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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Watching Wrestle Kingdom made me feel really shitty about my body until the older guys were wrestling and have bodies that look like N64 models.

Well I understand if Strongman made you feel bad, but look at Akebono. You're aight. As long as you're legitimately STRONG
Glad to see all the love for Nakamura vs Sakuraba, I loved the hell out of that match and thought it was pretty much perfectly paced. Nakamura is such a boss. The crowd were great too and super into it, easily my pick for match of the show. Really enjoyed Nagata vs Suzuki too, the main event and the Mutoh/Otani vs TenKoji tag match. Oh, and the jr. title 3-way and KES vs Sword & Guns. Hell, the whole show was fun.

bean breath said:
He asked for a Batman moveset not a description of British wrestling.


tm24 said:
Im almost tempted to do early PWG recaps or even lucha recaps thanks to stro.

You should man, I'd read them - I really don't watch enough lucha and haven't seen too many pre-2007 PWG shows.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
How many ppv's was ECW doing at its height?

I'm trying to think how many PPV's at most the US had during the wrestling explosion in the late nineties.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
That Okada rumor sounds like total BS. He can't speak English, and he can barely talk on a mic. They've already got Yoshi for that. It's not like glorious Nakamura who can speak English and Japanese.


How many ppv's was ECW doing at its height?

I'm trying to think how many PPV's at most the US had during the wrestling explosion in the late nineties.

Check this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ECW_pay-per-view_events

1996: 8
1997: 9
1998: 7
1999: 9
2000: 11

That Okada rumor sounds like total BS. He can't speak English, and he can barely talk on a mic. They've already got Yoshi for that. It's not like glorious Nakamura who can speak English and Japanese.

The thing is Okada has the look and screams main eventer and basically his massive turn around has created alot of buzz about him. Yoshi is none of that. Also, he can't even cut a promo in Japanese as well. Promos is weakness no matter what language it is. If they are interested he needs a mouthpiece. If he is a heel they have Heyman and if they want him to be a face use Ric Flair to talk for him.


Nak is so awesome. I didn't know he could speak English as well. I wish it was the 90s so he could come in as an eccentric Japanese club owner with a massive cocaine habit. I'm pretty sure that's his gimmick now, but just imagine the vignettes!

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
The thing is Okada has the look and screams main eventer and basically his massive turn around has created alot of buzz about him. Yoshi is none of that. Also, he can't even cut a promo in Japanese as well. Promos is weakness no matter what language it is. If they are interested he needs a mouthpiece. If he is a heel they have Heyman and if they want him to be a face use Ric Flair to talk for him.

He's asian. He don't scream main event to Vince.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
He's going to wrestle La Sombra. That'll be hype.

Now that people have watched Wrestle Kingdom, I think it's time for Nakamura's Swagtastic Adventure Week



WCW Thunder 6/14/2000

Off of probably the shittiest Nitro of the year, let's see what kind of awful shit they can pump out for the D-Show.

TO THE BACK. A limo has arrived. BUT WHO IS LIMO?!?! Why, it is The Cat, Russo, Jarrett, David, and security. Cops don't want to be involved in Russo's games tonight, so he's stuck with the shitty security. A car pulls up behind the limo and it is...KEVIN NASH! He left his car running.

The announcers recap for like five fucking minutes. Russo's music plays for a solid minute and a half before they actually come out. David has a rabbit's foot made of Ric's hair, Russo has a 3-0 shirt.


Jeff steel cain't believe that Kidman would try to cost him the title. Kidman is officially a face now I guess. Russo brags about retiring and shaving Ric Flair on Nitro. We also get to see the highlights of Goldberg being on Nash. Russo has decided to bring Ric Flair back tonight! He pulls out a Mr. Potato Head. Kevin Nash comes out with a bat. Russo has security line up around the ring. That hasn't worked for him a single time. Nash says he was planning on taking his foot, turning it sideways, and sticking it straight up Russo's candy ass. For real, he's stealing Rock lines. But since he broke his ankle, he can't turn is foot any more, so he's going to take his bat, shine it up, and stick it up Russo's ass. Nash easily makes it through all of security. Russo and Jeff bail, leaving David and Cat in the ring. They both get hit with the bat and Nash slowly takes chase in the crowd.

TO THE BACK. Russo is screaming on the phone, presumably to Eric and Goldberg. Jeff leaves to prepare for a match. Cat and David also leave. Russo is left alone by himself. He hides somewhere in the back.

Kronik vs Chris Candido/Bam Bam Big Yellow


Techno Team 2000 call out the tag champs, but Skip came out instead. His ThunderVision video is still full of Sunny despite her termination weeks ago. Skip brings out his New Jersey friend and the Triple Threat has reunited! Skip bumps around for Wrath and Crush while Madden makes weed references. Bam Bam was so bad around this time. Totally broken down and lost all of his menace from his ECW run. Kronik squash Skip for the win. I don't think he got any offense nor did Bam Bam even get tagged in. Post match Bam Bam brawls with Kronik until security break it up.

TO THE BACK. Russo, who is supposed to be hiding, is YELLING to himself and walking around in the open about 10 feet from the entrance to the arena. The area he's in isn't even a closed off room or anything. It's just a wide open area with the lights dimmed. He has a great idea about getting back in his limo and leaving, but the tires were slashed. DAMN YOU NASH!!!!! Surely he could just get another limo, or taxi, or a wrestler to take him back to the hotel or something, right? I mean, he is the boss after all.

The Mamalukes come out. Vito says he's going to be a fighting champion. JTB wants to know why Vito deserves to be champion. Because he beat Funk, duh. JTB says he could have done it, but Vito locked him in the locker room while he was dropping bombs. That means he was shitting really hard. Vito puts the belt on Da Bull only to SWERVE him and hit Johnny with a kendo stick. A stick ball stick is broken on the Bull. Holy shit, Vito does his spinning DDT off the camera man spot on the apron through a table on the floor. The only think of Johnny that hit the table was his fucking face. Kevin Nash comes out and hits Vito with the bat. He just wants Russo to know he's still looking for the guy.


TO THE BACK. Russo is crying because Nash is going to kill him. We see security cam footage of David Flair and Ms. Hancock being very close together.


The Franchise comes out in a terrible shirt to explain what happened with he and Buff.


Shane was mad that they had a lot of obligations, but Buff had to go and try to be a tough guy in the back, leaving Shane high and dry. Buff runs down and attacks Shane, but Skip and Bam Bam make the save. Oh, the Triple Threat really is reunited! Kronik come down to continue the brawling. Don't fucking tell me that Buff and Kronik are going to team up after a month of Buff being a total twat to them.

TO THE BACK. Tank and Rick arrive on bikes. Chuck and Stasiak were watching this and making fun of them. OUTTA NOWHERE, Tank and Rick Steiner appear behind the champs and lay them out. "That's the magic of video, pretty boys. That was shot two hours ago." A. Why would Tank and Rick go to the trouble of having that play so they could ambush the champs when they would make fun of it? B. How would they even know that the champs would be watching a monitor in that specific spot at that specific time? Did they talk to the production truck? C. I thought Tank and Rick broke up last week on Nitro.

Russo is still yelling to himself in the back, when he's supposed to be hiding. Cat says he won't leave Vince's side. A limo pulls up and it must be Goldberg and Eric. Cat opens the door and bolts away. Russo turns around and it was Scott Steiner! So he climbs into the back of a truck and starts running over the tops of vehicles to get away.

Positively Kanyon/Mike Awesome vs Tank Abbott/Rick Steiner

Kanyon now wears a blonde curly wig and talks like DDP. GOOD GAWD BRO.


Hey, remember a month ago when Mike Awesome tried to kill Kanyon? Don't worry about it, they're bros now. Rick trips and almost falls coming down the ramp.


Are they faces now? Heels who fight heels? Tweeners? What happened when Rick wouldn't let Tank hit Scott with a chain, so Tank hit Rick? And then Tank came out with the intention of murdering Rick in the JJ/Nash match, but was stopped by Scott? Rick tried to break up an Awesome Bomb, but somehow ended up hitting Tank from behind with a clothesline. I think Awesome just pinned Tank off screen, because the bell starts ringing. There can't be a DQ for anything that has happened. The Perfect Event come down to beat up Rick, which brings out Scott to clear the ring. Are the Steiner Brothers back together?


Russo is looking for cars to get into. He just happens to pick the one that Nash was standing right next to. Actually, I think that was Nash's rental. Nash grabs Russo through the windows and almost gets him, but Russo's shirt ripped off. Then he ran away, but was clearly stopping because the scene was over.


Paula Poundstone finds the Cat and asks what he's going to do about Scott Steiner. He books himself in a match against Steiner. Wut.

Recap of Jeff/Hulk from Nitro.

TO THE BACK. Gene is with Kidman. Kidman knew that Horace was a rat the whole time, but Eric wouldn't believe him. So, he's not buddy buddy with the Hogans, but he's glad to be done with the New Blood. This Kid don't play!

Jeff Jarrett vs Kidman WCW World Championship

Oh shit, Hogan had spinal injuries and is hospitalized due to the jackhammer through a table. Are those like the severe spinal injuries, broken ribs, broken skull, and other injuries that he suffered from Kidman/Eric and the white hummer only to be completely fine a week later? Jeff isn't even in his wrestling gear. The Filthy Animals come out. Jeff tells them that he can handle Kidman. This is a decent enough match, I guess. Jeff tries to powerbomb Kidman. lol. Tygress is on color and talking about Rey's dick. Hm. I don't know what the finish was supposed to be. Juvi holds Jeff so Kidman can hit him, but then lets go and tells Kidman to stop. Then Konnan gets in with the guitar and I assume is supposed to hit Kidman with the guitar after Jeff ducks, but Kidman was in place for it, so Konnan kind of stood there and did a half swing at Jeff before standing awkwardly again before hitting Kidman with the guitar. Stroke from Jeff gets him the win. Post match, the Filthy Animals attack Kidman. Kevin Nash again comes out with his bat. The Animals bail and leave Jeff in the ring by himself. Nash wraps a belt around Jeff's neck and drags him to the back.


Vampiro comes out for a promo. It's been 3 days since he killed Sting. No remorse, no regrets. Everyone has been brainwashed. Sting don't know nothing bout the dark side, y'all. He yells at some fan to take off her Sting mask. He goes out to this fan and shoves her clearly a wrestler friend who is like 6'6 and then she takes off the mask to spit blood in Vamp's face. IT WAS ASYA! This brings out The Demon. They should have changed his gimmick to ONLY being allowed on Thunder. They brawl until Asya jumps the rail and gets involved. Tony tells us that The Demon is Dale Torborg and is engaged to Asya. Nail in the Coffin to Asya while The Demon just kind of lays on the mat. There was no reason he couldn't get up and help her. He fights Vamp to the stage and puts him in the very obviously plastic coffin. He probably should have gone to check on his fiance first. Demon goes on to blow fire at the casket from 6 feet away. Um. Okay. Then, as Tony says "Vampiro can not get out", the casket half opens and a quick cut back to the ring. Demon finally checks on his woman. Then we go back to the casket where Vampiro is pretty easily walking out of. But I thought he couldn't get out? How does The Demon get out of it? One would assume there is some kind of handle from the inside.


The history of the KISS Demon gimmick is so weird. Originally there were supposed to a character for each member of KISS and they were to be a stable. They told Dale that he'd be the Demon, then decided to give it to Brian Adams instead, who thought it was stupid and only showed up for it twice. So they give it back to Dale. By the time this all happened, Bischoff was already gone and everyone left realized it was stupid. The Vampiro/Demon feud was supposed to happen at the end of 1999, but the PPV and feud was canceled with Eric gone. The KISS performance was up to that point the lowest rated segment in Nitro history. But now WCW was stuck having to use the Demon so often due to the contract with KISS. So they made him a jobber to the stars and took him off screen for months. Eric decided when he came back they should restart that angle, which was again dropped when Eric left about a month later.

TO THE MALL. 3 Count were having a concert in what looks like a food court. One overweight woman was in attendance and threw 3 panties at them. They ran off.


Daffney comes to the ring in her black wedding dress looking quite sad. And hot. But very sad.


David broke her heart. She's going to break Ms. Peacock's legs. I would not like that at all. Stacy says to bring David out, which makes Daffney attack. But we don't get to really see much of the fight because they cut to crowd whenever you might see panties. Which is every shot since Stacy is wearing her tiny skirt. David comes out and grabs Daffney off and starts screaming at her. Crowbar comes out to chill David out, but he low blows him and leaves with Stacy. LOUD Daffney chants.

TO THE BACK. The Cat is getting ready for his match. Russo decides he'll hide in The Cat's office, because Nash would never think he was dumb enough to hide in there. He sits down at the desk, picks up to phone to call for Nash, but the phone is yanked away from him. Nash was hiding behind potted plants and yells "HERE'S JOHNNY!' How long was he back there? Did Cat not notice him? What if Russo never showed up in there? Why would Russo thinking Nash wouldn't be able to see the show and see that he was hiding in the Cat's office?


Scott Steiner vs The Cat

Well, Cat booked himself in this match. Cat comes out with security. Between Steiner, Cat, Charles Robinson, the YAKS, and security, I don't think a single person involved in this match has their natural hair color. Cat walked and tried to slide back in to attack Scott, but he didn't slide far enough. Security lay a beating on Scott on the floor. Kiwi and Mike Sanders are now holding Scott in the ring, but the YAK no one remembers hits a low blow. Midajah does a top rope cross body to Cat.


Steiner Recliner for the win. Who books themselves in a match against Scott Steiner, even if they do have help and a plan? Cat claims it was an illegal choke hold that beat him, so he reverses the decision and bans the Steiner Recliner permanently.

. Nash has a beaten Jeff Jarret in The Cat's office. Where did Russo go? Was Jeff in there before? Kevin calls Scott Hall and wonders what he should do to Jarrett. Gene is with David. Crowbar wants a match tonight against David. David threatens to shave Crowbar's head tonight. Maybe his ass, too? Just speculation on my part.

David Flair vs Crowbar.

Not sure how this is any different than normal for them since they were having matches with each other in the middle of tag matches against other people. This is a pretty serious match for them. No goofing around from either guy. David is actually...not bad in this. He's actually wrestling and doing multiple suplexes. I'm sure this is helped by Crowbar being a good bumper, but still, David looks like he actually had some training here. This is so weird. Am I to believe that David Flair was really that good at pretending to be a terrible wrestler this whole time? David wins with the statue of liberty. He attempts to shave Crowbar's head when Daffney comes down. He shoves her down and continues the shaving. Then Stacy comes out. He follows her to the back "like a cocker spaniel". Weirdly specific breed to mention, Tony.


TO THE BACK. Nash is dragging his hostage Jeff Jarrett through the back and to the ring.

Nash brings Jeff out. Jeff's hands are bound. He calls Russo out. He's really pissed about that whole "made my nephew see me beaten and bloodied" thing. Well, I put a lot of that blame on Nash. He obviously had intentions of getting into a serious fight with Goldberg and security. Why would you bring your nephew to that show? And why would you put him in the care of Scott Steiner? And why would he put the kind in the care of one of his YAKS? Anyway, Kev says that his brother took him to see Deliverance as a kid and there was a particular scene that stuck with him. I think he plans to rape Jeff Jarrett in the middle of the ring. However, most of what Nash is saying is muted. Madden says that he's seen Nash do this before and Tony says he believes it. Um. Did they just both say that Nash is a rapist? Russo comes out before Jarrett gets powerraped. Nash says this probably turned Russo on. Vince has the contract of Scott Hall in his pocket. Vince hated Scott in the WWF and in WCW and unless Nash leaves the ring, he's going to tear up the contract. Goldberg's music hits and attacks from behind. A lot of rape metaphors tonight. Jeff beats Kev with the bat and WE'RE OUT OF TIME~!~!!!@! Thank god.

This show, while not as bad as Nitro, was pretty god damn terrible.

Vampiro summed up my thoughts watching the show:



Here is the advertised days for the Rock in January:

WWE is officially advertising The Rock for the following dates in January.

-January 7 in Tampa, Florida (Raw)

-January 8 in Miami, Florida (Smackdown)

-January 14 in Houston, Texas (Raw)

-January 21 in San Jose, California (Raw)

-January 22 in Sacramento, California (Smackdown)

-January 27 in Phoenix, Arizona (Royal Rumble PPV)

-January 28 in Las Vegas, Nevada (Raw)
There was actually a Thunder taping right after The Demon debuted where his little statue casket thing got locked and he couldn't open it. People in the arena said it took about 45 minutes to get it open.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I was thinking about doing the Owen Hart recap where I recap every Owen Hart match that I can find, and I talk about how amazing he is, and how these goons are lucky to have such a guy.

Dedicate a whole month to the Owen/Pillman Best Friends-athon. Because they're the best of friends.


Halp, I am drunk but can't do any WCW recaps. I also have to type this with one eye closed. Russo has driven me to the bottle.


Do you guys think Punk took Orton's spot? If Cena, Punk (in WWE), and Orton each had a defining rival, who would it be?

Edge is Cena's
Cena is Punk's
HHH is Orton's (even if their matches suck)

Punk is also Cena's rival... But the current Cena. The old Cena is definitely Edge. Punk and Cena have the best rivalry in wrestling IMO. Total shame we didn't get to see them in HIAC.


Do you guys think Punk took Orton's spot? If Cena, Punk (in WWE), and Orton each had a defining rival, who would it be?

Edge is Cena's
Cena is Punk's
HHH is Orton's (even if their matches suck)

Punk is also Cena's rival... But the current Cena. The old Cena is definitely Edge. Punk and Cena have the best rivalry in wrestling IMO. Total shame we didn't get to see them in HIAC.

I don't know. I don't think Punk has one defined arch rival. Yeah, he's faced Cena a lot, but I don't really feel like they're hardcore rivals like Edge and Cena. Punk just feels like a speed bump that pops up once in awhile for Cena. WWE in general feels like Punk's defining rival. I think Orton has been the biggest rival post Edge for Cena. Punk has just kind of been...there for the past year.


I still remember when WWE found out Cena/Orton was nothing. They setup that showdown in the middle of the Royal Rumble and expect a huge pop, and......nothing. Dead silence. lol. Not even booing.


Agree with me Strobogo! Chartbuster > Stunner!

You son of a bitch. Trying to take advantage of a drunk man. I might agree with you depending on who is selling the move. Fuck this is hard to type. I'm new to being drunk. Jerk. I can't believe WCW was using Barry Horrowitz in 2000. Also, Bobby Heenan is calling this show with Scott Hudson, but I can't hear it because I have a fan on. 3/4 roll only got a two count. I hope there his a Skip vs Bary rematch on Saturday Night. It's ridiculous that anyone besides Austin was doing the Stunner in 2000 as a finisher.


I still remember when WWE found out Cena/Orton was nothing. They setup that showdown in the middle of the Royal Rumble and expect a huge pop, and......nothing. Dead silence. lol. Not even booing.

We missed you at the draft, DM. What's up with that?
Do you guys think Punk took Orton's spot? If Cena, Punk (in WWE), and Orton each had a defining rival, who would it be?

Edge is Cena's
Cena is Punk's
HHH is Orton's (even if their matches suck)

Punk is also Cena's rival... But the current Cena. The old Cena is definitely Edge. Punk and Cena have the best rivalry in wrestling IMO. Total shame we didn't get to see them in HIAC.

Jeff Hardy was Punk's defining rival, he built the next three years of his character on the foundations of that feud.
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