Which way did you swipe?
I don't have the Network, so I can't.
Should I seek it out, or will it just piss me off?
You should watch it. It WILL make you mad.
Am I supposed to believe that JBL just pulled all those numbers out of his head?In case you missed WWE outright saying they hate their fans for saying 3 hours is too long, they officially uploaded it to Youtube for free https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uBhtn5uMYQ
The still before you click play is all three of the panelists smiling, one outright laughing
The World of Sport rating for the wrestling show yesterday was 1.25 million viewers and a 7.3 market share. The number isn't high enough to guarantee the show gets turned into a series, nor low enough to guarantee that it doesn't. It's a lot lower than ITV did in the time slot the week before, but they were down all night, probably due to it being New Year's Eve.
What he sayMeltzer shot on jbl on observer radio
Meltzer shot on jbl on observer radio
That live crowds love JBL.
Honesty, when JBL comes out, the whole place cheers for him. No joke.
That live crowds love JBL.
Honesty, when JBL comes out, the whole place cheers for him. No joke.
Yeah. I've asked my friend multiple times why they cheer him and he says "he's a legend!"That live crowds love JBL.
Honesty, when JBL comes out, the whole place cheers for him. No joke.
EDIT: I don't know what good ole Meltzer said.
Sanshiro Takagi, Keiji Muto & Isami Kodaka vs. Daisuke Sekimoto, Jun Akiyama & Kota Ibushi signed for DDT Judgement!!!!!!
I'm also surprised we didn't get Kevin Owens coming out in disguise as Seth Rollins to try and get Roman disqualified.
Kicking off DDT Universe in style!
Also, it's a Samurai Warriors themed match; https://twitter.com/DramaticDDT/status/816260642617364480
Did they nerf everyone who's been around Roman for the past year so he looks like a bigger star?
- Rollins is back on the midcard and they took away his mic time
- Owens was doing moonsaults and sentons in big matches and now he has to do 20 headlocks so he looks like the heel
- Rusev is still feuding with Enzo for whatever reason and they put Jinder with him because reasons
Did they nerf everyone who's been around Roman for the past year so he looks like a bigger star?
- Rollins is back on the midcard and they took away his mic time
- Owens was doing moonsaults and sentons in big matches and now he has to do 20 headlocks so he looks like the heel
- Rusev is still feuding with Enzo for whatever reason and they put Jinder with him because reasons
Dual spear?
Did they really put Roman's spear right next to Goldberg's? That's a quick way to expose how bad Romans is in comparison
Did they really put Roman's spear right next to Goldberg's? That's a quick way to expose how bad Romans is in comparison
so Goldberg is going to "pass the torch" to Roman and he's going to go on a massive undefeated streak, right?
I would mark the fuck out if Scott Hall tazers his ass at 173...1740 confirmed
I would mark the fuck out if Scott Hall tazers his ass at 173...
People can talk about how Omega jokes to much sometimes but, when the guy wants to be serious he can be. The guy wants to take NJPW to the next level and I hope he does. I'm ready to see if the higher up's are gonna pull the trigger on this.Omega Shoot
Why does Roman still have that vest
Weebay.gifis that the purpose of the bulletproof vest?! can't taze through that!
Friends, any opinions on the new Hitman?
Friends, any opinions on the new Hitman?
Friends, any opinions on the new Hitman?
Friends, any opinions on the new Hitman?
It's the game of the year
Game of the year. It is fantastic and worth every penny.
It's easily my game of the year
I didn't think it would work, but it does. GB heavily pushes it not taking itself seriously and while it's oversold there, it's 100% true and helps to make it super fun
GOTY last year, breathed much-needed new life into the series. Worth whatever you pay (I got the full PC experience for $15 during an official sale and honestly it's worth $60)
Friends, any opinions on the new Hitman?
Have him walk out during championship matches and people think he's cashing in, but he just comes out to squash the guys in the ring and leaveStrowman continues to be a breath of fresh air. I've been on the Strowman hype train since the jobber world tour, but this match made him look like a million dollars. Zayn was the right guy to pair him with for this because Zayn can sell and keep coming back for more with the best of them. Then you throw him in the mix with Roman and Goldberg at the end, and he's looking like he could main event sometime in this year. I wish Strowman had a chance at the Rumble, but I can see Zayn eliminating him setting up a stipulation match at Mania. Give that man the Money In The Bank briefcase though and watch the champs tremble in fear around him.
Have him walk out during championship matches and people think he's cashing in, but he just comes out to squash the guys in the ring and leave
Have him walk out during championship matches and people think he's cashing in, but he just comes out to squash the guys in the ring and leave
Omega Shoot