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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now


No One Remembers
It's true. McMahon's personal jobbing out of Lesnar to Cena and then Triple H scraping the plate didn't move anything forward. Also welcome to realpic january you handsome debbil. You should be Kane and Taker's third brother.

Wow Falling Edge, are you gonna let him diss you like that?
Inspired by strobogo's great WCW 2000 reviews, below is a recap of WWF Survivor Series 2000.

Click here for the WWF WrestleMania 2000 recap. Click here for the WWF Backlash 2000 recap. Click here for the WWF King Of The Ring 2000 recap. Click here for the WWF Fully Loaded 2000 recap. Click here for the WWF Armageddon 2000 recap.

WWF Survivor Series 2000 - November 19, 2000 - Tampa, Florida - 18,602 in attendance

Match 1: Six-Person Intergender Tag Team Match: T&A and Trish Stratus vs. Steve Blackman, Crash Holly, Molly Holly

- Albert caught Crash coming off the top rope, leading JR to quip, "No fair catches in the XFL, unless they're like this." I wish they still made crappy XFL references.
- Fun opening match mainly because Test and Albert tossed around Crash Holly like a rag doll.
- FINISH: Molly over Trish via a sunset flip. Trish is pissed. Molly celebrates, and King goes, "I think Molly got poured into that outfit and forgot to say when." King adds, "Not that I'm complaining."


BACKSTAGE: Edge and Christian tell Kurt Angle that they can't help Kurt tonight because Christian "ate some bad chili and came down with mono". Kurt says that's fine.

VT EARLIER TONIGHT: Tiger Ali Singh isn't allowed in the building cause he's not on the security list. His partners, D-Lo and Mosh, aka "Lo Down", are just as furious as he is.

Match 2: Survivor Series Elimination Match: Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn w/Terri vs. Road Dogg, K-Kwik, Chyna, "The One" Billy Gunn
- Road Dogg and K-Kwik come out rapping "Get Rowdy". It's pretty embarrassing, and the crowd is silent.

- Some backstory: Chyna and Eddie were engaged, but Chyna recently dumped Eddie cause she caught him in a shower with two women.
- Saturn eliminates Chyna after Eddie nailed her with the IC Title behind the ref's back.
- The One eliminates Eddie after a press-slam and some kind of neckbreaker. Benoit eliminates K-Kwik with a german suplex. Saturn eliminates Road Dogg with a weak version of the non-Mr. Perfect Perfect Plex.
- The One eliminates Malenko via The Fameasser.
- FINISH: Saturn held The One's foot as Benoit pinned him.

BACKSTAGE: Lilian Garcia tries to get a word with The Rock, but he keeps walking.

BACKSTAGE: Jericho calls Skinny Cole "Mitchell", which made me laugh. Y2J says Kane is a monster, but there's also a monster inside Y2J.

VT RECAP OF THE FEUD: Jericho spilled coffee on Kane, so a few weeks later Kane throws Jericho through a window at the arena.

Match 3: Kane vs. Chris Jericho
- Jericho got Kane in the Walls of Jericho, but Kane managed to get to the ropes.

- FINISH: Kane grabbed Y2J's throat when Jericho hit the Lionsault and ended up chokeslamming him for the win.

BACKSTAGE: Terri tells The Radicalz that Triple H is in the building.

Match 4: WWF European Championship: William Regal vs. Hardcore Holly
- Pre-match, Regal cuts a heel promo saying the people of Florida can't even elect a president.
- FINISH: The match is so boring, Holly grabs the European Championship and nails Regal with it, DQing himself.

BACKSTAGE: Trish flirts with Angle, who is too clueless to notice her flirtation. Haha, Angle at this time was so goofy and funny.

BACKSTAGE: The Rock makes his way through the arena.

Match 5: The Rock vs. Rikishi
- FINISH: The Rock hits his heel cousin with a Rock Bottom, then a People's Elbow for the win.
- Post-match Rikishi retaliates by performing 3 banzai drops on The Rock.

AT WWF NEW YORK: Raven stands, creepily.

BACKSTAGE: Stone Cold arrives at the arena.

BACKSTAGE: Commissioner Foley tells Triple H that The Radicalz are banned from ringside tonight.

Match 6: WWF Women's Championship: Right To Censor member Ivory vs. Lita
- Lita starts bleeding like crazy along the side of her face.
- FINISH: Stephen Richards distracts the ref, and Ivory brings the Title into the ring. She hits Lita with it when Lita attempted a moonsault.

BACKSTAGE: Coach is outside The Rock's locker room. He says Rock is coughing up blood.

BACKSTAGE: Jericho attacks Kane with pipes and a 2x4. A plethora of refs breaks it up.

Match 7: WWF Championship: The Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle
- Pre-match, Angle cuts a promo saying everyone should take a moment of silence to remember their favorite Kurt Angle moment from the past year. Angle starts listing his accomplishments over the past year, and Taker interrupts by riding out on his motorcycle.
- These were the ugly pants Taker was wearing…

- Edge and Christian ran out and distracted the ref while Angle was tapping out from an arm bar.
- Later, Taker beat up Edge and Christian, and the ref forced the two to the back.
- Angle cowardly crawled under the ring.

- Taker reached under and pulled Angle out. Taker hit the Last Ride, and went for the 3, but… Hebner stopped counting for some reason.

- FINISH: When Taker confronted Hebner, Kurt Angle came out from under the other side of the ring, ran in, and rolled Taker up for the 3.

- QUITE THE SWERVE. (It was revealed the next night on Raw to be Angle's brother.)

BACKSTAGE: Angle runs out of the arena and drives away in a car.

VT: Surreal commercial for, not the XFL, but the XFL Cheerleaders. "Don't worry, we'll teach them how to cheer," the voice over says.

Match #8: Survivor Series Elimination Match: The Hardy Boyz, The Dudley Boyz vs. Edge, Christian, Bull Buchanan & The Goodfather w/Val Venis
- Edge eliminated Matt Hardy after Val interfered. Christian eliminated D-Von with his weird reverse double arm DDT finisher. Bull Buchanan was eliminated by Bubba, after Edge accidentally hit a spear on Bull. Similarly, Christian hit a slam on Edge by accident, and Bubba pinned him.
- The Goodfather hit what looked like an AA on Bubba to get him out of the match.
- Jeff takes out Christian with the Swanton, so it's down to Jeff and The Goodfather.
- FINISH: Val accidentally nails The Goodfather, and Jeff pins him for the win.
- Post-match, Right to Censor beat up Jeff, and The Dudleyz and Matt made the save. Matt Hardy jumped on Val through a table, and Bubba powerbombed Stephen through another one.

BACKSTAGE: Stone Cold walks his way to the ring.

BACKSTAGE: The Radicalz tell Triple H they know what to do.

Match 9: No Disqualification Match: Triple H vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin
- The two quickly make their way near the staging area. Triple H suplexes Austin on the carpeted concrete.
- They head back to ringside, and Austin beats the hell out of Triple H next to the timekeeper's table. He hits Hunter with a TV monitor.
- Austin hits Hunter with his beer cooler, then takes one out and drinks it. Austin then hits him with the beer can.


- After some actual wrestling in the ring, the two head back to the announcer's table. Triple H sets up for a Pedigree on the steel steps, but Austin reverses it, backdropping Triple H through the announcer's table.

- Austin continues to beat the hell out of Triple H. He hits the Stunner in the ring, but doesn't go for a 3 count.
- Instead, he grabs a steel chair and places Triple H's foot in it. Hebner begs Stone Cold not to do it, so Stone Cold places Triple H's head in the chair and flips off Hebner, haha. A few seconds later, Hunter rolls out.

- The fight makes its way backstage, and The Radicalz interfere. They beat up Austin, and Triple H exits the arena through a door.
- Austin fights back, and refs help break everything up.
- We see Triple H get into the driver's side of a car.
- Benoit lures Austin to go outside so Hunter can run Austin over. However, Austin disappears, ruining their plan.


- Austin appears in a forklift.

- He lifts Triple H's car into the air. "You're not so tough now are ya," Austin yells. "Don't do it. You're gonna regret this," Triple H begs. The car is lifted higher and higher.


- FINISH: "Holy shit!" yells Triple H as the car goes crashing down.


Now that's some 2000 WCW shit right there. Thanks for reading!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Wow Falling Edge, are you gonna let him diss you like that?

Cmon Undertaker's an...attr...attttttrrrraaaaaacccccc I can't say it its not true


EDIT: Holy christ at Angle's "brother" ahahahahah ahahahah ahahahahahah
It's true. McMahon's personal jobbing out of Lesnar to Cena and then Triple H scraping the plate didn't move anything forward. Also welcome to realpic january you handsome debbil. You should be Kane and Taker's third brother.

Wow Falling Edge, are you gonna let him diss you like that?

I will wear a half mask and be known as The FallenEdge and live in a house made out of broken tables.


Get yours posted up too!

You still making a GAF promotion? If so you should add it to the 9000 Verse (http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=523207), which is a really fun mod.

I want to make it and have started it but just takes a lot of time. Same with doing a real diary. When I get things going, I can really get sucked in. Can't let that happen right now haha.

Not totally true. He was used phenomenally well from April 2nd - April 29th

Then they fuck it up by having Cena win.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I will wear a half mask and be known as The FallenEdge and live in a house made out of broken tables.

Will you sign this contract to appear on the next GWF Wrestle Time Hour And A Half?



What the fuck was Taker thinking wearing those pants at SS2000? Similarly, Road Dogg's fashion sense was never good, but the overalls and Fubu gear when he was with R-Truth was cringe inducing. I had completely forgotten about Jinder Mahal's first WWE run managing Mosh and D-Lo.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I demand that the show is renamed to GWF Wrestle Time Hour And A Half staring FALLINGEDGE.

If so, then you got yourself a deal.

Oh, look what you've done....

Brodie is an impressive big man, but god damn at Cesaro, yet again. Moves like a cruiser-weight in that match, but can still press slam Brodie Lee.

I don't know why jumping off the top of the cage would have powered up an uppercut the way he delivered it, but god bless Castagnoli for doing it anyway


I am confident that Punk will retain the WWE Championship at Royal Rumble.

So confident I am willing to make an avatar bet. The loser will wear the avatar of the winner's choice for 30 days.

Who's man enough to take my bet?


Steen should probably try to kind of get in a little bit of shape. If his knees prevent him from running/biking, he could at least swim and eat a little better. He looks so unhealthy. Mind you, I love Kevin Steen, but fuck man.



WCW Thunder 5/31/2000

Well Goldberg finally returned, Nash gave the world title back to Flair, and Flair promptly lost it back to Jeff Jarrett. And Vince Russo stole Reid and Beth Flair. Hey, remember when Sid came back to SWERVE DDP a few shows ago? Neither does anyone else.

Chris Candido vs Terry Funk WCW Hardcore Championship

No Sunny tonight. Skip talks about WWF and ECW. He's always wearing Terry Funk tights and head band. I think the stage is set up on the opposite side of the arena. Or maybe the hardcam is on the opposite side as normal. They immediately fight to the back and they cut to the announce tables unexpectedly because they didn't have a camera set up in the back. Tony was just leaning on his hand looking as bored as possible. Funk puts Skip on the back of a truck and takes off while the ref tries to run after. I think Funk just just abducted Candido. Funk takes Skip to a stable. Why are there stables so close to an arena? And why is there a random table sitting out in front of one of the stalls? Even Tony thinks that is ridiculous. Terry is dumped into a water trough. And then shoved into a tub of manuer. They brawl into a stall where a horse is getting skiddish. Funk hits a piledriver and the horse kicks him in the elbow for it. Skip gets the fuck out of there as quickly as he can while Funk tells the horse he's going to kick its ass. "The horse with one of the biggest high spots of the night so far!" Skip tries to climb the top of the stable, but Funk pulled on the rope that was around him, sending skip through the table ass first from half way up the stable. Funk hits the ref with a trash can for no reason at all other than his red hair. Then pours a bucket of water on him so he can make the pin. Terry Funk retains.


TO THE BACK. Russo is on the phone when the Cat enters. Eric can't be here tonight, so Russo is putting Cat in charge for the night. A WHITE LIMO has arrived. BUT WHO IS LIMO!?! It's Ric, Reid, and Beth Flair! Why the fuck would Ric bring them to another show? Kim arrives with TMZ taking pictures again.

Recap of the Flair family/Russo feud and events at Nitro.

Ric, Beth, and Reid Flair come to the ring. It makes ZERO sense for Ric to be bringing these two back to the show after what happened on Nitro. He shouldn't have brought them to Nitro in the first place. Ric says it is hard to embarrass Beth after she's been around the world with Ric Flair. No shit. I'm not sure if Ric Flair should really be cutting promos about wanting to beat the shit out of his son. I mean, yes, David is doing some pretty fucked up stuff, but Ric doesn't seem to want to work things out, he wants to beat David up. Which is weird to me. Anyway, Ric calls Russo and David out. They and security come out. A stand off in the ring. Russo still can't say aneurysm. "You're a mark for me! Leave me alone!" Russo is out here to talk to Beth anyway. He'd like her to imagine a world where Ric loses and retires and her gravy train comes to an end. Which is what she married him for anyway. "And how are you gonna live on his social security?" Something about the rocket of space mountain having not been launched in years. "Little Italy can't tell Space Mountain NOTHIN!" "You wanna wrestle? You wanna wrestle? You wanna wrestle? COME ON!!!" Ric/Reid vs Russo/David is book for tonight! Security holds Ric while Russo and David hit him.


TO THE BACK. Mike Awesome is talking to the Cat. Kim walks in and is bitching about something. Awesome will be her bodyguard tonight. Kidman and Torrie are now in Cat's office. Kidman wants Torrie to start wearing less revealing clothing. Kidman wants a triple threat with Horace and Sting. Torrie doesn't like Kidman calling WHOREASS names.


Kim and Mike Awesome come out. Awesome is allowed to speak for some reason. Why did WCW let him talk? I don't like Kim's pants, so no pictures. They make her look like she has no waist or hips and I don't care for that. She's wearing like mom jeans leather pants. Not into it. I don't like this gimmick at all. Super spoiled annoying diva stuff, except there can't be any pay off because she's not a manager, wrestler, or authority figure. A "rabid" fan jumps in the ring and Awesome does his first corner Awesome bomb to this "fan" that could have not been more obvious of a plant. They showed him like 3 times during her promo.


TO THE BACK. Reid and Ric talk about the match. Cat and Shane Douglas chat. Cat books him in a title match against Jeff Jarrett. Shane is a little incredulous to this idea.

Kidman vs Sting vs Horace

Oh. What Kidman actually asked for was for a match with Sting with Horace managing him? Or is this a handicap match? Horace is in the ring in his gear, but the entrance card was Kidman w/Torrie and Horace. Sting flies down the ramp and dives into the ring. So it is a triple threat. But Kidman and Horace came out together to Kidman's music, even though they're feuding with each other over Torrie. This is dumb. It's a triple threat, Horace and Kidman are feuding, but Horace acts surprised when he accidentally hits Kidman. Why? They are feuding. Sting hits a weird press slam through a vertical table on Kidman. Then hits a double running Sting Splash on both guys on the ramp with them up against the ropes. Sting makes Kidman tap out. Post match an argument breaks out. Awesome comes in to make them kiss and make up.

Recap and hype for Goldberg vs Tank on Nitro.

TO THE BACK. Gene is with Tank and Rick Steiner. They'll face Nash and Scott Steiner tonight. Tank is gonna kill some folks. Man, Rick Steiner really does a terrible Scott Steiner impression. Jeff Jarrett walks in on Russo and David preparing for their match. Why does Russo wear cowboy boots? Jeff is mad about having a match with Shane tonight. Russo more or less says they're going to screw Shane tonight. Steiner, Nash, and the YAKS arrive an hour into the show.

TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD. Norman and Ralphus are still looking for work, but nothing they've come up with has worked. They head to a backyard wrestling wrestling show.

Cat is on the phone.

Jeff Jarrett vs Shane Douglas WCW World Championship

Mike and Tony have to immediately say they don't endorse backyard wrestling and you should wait until you are of age and come to the Power Plant. Maybe they shouldn't book angles that they have to have disclaimers for. Shane is in charge of this match. The Cat comes down the ramp, which distracts Shane. Franchise has a series of near falls. Cat and Slick Johnson get into it. Shane hits the Pittsburgh Plunge and would have won the title, but Cat threw a chair into Slick's leg and did the cartwheel Vandamminator to Shane. Jarrett hits the Stroke and retains.

TO THE INTERVIEW. Tenay conducted an interview with DDP. He uses his REAL name, because this is REAL and PERSONAL. DDP claims he didn't see Kim throwing his stuff out coming. Really? I did. Since she turned on him 2 months ago, served him divorce papers on live TV, said she was going to do it. Tenay suggests that perhaps DDP is at the root of all of this, which makes DDP walk out while Tenay makes Tenay faces.


Cat, Stasiak, Palumbo are with Gene. Cat is reinstating the DQ rule for their match against Kronik. Shane Douglas interrupts, pissed, but is held back by Palumbo and PerfectShawn. Nash and Steiner get ready for their match.


Shawn Stasiak/Chuck Palumbo vs Kronik WCW Tag Team Championships.

DQ rule has been reinstated just for this match. PerfectShawn is fucking stupid. That sounds like a backyard wrestler name. Wrath hits a bizarre tiltawhirl back breaker that was more like a neck breaker because he didn't get Chuck turned enough. Looked ouchy. Chuck DDT'd Crush. The ref then started a pin because Crush's arm was draped over Chuck while they both sold. But he stopped when he realized that it wasn't supposed to be a pin and Chuck wasn't going to kick out of it. It was awkward. High Times on Shawn. Chuck brings in the Lex Flexxxer. Crush takes it and uses it while Wrath is pinning Shawn. The ref stops right before 3 to DQ Kronik. Stasiak and Pulumbo win the titles via DQ!

THIS WEEK IN WCW MOTOR SPORTS! I will never get the appeal of Nascar. Or racing in general. Unless it involves go karts and Mario characters.

TO THE BACKYARD. Ralphus and Norman show up the the backyard wrestling event where two 12 year old girls are fighting in the ring. He asks if they know who he is and a kid calls him Booker T. Norman goes on to talk about how dangerous backyard wrestling is and how you should leave it to the pros, but he will train them. Particularly the champion. He sizes the kid up and tells him to get in the referee's position. Um. This is like a 13 year old boy in a back yard, Norman. This is uncomfortable. He pins the champ with a 3/4 nelson roll up, does the big twist, and then runs off with the title while the kids chase him. What the fuck. Did WCW not learn from Se7en? Two unemployed men walking around a neighborhood decide to interrupt a backyard wrestling event and shoot wrestle with a 13 year old boy? What?




TO THE INTERVIEW. Tony conducted a sit down interview with Eric Bischoff. Tony asks about the business meeting that made Russo and Eric miss Thunder 2 weeks ago. Instead, Eric wants to talk about the history of Eric and WCW. Taking big risks, big moves, making the company number one. Anyway, the deal is done. Whatever it is will happen at the Great American Bash. On WCW.com, Russo said what they have planned will literally be the biggest thing ever in wrestling. Bigger than anything in WCW, anything in the WWF, even bigger than Russo and Bischoff working together. Eric says everything will change after the GAB. Tony can't stop it, McMahon can't stop it.

TO THE BACK. Reid/Ric and David/Russo head to the ring.

David Flair/Vince Russo vs Ric and Reid Flair

They again do a PSA on backyard wrestling that ends with Brain telling parents to stop being deadbeats and just buy tickets to see WCW. David and Ric start it up. If this is a preview of their GAB match, it is going to be the worst match ever. Ric says he'll stay on the outside and let Reid have 3 minutes against Russo. SHOOT TAKEDOWN FROM REID! Oh my. This is so bad. Russo's bad wrestling his hilarious. Flair jumps in in way less than 3 minutes and now Ric and David are back in. Russo busts the statue of liberty on Ric's nose. Reid and David get into it. Reid ran the ropes better than Kelly Kelly. lol. Russo pins Reid while David has the figure four on him. 5 star match! Beth tries to slap Russo, but I'm pretty sure she was pilled up that night.


Gene is with Ric. Ric Flair is going to call Ted Turner and get a cage match with Russo on Nitro.

The Cat comes to the ring to do color for the main event.

Kevin Nash/Scott Steiner vs Tank Abbott/Rick Steiner.

Tank does the Goldberg entrance. Cat announces that whoever makes the pinfall will get a title shot at the GAB. Jeff didn't like this, either. Russo agreed to the cage match with Flair! Rick hits a pretty crazy belly to belly on Scott. It was boss. Scott has the recliner on Tank, but Jeff hits him with the guitar because he doesn't want to face Scott. He wants a DQ, but Cat won't allow it. Rick hits Nash with the title, but Nash kicks out. Someone throws Rick a chair, which Nash then boots into his face. Nash powerbombs Rick for the win. Nash vs Jarrett at the GAB!


Gifsoup is being wonky, so I'll have a gif of Funk vs Horse and Sting's weird press slam later.



Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
I don't think they'll sign anyone this close to Wrestlemania. Right?

Sure they would. The Rumble is the cutoff date. Debut at the Rumble then start a program.

probably has a lot on indie dates left if he signed. Plus need to debut him at the right time

After Sin Cara takes Rey's mask and pride. HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER!

seems he is a road agent now. shame he could be a great on screen persoanilty

I don't think he even does that anymore. He was got a deal between New Japan and WWE signed then he quit most of his responsibilities. The stress of being an on-air talent must have taken it's toll. Nobody knew who he was before so he could go somewhere like a store without being bothered. Now he probably gets trolled everywhere he goes over Dr. Death's botch :(

poor guy

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I am confident that Punk will retain the WWE Championship at Royal Rumble.

So confident I am willing to make an avatar bet. The loser will wear the avatar of the winner's choice for 30 days.

Who's man enough to take my bet?

Ohhhhhhhhhh shit good times ahead!

When will I be good enough to get into GWF?!


I need to figure out where you'd fit. Hmmm...Creative has nothing for you, but is open to ideas.

Jamie OD

What ever happened to those El Generico is going to WWE rumours?

It turned into Generico going to TNA rumours. The PWG show he pulled out of is apparently taking place the same day as a TNA taping that is having tryouts for the X Division. Hence some fans thinking Generico he will be at the taping.

I don't know for sure. Maybe he is just taking time off instead. He has to be pretty beaten up with the recent ladder match and busy schedule.
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