dream. Take your dog for a walk.If there was any desperation there, it was because I was so taken aback by your brazen, defiant admission of illegally pirating content.
dream. Take your dog for a walk.If there was any desperation there, it was because I was so taken aback by your brazen, defiant admission of illegally pirating content.
Filthdream. Take your dog for a walk.
#BanZachHold onto your hat, dream! Here comes the Ragin' Climax!
How do you not have dream on ignore. Robot and stop messing the thread up
If there was any desperation there, it was because I was so taken aback by your brazen, defiant admission of illegally pirating content.
But I'm only one match into Day One. D:Guys dont sleep on day 2 of the UK tourny, its fantastic so far.
Skip itBut I'm only one match into Day One. D:
I can't trust your opinion over the opinions of Menome and NeoGAF Vince McMahon. Which really illustrates how little I think of your opinion.Skip it
What's the gimmick, X-Pac circa 2001?Dream are you gimmick poster?
I can't trust your opinion over the opinions of Menome and NeoGAF Vince McMahon. Which really illustrates how little I think of your opinion.
Triple zing!
RIP Chris Benoit.Gonna be keeping an eye on your "RIP Vince", "RIP Hulk", "RIP Stone Cold", "RIP Just About Any Wrestler That's Ever Lived" from here on out, friends. What a slippery slope.
RIP Chris Benoit.
The Young Bucks got two major things Jack Evans lacks.
- They can tell a story WITH their opponents. All their stuff involves a partner and they know how to build moments seamlessly.
- Personality. They have bags of it. They can work a crowd with just walking and talking. Jack does flips because he HAS to...he hasn't got any other means of getting folks to react to him.
So yeah, The Young Bucks do spotfests all the time but when they do them they actually work their way INTO the match. When Jack Evans does spotfests he stops the match so everyone can watch him say "hey lookit what I can do" and its really bad considering most moments leave his opponent standing having to wait without even the common courtesy of him feeding them a good looking strike so they can even pretend they were just dazed the whole time.
Bucks are fine. They know what they're doin out there. They're stuff connects the match together even if its the same tricks.
Evans has flips that are beautiful but they all come across out of place and break the match into a disjointed mess.
Whatever, dork.
The Young Bucks got two major things Jack Evans lacks.
- They can tell a story WITH their opponents. All their stuff involves a partner and they know how to build moments seamlessly.
- Personality. They have bags of it. They can work a crowd with just walking and talking. Jack does flips because he HAS to...he hasn't got any other means of getting folks to react to him.
So yeah, The Young Bucks do spotfests all the time but when they do them they actually work their way INTO the match. When Jack Evans does spotfests he stops the match so everyone can watch him say "hey lookit what I can do" and its really bad considering most moments leave his opponent standing having to wait without even the common courtesy of him feeding them a good looking strike so they can even pretend they were just dazed the whole time.
Bucks are fine. They know what they're doin out there. They're stuff connects the match together even if its the same tricks.
Evans has flips that are beautiful but they all come across out of place and break the match into a disjointed mess.
That first post is too wordy so I skipped it.Remembering simpler times, friends.
Jack Evans has no personality? Fuck that. I like the Bucks, but he has so much more, especially as a member of the Worldwide Underground.
They cut stuff out for... reasonsWWE Network question... just realized the Sting doc 'Into The Light' was available. My question is the runtime discrepancy. On the network it's 50 something mins. On IMDB and other sites it says 70 plus mins. I know the DVD and Blu Rays have more features and matches but is the actual doc cut short on the network? Anyone see both or know?
They cut stuff out for... reasons
The only person in BOLA to get heat with the crowd despite being a long-awaited return has no personality and can't tell a story with their opponents?
Man I know Bucks matches rot the brain but holy shit.
Evans promos get heel heat by numbers. Its like a 1980's promo that you could insert anyone into as the target. Its not really anything special. The only legit heat he got was by accident when he talked about AAA lucha libre poorly and said La Parka was a bad wrestler.
It's because they cut it "for TV". They want to regard the Network as an actual TV channel so they have programs starting on the hour, not weird times, so they cut it for a slot and adverts.
Stupid, I know.
This feels like a non-criticism. What are you even saying? He got heat with the fans, he wasn't targeting the wrestlers. He was working the underdog role but was working as a heel and managed to turn the fans heel in a crowd that pops for any big moves.
This feels like a non-criticism. What are you even saying? He got heat with the fans, he wasn't targeting the wrestlers. He was working the underdog role but was working as a heel and managed to turn the fans heel in a crowd that pops for any big moves.
Bucks don't even get heat in Japan anymore. Any heat they get is moment to moment cheap pop stuff like superkicking women because half the fanbase think they're one of 'the boys' with the young bucks and Japan completely doesn't care about them anymore unless a mega veteran face is trying to prop them up like Kojima
I love Evans from his AAA stuff with Anjelico to his solo stuff.
Talented as fuck and fun, but I do not think he is as good a storyteller in the ring.
Love the hell out of the guy.
If only they didn't combine the titles.
And her record for being the longest reigning NXT Women's Champion will likely be beat by Asuka unless she does drop the belt rumble weekend.Sowon the United Kingdom Championship Tournament. I didn't see this coming until I realized he's now theTyler BateL. O. Fucking. L.youngest superstar to ever hold a WWE Championship instead of Paige.
Night 2 was absolutely phenomenal. Just about every match was fantastic. I recommend watching it in its entirety.
Sowon the United Kingdom Championship Tournament. I didn't see this coming until I realized he's now theTyler BateL. O. Fucking. L.youngest superstar to ever hold a WWE Championship instead of Paige.
Night 2 was absolutely phenomenal. Just about every match was fantastic. I recommend watching it in its entirety.
Best match on that awful PPV.
Hands down my favorite match with Cody Rhodes in it, and one of my favorite moments from that year. I popped just as hard as that front row in the gif.