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January Wrasslin' |OT| Big Month John


This gif is all I need from a heel Roman for him to be like as a character 24/7.

Also if he ever did turn, I hope they don't go the route of him turning because the crowds never cheered him.


Love Trent, you're all wrong :'(
Is that Seven? I forget now. His wrassle was fine. He just looks really bad. I haven't been able to get over that bod yet, man.


Taboo Tuesday, here we go!

I hate all of this stupid high school relationship drama crap and foolishness like abortion angles in 2004. God. Such trash.

I almost want to believe someone in WWE told him to make himself look like Balor because he was trained by him.

The other guy trained by Bálor in the tournament had the exact same haircut and beard, but he was blonde so it didn't stand out as much. I wonder if the beard/haircut combo is something Bálor teaches all his students.


According to Alvarez and Meltzer, Vince has something so amazing planned for Mania that they are going to keep it a secret, because they know if they leak it to everyone Vince will change his mind.

this business
God I hope this is true and the plan holds out. WM32 was fucking terrible.


update from reddit:

u/Bingman134 posted yesterday about a "Bryan Alvarez's rumor" from the Wrestling Observer Radio. The rumor supposed to be a match or angle that everyone will love. As always, speculation about that to be Joe/Rollins, Nakamura/AJ Styles, Miz/Bryan and Kenny Omega's debut bombarded the thread. I just wanna clarify some points:

What Alvarez actually said was: "The reason Cena/Taker got nixed from mania is because Vince has different plans for both of them, one that I actually think people are really going to like."

2: MELTZER IS NOT THE SOURCE: Meltzer and Alvarez both heard this from different sources, and both decided not to say anything because they don't want Vince to change his mind.

3: This match/angle involves either Cena or Taker, so don't get you hopes high for this to be another type of match.

Finally, Alvarez has a reputation for overreact to things that usually don't deserve that much of a hype (one of the last example was the Lesnar/Goldberg match at SummerSlam, he basically said WWE was making "a huge angle" for that match. Don't get me wrong, the angle was good, but it wasn't a "game changer" as he made it look like.

Source: WOL January 13th. The comment starts at minute 21.
Fuck me that first half of PROGRESS

Finn Balor rocks up to play musical chairs
Hell of a match between the Riots and Ring Kampf
Seb loses
Tommy fucking End shows up to wrestle Jimmy
update from reddit:

So are we still running with Taker vs Balor?

Fuck me that first half of PROGRESS

Finn Balor rocks up to play musical chairs
Hell of a match between the Riots and Ring Kampf
Seb loses
Tommy fucking End shows up to wrestle Jimmy

Where are you at? I starter in Chapter 19 through 20, then jumped to 35. I'm sure I missed some bits and piece through there, but I'll probably go back and at least do 10-18 for the Havoc story.


After looking over Jack Evans there is just a hit list of things wrong with him. Don't get me wrong, Jack is prodigal with his athleticism and flexibility as a wrestler. Tons of guys would give anything for those abilities of his in the business...he just doesn't seem to notice the following issues with how he works because he seems to legit know that if he spins enough times through the air then he'll get booked and get a pass even if he'll never be a top card draw contender like Ospreay or Ricochet became as flippies.

  • Spends most of the match not working with the other guy, but instead doing his own little gymnast runs. Like flipping out of stuff is one thing, but he absolutely has to stay in the air. If you don't build up to these moments they lose impact and half the time when he does them there was no buildup or point to them and his opponent is literally just there standing and waiting for him to finish. He doesn't even seem to try and do them during particular moments where they wouldn't be stuck standing like a dufus. He just does his own thing while they have to watch and wait for him to get back to working the match with them.
  • Impact. The guy does all these spins but he's gun shy to actually use a decent kick or fall full force without rolling through. He just sort of hangtimes on his wheelkicks, bumps em and falls down and his impressive flips usually have him roll through the impact so they look like they graze instead of crush. All that momentum and it dies before it actually slams into anyone or rolls past them.
  • Chain wrestling. He was trained by the Hart family and I swear he must've just been their bump taker or something to do so little chain wrestling. He cuts everything short into one of his flips away from folks or into one of his impact free strikes. Considering his hangtime, while impressive, means his flips take awhile so hes constantly just floating away from the action instead of building it up. Building momentum in chain grapples? Time to flip away and kill it. He just can't stop himself from turning the match into a bunch of broken moments instead of letting it flow into each spot seemlessly. Just has to go off and flip and stop working his opponent.
  • His flips are slow too often. He just takes too much time on doin the things in the middle of sequences and counters. Like he'll stop, bounce and then pop into the air. He has no snap or momentum out there most times. He cant just launch into anything. I think he is possibly gunshy of everything really. Everything he does takes too much time and looks too careful and unnatural to the match. Not a lot, but enough to just slow things and kill momentum off that he desperately needs to have more of.
  • Talking. The guy just can't cut people on the mic. He just doesn't do angry, goofy or anything. He's just there goin through the motions.
  • Ring Psychology. Other folks tell the story and spot Jack so he can do flips. Meanwhile Jack just looks for opportunities to do flips as well non stop instead of looking for opportunities to run proper hope spots, heat spots, and brand builder moments. Guys are trying to feed him wrestling and he is too caught up in trying to do his own stuff to do anything with them or the story in the match. He's completely reliant on others to tell the story for him.
  • His partner Angelico does everything he does but with all the things he lacks. He's got a clone out there who outshines him and he is stuck side by side with the guy so you can't stop noticing it.

Browse these moments and you'll see all this


Taboo Tuesday is some traaash. And storylines are so, so bad.

Like Lita was forced to marry evil Kane and got pregnant and now Kane's a good guy because some guy killed her baby or some crap. Jesus f'ing Christ, how did you guys keep watching through this?
Fuck me that first half of PROGRESS

Finn Balor rocks up to play musical chairs
Hell of a match between the Riots and Ring Kampf
Seb loses
Tommy fucking End shows up to wrestle Jimmy

It almost made me wonder if the U.K. championship becomes a touring championship where the champ defends it (almost) everywhere because the British wrestlers work everywhere anyway.
After looking over Jack Evans there is just a hit list of things wrong with him. Don't get me wrong, Jack is prodigal with his athleticism and flexibility as a wrestler. Tons of guys would give anything for those abilities of his in the business...he just doesn't seem to notice the following issues with how he works because he seems to legit know that if he spins enough times through the air then he'll get booked and get a pass even if he'll never be a top card draw contender like Ospreay or Ricochet became as flippies.

  • Spends most of the match not working with the other guy, but instead doing his own little gymnast runs. Like flipping out of stuff is one thing, but he absolutely has to stay in the air. If you don't build up to these moments they lose impact and half the time when he does them there was no buildup or point to them and his opponent is literally just there standing and waiting for him to finish. He doesn't even seem to try and do them during particular moments where they wouldn't be stuck standing like a dufus. He just does his own thing while they have to watch and wait for him to get back to working the match with them.
  • Impact. The guy does all these spins but he's gun shy to actually use a decent kick or fall full force without rolling through. He just sort of hangtimes on his wheelkicks, bumps em and falls down and his impressive flips usually have him roll through the impact so they look like they graze instead of crush. All that momentum and it dies before it actually slams into anyone or rolls past them.
  • Chain wrestling. He was trained by the Hart family and I swear he must've just been their bump taker or something to do so little chain wrestling. He cuts everything short into one of his flips away from folks or into one of his impact free strikes. Considering his hangtime, while impressive, means his flips take awhile so hes constantly just floating away from the action instead of building it up. Building momentum in chain grapples? Time to flip away and kill it. He just can't stop himself from turning the match into a bunch of broken moments instead of letting it flow into each spot seemlessly. Just has to go off and flip and stop working his opponent.
  • His flips are slow too often. He just takes too much time on doin the things in the middle of sequences and counters. Like he'll stop, bounce and then pop into the air. He has no snap or momentum out there most times. He cant just launch into anything. I think he is possibly gunshy of everything really. Everything he does takes too much time and looks too careful and unnatural to the match. Not a lot, but enough to just slow things and kill momentum off that he desperately needs to have more of.
  • Talking. The guy just can't cut people on the mic. He just doesn't do angry, goofy or anything. He's just there goin through the motions.
  • Ring Psychology. Other folks tell the story and spot Jack so he can do flips. Meanwhile Jack just looks for opportunities to do flips as well non stop instead of looking for opportunities to run proper hope spots, heat spots, and brand builder moments. Guys are trying to feed him wrestling and he is too caught up in trying to do his own stuff to do anything with them or the story in the match. He's completely reliant on others to tell the story for him.
  • His partner Angelico does everything he does but with all the things he lacks. He's got a clone out there who outshines him and he is stuck side by side with the guy so you can't stop noticing it.

Browse these moments and you'll see all this
Great write up. There's a bunch of parts where he's just flipping for no reason while holding hands with his opponent.


Great write up. There's a bunch of parts where he's just flipping for no reason while holding hands with his opponent.

Yeah, I've kept tabs on him for years waiting for him to take off and he just never gets there because he knows that he can get booked just on athleticism alone. A guy that impressive who somehow only knows how to work in a manner that kills all his own juice. Eventually, he'll slow down and wonder how come he never made bank.He's worth studying. He can show wrestlers really easily that it doesn't matter how impressive you are if you never learn how to build your moments or actually focus and work on your opponent in the story.

He's a let down. A fucking impressive one, but still just a let down. I think he'll always be the spot guy in a tagteam. He just cant carry a match by himself.
You were not kidding about slowness. Every thing he did felt so deliberate and slowed down in order to pull off the spot.

Yeah really. I love flippies but he doesn't make anything look like part of a match. He's just being spotted and not wrestling throughout most of his match. The guy is just entirely too gunshy to try anything at a running normal working pace with momentum. That footage is taken across nearly 15 years of matches too. Guy debuted in ROH with Alex Shelly, Roderick Strong and Austin Aries after a short stint in a group called Special K.
Yeah really. I love flippies but he doesn't make anything look like part of a match. He's just being spotted and not wrestling throughout most of his match. The guy is just entirely too gunshy to try anything at a running normal working pace with momentum. That footage is taken across nearly 15 years of matches too. Guy debuted in ROH with Alex Shelly, Roderick Strong and Austin Aries after a short stint in a group called Special K.

This is funny when you think about how people hate Bucks for spotfests, but I've found there matches always have a flow to them and their spots are pulled off fairly well. I think there's a big difference between this guy and IC ladder/6-man match spot fests, and what the bucks do. I was super hesitant with that PWG six-man, but it actually worked out REALLY well.


The Young Bucks got two major things Jack Evans lacks.
  • They can tell a story WITH their opponents. All their stuff involves a partner and they know how to build moments seamlessly.
  • Personality. They have bags of it. They can work a crowd with just walking and talking. Jack does flips because he HAS to...he hasn't got any other means of getting folks to react to him.

So yeah, The Young Bucks do spotfests all the time but when they do them they actually work their way INTO the match. When Jack Evans does spotfests he stops the match so everyone can watch him say "hey lookit what I can do" and its really bad considering most moments leave his opponent standing having to wait without even the common courtesy of him feeding them a good looking strike so they can even pretend they were just dazed the whole time.

Bucks are fine. They know what they're doin out there. They're stuff connects the match together even if its the same tricks.
Evans has flips that are beautiful but they all come across out of place and break the match into a disjointed mess.
Just saw the UK guys on the wwe youtube page, they look like kids, especially the one regal was angry at looked like school teacher yelling at a kid. These guys either look like a default create a character or a highschool kids, are guys that look like actual grown men that hard to find in wrestling now?


Just saw the UK guys on the wwe youtube page, they look like kids, especially the one regal was angry at looked like school teacher yelling at a kid. These guys either look like a default create a character or a highschool kids, are guys that look like actual grown men that hard to find in wrestling now?

its all geeks and nerds now all the real men went to MMA or football


Just saw the UK guys on the wwe youtube page, they look like kids, especially the one regal was angry at looked like school teacher yelling at a kid. These guys either look like a default create a character or a highschool kids, are guys that look like actual grown men that hard to find in wrestling now?
That's because a bunch of them are basically still kids
Nowadays the wrestling fans become wrestlers. If it's not with WWE, then accomplished athletes rarely decide on wrestling as a career path. You compare it to the 70's or 80's, back when there was good money to be made all over, and tons of amateur and collegiate athletes ended up in wrestling, even if they weren't fans in the first place. Stan Hansen's a good example of that, college football player who got injured and was going to go into teaching, he wasn't a wrestling fan but found he could make better money as a wrestler. Nowadays a guy like that's only getting into wrestling if he's scouted.
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