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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now


So not worth it
It's a shame Khali is so broken down he can't stretch his legs, would've made it appear even more impressive.


So not worth it
Didn't say he could do anything about it or that I blamed him. Just said it was a shame he couldn't for the full visual effect.


So not worth it
Lucky bastard, that's gonna be a great show to go to live only because of all the legends that will no doubt be there.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Lucky bastard, that's gonna be a great show to go to live only because of all the legends that will no doubt be there.

What am I missing? why would so many be there? I'm not so...in tune.


A pity they can't have the sense of history to run the 20th Anniversary RAW in the Manhattan Center or Hammerstein Ballroom. Or, hell, Madison Square Garden if they want to remain in a large venue.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
A pity they can't have the sense of history to run the 20th Anniversary RAW in the Manhattan Center or Hammerstein Ballroom. Or, hell, Madison Square Garden if they want to remain in a large venue.

I get the feeling these milestone shows surprise the WWE at least as much as they do us.

"Oh, it's the 20th anniversary? Well...well fuck. Uh...let's see what we can do on such short notice."
Can someone link me to the post/thread that people use to make gifs? I want to make some of Brian Cage and his levels of strength. Pretty impressive stuff.
Absolutely! Johnny's is very smooth and I think he's very fun. Lot if respect for him and his work.

He's the king of Cleveland! I get the pleasure of seeing him every month in person and he's almost always in the match of the night. Plus dude is the DGUSA champion if that helps any. You're in for a treat.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Time to make a big choice. Pretend John Cena is GONE forever. Pretend it's some horrible scandal with the repercussions of a Chyna or Benoit (which arent comparable) to the point where WWE makes him DISAPPEAR.

Who would you go with for your face of the company, and why? Keep in mind longevity is a factor, ability to sell merchandise, and more. Think of everything you can on who the WWE should go with, if things went poorly.


more money than God
Time to make a big choice. Pretend John Cena is GONE forever. Pretend it's some horrible scandal with the repercussions of a Chyna or Benoit (which arent comparable) to the point where WWE makes him DISAPPEAR.

Who would you go with for your face of the company, and why? Keep in mind longevity is a factor, ability to sell merchandise, and more. Think of everything you can on who the WWE should go with, if things went poorly.
That guy doesn't exist right now. In fact, if they did choose another guy who's already with the company, then all they would do is recreate Cena. If they chose Punk, they would just turn him into Cena lite like they did earlier this year and last (remember when people hated how he was acting as a face?). Look at how they turned Sheamus into some weird Irish caricature. They just don't know how to do faces, without turning them into obnoxious jackasses.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
That guy doesn't exist right now. In fact, if they did choose another guy who's already with the company, then all they would do is recreate Cena. If they chose Punk, they would just turn him into Cena lite like they did earlier this year and last (remember when people hated how he was acting as a face?).

He may not exist but youuuu are Vince McMahon and YOU have to make a choice TONIGHT.
Time to make a big choice. Pretend John Cena is GONE forever. Pretend it's some horrible scandal with the repercussions of a Chyna or Benoit (which arent comparable) to the point where WWE makes him DISAPPEAR.

Who would you go with for your face of the company, and why? Keep in mind longevity is a factor, ability to sell merchandise, and more. Think of everything you can on who the WWE should go with, if things went poorly.

Sheamus, or Orton. Dead serious. Punk is great, but his character can't be someone who is the face of the company. I barely count Orton because of his character too, but he's always CRAZY over with fans. Sheamus can do face better than the both of them, and is convincing in just about any role. He can work too, which is a huge bonus.


Time to make a big choice. Pretend John Cena is GONE forever. Pretend it's some horrible scandal with the repercussions of a Chyna or Benoit (which arent comparable) to the point where WWE makes him DISAPPEAR.

Who would you go with for your face of the company, and why? Keep in mind longevity is a factor, ability to sell merchandise, and more. Think of everything you can on who the WWE should go with, if things went poorly.

I'd go for a series of faces, rather than just one. While there has to be one guy that's the biggest name, I'd have their "top of the top" spot only last a couple of years at most, to have relatively regular rotations of the top guys.

But for my first choice? D-Bry. That's not even me being a fanboy for him, he's got the skill, in the ring and on the mic, he's got the support and the connection with the audience, he's still fairly young and in perfect shape medically, he's even got the merchandise side going, and he'd be a great PR guy, being so likable outside of the ring. Now, I wouldn't just dump it on him at once, he'd need building up over the course of a number of months, but he'd be the first face of the company I picked. While I built him up, I'd fill the Cena void with Punk and Orton, most likely, as they have real connections with the audience (I don't think Sheamus does, even if people like him, they don't love him, Orton hasn't done anything in over a year and still gets huge pops just for existing). This would be temporary, as i say, so longevity is not a problem.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Sheamus, or Orton. Dead serious. Punk is great, but his character can't be someone who is the face of the company. I barely count Orton because of his character too, but he's always CRAZY over with fans. Sheamus can do face better than the both of them, and is convincing in just about any role. He can work too, which is a huge bonus.

Would you go with Sheamus over Orton due to the issues Orton has had (and may currently be having) with drugs and suspensions?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I don't think Sheamus does, even if people like him, they don't love him,

Curious about this - I think it holds a lot of merit, but are we as nerds on the internet being blind to it, or do 'commoners' out there also feel the same? I always get surprised when Sheamus gets a bigger pop than usual.
Daniel Bryan easily. He seems like a very happy healthy person, he has always had the ability and has quickly built up WWE charisma over the past year, and is already turning into a merchandising powerhouse.
Time to make a big choice. Pretend John Cena is GONE forever. Pretend it's some horrible scandal with the repercussions of a Chyna or Benoit (which arent comparable) to the point where WWE makes him DISAPPEAR.

Who would you go with for your face of the company, and why? Keep in mind longevity is a factor, ability to sell merchandise, and more. Think of everything you can on who the WWE should go with, if things went poorly.

While it sounds like a typical IWC answer, Daniel Bryan seems like a solid and reliable choice compared to the rest of the current roster.
In the last year he's shown great charisma as both face and heel, he gets a reaction from this modern eras lesser crowds and he's a hard worker who could likely jump through all the hoops that helps keep Cena top of Vinny Macs good books.

The IWC would turn to hate the new Bryan as he becomes new Cena but oh well.

Orton (briefly but not for too long), Sheamus and even Miz with improvement are nice backups.
Other newcomers like NXT people are too new for me to figure anything out for but you don't always know with this company, McGenesis could end up hero of the next era for all I know.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Daniel Bryan easily. He seems like a very happy healthy person, he has always had the ability and has quickly built up WWE charisma over the past year, and is already turning into a merchandising powerhouse.

How would you (and Ithil) book Bryan to turn him into the mainstay? Like Cena was always booked as the man who never gives up, the man who always can overcome (much like Hogan) would he get the same treatment? Or would you give him more of an underdog role, triumphing when it counts?


How would you (and Ithil) book Bryan to turn him into the mainstay? Like Cena was always booked as the man who never gives up, the man who always can overcome (much like Hogan) would he get the same treatment? Or would you give him more of an underdog role, triumphing when it counts?

Underdog roles are the way to go. Real underdog, too, not this pretend underdog horseshit Cena has done for years.

"Overcoming the odds" is associated with Cena, but he hasn't had odds to overcome in about 6 years, he is booked to win, there's no underdog aspect there. Bryan being a REAL underdog with real odds to overcome is an easily compelling narrative. His size means he looks like an underdog, but his skill and submission based character means his hard fought victories against someone like Big Show believable (whereas someone like Rey Mysterio never looked believable beating giants, because he beat them with his regular high flying that looks like it should do nothing to them). I mean, "overcome the odds" and "never give up" are not bad traits in a face (Austin did this in 1998 too, and it was great), it's just Cena's been pushed so hard for so long that they're laughable coming from him now.

Tell Bryan to cut his beard (not all of it, back to say WHC reign levels), STOP calling him a goatface, and actually work to get behind him and develop him into a real contendor (eg, win the Rumble, defeat a mighty champion at a big event, etc), and they'd be shocked at the results.

He sold shit loads of merchandise after they jobbed him in 18 seconds at WM and barely had him appear, how much would he sell if he were a main event guy?
How would you (and Ithil) book Bryan to turn him into the mainstay? Like Cena was always booked as the man who never gives up, the man who always can overcome (much like Hogan) would he get the same treatment? Or would you give him more of an underdog role, triumphing when it counts?

Underdog technician in the vein of Bret Hart with dashes of Never Give Up and a sprinkle of Pound for Pound Greatest.

Fine, Orton.

Too risky. I actually like him taking up the Kane role in recent months.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Too risky. I actually like him taking up the Kane role in recent months.

This is bending my brain. Orton being given the Kane mask just...makes my head spin and I have trouble visualizing it.
Wooo, finally got my new laptop! And just in time for WK7 :)

Here, now I'm no longer crippled by ancient hardware, have a gif of Tenryu murdering some fool;


Fun note, the SWS show this was from featured Jeff Jarrett. He was the drizzling shits and the only offence he got in was in the form of some awkward pins and a figure four, but he still beat Naoki fucking Sano of all people with a goddamn roll-up. Jeff Jarrett: just awful, wherever he goes.
This is bending my brain. Orton being given the Kane mask just...makes my head spin and I have trouble visualizing it.

They just need to reveal that Kane was his real father and that Cowboy Bob has been deceived his whole life /soulplaya

I actually meant the fact that Orton seems to have absorbed Kane's Worf Effect powers by losing to him at Mania. They're letting him eat upper midcard guys like Del Rio but still allowing him to lose to hotter prospects like Sheamus and Ziggler
Wooo, finally got my new laptop! And just in time for WK7 :)

Here, now I'm no longer crippled by ancient hardware, have a gif of Tenryu murdering some fool;


Fun note, the SWS show this was from featured Jeff Jarrett. He was the drizzling shits and the only offence he got in was in the form of some awkward pins and a figure four, but he still beat Naoki fucking Sano of all people with a goddamn roll-up. Jeff Jarrett: just awful, wherever he goes.

Love that gif. The guy is like " Oh Shittt!!!!"
This is bending my brain. Orton being given the Kane mask just...makes my head spin and I have trouble visualizing it.

He's the next best Psycho gimmick after Big Red, makes perfect sense to me.

Though i'm sure you know the true purpose of the Kane role, a perpetually over support pillar for the stars of the future.
Would you go with Sheamus over Orton due to the issues Orton has had (and may currently be having) with drugs and suspensions?

Yeah. Orton is great when he wants to be, but him being one strike away from being fired is too much of a risk factor. It'd be like having Jeff Hardy be the face of your company. Shit ain't smart.

D.Brine could probably work, too. I personally can't see him help carry a company the size of WWE though.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Woot, wrestlekingom in 14 hours. Do we have a viwer count yet?

Wrestlekingdom Viewing Party

Not me :(

Gotta work the next morning, can't afford to die.


more money than God
Orton is set, he doesn't need the Kane mask. The Kane mask should be given to a young big guy who just needs something to make him interesting. Giving him the Kane mask, and announcing him as Kane's son would do it.
Orton is set, he doesn't need the Kane mask. The Kane mask should be given to a young big guy who just needs something to make him interesting. Giving him the Kane mask, and announcing him as Kane's son would do it.

So Big E is the next Kane. It would make his blank stares that much scarier

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Orton is set, he doesn't need the Kane mask. The Kane mask should be given to a young big guy who just needs something to make him interesting. Giving him the Kane mask, and announcing him as Kane's son would do it.

So Big E La...oh

So Big E is the next Kane. It would make his blank stares that much scarier

I'm feelin the same. JEEZUS.


more money than God
So Big E is the next Kane. It would make his blank stares that much scarier
Langston is 5'11", and apparently weighs 280+. HOW?!?!

If he could improve his in ring work, it would be great. Put the Kane mask on him, put him in a full body outfit, and imagine him as a 1997/1998 Kane silent destroyer. It would work very well. Does the WWE have any good tall big man in the pipeline?
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