She's also the new ACW American Joshi Champion.
What really sells the character though is that they are so different. This is a really radical transformation. They don't even
walk the same. It's pretty awesome to see as a fan.
In ACW storyline world, Lady Poison had been around before RAJETT, but with Jessica back to normal, Lady Poison stayed hidden for the most part, and didn't appear again much later, when Summerlyn started getting more and more big singles titles matches, and Jessica started feeling like she was just Rachel's sidekick. Then you started to see little signs of change in Jessica. When Lady Poison returned full-force however, this time she was aiming her rage clearly at Rachel. She attacked Rachel after her victory v. Jazz in the Queen of Queens tournament, giving her the Poison Kiss, and making her easy pickings for Jessicka Havock (who also eliminated Poison, using her gas mask to protect her from the kiss.)
Strangely, the "normal" Jessica had no idea she and Lady Poison were one in the same. She'd presumably "wake up" backstage with green stuff all over her, wondering what happened.
Rachel tried to move on, finding an unlikely tag partner in the now-babyface Portia Perez, forming "Team Havin' Fun," but the interference of both women's pasts doomed their chances, with Lady Poison on the warpath for Rachel, and Portia being stalked by Robert Evans (Archibald Peck/R.D. Evans) in another one of ACW's wonderful, long-term angles.
Here's a few shots of Lady Poison from the dramatic confrontation match in July against Rachel Summerlyn:
In that match, which I highly recommend if you like drama in your wrestling, available here for download:
...Jessica finally figured out that she was Lady Poison. Now, she's different, with shades of both characters still present. She isn't the old, bouncing around goofy puppy dog Jessica anymore, but she's not Lady Poison either. Occasionally, in the middle of a match Lady Poison does seem to pop up, which scares the hell out of her opponents:
But with the two sides of her together, she may be more formidable than ever before. In the match last week where she took the title, we saw some of Jessica's old "Bugs Bunny" style hopping around and sticking and moving and avoiding a very infuriated Athena, but we also saw the Lady Poison side a bit too, with the unstoppable aggression, and even a kiss... (although it didn't seem to be a full-on Poison Kiss) to Barbi Hayden.
The cool thing about the end of that match though was when Rachel Summerlyn came out, right at the end, dressed as a bit of an evil Harley Quinn. In a reversal of roles, she gave Jessica a kiss, but this kiss seemed to energize Jessica to help her win.
So the intrigue obviously continues in a storyline that these two talented women have managed to keep interesting for literally YEARS now. (3 years, IIRC!)