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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now


So hyped for Monday. Gonna make dinner beforehand and make sure I'm all ready for The Great One's return.

I should've been at that Raw too. So pissed I have to miss it. Fuck school.

EDIT: New page.


Man God

Non-Canon Member
It's weird but reading this thread while waiting for excellent WCW and WWF 2k recaps has conditioned me for a few things.

1. To actually want a Dave Botchtista return.

2. To feel sympathy for Cena. SWERVE!

3. To want to see Kane go out on top.

4. To one day find some sort of radio interview with the Big Show that shows him as a smart and funny guy and a dedicated wrassler.


Aight, just finished the NJPW PPV. Really, really good show. I'll spoiler it just in case, dunno the consensus on this stuff here, so I'll play it safe.

There's been criticisms of the final match and the result and I hear them, but even if Okada's not leaving I have no issues with it. Kazuchika Okada, if he remains in NJPW and on the path he's on, could be one of the greats. He should hold the IWGP title many times and could be the ace of the company in the future. However, Tanahashi's the ace of the company now and legitimately one of the best of all time. He's not past his prime, he's in his prime. This match showed it, as have the numerous other incredible matches he's had over the last few years. Okada will have his day.

I hope no New Japan fans take him for granted because he's the guy they built the company around post-Simon Inoki. If he'd have flopped on a major level, I dunno. Maybe New Japan wouldn't be around today. He's, what, in his mid-30s so I don't think he's got that long left as the perma-main eventer anyway so we should enjoy it. He kinda brought the good times back to NJPW after they went away. I can see him dropping the belt to Naito when he returns and then you do Naito vs. Okada until the end of time.


It's weird but reading this thread while waiting for excellent WCW and WWF 2k recaps has conditioned me for a few things.

1. To actually want a Dave Botchtista return.

2. To feel sympathy for Cena. SWERVE!

3. To want to see Kane go out on top.

4. To one day find some sort of radio interview with the Big Show that shows him as a smart and funny guy and a dedicated wrassler.

You'll get a Nitro in a few hours. I'm recovering from a rough work out and trying to find the motivation to move again.

I don't know why anyone WOULDN'T want Batista to return. He was awesome more often than not.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Awesome, more WCW before bed.

It's not like I didn't like Bautista, though I only saw the end of his WWE run, it's just that before coming to this thread I had no real desire to see him again in the ring. Now I do!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Awesome, more WCW before bed.

It's not like I didn't like Bautista, though I only saw the end of his WWE run, it's just that before coming to this thread I had no real desire to see him again in the ring. Now I do!

I won't lie, Face Batista was pretty bad. Heel Bats was just SO good that it balanced out.

Focused my energy on GWF. Show is probably 60% done. Really feeling it, can't wait for Monday night so people say "GWF is better than the Rock" - haven't worked in any new debuts yet except for one...

I will say this about the upcoming DPPV (week after this GWF) - Know Your Frenemy.


I won't lie, Face Batista was pretty bad. Heel Bats was just SO good that it balanced out.

Focused my energy on GWF. Show is probably 60% done. Really feeling it, can't wait for Monday night so people say "GWF is better than the Rock" - haven't worked in any new debuts yet except for one...

I will say this about the upcoming DPPV (week after this GWF) - Know Your Frenemy.

The only period of time I didn't care for Batista was during the awful feud with Edge, which was more Edge's fault than Batista's. I really disliked Edge from pretty much everything post-Cena feud until he retired.
The combination of Face Batista and Heel Edge taking terms to sit atop Smackdown with occasional visits from Taker were some of the most brutal years of SD ever.
Really soured me on Edge who even as a heel managed to be as irritating atop the card as Cena himself.


The combination of Face Batista and Heel Edge taking terms to sit atop Smackdown with occasional visits from Taker were some of the most brutal years of SD ever.
Really soured me on Edge who even as a heel managed to be as irritating atop the card as Cena himself.
Yeah those were crap years.

On the flip side, RAW had the triangle between Triple H, Cena, and Orton.


I hated everything to do with Edge/Vickie/La Familia. It was awful. I'm really not sure if I enjoyed anything Edge did after the Cena feud. The first one, that is.
Is it alright to post a YouTube link to a WWE Legends of Wrestling video I'm watching now? (It's from WWE Classics On Demand, and I didn't upload it)
Yeah those were crap years.

On the flip side, RAW had the triangle between Triple H, Cena, and Orton.
No show was safe from WWE's tedious main event booking those years, makes me look back on the last 3 years with a bit of fondness now I think about it, not that we're in that great a spot now but baby steps I guess.

I hated everything to do with Edge/Vickie/La Familia. It was awful. I'm really not sure if I enjoyed anything Edge did after the Cena feud. The first one, that is.

One of my most hated main event angles in WWE history, the most boring and non-threatening faction, the most boring "power couple", the most boring storylines and a bunch of Edge/Taker main events strikingly similar to each other, not at all bad matches by any stretch but nothing I hold as particularly memorable, remember when Taker lost that TLC match and was fired? yeah I didn't give a shit either.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
BTW thanks for that post on the other page about Nitro S2 - good shit my friend!

Feeling better, watching the rest of Wrestle Kingdom. I figured Low Ki just came out in a 47 suit, but he came out with the fucking guns. Laughing...so ridiculous, but also kinda neat.

EDIT: He's gonna wrestle in this shit? Uhhh...okay

Holy crap, this match...

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
He basically wrestled as he normally would. But in a suit. It didn't inhibit him in any way, somehow.

Yeah, it was amazing. Great match, too. Tag match is up with Muta and Tenzan, pretty hyped


The great one is going to be on Raw? I didn't know Wayne Gretzky cared about wrestling.

Also, watching Impact on Thursday was a mistake. Ugh.



WCW Monday Nitro 6/12/2000

Well, last night was the Great American Bash. Sting was set on fire and died, Ric Flair beat David Flair, Hogan beat Kidman, and in the BIGGEST SWERVE OF ALL TIME, Goldberg joined the New Blood.

TO THE BACK. Limos and cop cars enter the arena. I guess I never really thought about the symbolism of a giant, long black limo entering a passage way 3 times a show every week. Russo and Bischoff step out smoking cigars as Goldberg gets out of the other side.


Scott Hudson is not wearing a shirt. He is wearing a tie. This is because he made a crack about fans having to see Russo without a shirt. So his pasty, hairy body will just be out in the open all night.


Eric and Vince come to the ring with police. Eric talks about how all the old guys were scared of Goldberg, since they all knew he was the next big thing. Bischoff talks about how Goldberg hates the fans and all this shit before bringing Da Man out. You can tell he's a heel because he came out wearing sunglasses and kind of has some fuzz on his head. "Don't ask me why. Ask me, why the hell not!" His motivation for turning was that the fans cheered for other people while he was out of action. What a dumb reason. Should the fans have just not come to shows until Goldberg came back? Why wasn't he upset when fans cheered for other faces when he wasn't hurt? Kevin Nash comes out. Let him speak on this. "That's about all the shit I can listen to, you know that?" Oh man, Nash is lecturing Goldberg for having everything handed to him on a sliver platter since he walked in to WCW. Nash comes to the ring, but is intercepted by police. Russo wants Nash released to his custody. "What I'm looking for tonight is ratings! BIG RATINGS!" Kevin Nash vs Goldberg is booked for tonight.

TO THE BACK. Jeff meets up with The Cat and wants to give Hogan his title shot right now. He agrees if Jeff can play some BB King for him. Nash is placed in the police car where there is just a random kid standing there. Scott Steiner flies over the car and says he's going to kill people and whatnot. This was Nash's nephew, I guess.

Show run down. Goldberg vs Nash, Hogan vs Jeff Jarrett for the title, Russo vs Flair in a retirement match.

Vito vs Terry Funk WCW Hardcore Championship

It was supposed to be the Mamalukes vs , but JTB was in the bathroom "dropping bombs", probably from the cheese sandwich he had. Vito locks him in the bathroom and heads to the ring. There are some issues between them over who is actually the Hardcore Champion. Funk attacks Vito in a random hallway. Funk's just beating up Vito all over the back. They're heading out to the arena area. They fight into one of the Nitro Girls cages. Funk fell off the platform through some tables I believe that were covered and had nothing on them. So I'm not too sure why they'd be out there. Vito hits his spinning DDT, but Funk pretty much no sells it. Vito does a piledriver off the apron through a table for the win. Wasn't nearly as rough as a Rhinodriver, but nifty enough. Funk gets up and shakes Vito's hand, only for Vito to ambush Funk once he turned around.


Cat is looking for Hulk Hogan. Hogan isn't there. They've said that 3 times now. My guess is this will lead to Jeff coming out for the match and trying to win via forfeit. Vampiro is talking to mother fucking Emperor Palpatine somewhere in the back. With fake metal flames behind them and purple lights. Vamp said they had a deal, but Palpatine is all "No, there are more souls to cleanse", so Vamp storms off and says it's over "I'll tell you when it's over, Luke." This is AWFUL. What the fuck. Vampiro is now being controlled by some evil wizard or something.


Kevin leaves Scott Steiner in charge of his nephew, Hunter (lol). Who leaves a young kid with Scott Steiner? At least he told Scott to keep the freaks away from the kid.

The Franchise/Buff Bagwell vs Kronik

No longer Shane Douglas. Just the Franchise. He brings back Buff, who Shane feels was suspended for reasons that sucked. You know, like physical assault and throwing racial slurs at crew members. Buff makes TWO shit jokes by calling Kronik colonic and a pain in the ass. This is now the 3rd shit joke of the night. Kronik have these new jackets and glasses that look a lot like Techno Team 2000's gear. Shane makes a blind tag, which Buff doesn't like. Seriously, he's been back 5 minutes and we're already going to get a feuding tag partners angle. Even though we kind of have a mini one going with the Mamalukes. Shane eats a High Times and the fall. Post match, Buff and Shane get into it. Shane sucker punches Buff and beats on him. I think this counts as a Buff face turn, since he was acting like a face for most of the match.

TO THE BACK. Cat asks Doug Dillinger where Hulk is. Kidman is with Gene. Kidman wants to be the special ref for Jarrett/Hogan.

EARLIER TODAY. A press conference from Paisley and The Artist announcing that The Artist would only be going by The Artist from now on. Well, he's been only going by that for 2 months now. What a stupid press conference. But then Paisley freaks out and old man Pops (Hugh's grandpa) was under the table looking for wonderful pie. He then pulls out a cream pie that he gets smashed into. This show. Fuck me.


HUGE HARD COCK DICK JIZZER vs The Artist is turned into LT Loco vs The Artist.

The Artist will only fight a Misfit if it is Chavo and for the title. Chavo sets Prince up for the shattered dreams, which is now called the Locked, Cocked, and Loaded when Major Gunns does it. But Paisley jumps in to save her man's dick, so Gunns just kicks her in the dick instead. GREAT Tornado DDT gets the win. Chavo retain. Pops then tries to sexually assault Paisley, but is pulled off. Rape is funny, kids, especially when it is a comical old man.

TO THE BACK. Ric Flair and his whole family arrive again. WHY does he keep doing this. Russo is talking to some bitches and how they should act for Goldberg. Bill doesn't want them so Russo SWERVES on them and tells them to get the hell out. Cat is still waiting for Hogan. Hulk finally arrives, already in his wrestling gear. But his match wasn't even booked until like 15 minutes in to the show and he wasn't aware of it when Cat told him. So why did he drive to the arena in his tights and boots? Jeff hits Hulk with a guitar. OUTTA NOWHERE! A shot of a knocked out Horace laying on the ground is shown after.

Vince Russo and David Flair come out. Vince is tired of being a punching bag for everyone lately. It ends TONIGHT! Flair comes out and laughs. "This is not New York, numb nuts!" lol. Russo says he hates Ric and starts to cry. He's having a breakdown. Ric agrees only if Russo retires if he loses and Ric will get to be the boss with Bischoff. He'll also get David back and shave Vince's head. And his ass. Russo now wants Vince/David vs Ric/Reid.


TO THE BACK. Jeff is heading to the ring. Both Goldberg and Kevin Nash are staring angrily.

Jeff Jarrett vs Hulk Hogan WCW Championship Special Guest Ref: Kidman

Jeff insists that Billy count to 10 and award Jeff the match. Hollywood's music hits before Billy even counts to 1. Hulk is bleeding, I think from the guitar shot earlier. That ultra thin exploding wood sliced him open through a bandana? Guess what? Hulk is dominating Jeff. I'm pretty surprised about this. The ramp to the ring isn't there tonight, which makes me assume that there will be a blood bath or something in the aisle way. Jeff has a chair, but Kidman takes it away from him and throws it to Hogan. What? The same Hogan he's been feuding with for months? The same Hogan he legitimately tried to murder with the Hummer? The same Hogan that legitimately tried to murder him the next week? Goldberg and Russo come to the top of the ramp. Holy botch. Hogan hits the leg drop. Goldberg is supposed to either pull Hogan out or just break up the pin. Kidman stops counting like 3 times in 3 seconds so Goldberg can hit his cue, which he fucked up, then fucked up again while getting into the ring and barely touching Hulk's foot. So bad. Goldberg is setting Hulk up for a spear, but Kidman stands in the way, so Goldberg spears him instead. Then throws him out of the ring like a fucking kid before spearing Hulk. Russo gets a table out and Goldberg hits a jackhammer through the table! Jeff spray paints Hogan and GI BRO makes the save. Russo convinced Bill to bail out. Madden thinks it is great that Hogan isn't moving to which Tony says "Give me a roundhouse break!" Idk what that means. The Hulkster gets stretchered out. Scott Hudson is really trying to hammer Goldberg being called "The Thuglife".


DDP comes out with a lemon because when he's done with the promo, he's going to have a beer, and he likes lemon in his beer. He talks about how he's always done the impossible when it comes to wrestling. So Eric comes out with Kim and Kanyon. Page doesn't really feel like getting back up anymore. I think he just quit and walks out through the crowd. Bischoff tries to yell at him, but his mic doesn't work.


Vampiro is out for a promo. Hopefully Palpatine makes an appearance. He feels no remorse for what he did to Sting. He kind of acted like it when he was talking to the Emperor. He's cool about going to hell, but he wants to know who has the balls to go with him. Out comes The Demon! From his giant casket that had to be out there already. I think he burnt himself because when he spit fire, they immediately cut to Vampiro and the ref in the ring for like ten seconds.

The Demon vs Vampiro

So Vampiro goes from feuding with Sting to The Demon. The guy who a few months ago was feuding and then teaming with Norman Smiley before being off shows for months. What a downgrade for Vamp. Even if the Sting feud kind of sucked for him anyway. Vamp climbs up the first level of the NitroVision, pyro for some reason goes off, and he does a terrible looking cross body. The bell rings. I think the ref threw the match out.


Scotty leaves the 8 year old with one of his YAKS, which is the opposite of what Nash told him. Russo is freaking out with David.

Positively Kanyon w/Kim come to the ring. Kim has new cologne for ladies. Kanyon faked the injury the whole time. Um. So Eric rented out a room at a hospital and paid off doctors and surgeons to fake everything just so Kanyon could turn on DDP. He calls anyone out so he can show off his new move, the Diamond Cutter.


Scott Steiner vs Kanyon.

"Kanyon, you come out here with Page's wife like it's a big deal. Why don't you tell me who HASN'T been with that bitch!" Kanyon's ribs are taped, so maybe he did have some kind of injury after all. Or maybe he's doing a parody of DDP's never ending rib injury in 1997-1998. Kanyon hits a pretty cool sit out Alabama Slam. DIAMOND CUTTER...to the ref. Kim runs to the back and Mike Awesome attacks when Steiner locks in the recliner. Kronik come out to make a save. Wrath and Mortis EXPLODE!!!! The heels bail out into the crowd, where Stacy just happens to show up in front of Kim. Kim attempts to spray Stacy in the face with her cologne, but sprays HERSELF in the face at least 3 times before Stacy decides to sell it anyway.


. Ric and Reid Flair head to the ring. As do Russo and David. Russo is really worried about getting his ass shaved for some reason. Paula Poundstone in the weirdest OMG WHART ARE U GONNA DO NOWS!?! acting and asks Steiner what he's going to do now. Scott takes the mic and in actual Scott Steiner voice says "Listen, you're very beautiful, but not now" before turning to the camera and going into fucking insane Scott Steiner voice. "I'm gonna stick this boot so far up your ass....you aren't gonna like it!" He asks the YAK where Hunter is. That freak lost an 8 year old she was locked in a room with?


David Flair/Vince Russo vs Ric/Reid Flair.

If the Flairs win, Russo gets his head and ass shaved, must retire, and Ric gets to take his spot as the boss. If Russo and David win, Ric must retire. Ric chops Russo who no sells it because he was wearing a catcher vest under his jacket. Flair rips it off and chops him again. Ric is easily controlling both guys. David is in the figure four, but Russo breaks it up with a bat. Reid tries to wrassle with Russo, but David grabs him. Vince calls Beth Flair into the ring. Security hit the ring to grab Beth, which Russo says no to. He wants Beth to hit Ric with the statue of liberty. She holds it, Russo grabs it and it literally crumbles apart in his hands just grabbing it. He hits Ric with a broken piece and starts choking him. One of the daughters tries to break it up, but is held by security. David puts his dad in the figure four. The oldest daughter throws in the towel. A glorious end to Ric Flair's career. Vince and David shave Ric's head and then a few lines out of Reid's hair just for fun. This is awful. This show is awful.



TO THE BACK. Nash is let out of the police car.

Kevin Nash vs Goldberg

Most of the New Blood are out with Goldberg. It's like the scene in Ready to Rumble!


Nash attacks as soon as Bill gets in the ring. Goldberg sucks chants. QUIT SAYING THUGLIFE GOLDBERG, AND PUT A FUCKING SHIRT ON SCOTT HUDSON! New Blood attack when Nash gets the upper hand. Goldberg comes nowhere CLOSE to hitting Nash with a chair shot. A good 6 inches of space between the chair and Nash's head. Bill takes his glove off and pummels Nash. Nephew Hunter is standing on the ring steps watching. Who the fuck let him in there? How did he make it out to the ring without anyone noticing him? Scott Steiner comes out and decks everyone. The cops beat the shit out of him with billy clubs. Cat attacks Steiner while he's cuffed and I think he was also arrested for it. Hunner is in the ring checking on his uncle. Russo and Goldberg gloat over it.


What a terrible fucking show. Outside of the start of Positively Kanyon, there was nothing that even touched on good. Kidman saves Hulk Hogan after spending the past 2 months talking how he's the biggest piece of shit in wrestling history and tried to murder him. Buff returns from a suspension due to yelling racial slurs and assaulting a crew member only to get a face turn. The shit with Russo vs Flair won't end, the whole family is there, and Ric gets his head shaved. DDP comes to the ring with a lemon and quits. Kevin Nash randomly has his little nephew who somehow no one notices walking up to a police car or to the ring. Scott Hudson wore a tie with no shirt all night. 3 shit jokes. Vampiro may or may not be a Sith. The only reason this show wasn't worse than Spring Stampede was because it was an hour shorter.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge

WCW Monday Nitro 6/12/2000

DDP comes out with a lemon because when he's done with the promo, he's going to have a beer, and he likes lemon in his beer. He talks about how he's always done the impossible when it comes to wrestling. So Eric comes out with Kim and Kanyon. Page doesn't really feel like getting back up anymore. I think he just quit and walks out through the crowd. Bischoff tries to yell at him, but his mic doesn't work.


Such a promo should be seen, not read. http://youtu.be/m3Y4Hil80Bg

As much as I enjoyed some of the comedy bits of his time in WWE (Yoga girl, Christian, that NY bar), and for one night getting a bigger pop than Rock, Undertaker, Stone Cold, Undertaker, and Tough Enough, I like to image that promo as DDP's final showing beyond shameless WCW DVD plugs.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Now the two late summer WCW PPV's were always the worst in the strong years but 2000's I remember being particularly bad.


Well the next PPV has the Russo/Hogan SHOOT SWERVE and the one after that has the match were Goldberg refuses to follow the script and the announcers talk about how professional Scott Steiner is to take the jackknife. And how they now had to improvise since Goldberg just left the match, which wasn't in the booking.

We haven't even hit the spot where ICP return, Muta shows up for a bit, Fat Chick Thriller, Jim Duggan defecting to Team Canada, Russo's Revenge (which is actually what inspired me to do these when I was amazed at how awful it was), the NBTs, the return of the Harris Brothers, Viagra on a pole match, First Blood DNA match, and more!

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I like how Scott Hudson makes drunk Heenan, Zbyscko and Lee Marshall all look like great color commentators. He's, dare I say, the worst announcer in the history of televised Wrasslin.
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