a guitar. Where did he get another one so fast? Sanders puts Norman in a wheel barrow to get him back to the ring. Norman kicks out! Sanders tries to jump off the ropes with a chair and somehow knocks himself out. Remember the move that Taker did for a while where he'd put a chair under a guy's throat and slam it on the ground? He basically did that to himself. I guess he was trying to poke a hole in Norman with the legs or something. Norman won.

. Dark Carnival cut a terrible promo. Well, Vampiro does.

Lance Storm vs Mike Awesome Flag Match

Lance won't defend his title outside of Canada. He's also got a big mouse under his eye. Lance kept looking over waiting for Awesome to come out. Then the anthem stopped, but Awesome's music didn't start up. Awesome ran out and the anthem played again. Stevie Ray shits on that dump of a city Vancouver (where NBR will be from) and Tony tries to save face and say it is one of the greatest cities in the world. Stevie Ray don't give a FUCK son. Mighty Heidi climbs the turnbuckle and grabs the flag. She hits Awesome with it and does a flying clothesline! SWERVE! Lance locks in the Maple Leaf while Heidi gets the Canadian flag for Lance. Lance wins in about a minute. Heidi rips off her shirt to reveal another shirt that says Canadian and proud! "Not only is she a backstabber, she's Canadian, too!"


TO THE BACK. Paula talks with Kidman. I guess Reno wants a match. He says that we're done with all the games and photos and challenges Shane to a strap match at the PPV. Then makes a Torrie sex joke and goes to the Nitro Girl's locker room to kiss Reno's ex girlfriend just to piss him off. Kidman is THE WORST face. He's such an unlikeable, cocky, fucking asshole. Cena and Sheamus ain't got SHIT on Kidman.

David Flair/Ms Hancock vs Major Guns/AWOL Tables Match

Tygress is on color. Tygress has seen Gunns' pubes and knows she isn't a real blond. Gunns pulls Stacy off the apron. I guess she hit her head. I don't know. Stacy whips Gunns through a table that was propped up on the outside. Wall chokeslams David through a table anyway.


TO THE BACK. Kanyon is talking to his mystery partner. Doug Dillinger tells cat his partner is here.

Reno vs Kidman.

I hope Reno beats his ass. Stevie Ray knows what's up. He knows Kidman is being a dick here. Stevie says "Greedo". Reno is basically like a fake Mongolian white guy Taz. Bunch of suplexes and being 4 feet tall. "But his britches are about to fall off. Why don't he wear a belt, Tony?" Reno Rolled the Dice, but continued to beat on Kidman instead of pin him. Nitro Girl Syren comes down to stop it. She ends up distracting the ref. Reno gets a chair, but makes the mistake of trying to powerbomb Kidman on it. However, Reno kicked out. Torrie came to the ring to distract the ref. Shane Douglas ran in to beat up Kidman. Good. Fuck Kidman. They're about to spike piledrive Kidman on a chair when Vito comes out and makes the save. Vito and Reno have a stare down. Fuck Kidman.

TO THE BACK. The Artist is looking for Paisley. He's now dressed like Raven circa-1997. He finds her giving a massage to Kwee Wee. Stevie Ray has to be corrected for calling him "Kiwi". Wouldn't want to get sued.


Jeff Jarrett comes to the ring. Another guitar. I wonder how many guitars he went through from 1998-2008. He makes Penzer read an announcement. Then he brains Penzer with a guitar.

TO THE INTERVIEW. Tony conducted an interview with Booker T. Booker talks about the GWF and how you gotta keep it real no matter how successful you get. He talks about his knee injury. It's not as bad as he originally thought.


Buff Bagwell/Mean Gene vs Kanyon/Mark Madden

Judy Bagwell is on commentary. Kanyon tries to announce his mystery partner, but his mic didn't work. Madden wants to start off the match. Stevie Ray continues the gimmick that Mark grew up near them in Harlem. Madden is surprisingly agile for a guy his size. Double hot tag gets the announcers in. Gene takes Madden down with a Misawa like elbow. Gene gets kicked in the old man balls, but he was wearing a cup. SWERVE! Buff hits a blockbuster on Mark and Gene pins him for the win. Post match, Kanyon chokes Gene until Stevie Ray makes a save. Fucking WCW.


The Cat/Sting vs Vampiro/Great Muta

I wish Glacier had been the mystery partner. Main Event Muta *Thunder only*. It'd watch Muta vs Sting today. TNA should have another working agreement with NJPW and have Sting vs Muta in Japan as the main event. Cat was a terrible pro wrestler. Demon comes out. Muta mists Sting during a Stinger Splash. Cat pins Vampiro. After the match, Muta red mists Cat and Demon puts Sting in the deathlock.



2k will keep Yukes on the game because I'm of the opinion that WWE required it as part of any deal so that they can keep raking in money from these annual releases. Using a new developer (which I would love) would mean no new WWE game until at least late 2014. I don't think WWE cares about the quality of the games, they just want the money from them.

If that is the case.....eh.....fuck it . I don't think I'll be buying another WWE game for a while.


2k will keep Yukes on the game because I'm of the opinion that WWE required it as part of any deal so that they can keep raking in money from these annual releases. Using a new developer (which I would love) would mean no new WWE game until at least late 2014. I don't think WWE cares about the quality of the games, they just want the money from them.

It's entirely possible that Yukes can make WWE 14 while another studio does WWE 15. That gives them a two year window.


I'm assuming fatigue, and at least for last night, people wanted to see the Punk/Rock interaction, not JOHN CENA ADDRESSES THE WWE UNIVERSE

Thats why the put the Punk/Rock angle early because of the 3rd hour drops. The third hour drops because basically fatigue. People like 2 hours of wrestling more than 3.


Why does the third hour keep dropping so bad?

People know that important shit happens on Raw at 8:00, 9:55 and the main event typically starts around 10:50 or later. They rarely deviate from that schedule. The drop in the third hour is people tuning out completely after the 9:55 segment because of complete disinterest in the main event.


At least 250,000 people didn't listen to Cena make that stupid promo. They were smart to change the channel. I feel like my IQ dropped having listened to it.


At least 250,000 people didn't listen to Cena make that stupid promo. They were smart to change the channel. I feel like my IQ dropped having listened to it.
I tried listening but I had to mute by the time it got to blowup dolls for my own sanity.


WWE is rebranding their standard tour shows. No more Smackdown or Raw oriented. The split is officially over even though its been for a long time now


Cageside, pwinsider, and more are reporting major backstage heat on John Cena after this weeks Raw promo.

Well deserved.

Also...he said some other random dude was him...the gamertag showed no trophies for CoD, he was either lying about the tag or lying about playing the game for cheap pops!


Elix Skipper could have been a star.

Ehh. I think he could have been a Billy Kidman level guy at most. Despite being jacked, he was really tiny, didn't have the best grasp on ring psychology, and was a terrible talker. I think he topped out about as high as his potential allowed.
Ehh. I think he could have been a Billy Kidman level guy at most. Despite being jacked, he was really tiny, didn't have the best grasp on ring psychology, and was a terrible talker. I think he topped out about as high as his potential allowed.

I marked out hard for Triple X because of him.

Sonny Siaki as well.
Cageside, pwinsider, and more are reporting major backstage heat on John Cena after this weeks Raw promo.

Well deserved.

As much as I hate admitting this about a dirts sheet scoop, I really hope this is true. The enjoyability of his storylines is inversely related to the amount of microphone time he gets on them.


watchin the 03 rumble

man, part of me is happy i didnt watch wrestling during this time period. rapper cena is the worst. wtf were they thinking?


Can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not about Thuganomics Cena.

why would i be sarcastic? his 20 second rap was so bad that it makes me want to not watch wrestling anymore, and this was from 10 years ago

also, lol @ maven not even having an original video, it's just the tough enough logo. they must have had no intention on keeping him
Couple of matches signed for ROH's 11th Anniversary show live in Chicago Ridge, IL, and worldwide via iPPV on March 2nd;

. 2/3 Falls Match: Michael Elgin vs Roderick Strong
. ROH TV Title Match: Adam Cole (c) vs Winner of the Top Prospect Tournament

Looking forward to that 2/3 falls match - all the Elgin/Roddy matches have been great so far, but they've dragged this feud out way too long. Hopefully this will be the final bout, with Elgin finally getting his revenge on Strong & Martini.
why would i be sarcastic? his 20 second rap was so bad that it makes me want to not watch wrestling anymore, and this was from 10 years ago

also, lol @ maven not even having an original video, it's just the tough enough logo. they must have had no intention on keeping him

I'll take rapping Cena over whatever the fuck that was he did at the end of Raw Monday


Just out of curiosity, which one of you had the WrassleGAF sign during The Rock Concert 2012? I just now noticed it while re-watching the segment.
2K should give Rockstar Toronto the WWE license and let them make a spiritual sequel to The Warriors video game with WWE wrestlers.

Yes I know this will never happen, I just really liked The Warriors.
Brock newz from this weeks f4w

Brock Lesnar has been offered a new deal by WWE. If he signs, and from talking to people it appears there’s a good chance he will (millions of dollars for very few dates per year), the big matches being talked about for 2013 are Brock vs. CM Punk and Brock vs. Randy Orton. Brock vs. Orton had been discussed for last year but plans change.


World title Wrestle Mania newz

However they set it up, as noted earlier Alberto Del Rio vs. Dolph Ziggler is now on the books for WrestleMania. I suppose they could do a deal where Ziggler wins a title shot, loses to Alberto at Mania, but then immediately jumps him after the match and cashes in the briefcase to win the title.
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