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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now


Oh shit. Brad Armstrong vs Bobby Eaton in the year 2000. Why wasn't Bobby Eaton on Nitro? This match was only like 3 minutes long. I should go to bed. But I'm drunk and have a little more to drink. Remember when George Costanza's mom was in commercials? In 2012! I should go to bed. Why was Jon Lovitz in so many commercials in the year 2000?
Took the wifey out to the movies and as we were in there saw The Rock poster for his new movie "Snitch". I lol so loud because IMO that's the perfect thread title for next month. Especially with punk scandal and gaffers in here attacking each other..lol

Sorry just had to say that




Jeff Hardy was Punk's defining rival, he built the next three years of his character on the foundations of that feud.
Jeff Hardy led Punk up to MITB, which creatively was more interesting than what Punk has done in the last year, but Punk's CAREER defining moment where everyone realized how amazing he is, or can be, was with the pipebomb promo and Cena at MITB.

Cena and Punk also have better in ring chemistry.

Even though the feud between Punk and Jeff was better from a story standpoint, Punk and Cena have better overall chemistry and matches.

When you think back to Punk, do you think of him facing Jeff or him winning the championship from Cena and blowing Vince a kiss?

When I think of Cena, I think of Edge cashing in on him and their months long feud and their awesome TLC match.

When I think of Orton, I think of him beating the shit out of the McMahons and being an awesome heel for six months and getting squashed by HHH.

- The weekly 'impromptu' tag matches with shuffling name out of a hat drawn wrestlers (sometimes even ones who are in a feud 'if we're lucky'!!!!) are just so pathetically stupid and predictable I'm honestly not sure how much more I can stand.


I know they gave up caring years ago but come on, its out of control.

Its really dumb seeing every other wrestling now suddenly caring about the WHC belt now that everyone knows Punk -> Rock -> Cena for the other belt is well determined. Could they be any more obvious?

- This Vince being in charge only when its the WWE Title or John f**king Cena involved thing is stupid too, he only shows up randomly for those 2 issues and the rest of the show can go sit on a dick.

Women brawling in the ring over their title and nothing happens, lolVince is long gone and Vickie is busy hosting a party. But as soon as Punk picks up a mic Vince rushes out to put him in his place or set up another boring PPV by giving Cena a title shot for no reason.

- TV here decided they wanted to replace NXT with Main Event so now instead of seeing a show I actually found interesting and cool to see up and coming stars before they 'break out' I now I can watch ANOTHER unneeded hour of terrible face Miz promos, recaps, and The Great Khali struggling to move around a ring. WHY DO THEY NEED SO MANY HOURS OF THE SAME THING????



Punk is also Cena's rival... But the current Cena. The old Cena is definitely Edge. Punk and Cena have the best rivalry in wrestling IMO. Total shame we didn't get to see them in HIAC.
Punk/Cena was boring after MitB. Never cared. In fact I rather watch the Big Show and Sheamus.
I pray that Punk and Bryan can be arch rivals some day within the next five years or so.
Would be nice if they don't wrestle again for another year or so - the amount they've fought one another this past year already got me tired of seeing it, while I like them both in the ring. It's became the AJ-Daniels of WWE.


Junior Member
Well I will be attending tonights Monday Night Raw here in Tampa.. Will be posting pics and some live updates of the show as it progresses.

Will be my first live WWE show in over 5 years. Last one was New Years PPV back in Puerto Rico. First time seeing the Great One as well hehehe.


Guys, things got bad with the drinking last night. I'm almost 25 and didn't start drinking before the past 2 weeks. I went waaaaay overboard. Things got ugly in my house. I'm talking throwing up everything I've had to eat in a week and trying to sleep in the bathroom.

However, I don't have a hangover and now I'm watching WCW Saturday Night. Shark Boy vs Norman Smiley! Brain was filling in for Tenay on this show and gets a kick out of Shark Boy. Also, Shark Boy is a heel.

On the Disco note, he was a Cruiserweight and TV Champion.
I was reading the results of the ROH TV taping on Saturday and am continually perplexed as to why they aren't pushing ACH.
They use him to put over Matt Taven in the Top Prospect tournament. Now, I like Taven. He's a tall guy with some surprising athleticism, but as high-flyer's go, he's pretty generic. Crossbody's, tornado DDT's, springboard dropkicks, spinkicks, etc. Whereas ACH is unique and innovative, has a great buzz about him and is building a solid reputation as one the premier high-flyer's on the indies
. Perhaps the issue is that ACH won't sign with ROH, but either way, it seems that less and less these days is ROH the promotion where all the most hyped and talked about indy talents end up*. It's all well and good trying to find unknown talent who you can build up as you like, who you can make into a star on your own terms, but it will only be effective for those watching the product week in, week out. With ROH's changing fanbase I feel they need to bring in the guys with the buzz to draw lapsed fans back, and bring them in as more than enhancement talent.

*Michael Elgin & Adam Cole, notwithstanding.

I'm almost 25 and didn't start drinking before the past 2 weeks. I went waaaaay overboard.

I knew all that WCW would drive you to the drink! It's just too many swerves for one man to take.


So not worth it
Jesus, 25?

Okay, fair enough, I'm from the country of all vices and started going out and drinking at 16 when it became legal (give or take a few years but lets just call that 16), but waiting till 25? Whaddupwithdat strobogo?

The good part is, everyone goes through that when they start drinking, now you know your limit, stay under it next time! (and try not to mix your drinks, stick to one kind, does wonders).


Well I will be attending tonights Monday Night Raw here in Tampa.. Will be posting pics and some live updates of the show as it progresses.

Will be my first live WWE show in over 5 years. Last one was New Years PPV back in Puerto Rico. First time seeing the Great One as well hehehe.

Nice. I'm going next week!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Guys, things got bad with the drinking last night. I'm almost 25 and didn't start drinking before the past 2 weeks. I went waaaaay overboard. Things got ugly in my house. I'm talking throwing up everything I've had to eat in a week and trying to sleep in the bathroom.

Not a good time to start, but lesson learned.
Well I will be attending tonights Monday Night Raw here in Tampa.. Will be posting pics and some live updates of the show as it progresses.

Will be my first live WWE show in over 5 years. Last one was New Years PPV back in Puerto Rico. First time seeing the Great One as well hehehe.

Yell at The Rock "Torreto made you tap out"

J/k. Have a great time!!!!


Jesus, 25?

Okay, fair enough, I'm from the country of all vices and started going out and drinking at 16 when it became legal (give or take a few years but lets just call that 16), but waiting till 25? Whaddupwithdat strobogo?

The good part is, everyone goes through that when they start drinking, now you know your limit, stay under it next time! (and try not to mix your drinks, stick to one kind, does wonders).

Don't know. Never had an interest in drinking until Vince Russo entered my life.


Guys, things got bad with the drinking last night. I'm almost 25 and didn't start drinking before the past 2 weeks. I went waaaaay overboard. Things got ugly in my house. I'm talking throwing up everything I've had to eat in a week and trying to sleep in the bathroom.

However, I don't have a hangover and now I'm watching WCW Saturday Night. Shark Boy vs Norman Smiley! Brain was filling in for Tenay on this show and gets a kick out of Shark Boy. Also, Shark Boy is a heel.

On the Disco note, he was a Cruiserweight and TV Champion.

That's a weird new hobby to pick up. Do you live alone or do you now have to scramble to clean it to avoid grossing people out?


So not worth it
Spoiler: it rarely makes WCW better. Rarely.

Unless you make it a drinking game!

Take a sip whenever Tony Schiavone says something that doesn't make any sense on commentary. (might want to be liberal with this one, so you don't drink a whole case of beer in 5 minutes)

Take a shot evertime someone does a run-in.

Chuck a beer whenever there's a swerve.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Sometimes I believe Owen was way better than Brett.

Apples to oranges, but I would rather watch Owen than Bret, if given the five-course Wrestler meal to consume. Feud start, middle, end w/promos. Bret could sometimes bore me with his promos - Owen never did.


Watched the NJPW show, fantastic stuff. I'm a big Sakuraba fan (wrestling fans who aren't into MMA should check out his MMA matches, he would work pro wrestling spots into them) but to be honest I wasn't quite sure how good his match would be because of how broken down his body is. Glad it turned out as well as it did. Nakamura is also great. Hope New Japan can grow even bigger over this year.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Watched the NJPW show, fantastic stuff. I'm a big Sakuraba fan (wrestling fans who aren't into MMA should check out his MMA matches, he would work pro wrestling spots into them) but to be honest I wasn't quite sure how good his match would be because of how broken down his body is. Glad it turned out as well as it did. Nakamura is also great. Hope New Japan can grow even bigger over this year.

Wasn't it great!? AAaaaahhh! So good.

I'm a little concerned about New Japan's future considering their chairman stepped down, but I'd lie if I said I knew anything beyond that. I guess we'll wait and see.

I have high hopes, though. Most watchable matches in wrestling.
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