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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now



Barrett is an odd case where the difficult stuff is taken care of (he's good on the mic and in the ring), but the periphery is just wrong. His music is abysmal and he's yet to have a decent finisher. I'm beginning to think that Wade is turning into one of those guys who was destined for the main event, but they just decide to never pull the trigger. With that said, it's not like Barrett has been given much to work with. The guy has been on TV for years at this point and the only thing people know about him was that he was a bare knuckle fighter, his character has had zero evolution from there.

The elbow finisher he's using now could be great, but his style is not nearly defined enough. If he's going with the "bare knuckle brawler" gimmick, he really has to amp up his intensity in there, and lean HARD on striking. He doesn't come off as a tough guy which is exactly what he needs. That Finlay aura. Until then, and until he gets a good theme, he'll just be another guy.
The elbow finisher he's using now could be great, but his style is not nearly defined enough. If he's going with the "bare knuckle brawler" gimmick, he really has to amp up his intensity in there, and lean HARD on striking. He doesn't come off as a tough guy which is exactly what he needs. That Finlay aura. Until then, and until he gets a good theme, he'll just be another guy.

All of this right here. Good point about Finlay, his attack style and use of the ring and its surroundings did great work for his brawler character.
Elbow to the face out of nowhere could be a pretty fun finisher, if WWE wanted to actually do something worthwhile they'd have him start tearing through the roster with his brawling style and getting knockouts with the elbow finisher as opposed to simply pinfalls, he could steamroll his way to inevitable champ Cena in time for Extreme Rules where Cena redeems the 2010 Barrett Burial by getting conked out and passing on the belt.

Or he could float around the midcard directionless with his dire entrance theme losing to Bo Dallas.

Shield works for Rock. Calling it now.

Hmm. This would make sense as it'd probably be the only way to sort of make The Rock get booed more than John Cena. Hell, they're even dressed like little G.I JOES!

This reminds me. I'm getting really distracted by the shaky cam work during beatdowns and big spots. I didn't mind it so much in TNA, as TNA is 'small leagues', but in WWE it seems terrible.

So John Cena telegraphed and announced The Rock v CM Punk rematch before it had been declared?! Ergh.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
This reminds me. I'm getting really distracted by the shaky cam work during beatdowns and big spots. I didn't mind it so much in TNA, as TNA is 'small leagues', but in WWE it seems terrible.
Just imagine the camera man being told to shake the shit out of his 20 pound camera.
HHH vs Lesnar
Rock vs Cena
Del Rio vs Orton?
Taker vs ? (I don't see how we get Punk here...)
Y2J vs Ziggler would be awesome

It would be awesome if they add MITB in the mix

But, we got 2 snoozefests already. Rock/Cena and HHH/Lesnar

Punk will lose to the People's Elbow again at EC...After Rock kicks out of Rock Bottom.

Also, how does that work? Aren't all title matches at EC...well inside an EC with 5 people?
my proposal for the Heyman boys Vs wwe:

Combat for the chairman job of the company:

Heyman choose lesnar & punk

HHH selects himself & ...... Undertaker
HHH loose


Heyman new chairman of the WWE and brings back Laurinaitis to the GM of RAW.

Cena lost against Punk again and is buried by Heyman boys for a year (injuried or fired)

hmmmm sweet dreams.... :)
I like Wade. I think he's the kind of guy who they can make credible in a month if they felt like it. Kinda like a Big Show or Kane; those guys can be nothing players for a year and then bam, have then beat the shit out of people for a few weeks and they're believable as a threat. I'd like to see Wade higher up the card for sure.



WCW Monday Nitro 9/4/2000

Wargames 2000: RUSSO'S REVENNNGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! This match is actually what inspired me to do these reviews, but more on that later.

EARLIER TODAY: The cage is being constructed.

TO THE BACK. Team Russo walk in the back.

They never should have changed Nitro's original theme. Or the set. Either set.

ICP vs Filthy Animals WCW Tag Team Championships

Jeremy Borash is filling in for Scott Hudson! JB! Hudson's wife is in labor. She was in labor last week, too. Fucking ICP in a title match. I assume cranberry is a gay slur and that's why Konnan said it constantly? Nitro's ever changing mat color weirds me out. Some weeks its WWF style gray. Some weeks is aqua blue. Some weeks it is more green. Some weeks it has the logo in the ring, some weeks it doesn't. Disco and Konnan are on color. This is also the 5th year of Nitro. Konnan also uses the "helps Richard Gere count his gerbils" line every other week. I've learned that you can say "nutcracker", but not "crack nuts". Animals retain.

TO THE GYM. Paula is with Team Canada in the gym. They're making Gunns run on the treadmill to retrain her to be more Canadian tough.


The Cat, Ms. Jones, and Booker get in a limo. I guess to head to the arena. The cage is lowering!

The New Nexus NWO Blood 6000 Hyper Stone XD Boombstick Edition come out. It's just the NBT and Russo. Russo gets in the cage by himself. Russo starts out with some cheap heat on the Cowboys, who apparently got demolished the day before. The objective of the match goes as follows: The winner must climb to the 3rd cage, retrieve the belt, climb back down all cages, and walk through the door. "The team which I like to call, 'The Babyfaces, or the Good Guys', Russo, Steiner, Jarrett, and Nash. Against the 'Heel Team', The Cat, Booker T, Goldberg, and of course, he's way past his prime, but Sting will be here in the cage." Russo had his lawyers look into Cat's power and Cat has none for tonight. The Heels (IE, the faces) will have to compete in qualifying matches. If Goldberg makes it in, he will waive the non-physicality clause for the night. Russo guarantees he'll walk out the champion because "I have the jack". Is that like stroke? Nash comes out and gets in the cage. He's not pleased with his belt being on the line without his say so. Nash is only going to defend his title once a month. Russo says he's the boss. I'm positive this is leading to a SWERVE, which they did the week before with Jeff. The lights go out and Sting comes out from under the ring. Nash flips the double bird to Vince and leaves. Sting chases Russo up the cage. The rest of the group follow. Cat and Booker come out. Big brawl. Russo climbs down the outside of the cage. Goldberg comes out and he runs away. Goldberg follows. This went on forever.


TO THE BACK. Jeff and Steiner are arguing with Russo.

Show run down. Borash is bald. We're shown a video of Scott Hudson and the Nitro girls shaving JB's head earlier in the day. JB was supposed to call the main event anyway, but since Hudson had to leave, JB got to be on the whole show.


The Harris Brothers come out and say they have a home video they want played that the production truck won't play. They won't leave until it gets show. It gets shown. They attacked Kronik in a bar.

TO THE BACK. Shane demands to be the qualifying match for Goldberg. Shane wants the NBT to help. Torrie tells them no and that Shane can do this on his own. Russo tells them to watch his back anyway.

Sting vs Vampiro/Great Muta Qualifying Match

Muta accidentally mists Vamp, Sting hits the death drop. Match over. Maybe 1:20. I love Sting. He's one of my all time favorites, but he didn't put anyone over in the dying days of WCW. He was out the first two months of the year, feuded with Lex until the reboot, absolutely ate up Vamp for the entire feud except for the one match where he was set on fire. But he came back a month later completely fine and healed from his 3rd degree burns over 90% of his body and beat Vamp multiple times, plus Muta, and Demon. And now he beat Muta and Vamp in about a minute with ease. He completely steamrolled Vamp for that entire feud. They didn't have a single competitive match or brawl segment. And this feud has more or less been going on for 5 months now. But here's the thing, I wouldn't even consider Sting a full time guy at this point. He was usually on two weeks a month and usually his matches were under 3 minutes. Even his PPV matches were really short. It's really weird. Outside of losing clean to Booker, I don't think he had really done anything to put anyone over this whole year. He's done way more to put guys over in TNA than he did the last 2-3 years of WCW.


TO THE GYM. Lance is still making Gunns work out. Elix is trying to check her "mental altitude". Stevie demands a match from Russo. I'm pretty sure he's going to face Booker. NWO X #$$*88900 30th Anniversary Edition argue. Nash might be playing for the other team tonight.

Stevie Ray vs Booker T Qualifying match.

JB: "Suckers would like to know." Stevie did ambush his brother after a heartfelt promo. He'd be fired if he didn't take this match. Stevie will get in Wargames if he wins. Stevie does have Wargames experience, if you recall. As a member of Harlem Heat and that awful one in 1998 with 3 teams and the Warrior injuring himself kicking the cage. Booker wins with the Book End. The brothers hug after the match.

TO THE BACK. Kronik arrive and ask the Dragons where the Harris Brothers are. They try to learn how to say "brothers" the right way. Because they're Japanese. The letter R is hard for them. Kaz actually tries to pinch his tongue while saying it. Jesus. Jamie gets put through a table for no reason.

3 Count vs Kronik

TRIPLE chokeslam! Kronik destroy 3 Count and call out the Harris Brothers. "Every fan in the world wants to see the Harris Brothers go up against Kronik!" Tony pls. Jeff comes out and makes Cat go against Kronik for his qualifying match.


The Cat vs Kronik Qualifying Match

Cat convinces Kronik to beat up Jeff instead and then tries to roll up Crush. He should have let them gone after Jeff and he would have won by count out. Jeff goes after Ms. Jones. Cat grabs him and she slaps Jeff. Kronik pin Cat with High Times. So does that mean that both members of Kronik are in Wargames?

. Russo is celebrating because Cat won't be in the match. Steiner gets pissed because now Kronik are in the match instead. Russo finally realizes what a stupid mistake he made. Goldberg paces.

Shane Douglas vs Goldberg Qualifying Match

Shane wins! Just kidding. I wonder if Goldberg gave himself brain damage from headbutting things all the time. Remember that line of WCW figures that had guys as literal interpretations of their nick names? Like Jericho as an actual lion tamer complete with tiny lion and whip, Goldberg the construction worker with an actual jackhammer, and Bret in pin stripes, a fedora, and Tommy gun? It still makes me lol to this day. Hogan (THE BEST HOGAN FIGURE EVER, mind you) came with a director chair. Goldy was setting up for the spear when the NBT came out. Goldberg beat them all up. The ref doesn't call for the bell despite 4 dudes interfering and attacking. Bill drops Mike Sanders to spear Shane. Ryback wish he could be as awesome. Jackhammer for the win.


TO THE BACK. Russo is freaking out. He begs Nash to help out. Only if Russo doesn't walk out with the belt and Nash does. Russo pouts. Why does he want the title in the first place?

TO THE POOL. Gunns is now swimming. The MIA were spying from afar. Lance throws Paula in the pool for calling for security. MIA jump in and they all brawl in the water. Russo offers the NBT one last test. He books them in a gauntlet match with Vito. Paula, still soaked, talks to Arn. Arn hits on her. Arn is going to get Ric and they'll going to celebrate the wedding.


Big Vito vs NBT Gauntlet Match

Sanders says they're the most genetically jacked group ever, to which Vito responds that they always pump each other off in the showers. Reno and Chuck do a 3D. They all hit their finishers and Sanders makes the pin. They beat on Vito after the match.

TO THE BACK. Both teams get ready for WAAAAAAAAAARRRRR. Pamela is with The Heels. It's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's SHOWTIME!

Team Heels vs Team Babyfaces War Games 2000: Russo's Revenge

Sting and Jarrett start the match. A new entrant will enter every 2 minutes. Conceivably, Jeff or Sting could get the belt now and hide until all men enter. The cage is hilariously forgiving. They say it is unforgiving, but a small child could walk under the cage when someone gets thrown into it.

Entrant number 3: Scott Steiner

This is less War Games and more like the Doomsday Cage match mixed with a reverse Royal Rumble. I have always hated the concept of tag matches for singles titles, but even worse when the partner can beat the champion. This is a team match, but which ever man gets out of the cage first with the belt wins, so the team thing seems pretty pointless to me. Steiner is wearing a Dashing face guard. Sting is double teamed for the entire 2 minutes.

Entrant number 4: Kronik. Yes, both of them.

It doesn't make sense to me that both men replaced Cat instead of the one who made the pin. Steiner made it to the second cage during their entrance. he has bolt cutters and tries to get out. Kronik make their way up. Everyone is blown up and dead after 6 minutes of action.

Entrant number 5: Vince Russo


The Harris Brothers come with him. He's wearing a jersey and hockey helmet. The Harris dudes climb up the cage and brawl with Kronik in the second cage while Sting and Jeff continue the fight in the ring. Stinger Splash to Russo! Deathlock to Russo! This is so uninteresting.


Entrant number 6: Kevin Nash

Nash comes in and picks Steiner up. Sting does a Stinger splash to both of them. He tries again and missed. Nash chokeslams him. Nash attempts a chokeslam on Russo, but Jeff and Steiner convince him not to. Russo begs off and apologizes profusely. Nash teases the claw. Kronik and DOA are off somewhere in the crowd. Nash again goes to choke Russo, lets go to choke Jeff, and lets go of him to choke Steiner. Jeff convinces him to let go, but things are still tense.

Entrant 7: Booker T

Book comes in and takes out Steiner, Jeff, and Russo. Nash was on the floor until he came in to boot Book in the face. Sting has been selling the chokeslam the whole time. Jeff sets up the ladder, but no one uses it. Steiner is clearly looking for his pipe. Nash is about to powerbomb Russo.

Entrant 8: Goldberg

Nash let go of Russo when Goldberg's music hit. He's back out on the floor. Goldberg spears Jeff and Steiner, but Russo completely knocks him out with one bat shot to the back. Booker is in the second cage. Nash is standing by the door. Goldberg is now handcuffed to the ropes. Scott, Sting, and Jeff head up to the second level as well. Nash is just hanging out looking bored. Goldberg is still dead. From a Vince Russo bat shot to the back. Booker is on the top level.


Sting is brawling with Jeff and Scott on the second level. Booker grabs the belt and the crowd cheers thinking that the match is over. It's not and Tony has to explain it. The last triple cage match, grabbing the belt made you the winner.


Jeff and Scott get hit with the belt. Sting is handcuffed to the second cage. Guitar shot to Book in the second cage. Booker is handcuffed to the cage. Russo now has the belt. Cat runs in and kicks Russo in the face. He celebrates with the belt and Nash jackknifes him. Goldberg finally wakes up and breaks out of the handcuffs. He takes down all the heels before grabbing the belt. He is about to walk out when someone slams to door on him. It was Bret Hart! Steiner hits Goldberg with the pipe. Russo and Nash hug and Nash walks out. Kevin Nash retains! He only took one bump the entire match.


Man, this whole thing was completely stupid and unnecessary. The whole point of the match, for real the reason it was booked in the first place, was to SWERVE the fans. That's the on screen and backstage reason. The match was made to give Nash a reason to be mad at Russo so they could spend the whole show pretending to not be on the same page, only to show it was all a big ruse and laugh at the fans. It wasn't even to beat up the good guys. It was just to laugh at fans for falling for it.

No one did, though. Mostly because they ran the same fucking angle with Jeff and Kevin swapped last week. Booking a match like that against the top 4 babyfaces doesn't even make sense. What if one of them had won? Why didn't Steiner or Jarrett, both of whom had been vying for the title for months, decide to take the belt for themselves? Why are they okay with Nash having it and not giving them a shot? What if Goldberg had killed Nash or Russo? What if Bret had missed his flight? Why did Steiner get over Nash powerbombing Midajah in two weeks, but is trying to murder Goldberg for giving her the jackhammer? Why are Nash and Steiner aligned with Russo after Russo made their lives (and Scott Hall's) a living hell for 4 months? Why are they aligned with Jeff after they both feuded with him for 3 months? Why am I watching this shit?

Well, I'm watching this shit because of this match. I watched it a few months ago and posted about it. It was so stupid that it compelled me to watch how bad WCW really got. Out of context, the match is pretty stupid and boring. IN context, it's much worse. A. It was announced on the Thunder before this. B. It was hyped up for all of that Thunder as this huge, first time ever event. And it was all just to SWERVE the fans. The 8 biggest stars WCW had in the biggest spectacle match they had on their anniversary show on a night with no Raw and this was the best they could do. A SWERVE for the sake of SWERVE. On top of all that, they basically just restarted the NWO vs Goldberg angle that was supposed to happen last year and they continued to tease Bret vs Goldberg when they knew Bret couldn't wrestle anymore. Just like they teased Scott Hall for months with no intention of bringing him back. No one thought this was a stupid idea? Russo repeatedly said he didn't want to be an on screen character, yet, as the head writer, he wrote himself into the shows as the top heel over and over.

This match is a text book example of why WCW died the way it did.



So not worth it
HHH vs Lesnar
Rock vs Cena
Del Rio vs Orton?
Taker vs ? (I don't see how we get Punk here...)
Y2J vs Ziggler would be awesome

It would be awesome if they add MITB in the mix

But, we got 2 snoozefests already. Rock/Cena and HHH/Lesnar

Punk will lose to the People's Elbow again at EC...After Rock kicks out of Rock Bottom.

Also, how does that work? Aren't all title matches at EC...well inside an EC with 5 people?

Snoozefest? You expect to be taken seriously while posting something like that? :lol:


So not worth it
I find it hard to believe that isn't a work.

Hell, the article on wwe.com links to video/photos and is 80% storyline bullshit, they don't do that for real life stuff. All they need is a reason for son-in-law Triple H to come out of retirement to beat Brock.

Not gonna lie I fell asleep during Rock/Cena 1

So did Rock, but although it wasn't either guys best match, it wasn't a snoozefest. Neither was Brock/Trips at SummerSlam.
I didn't because I always thought Rock had a chance and I was drunk enough to mark out like an idiot when he won.

I find it hard to believe that isn't a work.

Hell, the article on wwe.com links to video/photos and is 80% storyline bullshit, they don't do that for real life stuff. All they need is a reason for son-in-law Triple H to come out of retirement to beat Brock.

Probably. But he did land awkwardly. At his age landing on your side like that can't be good.


No One Remembers

WCW Monday Nitro 9/4/2000


Funny story, that shirt Lance Storm is wearing, I bought at a Nitro show (which you'll be on to shortly!). The next day at school, I wore it. I got made fun of so bad! "Why is there a half naked guy on your shirt?", "What does the shirt say? WTF does that even mean?" etc. :(


WCW Monday Nitro 9/4/2000


Yeah, this is pretty much the reason WCW died. It was fucking awful. I was watching it wondering WTF was going on.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
cena was dropping hints last night about triple threat between him, punk n rock (was saying that he couldnt beat punk/rock ) so i think wrestlemania will be, cena vs punk vs rock and lesnar vs undertaker.


No One Remembers
cena was dropping hints last night about triple threat between him, punk n rock (was saying hethat he couldnt beat punk/rock ) so i think wrestlemania will be, cena vs punk vs rock and lesnar vs undertaker.

Yeah, it was pretty stupid of Cena to tease Rock or Punk... he basically said that Rock and Punk were going to have another match at some point before Punk came out to get his rematch, :lol

As for Brock vs. Taker, doubtful. I read somewhere, and I agree with it, that Brock's style is much more stiff than what Taker's old age would allow.


Junior Member
I know that PG isn't the main reason the product isn't what it should be, but it's probably the biggest reason the Diva's division is so garbage. To get your average American wrestling fan to give a crap about women's wrestling you need to have a good mix of not awful in ring work and sexuality. If the in ring work is abysmal, the sexuality must be ramped-up to cover for it. With this group of Diva's working a PG style, you might as well fire them all because the Divas are currently a black hole of shit.

Oh the days when Divas wrestling was actually good..

Mickie James

I think the highest point of the Divas era was the Feud between Trish and Mickie culminating in the WM match, which had the perfect mix of Wrestling, Sexual innuendo and over the top shenanigans.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
dont forget trips mentioned at the slammys that taker will be at wrestlemania for match, i doubt he would say that if it wernt something big
Someone summarise Raw for me. Anything happen? Thanks.

Vince was going to fire Heyman. Brock came out and destroyed Vince with an F5.
Punk challenged Rock to a rematch at EC.
Cena said he's challenging for the WWE title at WM.
Sandow and Seamus had a nice tables match
There were several absolutely dreadfully bad comedy segments
Punk was very angry and said he was screwed
Jericho is a babyface and looks to be feuding again with Ziggler
I like Bork and Heyman's relationship, I was thinking omg sweeeerve he's gonna hit Paul and turns out Vince re-hired him but no looks like he just wanted to hurt Vince and took the best opportunity to do that AND help his buddy out. :D

Its like ADR and Ricardo. :lol


Vince was going to fire Heyman. Brock came out and destroyed Vince with an F5.
Punk challenged Rock to a rematch at EC.
Cena said he's challenging for the WWE title at WM.
Sandow and Seamus had a nice tables match
There were several absolutely dreadfully bad comedy segments
Punk was very angry and said he was screwed
Jericho is a babyface and looks to be feuding again with Ziggler

So Lesnar vs Taker is happening. Nice. Probably the most exciting match on the card, even though Taker is on his last legs.

WWE title zzzzzzzzzz

Rock can piss off. He's not putting anyone but Cena over. Bullshit. Stone Cold was always better than you and you left because you couldn't handle that fact. Sucker.


formerly cjelly
Vince was going to fire Heyman. Brock came out and destroyed Vince with an F5.
Punk challenged Rock to a rematch at EC.
Cena said he's challenging for the WWE title at WM.
Sandow and Seamus had a nice tables match
There were several absolutely dreadfully bad comedy segments
Punk was very angry and said he was screwed
Jericho is a babyface and looks to be feuding again with Ziggler

Great, Dave.


No One Remembers
Oh the days when Divas wrestling was actually good..

Mickie James

I think the highest point of the Divas era was the Feud between Trish and Mickie culminating in the WM match, which had the perfect mix of Wrestling, Sexual innuendo and over the top shenanigans.

Molly Holly was the only diva I needed. <3 <3
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