When given even just a sliver of light, Rusev delivers every time. In a competent fed, Rusev would always be looming in the title picture.Holy shit, Rusev was good last night.
Undertaker is boring and his DARKSIDE TO THE RUMBLE thing was just corny as hell
Imagine if these two were headlining wrestlemania
When given even just a sliver of light, Rusev delivers every time. In a competent fed, Rusev would always be looming in the title picture.
Imagine if these two were headlining wrestlemania
You'd think being a homegrown talent he'd get a more consistent push instead of being given up on like he was for a good while there. But apparently setting an example to the other talent and dick waving contests backstage are way more important. Letting everyone know they can be shit on at any moment is higher up on WWE's priority list than making new mega stars.Rusev has to be the best guy that the WWE has developed since Orton/Bautista/Cena in the early 2000s.
This year? It won't draw because the common WWE crowd doesn't know Kenny Omega from Curt Hawkins.
Wrestlemania is the draw. Hell, I think Bryan getting back in the ring against anyone would probably be enough of a draw on its own.
Royal Rumble: Which old dude is main eventing
Next PWG card:
February 18
Lio Rush (debut) vs. Ricochet
Jay White (debut) vs. Marty Scurll
Rey Fenix vs. Trent?
Cobb and Riddle vs. Unbreakable F'n Machines (Elgin and Cage)
Cody R vs. Trevor Lee
OI4K (Jake Crist, Dave Crist, Sami Callihan) vs. SuperKliq (Cole and the Bucks)
New Japan Feb cards:
Bryan's contract should be up by WrestleKingdom 12.Imagine if these two were headlining wrestlemania
God damn, that springboard moonsault to the outside barrier from Omega was super fast. Dude has such control.
Why why why are OI4K coming to PWG? They are awful.
Dragon suplex from the top rope, sure, why not. JESUS.
God damn, that springboard moonsault to the outside barrier from Omega was super fast. Dude has such control.
Why why why are OI4K coming to PWG? They are awful.
Sami is a hell of an advocate apparently
Lot of people have been mentioning that's the same kind of bump hbk took that kept him out for years.
Really hope Kenny's going to be ok.
That UK tournament show was not great. Not enough CWC story/background on the guys, and they aren't going to have time to do it on the show over 2 nights.
Did enjoy Pete on his own at the corporate table lol
While no doubt, arse to the floor from that height even with it being slightly broken by the table is going to compress your back to fuck, HBK hit the side of that casket that wasn't designed to break. Think he'll just be walking funny for a while.
Why am I blocked by Matt Jackson
Why am I blocked by Matt Jackson
Why am I blocked by Matt Jackson
I knew it, a nonbeliever.I guess at some point I watched a NJPW event and said "Ugh the Bucks are annoying" in one tweet? Lol
They're actively looking for their haters on Twitter?
Why why why are OI4K coming to PWG? They are awful.
I guess at some point I watched a NJPW event and said "Ugh the Bucks are annoying" in one tweet? Lol
They're actively looking for their haters on Twitter?
They're paired with Cole and the Bucks, so nothing of value was lost. (This is more about my disdain for Cole than the Bucks.)
Also interesting that they are slated as The Superkliq rather than The Elite, giving credence to the end of that whole endeavour.